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Rocket League |OT| Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars

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I never noticed any opposing teams that seemed to be a cut above anyone else in terms of co-ordination etc, for all I know there might not be all that many actual dedicated teams playing in Standard when you start out.

Probably because all the good teams are moving up in rank, while the rest of us are stuck in unranked purgatory.
But how could that like, statistically be? I never played Standard alone because I don't want to get matched up against a fully coordinated team without one myself. I'd think having everyone go in alone would reduce the risk of playing a one sided match where you're getting stomped.

I have no idea. I can just go by my experience. In say around 25-30 matches against full teams in Standard I've lost maybe 3-5? Compared to literally losing for entire hours when playing Solo Standard. You can ran into communication issues (like too many people going for an aerial) but I haven't found the need to play ultra defensive because my teammates don't know how or refuse to rotate. People haven't quit after going down 1 goal 1 minute in. There's less chasing teammates into corners. Not every match has been perfect but compared to my hundreds of awful Solo experiences, it's been night and day. Playing Solo Standard I dropped nearly 200 points. Playing Standard I jumped over 150 in a couple of days.

My theory is it's like playing pick up basketball. When it's all random people you want to be the guy regardless of outcome, when you're going up against a ready made team of friends running the court you just want to stop them and win. So going into Standard lends itself to people more team focused than boost around and hit ball guy. I could be wrong but it's a thought.


I'd say that playing 3v3 Standard might be easier because friends will have different ranks, whereas in solo standard everyone should be around the same rank.
Matchmaking (ranked or unranked) doesn't factor in rank -- it's all about total hidden MMR skill level. In a perfect world, it wants to pit six people each with an MMR of say 5 (made up number!) but to speed up matchmaking it allows for a range so instead you'll get something like 5+3+7 (15) vs 3+3+9 (15). If there is a party it wants to get close to the individual party MMR's but again more likely it will be a range adding up to same total party MMR.

There was a great post (see link below) about how this stuff works on Reddit 2-3 days ago and someone in the replies hit the nail on the head of what's wrong with this method, which is that it doesn't take into account how players with different skill levels play WITH each other, i.e. a 1 and 7 are going to have TERRIBLE synergy -- say the 7 can score and set 1 up but 1 whiff's on 7's passes / isn't in position for them AND 1 never sets up 7 so they can score.

You can see this mathematically by factoring in multipliers of teammate pairings. Take two "even" teams of A = 9+3+3 (15) vs B = 6+5+4 (15) and factor in multipliers:

A = 9+3+3 PLUS 27 (9*3) + 27 (9*3) + 9 (3*3) = 78 MMR
B = 6+5+4 PLUS 30 (6*5) + 24 (6*4) + 20 (5*4) = 89 MMR = advantage team B

This is why it feels so random with teammates / opposition. The same combined MMR's can be comprised of vastly different skilled players and the greater gap between players the worse they will play together. And if the other team is the complete opposite (small gap in MMR's / better synergy) you get blowouts. What truly sucks is the better player you are (higher MMR) the more likely you are to be paired with someone you don't play well with.

I'd love to see them incorporate multipliers into future matchmaking. Won't solve the problem completely but I think it would help.

... edit ...


See user parcanlex's replies...
But how could that like, statistically be? I never played Standard alone because I don't want to get matched up against a fully coordinated team without one myself. I'd think having everyone go in alone would reduce the risk of playing a one sided match where you're getting stomped.

