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Robert Mueller brings on 16th lawyer, former DoJ official who oversaw fraud unit


Junior Member
This will be the epic picture, all others are bad video screenies.


Mueller has to be recruiting them with the movie in mind at this point. This will be Matt Damon's role.
Finally, a good headshot. We need a running thread of them all.


time to take my meds
My only dissapointment is having to wait until 2018.. i know impeachments take a while but still.

Everything else here looks like good news to me.


I can't wait to hear the conservative media criticize Mueller for uncovering all sorts of illegal shit Trump and his businesses got up to before he was President. They're basically going to say Mueller wasn't allowed to find other crimes that Trump committed that weren't related to colluding with Russia XD

"WAIT WAIT Robert Mueller was only supposed to be looking for evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia! He can't recommend that Trump be prosecuted for fraud and tax evasion! That's not why he was hired! Witch hunt!"


Who the hell is the US Senate going to confirm at this point that will fire him?

Trump's world is shrinking by the day.

I forget the specifics, but Trump can confirm someone for the recess, I believe, without Senate input.

I think Schiff said they would reestablish contact with Mueller immediately if Trump were to fire him, and basically continue the investigation regardless.

Schiff is a Democrat, nothing he says really matters in the grand scheme of thing.
My only dissapointment is having to wait until 2018.. i know impeachments take a while but still.

Everything else here looks like good news to me.

I read somewhere tonight, I think it was the Toronto Star, that this investigation could very well stretch past 2018 and into fucking 2019. Dude will be fully into re-election mode at that point, not that he isn't already, but holy shit, like, the spectacle of the downfall yet to come. . . I cannot get my mind around what it will be like to witness.


Sucks at poetry
What if Mueller's investigation ends right around the time some international crisis happens or war breaks out? Shit is gonna get real weird.


I forget the specifics, but Trump can confirm someone for the recess, I believe, without Senate input.

Schiff is a Democrat, nothing he says really matters in the grand scheme of thing.

I think the senate is doing a little trick where they are never really in recess. Making sure someone is there to gavel in and out so it never begins. Blocking rump from doing this.


Mueller is Thanos confirmed - everybody waiting for him to do something.

More like Bruce Wayne. JL is apparently going to be like 7 Samurai where Bruce Wayne goes around recruiting the bigger and baddest to take down the worst of the worst. Someone should do a trailer of this.
I wonder, when Mueller is inevitably removed, can a State government hire him on some level since it seems like this is extended to State-level crimes? It means the Russia collusion/obstruction stuff won't be on the table, but if he's actually looked at State charges, could the state of NY or something hire him as a special prosecutor to the Trump enterprise?

Absolutely, Schneiderman can do that. And Trump can do nothing about it.

And he would, considering how doggedly he's chased after Trump and his companies.
I think the senate is doing a little trick where they are never really in recess. Making sure someone is there to gavel in and out so it never begins. Blocking rump from doing this.

Pro forma sessions every three days. Even the Republican Senators don't want Trump to pull any recess appointments.

Trump getting rid of Mueller is a possibility that shrinks as each day passes. The Senate isn't going to confirm anybody that they think will fire him. Hell, Kelly, Trump's new anointed chief of staff will resign if Trump tries to oust Mueller. The pressure is mounting on Trump and his clan.

The Senate passing sanctions 98-2 is a telegraphed message.
I can't wait to hear the conservative media criticize Mueller for uncovering all sorts of illegal shit Trump and his businesses got up to before he was President. They're basically going to say Mueller wasn't allowed to find other crimes that Trump committed that weren't related to colluding with Russia XD

"WAIT WAIT Robert Mueller was only supposed to be looking for evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia! He can't recommend that Trump be prosecuted for fraud and tax evasion! That's not why he was hired! Witch hunt!"

I already saw an article that had a headling of something like "Mueller hires another Democrat donor to his team."


Absolutely, Schneiderman can do that. And Trump can do nothing about it.

And he would, considering how doggedly he's chased after Trump and his companies.

Could be a good backup then. It'll be decried as a political move, but the investigation needs to continue in some capacity.

I think the senate is doing a little trick where they are never really in recess. Making sure someone is there to gavel in and out so it never begins. Blocking rump from doing this.

Has this been confirmed to actually be happening?


Pro forma sessions every three days. Even the Republican Senators don't want Trump to pull any recess appointments.

Trump getting rid of Mueller is a possibility that shrinks as each day passes. The Senate isn't going to confirm anybody that they think will fire him. Hell, Kelly, Trump's new anointed chief of staff will resign if Trump tries to oust Mueller. The pressure is mounting on Trump and his clan.

The Senate passing sanctions 98-2 is a telegraphed message.

Great post. Upvote...


