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Rise of the Triad |OT| RocketMinigun not OP

Well, let's not forget that those games (especially Blood Dragon) could not have existed without work done elsewhere. Blood Dragon by itself would still have cost a lot of money but was able to be made off of the work completed for Far Cry 3.

This is a much smaller studio that isn't as experienced.

Still, disappointing that it runs so poorly.

s8 prejudice wasn't and it ran like butter (also made on ue3.5)

ns2 wasn't , even has a proprietary engine that shits on ue3, is cpu demanding (with good reason considering the elaborate UI and thousands of dynamic entities on the map) but does scale extremely well and runs like a dream on a decent pc.
They also kept their game in beta (as in proper beta, didnt release unfinished) until they got the performance issues fixed.

Launching a game with shitty broken performance is inexcusable.
If you sell a product it has to be in working order.

5 weeks for a patch that might have fixed (might not since bioshock infinite never got fixed and red orchestra took forever to get fixed) just means I'll wait for the inevitable 3 dollar christmas steam sale.


I'm glad my performance issues aren't as severe as the ones most people seem to have.

As for NS2, that game could have been preordered for much more years than this game was even in development, and made over 1M$ just from those. They clearly had a bigger budget with much more time.


Ugh, I'm about to drop this game if it doesn't stop forcing me to do these shitty platforming segments.This bouncy room in E2M2 is fucking atrocious because I'm constantly getting caught on geometry and then being forced to redo a jump because of it. It makes me wonder how much (if at all) they play tested this game. This is one of the worst games I've played in years about getting caught on geometry when running through a level, and in a fast paced shooter like this it's nearly a death sentence.

First person platforming is a lot of fun

No it isn't. Unless you like tons of random leap of faith jumps due to the fact you have no depth perception because you can't see your damned feet.

but maybe only if you can deal~

Oh yeah. If you can deal with poorly executed design, sub 30 FPS performance, and slippery movement then yeah it's great!


Performance is a very legit complaint but I'm fine with slippery movement and questionable depth perception. In this, Half-Life, Mirror's Edge, and so on.

I don't think ROTT is very slippery though. Movement is crazy fast and a bit unwieldy as a result, but there's very little momentum I think.


I haven't got to E2M2 yet, as I only played the first episode and multiplayer.

I'm OK with first person platforming done right, although the amount of games I would say have done that right is a very small list.


Performance is a very legit complaint but I'm fine with slippery movement and questionable depth perception. In this, Half-Life, Mirror's Edge, and so on.

I don't think ROTT is very slippery though. Movement is crazy fast and a bit unwieldy as a result, but there's very little momentum I think.

nah, the air control is awful


i think bringing ns2 into the discussion is a bit dodgy as that game ran like shit until patch 248. Months after release. frame jitter, fps stability, max fps ALL crap. You needed a beast cpu to actually play it a decent level.


So apparently the last patch wiped out my saved password info, and I don't remember my password, so now I have to go through the process of recovering my password. This is why I hate separate log-in IDs.

Edit: Now I keep getting a 'Someone is already logged in from different IP' error message. Fuck this shit.
I never played the original, but bought this purely for some old school fun. Single player, very strange but enjoyable so far, only on m1e2, I feel like I need a few hundred more enemies on screen to blow up :p

Jumped into multiplayer .... seems like its get something explosive to shoot or you are fucked. Came third in the first game, is kinda fun :)

No manual saving however ?
good god. joined an MP game where the timer just kept thinking up. no end game LOL

did pretty well considering haven't played a game like this for a long time
So here's a quick rundown of my experience with RotT so far.

