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Rocket League |OT| Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars

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My 144hz gsync monitor broke so I'm back to using a shitty 60hz TN panel.

Everything feels laggy, slow and unresponsive. How did I cope before?! I honestly thing the monitor bumped my skill rating up by about 150 points


Good games yesterday... Of course I finally do well the game everyone decides to leave on haha.

You guys are on a whole nother level with the rocketing stuff. Alot of the games we lost were just mistakes from doing to much(well me more than you guys). I think I just need to play how I'm used to instead of trying to do what you guys are doing. That's what I did in the last game and it worked lol. I didn't think anyone we played against (and lost) were even that good. We blew alot of 2-3 goal leads

Aww thanks! Yeah I understand what you mean. I often complicate things and are too eager (stealing boost and shots, bumping into my teammates, ruin others shots by not looking behind and whatnot. Really unnecessary shit that I have to work on. Do what you are comfortable with dude, but don't be afraid to try crazy stuff cause that's how you learn! Those games were a little frustrating, but I think we just have to play more together to iron out the kinks. Also, 2v2 is my main playlist if you want to try it out sometimes :)


i dont get you people going down so many ranks. just stop playing for a while if you lose more than 5 in a row :/

My buddy and I actually bring our PCs to each others' places sometimes to play RL together. It's not quite as crazy as it sounds, but there's no quitting after going through that trouble. There's just losing!
new pet peeve: people who slowly flail away at the ball when you're down 1 with < 30 seconds left in the game. you gotta nail that fucking thing down the field! otherwise there's absolutely no point in even going for the ball


I was 2 point from finally being in Silver, then I get matched with 2 pros that can do shit - lose, then another match with another expert and a veteran and they are gnobbed on the ball so hard, I can only assume their day job is the porn industry - another loss.



is there a good guide or something online for Rocket League? I still haven't really got the jumping/whatever mechanic figured out yet.
is there a good guide or something online for Rocket League? I still haven't really got the jumping/whatever mechanic figured out yet.

So the basics? I think the tutorial covers the basics of gameplay pretty well, but regardless Rocket League Academy tutorials on YouTube are quite good and iirc they cover quite a lot of stuff on depth


I checked a couple of these rocket league "skill school" videos and they helped me a lil.

Night 2 of rocket league: moved up to Semi-pro and I've never shouted "SHIT" and "WHAT THE FUCK" so loud so often before. My roommates starting to get annoyed. He said "get one of those headsets" and I said "I don't know if this game even has voice chat"

Still loving it tho. I will become awesome at this game I swear


There is push to talk voice chat. can't chat with different platforms though (ps4 vs pc).

Aerials and flying just takes time. so much of this game is learning how physics and mechanics work. oh, and predictive strategies.

Dr Prob

Came across a random guy yelling into the mic the other night. Would have made for a cool little "The Man Who's Always Wrong" YouTube bit or something, only the dude was serious:



Annoying, but also a glimpse into what's going on with your teammates in ranked.


Came across a random guy yelling into the mic the other night.

He wasn't wrong though. Overcommitting to offense will lead to long range floaters going in. I've scored so many goals off of saves when everyone on the opposing team charges the ball after a good centering ball.

Dr Prob

He wasn't wrong though.

Sure, out of context and in a general sense, but he wasn't recording a broad instructional podcast -- he was doing a whole "woe is me/my teammates don't know how to play" rage routine until the game was out of hand like two minutes in. Maybe you had to be there.


Just hit Gold 2 in doubles! In the last game I was called numerous slurs and told to kill myself, by my own teammate. Only in Rocket League. My 3s rank is terrible though, looking for some steam users to play with


Decided to try Doubles to reach Silver instead of single 3s. I've shot all the way to Bronze 3 now. Why you gotta pair me against pros and semi-pros? Poor blokes.


Got narrowly beat 3-2 in overtime in 2v2 against these guys who called us noobs from the start. At the end we got -1 rating and them +1, never had that before. They were rated 1300+ and we are only 950ish. Kinda poor matchmaking to be honest, but the good thing is there was no massive noticeable gulf in quality which I feared.