I think they've been doing it. They told him if he fires anyone they aren't appointing anyone else this year.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
God I hope it turns criminal on state level so he can't pardon himself and his gang of idiots.
Would you really need that many attorneys if you weren't finding anything?
I am guessing they also have support staff.

Precisely. If this was a "nothing burger" (I loathe that term), then the whole thing would've been dropped by now most likely... Not hiring its 16th lawyer.


If trump was really involved would they really drag on the investiagtion till 2018? Let Trump do what he wants till then?

That just sounds like a bad idea.


Not just hiring another lawyer, but hiring lawyers with specific expertises.

Yeah, he's not hiring kids fresh out of law school here. He's also asking these people to drop their current positions to do this...I wouldn't think he'd do that if he didn't have a scent of some sort.

If trump was really involved would they really drag on the investiagtion till 2018? Let Trump do what he wants till then?

That just sounds like a bad idea.

Can't fuck this up. This is not a season of "24," where everything is wrapped up in a day, and it's not a "Phoenix Wright" game. This stuff takes time, and they have to cover every possible angle.
Do we have any idea how the findings, once they're ready to go public, will be announced and/or distributed? Will there be a special presentation by Mueller and his colleagues? Will it be primarily be done by the media? Do you feel method in which the findings are detailed/revealed has a key role in how it's received by the public?
Precisely. If this was a "nothing burger" (I loathe that term), then the whole thing would've been dropped by now most likely... Not hiring its 16th lawyer.

Ken Starr had an army of specialized lawyers digging into Whitewater. Everyone is setting themselves up for disappointment by making assumptions on every little move. Plus, actually impeaching a president in this increasingly partisan environment might prove impossible. You need 2/3rds of the Senate to vote to impeach and I don't see either party ever getting into that range in the current climate.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
If trump was really involved would they really drag on the investiagtion till 2018? Let Trump do what he wants till then?

That just sounds like a bad idea.

Well, if the Congress wasn't a filled with with an overflowing bag of hypocritical flaccid dicks articles of impeachment would of already been written. Remember when Obama wasn't allowed to do his job of replacing a SCOTUS judge because he was a "lame 🦆" president? I do.

At the very least these flaccid Republicunts should not allow him to sign anything until the investigation has concluded. We have a potential Russian operative sitting behind the resolute desk and the collective opinion of R's in Congress and their voters is a giant MEH...

It's shameful and they should never be able to get away with speaking I'll of a Democrat again. LMFAO I bet that happens.

The Llama

You don't employ lawyers to find evidence, that's for the FBI staff, you employ them when the evidence is ready and it's time to build the case to bring to court.
I mean, speaking as an attorney, this is generally true but only really because of cost and such. Attorney's can be the best investigators of all, since we know what we're actually looking for and how to get it. And of course we know when to delegate to the experts.


Well they better hurry up before Trump fires him.

No way Trump is going to allow Mueller to continue past 2018.


I'll be surprised if this ever sees the light of day, trump is going to fire mueller.

I doubt someone who has a 16-person Justice League of Lawyers looking into Trumpy's Russia connections hasn't planned for such an eventuality already.
Edit: Also he's clearly played by Joel Hodgson in the movie


Before that, Andres was a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn for over a decade, eventually serving as chief of the criminal division in the U.S. attorney's office there. He prosecuted several members of the Bonanno organized crime family, one of whom was accused of plotting to have Andres killed.

Dudes a badass,

He's literally just hiring the toughest people to practice law in the last decade or more. Holy shit.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but.. how does money work with Mueller and his all-star team? Does he have free reign to use as much of the government's money as he needs? Who manages that?


Professional Schmuck
Ken Starr had an army of specialized lawyers digging into Whitewater. Everyone is setting themselves up for disappointment by making assumptions on every little move. Plus, actually impeaching a president in this increasingly partisan environment might prove impossible. You need 2/3rds of the Senate to vote to impeach and I don't see either party ever getting into that range in the current climate.

(The house votes on impeachment, not the senate)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
This is going to be a legendary takedown, and an easy one too. Not only because of the legal and investigation team formed, but also because by the time they act on it late this year or next year, Trump is going to be very unpopular. The latest Rasmussen poll has him at -22 approval, and that poll usually leans +5 for GOP. Republicans are turning on him because of the perceived failure in healthcare repeal.
Ken Starr had an army of specialized lawyers digging into Whitewater. Everyone is setting themselves up for disappointment by making assumptions on every little move. Plus, actually impeaching a president in this increasingly partisan environment might prove impossible. You need 2/3rds of the Senate to vote to impeach and I don't see either party ever getting into that range in the current climate.

But Starr's investigation into Whitewater is what eventually led him to the Lewinsky scandal.
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