  • E1L1 runs perfectly.
  • E1L2 starts to freeze up while I'm playing it for ten seconds or so at a time; while the game remains playable, graphical artifacts temporarily pop up when this occurs.
  • Issue gets worse the next day, with four back-to-back freezes on the title screen.
  • Because it's seemingly a problem with my graphics card driver ceasing to respond and then recovering, repeatedly, I try one of the suggested solutions online and start to wipe all traces of the graphics card driver from my system.
  • Catalyst Control Center now refuses to install.
  • Windows Install Service is blamed in Event Viewer, but my attempts to get that running (and Windows insisted it was running) didn't alleviate the issue at all.
  • The driver seemed to install okay, despite CCC not installing, so I try RotT anyway, and make my way through E1L3. Freezes still occur.
  • Finish level, decide to call it a night. Freeze apparently happens during the black screen for quitting; I'm greeted with a BSoD.
  • Graphics card driver is implicated in the BSoD, when I check it out the next morning. I still can't properly install it.
  • Fed up with all this, I do a repair install of Windows 7.
  • Catalyst Control Center installs properly this time.
  • ROTTLauncher.exe crashes the instant I run it.
  • I "delete local content" and redownload.
  • ROTTLauncher.exe crashes the instant I run it.
  • I verify game cache integrity.
  • ROTTLauncher.exe crashes the instant I run it.
  • I "delete local content", delete the RotT folder in my Steam install's "common" folder, and redownload.
  • ROTTLauncher.exe crashes the instant I run it.
So yeah, I can't play the game anymore. Here's what Windows has to say about the crash, though:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	ROTTLauncher.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	51f19237
  Fault Module Name:	KERNELBASE.dll
  Fault Module Version:	6.1.7601.18015
  Fault Module Timestamp:	50b8479b
  Exception Code:	e0434352
  Exception Offset:	0000000000009e5d
  OS Version:	6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Information 1:	da83
  Additional Information 2:	da83a87bfe0aee6e097244686698b06f
  Additional Information 3:	1f32
  Additional Information 4:	1f32a5b866a90278858cc88d49ef215d
I have no idea if that's of any use to anyone here, but I'm reporting it all the same.

Is this a reboot or a remake with the same levels? I read the OP and it's still not clear to me
Reboot, but the first stage is a remake of the first stage of the original. (Rather well done, too, because I hadn't noticed until it was pointed out to me.)
First person platforming is a lot of fun and E2M2 is great.

but maybe only if you can deal~
This is how I feel. I had absolutely no problems with E2M2, died a few times due to my error, but that was it. Had a lot of fun. I can't help but feel like people are nitpicking. Or they just rage easily. I came across a weird FPS dip anytime I died and retried. Right when I spawned it dipped for 5 seconds or so, but then it was just fine. This is the best FPS I've played in a long time. I can't remember the last time I had this much stupid fun with an FPS.


This is how I feel. I had absolutely no problems with E2M2, died a few times due to my error, but that was it. Had a lot of fun. I can't help but feel like people are nitpicking. Or they just rage easily. I came across a weird FPS dip anytime I died and retried. Right when I spawned it dipped for 5 seconds or so, but then it was just fine. This is the best FPS I've played in a long time. I can't remember the last time I had this much stupid fun with an FPS.

I loved the level... except for the rubber room; there really were some annoying clipping issues that just compounded the frustration of that section.

*The speed feels refreshing.

*So does the level design for the most part. There aren't too many levels where I would lose track of my orientation, but these levels are definitely more old school than today's usual FPS fare. Often times levels start of linear before opening up into large courtyards with various side rooms and secrets on a vertical axis, for example.

*The humor works well; its randomness is actually quite consistent in tone.

*The complete randomness of original is replicated perfectly; its still one of a kind (well, now two I guess). Power-ups that give you pogo sticks for legs, or send you tripping on mushrooms, the pointless reloading, the crazy weapons like god mode and excalibat; this is a fucking oddball game.

*The traps and platforming elements for the most part add something distinct to the genre. These elements combined with the high speed play a large part of that.

*The game is HARD. And in a good way, for the most part. Some of those quicksaves fuck you over (starting with 5% health for example), but that doesn't bother me personally. For me, these games are about perfecting a level, almost 'Hotline Miami' style.

*I've only played one so far (I'm only up to E2M4), but the boss, for the most part was well thought out. One thing I didn't like was his 1 hit kill rockets that would often kill me as I was coming out of the little side rooms; If I can't see the origin of the rocket, I can't dodge it.

*The soundtrack. It's awesome. And so is the old one that you can switch on at anytime.

Of course, there are things that need looking at. Pretty much all of them have been mentioned in the thread: performance, bugs, clipping issues, co-op would be great. I wish there were a few more enemies, and some of the rocket weapons are a bit too 'samey' for my liking.

