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Rise of Skywalker premiere press impressions are streaming in

I think the best course for now is for Star Wars to take a break. Specifically from the movies. It can exist in the meantime in spinoff media like TV, videogames and whatever media will bring it the best exposure. The success of The Mandalorian plus Jedi Fallen Order prove that if handled correctly the franchise can still deliver. In the meantime, Disney has to:

1) Fire Kathleen Kennedy.
2) Replace her with someone who actually gives a damn about this fictional universe
3) Hire talent who can bring something fresh to the table, not people like Rian Johnson who have no respect for the material.
4) Until they've got a working production schedule down, don't release movies annually.

That's my take on how Disney can salvage this mess. I could be wrong and they won't change a thing, but they'd be fools not to after the money they spent to acquire this franchise.

Get rid of Kathleen Kennedy, her first interest is how to promote her feminist agenda through the Star Wars franchise.

The fall of SW franchise is all on her
Reminder that you can read the entire plot synopsis on Wikipedia right now for yourself and realize that it sucks.

Apparently JJ's execution of said plot somehow made it even worse.

This is what Disney should do, as soon as possible:

1) Announce that Kathleen has "retired"
2) Give Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni an Old Republic trilogy
3) Stop pushing the narrative that Star Wars fans are soulless evil white conservatives who hate women and "good movies" such as The Last Jedi
Reminder that you can read the entire plot synopsis on Wikipedia right now for yourself and realize that it sucks.

Apparently JJ's execution of said plot somehow made it even worse.

This is what Disney should do, as soon as possible:

1) Announce that Kathleen has "retired"
2) Give Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni an Old Republic trilogy
3) Stop pushing the narrative that Star Wars fans are soulless evil white conservatives who hate women and "good movies" such as The Last Jedi

I wouldn't read the spark notes for a book to know if it sucked and since film is a visual medium I'm definitely not worrying about how things sound in a wikipedia outline.


They whined and whined about youtubers who accused these movies of pandering to SJWs. It was all bullshit, they said. Rian just made his movie his way, they said. You're just mad because it wasn't the movie you wanted, they said. Get over it, they said.

Two years later they are crying because the new Star Wars is pandering and JJ didn't do what they wanted and they will absolutely trash the movie because it isn't what they wanted it to be.



Reminder that you can read the entire plot synopsis on Wikipedia right now for yourself and realize that it sucks.

Apparently JJ's execution of said plot somehow made it even worse.

This is what Disney should do, as soon as possible:

1) Announce that Kathleen has "retired"
2) Give Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni an Old Republic trilogy
3) Stop pushing the narrative that Star Wars fans are soulless evil white conservatives who hate women and "good movies" such as The Last Jedi
No one is pushing that narrative besides a sect of “fans” that twist Disney trying to be inclusive into “if you don’t like it you’re a racist pos trumptard”. But yeah Disney should stop trying so hard to be inclusive it’s annoying and overstated.

what Disney needs to do is treat Star Wars like Marvel. Give directors a story board layout of where the movies need to go and let them fill in the blanks so shit feels fleshed out and there is continuity. That way you don’t get RJ killing off main characters in some dumb way or Emperor Palpatine showing up out of nowhere.
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I wouldn't read the spark notes for a book to know if it sucked and since film is a visual medium I'm definitely not worrying about how things sound in a wikipedia outline.

If the first two books in a sci-fi trilogy absolutely sucked and then they brought the author of the first one back to round things out, why would I waste my time and money on the new book when I can just read the reviews, fan reactions, leaks, and plot beats to make an informed decision that it's probably just more of the same?

I am perfectly fine waiting for this to come out on Disney+
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i read the wiki plot, that was enough. there's a watchable cam copy on /tv/ so i'll just do that in mein undies with pizza and orange juice
I actually have found that the new trilogy has left me quite strongly agreeing with this.

