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Rise of Skywalker premiere press impressions are streaming in


oh without a doubt. there is no explanation for the salt tasting scene then Rian wanted message board warriors to use his GIF to shut down conversation. it has also come out that internally, they were making memes of Mike Zeroh, Johnson and crew actively mocking the fanbase while production was undergoing.

when you look at all the decisions made in the movie, the idea to have a new character introduced tasing and calling a former hero coward. how is the audience NOT supposed to be suspicious of Rose here? a character he has admitted doesn't belong in this universe.these were deliberate choices. IMO most fans tried to stomach them, they watched Rey smack Luke in the back of the head like a coward, they saw so many gaslighting scenes, by the end of the movie, it's just a matter of the straw that broke the camel's back.

Yeah, Rose immediately struck me as an awful and out of place character.
Standing by the escape pods ready to zap any deserters is such a heel move.
At least in the context of Star Wars.

Then she just keeps having this clunky dialogue, and scenes that kind of just have this weird poorly thought out quality (free the animals, leave the slave kids). Her ending is then especially fucked because she goes from challenging Finn to "be the hero" and then denies him his heroic moment.

The most amazing thing about it all is that they manage to nullify all of these criticisms by using the fact that the real person who plays the character is an Asian lady. Like that's just spectacular.

We've made this godawful character that doesn't fit buuuuuuuuuuut in casting we picked a pudgy Asian woman so when people talk shit about the character we can claim it's just because they hate the person playing the character. It's just so perfect.

I bet Lucas wishes he could've pulled that shit with Jar-Jar back in the day.


What the fuck was RJ's vision btw??


Finally somebody calls it. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I mean, I am joking to some extent.
I am sure she is a lovely person and I am sure she deserves the role.
I don't know her though so whatever it doesn't really matter.

The thing is that there are parts of the internet where I can go and say that Arthur from Joker is a boring straight white skinny incel alt-right loser cracker and the most I am going to get is mild disagreement and a correction on the definition of "incel" or "alt-right".

Go to the same places and say that Rose Tico is a stupid fucking annoying idiot and there's a solid chance you will be facing a ban because some other idiots were mean to the actress who plays the character because of her race and/or gender and/or body shape.

That's where we are at with these movies.

There are people out there who absolutely hate ROS simply because they have the perception that the movie is trying to appeal to people that they don't like.

Wait, people I don't like might like the movie? Goddammit this movie SUCKS!

They whined and whined about youtubers who accused these movies of pandering to SJWs. It was all bullshit, they said. Rian just made his movie his way, they said. You're just mad because it wasn't the movie you wanted, they said. Get over it, they said.

Two years later they are crying because the new Star Wars is pandering and JJ didn't do what they wanted and they will absolutely trash the movie because it isn't what they wanted it to be.

The mask has truly slipped here.


He looks like an infant in a man disguise
He is the manbaby, when it ultimately comes down to it. He wouldn’t let go of his own selfish desires and just do what a normal franchise fan would want. Instead he lashed out trolled and attacked them. Definition of a toxic fan

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Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
It’s a very simple diagnosis that has nothing to do with toxic fandom:

1: RJ made a movie that did next to nothing to advance the plot of the previous one.

2: with basically no where to go and with the big bad ~subvertedly~ dead, JJ basically had to cram 2 movies into one and have a convoluted way to make a new big bad. Since none of the characters progressed at all in the previous film (and some regressed), everything felt forced and wasn’t earned.

It sounds like the last season of Game of Thrones when they tried to cram a bunch of shit in just to end the thing already. That criticism didn’t come from toxic fandom having a problem with purple hair lady or Asian escape pod guard girl, it came from the product sucking ass. Just like TLJ did and sounds like ROS does.
It’s a very simple diagnosis that has nothing to do with toxic fandom:

1: RJ made a movie that did next to nothing to advance the plot of the previous one.

2: with basically no where to go and with the big bad ~subvertedly~ dead, JJ basically had to cram 2 movies into one and have a convoluted way to make a new big bad. Since none of the characters progressed at all in the previous film (and some regressed), everything felt forced and wasn’t earned.

It sounds like the last season of Game of Thrones when they tried to cram a bunch of shit in just to end the thing already. That criticism didn’t come from toxic fandom having a problem with purple hair lady or Asian escape pod guard girl, it came from the product sucking ass. Just like TLJ did and sounds like ROS does.

Give this man an award.