Overall its been a refreshing, fun and pretty hilarious game. It doesn't take itself seriously at all, yet doesn't delve into the utter stupidity of something like 'Bulletstorm'. It has old school difficulty, and is fast; in many ways it accomplishes what 'Hard Reset' was aiming for. By improving upon that games one big flaw (the linear level design), the end result is truly something that feels like an effective mesh of mid 90s, late 90s and modern FPS games.
OK, this game is a REALLY weird marriage of old and new school. You get hit so much by the hitscan enemies even when you're circle strafing like a madman that I get annoyed and resort to using cover and peeking out to kill guys to conserve health. And the lack of a quicksave is glaring in a game designed like this. The biggest hurdle is learning where and when the scripted enemies waves come in and where the monster closets open up so you know where to aim your rocket launcher after you flip the switch or pass the invisible tripwire. It's just annoying.

Even the UE graphics throw me off. There's so much visual noise and detail that it just feels odd to be playing a game at this speed, I find it harder to focus and pick out targets than I do when I play a real old school shooter. I have trouble spotting distant enemies in time because there's just too much shit on screen, plus all the effects slathered on obscures them even more. So annoying trying to pick out the constant stream of little bastards hitscan sniping me from afar in the open/vertical sections. Even the movement physics are just a bit "off" in way I can't even really articulate.

It's still fun. But it feels like I'm much more annoyed than I usually am when I play games like this. It's pretty mediocre at what it does.


Did some ini digging and found a way to get much better shadows on your guns. The problem with many UE3 FPS games is that you can't get only part of you gun shadowed, it's either you whole gun goes dark or not. Which looks pretty bad when going from shadow to light and back. This game does that as well, except you can correct this by changing one line from Rottgame.ini.

Got to C:\Users\user_name\Documents\my games\Rise Of The Triad\ROTTGame\Config
click ROTTgame.ini, search for bFirstPersonWeaponsSelfShadow=False and change it to true.

Self shadowing off:

Self shadowing on:

ROTTengine.ini also contains a line which enables you to have the head of your character at the lower center of the screen, not unlike in Doom. The head reacts to you getting hit or when the character says something. Search for enableHead=False

There's also another line which switches your gun hand between left or right. Search for WeaponHandPreference=HAND_Right and just change Right to Left if you want to hold the weapon in your left hand.

You can also tweak gravity by searching DefaultGravityZ=-750.0, if the value is greater than 0, stuff will float into space.


The more I play this game, the less I like it. Werent all the reviewers talking about great level design? Im up to E3L2 and so far it has been very simple, mostly linear (aside from going past the door to get the key) and worst of all it closing off the map behind you afer checkpoints so you cant even go back to look for secrets


A Message from Game Director, Frederik Schreiber on the current status of RotT and plans going forward.


*edit* good read, he talks in depth about the checkpoint save system and the performance issues.

....sounds like they really botched the tech management on this one.

It's confusing to me that they point out that creating a save system so that they could recall everything at once was virtually impossible. Which, okay, I can buy it, but then they go on to state they built the levels with virtually everything in the game so that it would be modular...which (apparently) no other game does this because it cripples performance. Now the (surprise!) result, is a game with crippled performance. The solution? Rebuild entire portions of levels so that they utilize less drawcalls and thus increase performance. I mean shit, I know you guys put a lot of priority on modding, but--and please pardon the speech--if shit ain't (realistically) possible then don't do it. Like you decided to do with the save system.

Well, if we've learned anything out of this it's that we now know why most UE3 games are so incredibly static >.>
....sounds like they really botched the tech management on this one.

Sounds like having a small inexperienced team starts to show its cracks. I hope they get most of the issues fixed with patches.

And patching that magnitude of stuff sounds pretty rough, best of luck and strength to Interceptor!


Sounds like having a small inexperienced team starts to show its cracks. I hope they get most of the issues fixed with patches.

And patching that magnitude of stuff sounds pretty rough, best of luck and strength to Interceptor!

We're working on all the things! The upside to being an independent virtual team is that we work FAST.

Performance tweaks and MP balancing coming soon. New maps and the EDITOR and Steam Workshop support coming a little less soon but still far sooner than most developers get SDKs out.

We're excited about the next phase of development. It's a learning experience and we're looking forward to digging back into it and making the game better as the year rolls on.
^^ As long as the launcher finally works again.

I seriously have no idea how a Repair Install of my OS can suddenly totally break the launcher.


