After that little discussion about ranked vs unranked a few days ago, decided to check out the ranked side again (first time since the changes) on my second account (so started out unranked). Went through bronze, am just about out of silver and while it's been mostly smooth sailing, what the hell is with everyone having such an itchy trigger finger when it comes to forfeiting?
Seriously, one game we gave up a flukey goal off the kickoff, another (legit) one like twenty seconds later then bam, "2/3 votes to forfeit!"
"wtf we haven't even played one minute, calm down!" was my reply, and while jamming out in the text chat we gave up yet another goal (to be fair, that one may have been on me). Yet my stirring speech seemed to ignite the team and we came back and won rather easily.
Basically this
Not really much of a point here, as those of you who play ranked probably deal with this shit all the time. Just don't understand that mindset. Even if you end up losing however many points, isn't it worth it to actually try, see what happens, maybe learn something, make a cool shot?
On the positive side, I like how the ranked matches can no longer begin with one side shorthanded. They probably changed that a long time ago but it's new to me! Wow!