After playing the reboot and then the DE, and as a long time Tomb Raider fan, it was really difficult to accept the changes. The game felt so focused on brutal combat, and the puzzles felt like a simplistic afterthought. The writing was horrendous- but appreciating that the developers wanted to tell a new story of an inexperienced adventurer made it slightly more forgivable. The side characters were so one-dimensional and predictable. The reason I make note of this is because the open exploration felt restricted to much smaller arenas, and for a game that focused so heavily on the story, it failed (to me).
I think what the team really built on though is really solid. The hubs this time around just feel so much more alive, so much more open. Weapon upgrades, and skills are much the same but crafting and collecting resources allows for a more personal playthough with the tools you want. The challenges and collectibles make me happy, it allows for an appreciation of the environment that the devs created in ways that I might not have. Tombs that actually take some thought to progress through, swimming, and really well designed environments that force you to utilize your gear also make the game much more interesting.
I went in expecting much of the same. The waves of combat don't do it many favors, but the ability to use stealth makes the encounters feel more dynamic. I think a lot of heart when into the game- they respected more tenets of the TR franchise, and I can't wait to see how they continue to improve.