While it is not Ryan Johnson's fault that JJ is a hack, it is his fault Disney brought JJ back to "course correct" this trilogy in a first place.
Also J.J. had to clump together an episode 8 and 9 and brand it as just Episode 9 because The last Jedi's plot is a huge filler that goes nowhere.

The worst part is that it so easy to fix many of the crap in this trilogy:

1) That scene of Rey training in the episode 9 trailer should have been the begining of the last jedi with luke supervising her.
2) The last jedi should be placed 6 months to a year after force awakens to give time for both finn and Rey to improve their skills off camera.
3) The new characters introduced in the last jedi where unecessary and only served to waste time that could be used to developed the news characters introduced in TFA. Instead of Holdo, general Ackbar should be the one in charge,instead of Rose it should be Poe and Finn going into an adventure.
4) The knights of ren should be introduced in the Last Jedi as an Akatsuki-style organization that work for Snoke(and Kylo is part of). At least one of them should be the treat that Finn and Poe face in their side mission.
5) Snoke real identity should be some older sith(maybe Darth Plagueis?) as a nice nod to the prequels/clone wars.

I like that Ryan johnson wanted to touch in certain subjects that were not too safe like the Grey middle of the force,Rey's parents being nobody and the fact that the rebels and the first order were not too different, but at least use the JJ's framework to keep this trilogy consistent
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I think the best course for now is for Star Wars to take a break. Specifically from the movies. It can exist in the meantime in spinoff media like TV, videogames and whatever media will bring it the best exposure. The success of The Mandalorian plus Jedi Fallen Order prove that if handled correctly the franchise can still deliver. In the meantime, Disney has to:

1) Fire Kathleen Kennedy.
2) Replace her with someone who actually gives a damn about this fictional universe
3) Hire talent who can bring something fresh to the table, not people like Rian Johnson who have no respect for the material.
4) Until they've got a working production schedule down, don't release movies annually.

That's my take on how Disney can salvage this mess. I could be wrong and they won't change a thing, but they'd be fools not to after the money they spent to acquire this franchise.
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Why is it only Luke & Leia force ghosts? Where's all the sith ghosts? What about Ghost Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin? For that matter, why isn't there a whole fucking army of order 66 Jedi ghosts up in Palpatine's shit all day, even if just to be like "YOUR ASS IS FORCE HAUNTED!"
Yep, yet another plot hole in RJ's bull shit movie. Giving Yoda fucking lightning powers ruins the canon of not just his movie, but the whole series because he's such a fucking idiot who didn't know what the hell he was doing. All the Jedi are dead? No problem, let's just send an army of force ghosts to stop the empire. We didn't do that? Why not? Oh, cuz the other writers of previous Star Wars movies weren't fucking idiots!


If I was any good at animating gifs, I'd take the scene from Return of the King where Strider gets off the boat with all the ghosts and put lightsabers in everyone's hands.


Why is it only Luke & Leia force ghosts? Where's all the sith ghosts? What about Ghost Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin? For that matter, why isn't there a whole fucking army of order 66 Jedi ghosts up in Palpatine's shit all day, even if just to be like "YOUR ASS IS FORCE HAUNTED!"

In Palpatine’s chamber at the end there’s this audience of figures in black. You don’t quite get a clear shot of them but I took them to be Sith ghosts.
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How is this not a total contradiction?
Regarding Ep 8: "I thought it absolutely was Star Wars"
Regarding Ep 7 and Ep 9: "laughable tries at replicating the same old formula"

If there is a Star Wars formula then how is completely throwing out the formula defined as "absolutely Star Wars" but trying to replicate the formula is a negative thing?

Completely changing the formula = this is authentic Star Wars
Trying to use the same formula = this is a laughable copy
That makes no sense at all.

I'll reiterate : TLJ gave me wonder and excitement about possibilities within the universe. It absolutely was the Star Wars of old in the ways that mattered. Episode 7 and 9 are nothing more than a redo with a fresh coat of paint, and as such are beyond trash movies with beyond weak everything outside of visuals / cinematography, Poe and BB 8

May I ask what your history with Star Wars is?

Why is it even relevant ?

Saw every single movie, the animated series and a bunch of comics (including EU). Prequels, Rogue One, Episode VII and IX are utter wastes
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Why is it only Luke & Leia force ghosts? Where's all the sith ghosts? What about Ghost Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin? For that matter, why isn't there a whole fucking army of order 66 Jedi ghosts up in Palpatine's shit all day, even if just to be like "YOUR ASS IS FORCE HAUNTED!"
There is a rumored ban on all PT material and this film appears to confirm those suspicions.

