Cube ball looks awesome
Can't really comment on ranking up on pc because I'm barely bronze 1, but I would say going up on ps4 should be easier since it's where we get the more casual players.For those that play on both PC and PS4 do you find it easier to climb the ranks on the PS4 vs. PC?
I don't think that I play any differently between the two systems so I can't seem to figure out why I just seem "better" when I play on the PS4.
Do a lot of the hardcore PC players not play cross platform or something?
What's your psn so I can invite/accept you? You can also search for RocketGAF and apply.
Thanks. PSN ID is vonStrahlenberg.
Wasn't able to play today so I'll definitely get yall tomorrow if Optimus doesn't beat me to it!Hey, can someone invite me to the RocketGaf community? PSN: MC_ENVY
I need to stop playing with randoms lol
I mainly play Doubles, but feel free to add me to your friends list!
No because I only have matchmaking set to US West and East.
I don't see how people expect to not get paired with good or bad players. How are you supposed to reach gold 1 or higher if you don't go through the lower ranks especially when you're rather new to the game. These are the players you'll see demolish teams single handedly because they are currently working their way up the ladder.
Same thing with being paired with crappy players. Maybe they hit a stride and went on a lucky winning streak or they got high up because they kept playing with people who they had good chemistry with.
People need to stop caring about what level a player is too. It's just a way of seeing how much time someone plays and really has no say on anyone's skill level. I'm a semi-pro on PC and get paired against veterans and experts and will, majority of the time, beat them.
What's your psn so I can invite/accept you? You can also search for RocketGAF and apply.
What? Were talking about rank points not their level. You get paired up with bad players because the matchmaking is bad.
Edited not gonna get into that.
Its not that you're getting paired with somebody whose not as good as you, its that you're being paired with people multiple tiers lower. Their is no way to go on a "lucky win streak" to gold and play the way some of these randoms do.
I play the game to be compete but also have fun, its not fun to go out and know the entire round you are guaranteed to lose. Its especially bad if you're teammate doesn't know what a rotation is and you have to spend the entire game super conservative, because this guy is just flying around the map without any thought. The competition is the fun part, and unfortunately with the matchmaking in its current state its difficult to find competitive matches, unfortunately the game borderline requires a permanent teammate or you're screwed. It was never like that before, something definitely changed a few weeks back or maybe even more.
do you not unlock halloween items when playing with the delorean?
No, the hardcore PC players are just better than PS4 players.For those that play on both PC and PS4 do you find it easier to climb the ranks on the PS4 vs. PC?
I don't think that I play any differently between the two systems so I can't seem to figure out why I just seem "better" when I play on the PS4.
Do a lot of the hardcore PC players not play cross platform or something?
I see matchmaking complaints in tons of games, generally from bad players who believe they should be higher then they are. I don't understand the complaint about needing a teammate, of course organisation and coordination will be an advantage. Its the same in any game / sport.
Ranking up isn't a given. The more you play, the more accurately you will be placed on the ladder until you work on improving your game.
I see matchmaking complaints in tons of games, generally from bad players who believe they should be higher then they are. I don't understand the complaint about needing a teammate, of course organisation and coordination will be an advantage. Its the same in any game / sport.
Ranking up isn't a given. The more you play, the more accurately you will be placed on the ladder until you work on improving your game.
I now understand why people can be jerks in this game. Doing ranked on pc and I can't get above 70(i suck I know). Teammates quit as soon as we go down one, end up losing 5 then winning one, before dropping a whole other set. Frustrating cause this game is really fun, but man does it's player base let me down sometimes.
Are the Halloween items live? What's the drop rate?
Don't get me wrong, I have just as much trouble sometimes hitting things, but it's the basic things like me saying I got it, then its both us going for the ball leading to easy goals. So them I tell them to take the shot and they just sit there and then it's another easy goal. Or them following me instead of playing the ball, again leaving the goal wide open. Or taking the ball from me when I'm moving it to the goal, to take some dumb contested shot.My current favorites are the ones who can't clear or tackle for shit so I end up goalieing and hafta clear like 7 balls and get Savior but we lose 6-3 and one'll bitch about one of those goals getting thru from a personal flub (they also tend to be the ones who are up my ass ballchasing when I do a lob from the corner instead of taking the pass, too).
Haha that's awesome man. Did you carve another with the RL logo?The RL obsession is strong.
Scored this goal a few days ago that I was pretty happy with.
I'm pretty sure I've played matches against you. No idea you were from Gaf.Scored this goal a few days ago that I was pretty happy with.
Don't get me wrong, I have just as much trouble sometimes hitting things, but it's the basic things like me saying I got it, then its both us going for the ball leading to easy goals. So them I tell them to take the shot and they just sit there and then it's another easy goal. Or them following me instead of playing the ball, again leaving the goal wide open. Or taking the ball from me when I'm moving it to the goal, to take some dumb contested shot.
Scored this goal a few days ago that I was pretty happy with.
I'd ignore the whole rank thing. I'm an "Expert", and I've been teamed up with a few Semi-Pros who were great teammates.PSY・S;183650453 said:I've never touched ranked and probably never will but matchmaking is definitely an issue in unranked playlists. I've jumped into a game with teams of rookies and semi-pros against veterans+ way too many times. Maybe 2-3 times a day.
played 'em like a fiddle
I'd ignore the whole rank thing. I'm an "Expert", and I've been teamed up with a few Semi-Pros who were great teammates.
PSY・S;183652571 said:Yeah I've played some great semi-pros and pros but rookies almost never come close to scoring. These games seem unfair for them.