Whatever people want to say about the prequels it's still really cool that those 3 movies are Lucas' vision. I'm not going to argue that they are good movies.
When Luca says "they are supposed to be for kids" the usual argument is "well why is there decapitations and conversations about trade disputes". However, I think this just means that he set out to make a kids movie but put in some things that don't really belong. He was still trying to make a movie for kids.

Anyway, that's not the point.

There is plenty of great Star Wars content that was not made by Lucas but these were always really side-content that allowed the OT to stand entirely on it's own. Some of the best books are set literally a thousand years before the events of ANH.
When the prequels came out they did start to mess with this a little bit by having side novels and cartoons but again those were distinguishable from "real" Star Wars.
The plan for these movies originally was having the 3 directors creating 3 movies that would form a trilogy. Except they had no real plan for that trilogy and it seems they were just intending to let the directors all do their own thing. They are basically "Star Wars" branded movies. They are not really Star Wars movies.
At least with Solo and Rogue One they had the decency to put them under the "A Star Wars Story" banner and allow them to be their own thing to some extent.

With the main trilogy though they are trying to pass these movies off as the continuation of an epic story but really they are cheap knock-offs masquerading as legitimate sequels.
This is especially true for TLJ where it's almost like they legitimately thought that doing something completely different and off the wall is a good idea when you are sitting on episode EIGHT of a nine part series.

TLJ is Rian Johnson's take on Star Wars but it isn't Star Wars.
You telling me if I sit down over the next 18 months and write a new book titled "The Lord of the Rings - The One Ring Reforged" as a sequel to The Return of the King then I can just pass it off as a legit entry in the series?
The only difference though is that the Tolkien estate would not endorse it whereas TLJ is passed off as "official" because Lucas sold the rights.

Let's say in theory I was able to get over that hurdle though. Maybe I bought the rights.
So in my new LotR book it turns out Sauron is back and the ring is back.
Saruman didn't die either and his grand-daughter is going to go into Mordor and steal the ring from Sauron and use it to bring peace to the world forever. Aragorn tries to advise her against it but he is a weak old man now so whatever. Blah blah blah.

So people are just forced to accept this as "a bold new direction" for LotR under threat of being called racist or sexist or whatever?
People who point out that this is NOTHING like LotR and it not only undermines the originals but changes main characters in an inconsistent way are hit with "you're just angry cos you have rigid ideas and they subverted expectations".

It's fucking nonsense.

Where the sequels fail for me is that they have no sense of authenticity.

It's fine to "subvert expectations" in the sense that great twists and surprises in movies are awesome.
It's not fine to significantly alter the nature of something just to say "I am trying something new".
In other fields, most corporations understand this and protect the authenticity of their brands by releasing new ideas under different branding.
With Star Wars it's been more like they try to pass these copies off as authentic Star Wars movies and they have an army of hacks ready to berate customers who are saying "this isn't how Luke Skywalker would behave" and pointing out how inauthentic the whole thing is.

Then, in the end, the same people who were claiming fandom is toxic and is just mad because TLJ tried "new" things had a hissy-fit because the next episode did things that they themselves disagreed with.

"Your TLJ criticism is dumb because you just didn't get what you wanted it's all about the themes maaaaaaan. I didn't get what I wanted from ROS but it's OK when I complain, my criticisms are valid." Bunch of fucking two-faced hypocritical cunts. When does the Rian Johnson fandom get it's turn to be called out?

The trilogy has been absolutely dragged down by arguments over the directors and seemingly also by disagreements on how the movies should go. Shit, they even dumped the director of 9 and replaced him with the director of 7 who then went to work undoing the ideas of the director of 8. What a fucking mess. All the while pushing ideas about "russian bots" and conservative white dudes being the only ones who dislike the movies instead of just doing good movies.

At least with Lucas in charge the movies would maintain their authenticity even if they were poor movies.
This is a great post btw


Ok I know watched a whole spoiler cast froma German TV show called Kino+.

