I'm looking forward to the Team 3v3 ranked coming soon. Solo 3v3 is rough.
2-2 in OT. In this case I'm clearly going to center the ball but, for some reason, my teammates just continually follow me into the corner (I brought the ball all the way down). Then they simultaneously begin to drive at the ball/wall, for no reason, and get themselves out of position to both miss the easy put in. The ball immediately goes the other way and we lose in OT. This is around 650 ranked, so it's not like randos haven't had time to learn to be smarter about it.
There's a vocal group that is against ending Solo 3v3, including Gibbos (who plays with Kronovi)
People reason that Solo was the one place people could play without being stomped by teams.
I'm okay with ridding 3v3 Solo for two reasons:
-Playing ranked with randoms doesn't make sense to me as a ranked mode, since you're subjecting your rating to playing with people who may just not take the game seriously (how important is your rank when you play against randoms, most of whom don't use teamwork?)
-The Solo 3v3 is the least popular, and including it beside 3v3 Team mode would fracture the playlist--especially since single players would probably just as well queue for Team Ranked in order to get on the same team with a 2 player team
It seems to be a minority, but a vocal one who want to both play a competitive mode, yet don't want to play against teams.
Their counterargument is that they'd rather wait longer matchmaking times than play against teams, which I guess is reasonable.
I'd rather that Psyonix keep one playlist for 3v3 Ranked, and try to just match solo players with solo players or teams of 2 against another team of 2, with a solo player on each side. If the matchmaking worked like that, they could reduce the instances where solo players face off against a full team, or maybe they could add some kind of skill rating multiplier for parties, so that they have some kind of +100 boost that allows them to matchmake against solo players who are more skilled as individuals...maybe that could balance out the solo vs party problem
Personally, I think playing ranked solo makes no sense, since if you want to be competitive, you would think you'd play with a party and not randoms. Non-ranked can be just as competitive, provided the game matches you with players of similar skill