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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title

So did they completely ignore everything that happened in the tie in comics? the comics end on a semi big cliffhanger, and it even says to be continued in rise of the tomb raider. But, so far it has 0 connection to anything that happens.

Spoilers for the comics
it ends with Sam going full ptsd and assaulting some random guy and going to prison. It's revealed that she may still be possessed in some form. In the game Sam hasn't even been mentioned once to the point where I'm at.

Not sure what the point of having the comic is if they are going to act like it didn't exist. It's funny I think they already announced a comic to bridge rise and whatever the next game is...what's the point


So did they completely ignore everything that happened in the tie in comics? the comics end on a semi big cliffhanger, and it even says to be continued in rise of the tomb raider. But, so far it has 0 connection to anything that happens.

Spoilers for the comics
it ends with Sam going full ptsd and assaulting some random guy and going to prison. It's revealed that she may still be possessed in some form. In the game Sam hasn't even been mentioned once to the point where I'm at.

Not sure what the point of having the comic is if they are going to act like it didn't exist. It's funny I think they already announced a comic to bridge rise and whatever the next game is...what's the point

The comics are for people that thought 2013 had an interesting story, so no. It is 'continued' in the sense that it IS the next thing that happens I'm sure, but basically CD said "Hey, we shouldn't use Sam and Co since everyone hates them, someone make us a comic that explains why she's gone" and then ignored the rest.

That said, I did always get some Himiko vibes from that lightning storm at the beginning that causes the avalanche.


Finished at 95%. Gonna need to wait for patch 2.0 to get 100% as it will fix a jumping glitch in the lost city.

Still think I like the first better, but only because it was an origin story. Thought game play and pacing were much better this time around.

Question regarding the inevitable sequel.

What area was the map on her desk showing? At first I thought it was Central/South America, but then saw the word Spain so maybe it was the Iberian Peninsula?


Question regarding the inevitable sequel.

What area was the map on her desk showing? At first I thought it was Central/South America, but then saw the word Spain so maybe it was the Iberian Peninsula?
It was definitely Central America. The Yucatan peninsula and Honduras were on there. It's an old map so it probably meant 'New Spain.'


The comics are for people that thought 2013 had an interesting story, so no. It is 'continued' in the sense that it IS the next thing that happens I'm sure, but basically CD said "Hey, we shouldn't use Sam and Co since everyone hates them, someone make us a comic that explains why she's gone" and then ignored the rest.

That said, I did always get some Himiko vibes from that lightning storm at the beginning that causes the avalanche.

But they did use one of them?
I'm pretty sure Jonah was the only one most people liked. If they liked any of them at all.

I liked most of them. While I haven't really looked hard at all, I don't remember seeing any overwhelming hate for the characters at all. The comics even introduced some new family members of the original cast


PSA: This game will be on sale at target for $39.99 beginning Sunday. I knew it would go on sale before Christmas, excited to get it.


I have a question about the first game. I know they changed the face of Lara from the ps3 to the ps4 version and i really like what her face look like in the ps4 version. Is the PC one is still the ps3 model or the new one ? I didnt hear about a remaster on PC...


I liked most of them. While I haven't really looked hard at all, I don't remember seeing any overwhelming hate for the characters at all. The comics even introduced some new family members of the original cast

People don't hate TReboot's supporting characters (except for Sam - at least half the TR fanbase hates Sam and with good reason) because there isn't even enough there to hate or love or have any strong feelings about, really. They're just walking cardboard cutouts.

I have a question about the first game. I know they changed the face of Lara from the ps3 to the ps4 version and i really like what her face look like in the ps4 version. Is the PC one is still the ps3 model or the new one ? I didnt hear about a remaster on PC...

The Definitive Edition was only released on PS4 and Xbone. None of the new features that were specifically done for the DE (the new face, the subsurface scattering, the moving vegetation, the gear physics... I'm sure there were one or two other things I'm forgetting right now) made it into the PC version (although the PC version already had quite a few of the DE's features from day one, like TressFX, high-res textures, etc).

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Finished the game last night -- easily one of the best of the entire generation. Really blown away by Crystal Dynamics, can't wait to see where this franchise goes.

And they've made Lara not only totally badass and relevant again, they've made her interesting and human. Bravo!
I keep seeing all this praise about the graphics but to be honest it's a mixed bag for me. It can look downright awesome with great lighting effects in most caves/tombs etc, but absolutely MUCH less nicer to the eyes in the exterior parts, for example the Sovjet Installation Base, namelijk the huge amounts of aliasing on the trees and ground too. Highly distracting and damn ugly.

Really not my intention to bash the game, but man the PQ sure does suffer from the at times terrible anti-aliasing being used here.


People don't hate TReboot's supporting characters (except for Sam - at least half the TR fanbase hates Sam and with good reason) because there isn't even enough there to hate or love or have any strong feelings about, really. They're just walking cardboard cutouts.

The Definitive Edition was only released on PS4 and Xbone. None of the new features that were specifically done for the DE (the new face, the subsurface scattering, the moving vegetation, the gear physics... I'm sure there were one or two other things I'm forgetting right now) made it into the PC version (although the PC version already had quite a few of the DE's features from day one, like TressFX, high-res textures, etc).

The PC version also has graphical features absent from the DE : contact-hardening shadows, HDAO, per-object motion blur and tessellation.
So i went to the marketplace option on the main menu and i see things like bronze pack, silver pack etc. The bronze ones i can unlock with my credits, but when do these items show up? For example i unlocked a huntress outfit, but i don't see it selectable ingame. How come?

Outfits in general, do you just unlock more as you progresss? I'd like the Syria outfit for example, but i don't see it in the outfit section.



Her tank top is awarded after you beat the game.