Which just goes to show their “end to the entire series” sales line to be 10000% bs


I'll reiterate : TLJ gave me wonder and excitement about possibilities within the universe. It absolutely was the Star Wars of old in the ways that mattered. Episode 7 and 9 are nothing more than a redo with a fresh coat of paint

So you reckon that TLJ gave you more excitement for future potential episodes than TFA did?

Don't you think TLJ borrowed quite heavily from ESB and RotJ?


So you reckon that TLJ gave you more excitement for future potential episodes than TFA did?

Don't you think TLJ borrowed quite heavily from ESB and RotJ?

I mean sure as far as far as the obvious elements were used, but everything got subverted left right front and center that it honestly didn't matter. When "fan service" operates that way, its fucking rad thats what it is. Plus we got the ultimate jedi display so it was more than worth it


I mean sure as far as far as the obvious elements were used, but everything got subverted left right front and center that it honestly didn't matter. When "fan service" operates that way, its fucking rad thats what it is. Plus we got the ultimate jedi display so it was more than worth it

Fair enough.


I mean sure as far as far as the obvious elements were used, but everything got subverted left right front and center that it honestly didn't matter. When "fan service" operates that way, its fucking rad thats what it is. Plus we got the ultimate jedi display so it was more than worth it
It wasn’t the ultimate Jedi display tho, Obi Wan holo teleported himself to Hoth and Dagobah in Empire and could have wave around a lightsaber has he wanted at the time. Only way it is new is Rian saying “this is so new and bold”

All he did was a lame copy of Obj Wan at the end of ANH. Standing on the other side of a door distracting a Sith Lord while the friends escape. Rian combined the escape from the Death Star with Hoth visuals. That’s as far as his creativity goes. JJ just does a straight copy while Rian combines scenes so you don’t notice.

In the end Luke still goes through the same motions of characters in movies made 40 years ago. I didn’t find it interesting in the least and the entire crux of the movie depends on it.
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I mean sure as far as far as the obvious elements were used, but everything got subverted left right front and center that it honestly didn't matter. When "fan service" operates that way, its fucking rad thats what it is. Plus we got the ultimate jedi display so it was more than worth it
Rian Johnson, is that you? Subversion for the sake of subversion does not make a good movie. There are good ways to subvert an audience's expectations and TLJ was NOT it. If you don't understand how or why TLJ is so terrible at what it does, then



I didnt think anything would top AOTC as the worse Star Wars movie yet here we are, it is that bad. For reference I hated Endgame too so yeah might not want to listen to me
I didn’t like endgame either. Fuck.

i mean endgame was entertaining but I found it bad and haven’t watched it again.


Rian Johnson, is that you? Subversion for the sake of subversion does not make a good movie. There are good ways to subvert an audience's expectations and TLJ was NOT it. If you don't understand how or why TLJ is so terrible at what it does, then


I mean walk off, who cares. Cultural differences, subjective differences ... and that's good. Find what works for you. I am not you
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I, for some stupid reason, decided to watch about 2 hours worth of non-spoiler reviews last night and into this morning. That was pretty dumb, in the sense of even trying to go in fresh, as these reviewers (especially Grace Randolph) love dropping implied spoilers or comparison/reference/analogy spoilers in all non-spoiler talk.

So between all of them, I pretty much am certain I know exactly what happens in the film.

That's on me, that's my bad for seeking out any sort of discussion (even if labeled non-spoiler) before seeing it. Although, in fairness, some people (Grace Randolph, again) decided to drop straight up RoS spoilers in their Mandalorian Episode 7 reviews without any warning, which makes zero sense to me, as if its OKAY to asssume everyone who has seen a show on Disney+ were also able to see RoS special premier? Uh, whatever.

All that being said, I feel like I have to see this movie now, like i just HAVE to see how they made a movie that somehow BOTH sides hate. I assumed this was gonna be a "I liked TLJ and I LOVE RoS? or a "I hated TLJ and I LOVE RoS" scenario, no in-between, but it seems that somehow both camps think this is pretty garbage.


At least we got Mando. This Is The Way.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'll reiterate : TLJ gave me wonder and excitement about possibilities within the universe.

Interesting... I had the complete opposite reaction, personally. The whole message seemed to be, "nothing actually matters and fuck you for thinking it ever did."

Not to imply that TFA basically being a remake of A New Hope and resetting the world state to where we were before Return of the Jedi got me all that excited for the future, either, though...


