Oh my God.
In an interview with CBC News on Monday, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said he's had a kind of "come-to-Jesus" moment and said he's "finished" with alcohol and doesn't do drugs.
Rob Ford has forced the New York Times to write the following sentence
For the lawmakers and people of Toronto, known to much of the world as a cosmopolitan city with copious bike lanes, hockeys Maple Leafs and general placidity, the endurance of Mr. Ford, so rotund and erratic that he often appears on the brink of spontaneous explosion, has become nothing short of an obsession.
Got dang.
Our Government does not condone illegal drug use, especially by elected officials while in office, including Justin Trudeau. We'll continue to work with all levels of government on shared priorities, such as jobs and economic growth. That includes working with mayors and city councils, including the Mayor of Toronto and Toronto City Council.
Our government's official stance:
Our government's official stance:
Lol he won't last a year.The CBC interview is here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toron...inking-has-had-come-to-jesus-moment-1.2430801
I realize almost every Toronto gafer thinks he's a tit, but the continued support is amazingly embarrassing.
Ezra Levant on Rob Ford: "I’d take him drunk over his left-wing predecessor sober""
#dead, as in it was so funny I died (presumably of laughter).I keep seeing this reply and I have no idea what it means.
Ezra Levant is such a piece of shit. Is there anybody in politics who wears a bright red bowtie not a an absolute moron?
How am I just watching the Kuwait thing now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tw-De9D_nI
what a fucking joke
How am I just watching the Kuwait thing now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tw-De9D_nI
They really should've spliced some of Ford's golden quotes into this.A few days late, but just saw the Van Damme volvo parody. Amazing.
Hope that'll happen. That way they can actually charge him.Honestly at this point the only way I can see things escalating (and this is after shit has hit the fan a dozen times over) is if the Toronto Police manage to get Sandro Lisi to roll over on Ford.
Honestly at this point the only way I can see things escalating (and this is after shit has hit the fan a dozen times over) is if the Toronto Police manage to get Sandro Lisi to roll over on Ford.
This is fucking surreal: http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/politics/archives/2013/11/20131118-205516.html
You can watch the entire first episode of the Rob Ford show there...
Also, a related video; http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/2849277947001 "Great men have great vices" lol. There are a lot of crack addict, wife beating, racist, ignorant, etc. people. Not all of them are great men.
I for one don't want this to end, I hope he gets re-elected.
We Montrealers need to laugh at little in a climate of shitty politics. Rob Ford is the anti-politician
Ford is a blowhard that waffles which is textbook politics.
Saw this on the Toronto Sun last week, it was begging to be photoshopped.
Someone just reminded me that THIS is exactly what is happening in Toronto. Just waiting for someone to call someone Hitler.
This is perfect.
So he says. What he really needs is rehab.
So they'll do that, but won't give them power to remove the mayor even though it is obvious he is a waste of skin.
So they'll do that, but won't give them power to remove the mayor even though it is obvious he is a waste of skin.
Still a step in the right direction, I guess.