The job JJ had was insane. He not only had to close the whole SAGA (9 movies) but also repair what Last Jedi did to it. I feel like it should have been 2 movies instead of one because the main complain I heard is hat there is jst too much happening because of the tons of ends and repairs this movie tried to do. TThey said they actually closed the SAGA in a satisfying ending after all. It was emotional because it was building not only on the two last movies but on EVERY movie. And for that you need these fan service moments.

Also I LOVe the fact that JJ ridiculed RJ in so many scenes and how he tried to correct so many thing.

Like he ridiculed the whole Rose Trip from Last Jedi or how Luke has thrown away his lightsaber.

Overall it seems that European critics who are not agenda driven as the US ones really liked the movie while also criticized it for its too fast pacing etc.


Weekend Forecast: What to Expect from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker‘s Domestic Run as It Now Tracks for $160-190M Launch
LOL it's the real Revenge of the Sith

perhaps JJ should not have messed with reviving such powerful dark side magic
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I know for sure I'm not going to listen to any mainstream media reviewers. I was legitimately hyped for The Last Jedi. I liked the Force Awakened, my only big criticism being it was an obvious rerun of the plot from A New Hope. But I felt it did enough different and was excuted well enough to the point where it set up a new story for two more sequels to flesh out and create a different, interesting story.

Then reviewers were praising TLJ as being so clever and nuanced and great I was even more hyped to see it. But when I saw it on opening night with a long time friend I had one of those moments where it went from me not knowing how to feel about it, to realizing it sucked afterwards. I even questioned my own inital reaction to not liking it and went to see it again. Which made me dislike it even more because I noticed even more flaws a second time.

I still can't understand how critics think it's so smart when it's a movie whose theme doesn't stay consistent between the context and subtext of the film, and has so many baffling writing/character decisions; arguably fundamentally changing the series most important character.

So as I did for Solo and Rogue One, I'll be waiting for RoS to come out on Netflix/Disney+ or some other means before I even consider watching it. And I ain't even paying for D+ thanks to a friend account sharing. I ain't giving Disney anymore for making subpar Star Wars movies.
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The movie is horrible IMHO....not because is has SJW junk in but the story felt disjointed and the editing made it feel like as if the movie was in fast forward mode.! As if some evil mouse exec set goals...like here's the time limit and put in as much as you can....ohh and make sure this one has more action than the other 2. No new characters are built upon and they are all like fillers. And for me there was nothing memorable....at least the first had Kylo's intro and the second had Luke's sacrifice. This one has F all...well I'll bury this deeper in Tatooine along with the lightsabers for sure.

I'm just glad it's done and dusted...back to The Mandalorian...


The movie is horrible IMHO....not because is has SJW junk in but the story felt disjointed and the editing made it feel like as if the movie was in fast forward mode.! As if some evil mouse exec set goals...like here's the time limit and put in as much as you can....ohh and make sure this one has more action than the other 2. No new characters are built upon and they are all like fillers. And for me there was nothing memorable....at least the first had Kylo's intro and the second had Luke's sacrifice. This one has F all...well I'll bury this deeper in Tatooine along with the lightsabers for sure.

I'm just glad it's done and dusted...back to The Mandalorian...

You think that's the Disney execs but JJ Abrams doesn't need movie studio execs to pressure him in order to be the cynical hack he always was. I've said it before, I liked even The Last Jedi more than The Force Awakens, not because it was a better movie or because it respected the franchise but because at least it wasn't so fucking cynical and generic. I'd rather watch a bad movie that takes chances than a dull, by the numbers corporate product that completely rips off older movies of the franchise to be as safe as possible. JJ Abrams is the embodiment of what's wrong with Hollywood today.


ChatGPT 0.001
Where does this leave the Star Wars movie's GAF? Star Wars is considered to be one of the great movie franchises, are major Star Wars movies out of play now GAF?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Where does this leave the Star Wars movie's GAF? Star Wars is considered to be one of the great movie franchises, are major Star Wars movies out of play now GAF?

Its still making a billion dollars lol, Star Wars movies and shows will be made long after everyone in this thread dies.