In my experience it's teammates that determine wins / losses more so than how good / coordinated the other team is. Playing with randoms vs a coordinated team is definitely a disadvantage but Rocket League is pretty intuitive so I'd argue it's only a slight advantage -- so long as everybody on your team knows what they are doing the games are usually close. But if you've got 1 or God forbid 2 knuckleheads good luck. I would take matches against coordinated teams all day long so long as my random teammates knew what they were doing.


dat feel when you get your first aerial goal

dat feel when you save a goal that is already halfway through the line

dat feel when you got 10/10 undefeated with a buddy against the same team, and you barely tie the last match during the last 15 seconds, then win on overtime LOL. They quit right after that happened. :p

Man this game has me by the balls. I'm already getting used to some high flying action. This is just fucking awesome.


well the recent update has fixed the awful stuttering I had, can actually play now. Only issue so far is I just feel so useless in so many situations! Ball comes over to me and it either bounces *just* over me or I always miss my side bash.
i've always fancied myself as an offensive style player. i feel like i can score and/or pass the ball well enough to stay in that realm and simply help out on defense. well, tonight i took like 10 Ls in a row in solo standard 3x3 ranked matches and decided to swallow my pride and play defense almost exclusively. basically i started playing goalie/midfielder, only coming up when i felt like i could really take advantage of the situation. i still feel like i'm a weak goalie, but man. what a difference. instead of being the highest scoring loser, i'm now the least scoring winner. winning games. getting cool saves. sometimes giving up embarrassing goals. but it's pretty humbling. apparently i'm better served hanging back a bit. what a game.
i've always fancied myself as an offensive style player. i feel like i can score and/or pass the ball well enough to stay in that realm and simply help out on defense. well, tonight i took like 10 Ls in a row in solo standard 3x3 ranked matches and decided to swallow my pride and play defense almost exclusively. basically i started playing goalie/midfielder, only coming up when i felt like i could really take advantage of the situation. i still feel like i'm a weak goalie, but man. what a difference. instead of being the highest scoring loser, i'm now the least scoring winner. winning games. getting cool saves. sometimes giving up embarrassing goals. but it's pretty humbling. apparently i'm better served hanging back a bit. what a game.
Cycle. Cycle cycle cycle. Cycle.

But only if your teammates are cycling. Cause you can't cycle alone.

If your teammates don't cycle (ie they go in the corner to hit the ball, then spend a half minute doing little backflips, not moving the ball at all), then just... do whatever.
Cycle. Cycle cycle cycle. Cycle.

But only if your teammates are cycling. Cause you can't cycle alone.

If your teammates don't cycle (ie they go in the corner to hit the ball, then spend a half minute doing little backflips, not moving the ball at all), then just... do whatever.

well yeah. that's the problem, most people i played with don't do this. so i had to stay in goal, otherwise we would have lost.


Cycle. Cycle cycle cycle. Cycle.

But only if your teammates are cycling. Cause you can't cycle alone.

If your teammates don't cycle (ie they go in the corner to hit the ball, then spend a half minute doing little backflips, not moving the ball at all), then just... do whatever.
Laughed when I matched against you again recently. It's too bad there's no crossplay chat.

And you're right, all about rotations. Stay active, try to avoid being stuck not doing much.

J. Bravo

I had like my sickest aerial shot ever today. Great pass from pepiope. It involved a delayed double jump, a little boosting backwards, and a crazy awesome angle that I thought would just be another pass lmao. Ripper4lyfe
well yeah. that's the problem, most people i played with don't do this. so i had to stay in goal, otherwise we would have lost.
Most randoms won't cycle. Or you'll get one cool one who does, and one who doesn't... which still messes stuff up.

The best is when you get a full game where everyone cycles and it just comes down to skill and some luck.

I play soccer and hockey in real life and I've always been defensively minded (in terms of not pinching in if someone isn't prepared to back me up in case I miss), and it just drives me insane when I see the ball heading from the corner toward the face of the enemy's goal and a teammate flies at it sideways from the corner in an angle that will never ever score, instead of coming back so I can rotate in.


I ordered the red and white hoodie from their shop.

They look sweet. I got to get one.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I bought the game on sale a few weeks ago and have been playing far more than I should quite honestly. I've been playing ranked for a while and have been hovering around SIlver1. I've been stagnant there for a while though and was thinking maybe some gaffers might be able to direct me to some videos or explanations covering topics that most might overlook (like I hear a lot about rotating but honestly I just try to stay defensive because everyone I play with is a mindless ball chaser regardless). I've been spending a fair bit of time here and again working in the training room to get my basics handled at least. I get 80%+ on goalie and striker training on allstar, have never managed above 50% on aerial though, it's harder than it looks! Anyhow, I'm looking for resources and advice on how to improve, so suggestions/referrals welcomed.