Look at the comments and the IGN dudes trying to defend themselves. WE JUST SITTIN HERE CHILLIN PLAYIN' ON DROP THE BASE.

Side note: Best way to get into good games is to hang out in Steam chat. I'm always running dedicated servers on the West Coast.
I do like the game but it gets so damn chuggy, like the first couple of minutes the game runs smooooth, then gets really really choppy as it goes on. Is this the performance problems people keep having ? is PhysX causing it ?
The basic idea of the IGN review: "it does what it set out to do but I don't like that so I'm going to score it low."

I knew before I even opened that review that they'd throw out that line "left in the past for a reason" then goes on to not really give a reason.


cool, well deserved, game is fun, except when i accidentally hit Restart Map and then it's the devil

We're putting in a failsafe for that in the next patch. Basically the game will ask ARE YOU SURE? Before you restart a checkpoint or the level so you don't click stuff by accident.

And thanks for the kind words about us making some money on this thing already! Now we can keep working on it and ALSO afford to eat!


works for Gamestop (lol)
We're putting in a failsafe for that in the next patch. Basically the game will ask ARE YOU SURE? Before you restart a checkpoint or the level so you don't click stuff by accident.

And thanks for the kind words about us making some money on this thing already! Now we can keep working on it and ALSO afford to eat!

I would set it up to restart from checkpoint automatically if it was up to me, after a 'press any key' thing


We're putting in a failsafe for that in the next patch. Basically the game will ask ARE YOU SURE? Before you restart a checkpoint or the level so you don't click stuff by accident.

And thanks for the kind words about us making some money on this thing already! Now we can keep working on it and ALSO afford to eat!

Oh by the way I haven't been able to start the game at all. Buyed it on GoG day one, but it crashes when I start it.

I have emailed your support but all I've been getting as a reply is "we are looking into it" so far. :/


Oh by the way I haven't been able to start the game at all. Buyed it on GoG day one, but it crashes when I start it.

I have emailed your support but all I've been getting as a reply is "we are looking into it" so far. :/

Probably because we're looking into it! Be sure to get the latest update from GOG and re-install!


The original was one of my favorites, and I loved playing the multiplayer against a friend online. So no need in saying I had this game preordered and even preordered my brother a copy also for his upcoming birthday.

I am having a blast with the new Rise of the Triad (after I relearned how to play a non-dumbed down FPS again,) and I see my brother playing it all the time on Steam. Totally worth the price.


The original was one of my favorites, and I loved playing the multiplayer against a friend online. So no need in saying I had this game preordered and even preordered my brother a copy also for his upcoming birthday.

I am having a blast with the new Rise of the Triad (after I relearned how to play a non-dumbed down FPS again,) and I see my brother playing it all the time on Steam. Totally worth the price.

Nice dude! Glad you and your brother dig it! And it's only gonna get BETTER! SDK and Steam Workshop in a few weeks!

MEANWHILE: PC Gamer finally reviews ROTT! http://www.pcgamer.com/review/rise-of-the-triad-review/ Was waiting for this one!

Also got some love from OffDutyGamers http://www.offdutygamers.com/2013/08/rise-of-the-triad-review/ (HOORAH) and NZGamer http://nzgamer.com/pc/reviews/1909/rise-of-the-triad.html/page-2/ (like the only NZ gaming site)


There's a new patch for the game on Steam. Size is 952 MB. Hope that fixes the performance issues.

edit. Only a slight increase in framerate. Sub 60 fps at some points and around 200 at others.
- Enabled "Stat FPS" console command to monitor ingame framerate
- ”ARE YOU SURE?” When restarting level added
- Arrow and Numberpad Keys + Special Characters, now bindable
- If restarting a checkpoint with Armor in Singleplayer, the armor will work properly
- Godhand in Multiplayer Nerfed. It will now respawn every 5 minutes and last 10 seconds
- Scope/Blood is no longer stuck on screen if a Client happens to Die while activated
- Disabled mouse smoothing by default
- Added mouse smoothing launcher config option
- Disabled smooth framerate locks by default
- Increased the size of several memory pools to increase performance
- Added several texture rendering optimizations
- Added a variety of texture streaming optimizations

We have another huge content patch incoming next week. Stay Tuned, and thanks for all the amazing feedback!

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