I, for some stupid reason, decided to watch about 2 hours worth of non-spoiler reviews last night and into this morning. That was pretty dumb, in the sense of even trying to go in fresh, as these reviewers (especially Grace Randolph) love dropping implied spoilers or comparison/reference/analogy spoilers in all non-spoiler talk.

So between all of them, I pretty much am certain I know exactly what happens in the film.

That's on me, that's my bad for seeking out any sort of discussion (even if labeled non-spoiler) before seeing it. Although, in fairness, some people (Grace Randolph, again) decided to drop straight up RoS spoilers in their Mandalorian Episode 7 reviews without any warning, which makes zero sense to me, as if its OKAY to asssume everyone who has seen a show on Disney+ were also able to see RoS special premier? Uh, whatever.

All that being said, I feel like I have to see this movie now, like i just HAVE to see how they made a movie that somehow BOTH sides hate. I assumed this was gonna be a "I liked TLJ and I LOVE RoS? or a "I hated TLJ and I LOVE RoS" scenario, no in-between, but it seems that somehow both camps think this is pretty garbage.


At least we got Mando. This Is The Way.

Having read spoilers because I simply don't have the patience to wait for anything I can tell you that there's clearly a scene in the latest Mandalorian episode that is WITHOUT A DOUBT foreshadowing for RoS and I mean it is 100% on the nose for a very big change historically.

Taking it a step further, they just released a Rise of Kylo Ren comic book yesterday which begins to openly explain what the Knights of Ren/Ren is and even features Snoke. The story picks up from the point in the Last Jedi where we see Luke standing over Ben ready to kill him and from there goes on to what happens to Ben thereafter.

Both Mando and the Kylo Ren comic book flesh out a lot of things that are 100% going to be relevant to RoS, as somebody who will digest every bit of Star Wars content, Disney did a super fucked up job to leave out all these elements into secondary material AND NOT BE PRESENT IN THE FUCKING MOVIES AS THEY SHOULD HAVE.

EVERYTHING going forward with new Star Wars content is going to be about fixing the complete clusterfuck that is the writing in the last 3 movies.


Both Mando and the Kylo Ren comic book flesh out a lot of things that are 100% going to be relevant to RoS, as somebody who will digest every bit of Star Wars content, Disney did a super fucked up job to leave out all these elements into secondary material AND NOT BE PRESENT IN THE FUCKING MOVIES AS THEY SHOULD HAVE.

This is the business model by design, starting from TFA and C3POs red arm.


Oh yeah I saw a page or two from the Snoke comic lol dude is wearing a hat also I guess Luke fought him or something? Apparently Kylo didn’t burn down the temple all that was a misunderstanding or some shit I don’t know and can’t even begin to care.

Vader was interesting cos he took personal responsibility at the end. Nobody going around saying “he had to kill the Tuscan raiders cos he was tricked” dude made some bad choices in life and it led him down a path. It’s a human story that is relatable.

I’m convinced the new writers just don’t understand morals. They are nihilist robots
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Anyone else just fucking hate youtubers and their click bait titles? I expect this movie to suck, and I understand the reviews are low so far, but it's still gonna make money.

I just hate seeing titles that are pulled right out of their asses. Like this one from WorldClassBullshitters "The Rise of Skywalker Getting BAD Reviews. Star Wars Over." lol, yes the first part may be true, but Star Wars is not over. Or this one from Nerdrotic "The Rise of Skywalker's 56% Rotten Tomatoes Critics Score Confirms A Disney Star Wars Disaster" Talk about hyperbolic...a disaster, gotta make sure we use the words that make things sound way more extreme then they actually are.

Ulysses 31

Anyone else just fucking hate youtubers and their click bait titles? I expect this movie to suck, and I understand the reviews are low so far, but it's still gonna make money.

I just hate seeing titles that are pulled right out of their asses. Like this one from WorldClassBullshitters "The Rise of Skywalker Getting BAD Reviews. Star Wars Over." lol, yes the first part may be true, but Star Wars is not over. Or this one from Nerdrotic "The Rise of Skywalker's 56% Rotten Tomatoes Critics Score Confirms A Disney Star Wars Disaster" Talk about hyperbolic...a disaster, gotta make sure we use the words that make things sound way more extreme then they actually are.
What about Sargon's review I posted in open spoilers thread? :lollipop_confounded: :lollipop_confounded: :lollipop_confounded:


Anyone else just fucking hate youtubers and their click bait titles? I expect this movie to suck, and I understand the reviews are low so far, but it's still gonna make money.