Though j never wear it lol. I'm always sticking to the Infiltrator one or Remnant Jacket.
Her tank top is awarded after you beat the game.

Though j never wear it lol. I'm always sticking to the Infiltrator one or Remnant Jacket.

What? Damn,,...that's a bummer. But for new outfits i just gotta continue on? Wish they had some sexy costumes for her too. It's great that CD turned her character into a normal person, well for a CG character that is. There's nothing wrong with some sexy outfits at all. I for one was quite fond of the bikini outfits they put in the DLC for i believe Underworld it was. :)

And no i'm not some pervert or anything like that, it's all fun and games.
This game gives you way too much equipment to handle situations. The bow is good enough to handle any situation without you needing the pistol, assault rifle, or shotgun. I know variety is good and all but I barely touched the pistol and shotgun throughout the entire game. Your just too decked out.


Are you talking about the top of the mill that catches fire? I have a cache up at the top that I can't seem to get through as the fire escape sequence through the mill blocked the rest of the path. How did your back up there?

Circling back here. I had a few things up there as well (posters, cache, strongbox) that I got last night. You can go through the whole thing again. Get to the swinging rope part that takes you to the thin platform near the cliff side and follow it up. It's how you got up there the first time.


So i went to the marketplace option on the main menu and i see things like bronze pack, silver pack etc. The bronze ones i can unlock with my credits, but when do these items show up? For example i unlocked a huntress outfit, but i don't see it selectable ingame. How come?

Outfits in general, do you just unlock more as you progresss? I'd like the Syria outfit for example, but i don't see it in the outfit section.


Things you get in the marketplace are cards for the various expedition modes, they don't unlock anything in the campaign.


1st Baba Yaga DLC screenshot:


I am really enjoying this game. My wife was really tired yesterday and went to bed at 8 pm so I was able to play. I was thinking I would go to bed by 10 or 10:30 at the latest but I didn't stop until 12:30. I didn't want to but I had to be up at 5:30 am.

It's a rare game that can keep my attention for 4.5 hours! Good job Crystal Dynamics!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It arrived in the mail (with MGSV) a day early, but now the key to the parcel box won't work.


Edit: Postman came back! I am saved!


Things you get in the marketplace are cards for the various expedition modes, they don't unlock anything in the campaign.

I believe you do unlock all of those costumes eventually, though? I don't think there's any card exclusives


I believe you do unlock all of those costumes eventually, though? I don't think there's any card exclusives

There are 3 costumes that were restricted to preorders but I believe you can get cards for them to use in that mode but not campaign.


Listening to today's bombcast, where Jeff is like "This isn't open world at all" then it comes out that he's not even through the tutorial segment...smh, c'mon Jeff -_-
As simple as it may sound and some may not care at all, i'd dig it if CD brought back the good ol hotpants costume. That's how it all started.

As for the game itself. I had it since launch, but Fallout 4 took up all my time. Now the 'addiction' is slightly starting to go away, and i've decided to check out this game. I had played a few bits of it, but this evening i went for a new game on Survivor. Exploring every nook and cranny and doing all there is to do.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Reached my first campfire and had to stop to spazz. Holy crap everything is so much better! It's seriously blowing my mind! The flow of things and intuitiveness, the tension and excitement, faster reloading if you fail something, the feeling of discovery and exploration even in a linear place, the absolutely ridiculously gorgeous visuals, Lara herself looking a hundred times more natural, Jonah the best character from the first game and best boyfriend, and the crafting and upgrade system looks nicely set up from the menus here.

Lara definitely seems more confident now after everything that happened on the island; I particularly liked her rather casual "oh no" when the driver got shot up. Just overall she responds to collapsing shit with a stronger sense about her and it's nice how she doesn't seem traumatized by everything anymore. Also very welcome is how it's not as masochistic with her getting so badly beat to shit by crazy events, and her outfits and gear are pretty cool so far.

So yeah, I'm instantly enthralled. It seems incredibly well polished from the initial locations. Obviously I have barely gotten to do any combat so far, but I did headshot a guy before the ceiling fell on him while running out of a collapsing tomb, so that would make it seem the controls are pretty well tuned.


As simple as it may sound and some may not care at all, i'd dig it if CD brought back the good ol hotpants costume. That's how it all started.

Maybe they'll do so if the eventual plot manages to swing her back around to classic-flashy-twin-pistol Croft. Right now though they seem content with having two Lara's running around, with mobile and co-op puzzle games using OG Lara and these games using new Lara.


In the lost city, I can't reach one relic in the bottom left of the map. I checked a video and it shows you firing broad head arrows into the wall of a tower to reach higher up. But in my game, that wall is rock - is there a way past that? I'm 100% so far and wanted to clear the area out before moving on.

Also I can't seem to light the signal fires?


In the lost city, I can't reach one relic in the bottom left of the map. I checked a video and it shows you firing broad head arrows into the wall of a tower to reach higher up. But in my game, that wall is rock - is there a way past that? I'm 100% so far and wanted to clear the area out before moving on.

Also I can't seem to light the signal fires?

If it's what I'm thinking, keep doing the story and that area will become available to you. As will the signal fires.


The comics are for people that thought 2013 had an interesting story, so no. It is 'continued' in the sense that it IS the next thing that happens I'm sure, but basically CD said "Hey, we shouldn't use Sam and Co since everyone hates them, someone make us a comic that explains why she's gone" and then ignored the rest.

That said, I did always get some Himiko vibes from that lightning storm at the beginning that causes the avalanche.

There is actually a little tie in, a recording of a therapist session Lara has between the comic and Rise where she talks about the comic events with Sam. Comic and slight game spoilers:
near the end of the comic Lara mentioned getting recommended a therapist by Ana.
What's said in this one session is enough to keep LaraxSam alive for me.
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