I'd also appreciate some feedback on how to deal with teammates if possible. As i briefly mentioned, a large portion of my teammates honestly just mindlessly follow the ball. They center the ball on our own goal. Many games they SCORE on our own goal, you get the idea. Accidents happen and not everyone's a "tryhard" or whatever, but what kind of playstyle and actions can be taken to minimize the damage from these things? What I currently do is just take up a defensive role. If the ball is on our side of the field, I'll be in our goal defending, and if the ball is deep on their side I will be center field defending clears and looking for scoring opportunities. That being said, mindless ball chasers very rarely actually plan out their attack to allow for goals, if they can hit the ball, they WILL hit the ball. Except to center for their teammates apparently, if they can center but have 0 shot at a goalshot, they'll just back away (no idea why someone would do this but I see it ALLLLL the time). So if I'm being defensive and playing as I've outlined and my teammates refuse to intentionally center the ball, either the game is an eternal stalemate if I goally REALLY well or we lose due to never scoring. At a bit of a loss as to what exactly I should be doing quite honestly. Of course I'm not perfect either, I blunder now and again. So not laying the blame ENTIRELY on teammates at least ;p

With all that out in the open, are there any people on the GAF crew that'd be cool with teaming up with someone like myself? I'd love to get some legit teamwork practice in. I've not really had the opportunity to try coordinated attacks or even really legit passing yet. I just know this game could be a lot more fun with partners willing to work together.

To everyone who actually read all that, I'd like to reward you with something special.
Here's my world famous vampire lawyer!


Gold Member
Yeeeah, speaking of how the matchmaking system just doesn't work sometimes: How am I, an Expert, getting matched up with a Pro against two other Experts in ranked doubles (Silver III)? I know it has nothing to do with that, but your level usually at least says something about how experienced you are with the game. And if you think this might have been an unusually good Pro, think again. He was rubbish. Constantly missing stuff you shouldn't miss at that level of ranked play, not going for kick-offs he should be going for, going for balls I'm already going for, etc, never really setting anything up (all the goals we did get were either me going solo or setting him up for easy shots), etc. All the things an inexperienced player does. How is he playing with me against these people? He did not belong there, at all.


^^^ Matchmaking expands its search criteria very fast. If after ~10 seconds it hasn't found a match back out and start again or else there will be a wider disparity in player skill.

Or one of the experts on the other team wasn't that hot of a player either.


Most likely the best friggin' game in a very long time, can't shake the addiction. But playing Ranked Doubles has been an upwards climb like none other... I believe I've developed an ulcer playing it. But at least I just reached Silver I, woohoo!
Yeeeah, speaking of how the matchmaking system just doesn't work sometimes: How am I, an Expert, getting matched up with a Pro against two other Experts in ranked doubles (Silver III)? I know it has nothing to do with that, but your level usually at least says something about how experienced you are with the game. And if you think this might have been an unusually good Pro, think again. He was rubbish. Constantly missing stuff you shouldn't miss at that level of ranked play, not going for kick-offs he should be going for, going for balls I'm already going for, etc, never really setting anything up (all the goals we did get were either me going solo or setting him up for easy shots), etc. All the things an inexperienced player does. How is he playing with me against these people? He did not belong there, at all.


See my post above for how matchmaking works :)


Glad I'm finally playing with some of you on PC while I continue to refine my skills. Just started back up a competitive team so I need all the high level play I can get.


Yeah, but how is your MMR calculated? From how you've been doing lately, presumably? So I still don't get how this guy was playing with us. He was BAD. Player pool size issue, I suppose. That's gonna be fun for XBO players.
No cross play, so the bad will play with bad :p
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