Where does this leave the Star Wars movie's GAF? Star Wars is considered to be one of the great movie franchises, are major Star Wars movies out of play now GAF?
they are classic American pulp fiction, id put them next to Conan the Barbarian, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, etc. any day. put Attack of the Clones on a TV in between Vincent Price reruns and I'm a happy camper.

everyone is always super concerned with narratives, but they never really get formed till later. im not going to judge this movie until i see it myself. certainly the low ratings should be a wake up call to the mismanagement of the intellectual property.

the one thing i want to know is who decided it would be ok to not have Han, Luke, and Leia all together in one scene??? just one fucking scene. then everything else can be brand new. this is the only thing i wanted from all of this.

it must have come up, surely? it must have been discussed at some point. someone had to have stepped in, someone said "If we do that, then we can't tease them out, we won't be able to lure people in, the way we do with Luke in the first one". they had no confidence in their own storytelling abilities to create new characters so they leveraged the old characters just like any other tentpole film assets. it was someone's decision to separate them and give each one a movie of their own "to shine/die in" and spread this out for maximum grosses. a IRL reunion of these three legendary actors was denied for PROFIT. this should tell you how to approach the ST.
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Can’t Git Gud
Back from the cinema... wtf was this. It was ok as a movie on it's own but it felt more like an indiana jones movie rather than Star Wars.
What it did is contradict all the stupid bullshit from the previous movie. As I see it - Last Jedi should not exist and this one should be split in two.
My father was just as crushed as he was after Last Jedi. He says it's not Star Wars anymore and the movie should not be about fighting and explosions constantly. He agreed with me that Kylo Ren is the only good character in this new trilogy and that the movies should be more about the force rather than chasing stuff all the time (and constant explosions like if it was a movie for people with attention span issue)
It is very sad seeing my father crushed :( He even said that 2000 trilogy is MUCH better compared to this new trilogy... and I think I agree
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it was okay

lot of spectacle, exposition and so much happening but also nothing.

i really wanted to see anakin and luke (and leia even) team up with rey at the end to fight palps. wouldve been epic if we saw anakin and/or luke in holy white clothes


Back from the cinema... wtf was this. It was ok as a movie on it's own but it felt more like an indiana jones movie rather than Star Wars.
What it did is contradict all the stupid bullshit from the previous movie. As I see it - Last Jedi should not exist and this one should be split in two.
My father was just as crushed as he was after Last Jedi. He says it's not Star Wars anymore and the movie should not be about fighting and explosions constantly. He agreed with me that Kylo Ren is the only good character in this new trilogy and that the movies should be more about the force rather than chasing stuff all the time.
It is very sad seeing my father crushed :( He even said that 2000 trilogy is MUCH better compared to this new trilogy... and I think I agree
Thats the problem. JJ tied to fix the whole saga and he needed actually 2 movies to do so. Now it is all packed in one and there is no time to rest. RJ still killed the SAGA


it is really weird they did not bring back Darth Vader for the ST. i was kind of sure he would show up at some point, either in a dream, or a vision, or something. they dragged back everything else.

then again maybe he was set aside like Luke, the writers too afraid to do anything w these characters, thinking they would overpower the story. no doubt Vader is kept out of the films so that Kylo can shine. a huge shame.

they should not have chosen Star Wars fans to write these movies. they elevate the old films too much, there is too much reverence. the writers did not have enough confidence in their own material and it shows. get a good writer writing and one of them to direct and it would probably be alright. but they had to write & direct themselves, for some reason, maybe another ego boost? it feels like they are constantly looking back over their shoulders at George throughout. taking on too much at once and failing all while trying to cop his auteur style.
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I watched it.

It was bad.

But it was good because it was bad.

Literally anime garbage in the skin of a former Space Opera epic. After TLJ I can't be mad and only have 0 expectations. Are people on this board actually upset about "Social Justice Garbage" in this movie? I literally don't see it. "Holyshit there's more than two black people in this one? Now that's what I call a sequel!" No one cares, it doesn't damage the film because there's nothing to be damaged if it's already broke. All the consoomers who worship TLJ and say this movie retconned it didn't pay attention, it clearly still matters in the long run there was just no thinly veiled threads left of plotting from TLJ.