I just hate seeing titles that are pulled right out of their asses. Like this one from WorldClassBullshitters "The Rise of Skywalker Getting BAD Reviews. Star Wars Over." lol, yes the first part may be true, but Star Wars is not over. Or this one from Nerdrotic "The Rise of Skywalker's 56% Rotten Tomatoes Critics Score Confirms A Disney Star Wars Disaster" Talk about hyperbolic...a disaster, gotta make sure we use the words that make things sound way more extreme then they actually are.
You can hide suggestions you don’t want if it bothers you.

Doesn’t bother me, they are no more hyperbolic than 99% of the internet.

Also getting 56% on a review website is kind of a disaster! Sorry.
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I think the best course for now is for Star Wars to take a break. Specifically from the movies. It can exist in the meantime in spinoff media like TV, videogames and whatever media will bring it the best exposure. The success of The Mandalorian plus Jedi Fallen Order prove that if handled correctly the franchise can still deliver. In the meantime, Disney has to:

1) Fire Kathleen Kennedy.
2) Replace her with someone who actually gives a damn about this fictional universe
3) Hire talent who can bring something fresh to the table, not people like Rian Johnson who have no respect for the material.
4) Until they've got a working production schedule down, don't release movies annually.

That's my take on how Disney can salvage this mess. I could be wrong and they won't change a thing, but they'd be fools not to after the money they spent to acquire this franchise.
I would replace her with John Favreau. I've been enjoying The Mandalorian for the most part. At least that guy gets Star Wars.


Yep, yet another plot hole in RJ's bull shit movie. Giving Yoda fucking lightning powers ruins the canon of not just his movie, but the whole series because he's such a fucking idiot who didn't know what the hell he was doing. All the Jedi are dead? No problem, let's just send an army of force ghosts to stop the empire. We didn't do that? Why not? Oh, cuz the other writers of previous Star Wars movies weren't fucking idiots!
World of Star Wars according to Ruin Johnson: Everybody is killing everyone with hyperspace equipped asteroids, force ghosts running around shooting lighting up everybody else's ass. Come watch my new trilogy :p


I think the best course for now is for Star Wars to take a break. Specifically from the movies. It can exist in the meantime in spinoff media like TV, videogames and whatever media will bring it the best exposure. The success of The Mandalorian plus Jedi Fallen Order prove that if handled correctly the franchise can still deliver. In the meantime, Disney has to:

1) Fire Kathleen Kennedy.
2) Replace her with someone who actually gives a damn about this fictional universe
3) Hire talent who can bring something fresh to the table, not people like Rian Johnson who have no respect for the material.
4) Until they've got a working production schedule down, don't release movies annually.

That's my take on how Disney can salvage this mess. I could be wrong and they won't change a thing, but they'd be fools not to after the money they spent to acquire this franchise.

Let me add: Give it at LEAST a 5 year break. Maybe longer. When you bring it back, drop the episodes and the opening crawl. Tell stories that have nothing to do with Skywalkers and any of the main character of 1-9. Let the episodes be a distant memory for a while before going to Episode 10-12 (if ever). Stop relying on nostalgia to sell tickets.


Gold Member
I am going to see it tonight at 11pm with a friend. Look forward to it because i'm a Star Wars nerd bad reviews or not. I have remained relatively spoiler free so hoping to be able to get some enjoyment out of it. I have had parts out of all 8 previous movies I have liked and disliked throughout the years.


When you bring it back, drop the episodes and the opening crawl.
i wouldn't mind if the title Star Wars and opening crawl was still used. it's a serial classic. no need to differentiate between "side stories" and the bullshit "main trilogy". after the first SW came out and Lucas was pondering about 9 or 12 movies, he figured they could all be spinoffs, following different characters, taking place in different times, etc. a common opening scroll could tie everything together. IMO keeping it a "main trilogy only" thing was a dumb marketing based move, among many.

i predixt they will wait until 2022 and then release a trailer for a KOTOR saga with a "never before seen SW story". the trailer contains stormtroopers, x-wings, Sith, Jedi, lightsabers, etc. but no Luke Skywalker! see, totally new!
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I would replace her with John Favreau. I've been enjoying The Mandalorian for the most part. At least that guy gets Star Wars.
I'd like that too, but I don't know if he'd take it. The guy is more of a director than an executive. In fact I think he's probably a better director than JJ Abrams, based on the films he's directed that I've watched. At least he doesn't rely on bullshit like mystery boxes, lens flares and nonsensical plot twists. Disney should have gotten him to direct the sequel trilogy rather than JJ. A sad missed opportunity.
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