Anyone else just fucking hate youtubers and their click bait titles? I expect this movie to suck, and I understand the reviews are low so far, but it's still gonna make money.

I just hate seeing titles that are pulled right out of their asses. Like this one from WorldClassBullshitters "The Rise of Skywalker Getting BAD Reviews. Star Wars Over." lol, yes the first part may be true, but Star Wars is not over. Or this one from Nerdrotic "The Rise of Skywalker's 56% Rotten Tomatoes Critics Score Confirms A Disney Star Wars Disaster" Talk about hyperbolic...a disaster, gotta make sure we use the words that make things sound way more extreme then they actually are.
how is this not the truth? It is is a disaster review wise, and if the box office projections are true, could massively underperform compared to it's prequel.

I watched it.

It was bad.

But it was good because it was bad.

Literally anime garbage in the skin of a former Space Opera epic. After TLJ I can't be mad and only have 0 expectations. Are people on this board actually upset about "Social Justice Garbage" in this movie? I literally don't see it. "Holyshit there's more than two black people in this one? Now that's what I call a sequel!" No one cares, it doesn't damage the film because there's nothing to be damaged if it's already broke. All the consoomers who worship TLJ and say this movie retconned it didn't pay attention, it clearly still matters in the long run there was just no thinly veiled threads left of plotting from TLJ.
Yeah dude, literally the only complaint people have about ST star wars is down to "there are more than two black people in this one?"

:pie_eyeroll: fucking idiot
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You think that's the Disney execs but JJ Abrams doesn't need movie studio execs to pressure him in order to be the cynical hack he always was. I've said it before, I liked even The Last Jedi more than The Force Awakens, not because it was a better movie or because it respected the franchise but because at least it wasn't so fucking cynical and generic. I'd rather watch a bad movie that takes chances than a dull, by the numbers corporate product that completely rips off older movies of the franchise to be as safe as possible. JJ Abrams is the embodiment of what's wrong with Hollywood today.

Do you understand what “cynical” means? There wasn’t one cynical thing in TFA.


that is where the Last Jedi failed me. it was cynical and nihilistic.

take Luke's saber toss. his shoulder brush. his general grumpiness. Luke was a 100% earnest character in the past. he was embarassingly earnest, it was one of his defining qualities. he wasn't some smug snarky asshole. i know you aren't supposed to #notmyluke but there was a for real difference in his general characterization, it was not the same character. when Mark Hamill is talking about Luke's optimism he knows wtf he is talking about.

tbh i don't think that cynicism was by design. Rian is just a cynical, nihilistic person, without morals, so he cannot put morals in a movie. the constant both sidesing was a huge turn off, effectively having Luke & many other characters tell you the Jedi and Sith are both more or less that same, it was a giant pile of moral relativism wrapped in postmodern meta lampshading that to me is nothing but nihilistic.
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Do you understand what “cynical” means? There wasn’t one cynical thing in TFA.

The entire movie is cynical, it was a safe unimaginative product that was created to sell nostalgia and toys to the public. You might confuse the story itself which of course was copying other Star Wars movies's messages about hope and virtue with what it was as a product and how it was directed.
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Perpetually Offended
Going to see it with a friend this Saturday. I'm glad y'all haven't spoiled anything. She and I are huge fans so I'm hyped!


Went to opening night for fans. Thoroughly enjoyed the film. Definitely a fan film and not a critic film. I want to watch again.


Darkness no more
It was an OK movie. It wasn't anything great, but I don't regret watching it. Everything felt like they were rushing around a lot. I think the biggest thing I hate about the new trilogy is the characters aren't really that interesting and they don't really make you care about them at all. A lot of the bigger scenes don't have much impact due to that.

9 movies later and Storm Troopers still have impossibly bad aim :p
Reminder that you can read the entire plot synopsis on Wikipedia right now for yourself and realize that it sucks.

Apparently JJ's execution of said plot somehow made it even worse.

This is what Disney should do, as soon as possible:

1) Announce that Kathleen has "retired"
2) Give Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni an Old Republic trilogy
3) Stop pushing the narrative that Star Wars fans are soulless evil white conservatives who hate women and "good movies" such as The Last Jedi
I agree with all of this, except I still enjoyed TLJ.


-Cant bring the Palpatine back. That's sacrilige. Bring back Snoke or come up with a new villian.
-The pacing feels rushed and the plot is just kind of there.
-This is the least interesting visually of the Disney 3. To the point some special effects looked cheap.
-Knights of Ren wasted.
-Weak lightsaber fights.

+Whole gang as group together on adventures.
+CP30 side quest.
+New female Boba Fett design.
+JJ and Luke Skywalker shitting on Ruin Johnson's work.
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Hari Seldon

It was an OK movie. It wasn't anything great, but I don't regret watching it. Everything felt like they were rushing around a lot. I think the biggest thing I hate about the new trilogy is the characters aren't really that interesting and they don't really make you care about them at all. A lot of the bigger scenes don't have much impact due to that.

9 movies later and Storm Troopers still have impossibly bad aim :p

Yeah I was discussing the characters with my crew that went to see it. The OG trilogy was 100% carried by Harrison Ford. It had the emperor and vader and tons of other cool shit, but without Indy it would have been nowhere near as good as what it was. The Mouse movies have some great actors, but they have too many of them. They distribute the screen time and never establish any characters to the level that they do Rey and Kylo. They distributed the importance of the non-jedi characters amongst too many characters which waters it down to the point where you don't really give a shit about any of them.


Perpetually Offended
Gotta be sarcasm

Naw, I'm actually serious. I want to make up my own mind and not base my decisions on what others say. A lot of movies I liked are movies others said were horrible. And vice versa. I actually liked Justice League (but I have my own criticisms of it). I didn't like TLJ because it felt like it went nowhere! So I'm excited for this entry.


Just got back from seeing it.......... it's a lot....just a lot. I love it because it's Star Wars, it's very fan servicey, it's nonstop action, it will keep you engaged nonstop. I don't intend to spoil anything but offer some comparisons.

If there's any issue with this movie it's pacing, it's like SOMEBODY decided to retcon a lot of ideas from 2 movies and make them into one. I would say as far as pace goes, The Last Jedi had better pace but was never as engaging/enthralling as this movie because you have no choice but to buckle up. This pacing makes the dramatic moments a lot less dramatic than they probably should be because not enough time to take a breath with any moment as you just keep pushing forward.

IMO the way this movie starts is how the Force Awakens should've started and in many ways they almost forced a whole trilogy into this movie based on separate pieces from TFA and TLJ with a few brand new elements linking both.

For me the Skywalker journey ended with Master Luke in TLJ, they wrapped up everything that is Star Wars 4-9 with no trace of anything connected to 1-3

It was a very clear mistake to not have ONE PERSON produce the entire trilogy. If I had to guess Abrams and Johnson had very minimal goals to produce for the whole story and were given much freedom to produce their own version. Abrams had to create the world setting, characters, overarching plot. Johnson was supposed to create a love story with existing story and Abrams finishing off between the 2. It's like mostly Abrams then a few key factors from what Johnson did and then a bunch of Uturns on A LOT of Johnson's stuff and then ultimately walking back to Johnson's stuff. I know this is convoluted as fuck, so is this trilogy.

I loved it, and I think most Star Wars fans will like/love it, but there will always be great conversations on the decision making for this trilogy
Just saw it. As a movie a lot of movie goers will like it. It’s big. It looks good. It sounds good. It has so much sugar you are going to get diabetes.

Star Wars story.... it is pretty damn disappointing. I paid less than 6 dollars to see it so I don’t want my money back. I enjoyed a few single moments. The nostalgia was heaped on to the point of me eye rolling a few times.

It’s a JJ film first and foremost. Glad the Trilogy is over.
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