Does it just match "Gold III" people, regardless of rating?
Decided to try Doubles to reach Silver instead of single 3s. I've shot all the way to Bronze 3 now. Why you gotta pair me against pros and semi-pros? Poor blokes.

Is this the first time you've played ranked Doubles? If so, your hidden MMR is different on every playlist, so if you've never played before your MMR would be rock bottom and you would be paired against other rock bottoms who often haven't been playing the game long. It takes about 20-25 games for MMR to adjust so if this is what is happening you will start playing people of higher skill soon and they will likely be veteran and up.


Haha. Playing solo duel. Beat the same guy twice and now he keeps quitting cause he doesn't want to play me :(. 3 quits in a row.

Edit: make that 4. RL wants us to play badly.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey I'm popping in here, maybe RLGAF can help out!

Anyways, my SO's been having issues with playing 2 player local, ever since the last PS4 update. Whatever it did, for some reason it won't allow a second user to connect without being logged in or whatever. Not doing anything different, and it seems that the PS4 is the primary user and all that. Everything worked just fine in the past!

Is there any fixes for this, or anyone else have this problem after an update?


Night 3 of rocket league: had a few drinks with friends tonight. before I go to bed "oh hey I'll play a couple of matches of Rocket League." and now it's 7am.
being on a team with good players (I've just been doing 3v3 random matches) makes the game so so much more fun than being on a team with a few scrubs. it seems that if you stay on long enough you end up in a group with 3 or 4 good players that rotate teams, and it's super fun.
I got the directional jumping down pretty good (not great) at this point. still freeze up when I'm trying to play the ball off the wall. and I'm pretty damn bad at defense, even though I actually got an "epic save" during my last game. I wanna get better at goal keeping.
Calling defense before the game starts is ideal. If the ball comes to you, clear it. if your two team mates get it near the opposing goal, just kind of chill by the midline and wait for an opportunity to charge and score when there's no one right next to the ball.
How everything can fucking suck every single match is astonishing. Garbage on garbage teams. Like what the fuck is the point of matchmaking.

It's brutal. Especially when the player base gets higher and there is an influx of casual (crap) players and teams (competent players who only play together on nights & weekends).

They could fix ranked so easily by just including a "stay with same team" option at the end of each ranked match so that once you get paired with competent teammates you can easily re-up for additional ranked matches with them. If matchmaking is going to be a complete crapshoot at least let us lock in our teams once we finally get a decent match.


They could fix ranked so easily by just including a "stay with same team" option at the end of each ranked match so that once you get paired with competent teammates you can easily re-up for additional ranked matches with them.

isn't that what the "vote re-match" button does? when I was playing last night I was on the same 3-person team for like 6 matches in a row because everyone was voting rematch

J. Bravo

I know a higher point total does not mean I'm the best, but there's gotta be something to it when I'm getting to every ball first (not ball chasing, I promise), but my teammates can't make shit happen or they refuse to pass and instead shoot on 3 goalies or try to dribble around 3 defenders but just slow the ball down for an easy shot. I guess I should stop expecting silver 3 solo standard players to play at the same level I'm used to with gold 3 standard and doubles teammates lol. It's annoying.


One complaint with the game: at weekends especially, it feels almost impossible to get into an unranked 3s lobby that isn't owned by a party. In the interest of science (and after an entire evening butting my head against this thing) I just found ten games from main menu and it was team of solos vs a party of three 10 out of 10. This is 1am central Europe, Saturday night, 13k shown on Unranked 3s playlist.

As a solo player who cares very little about playing against established party players and wants to mix and match in a friendly solo lobby: devs, is there anything you can do to support that? Some tweak to the matchmaking prioritisation, or a 'prefer solo' toggle for 10k+ playlists, or -- joy of joy -- a dedicated solo unranked 3s playlist (even if just Fri-Sun)?
Im having a very specific problem it seems. At regular intervals my game is doing a very jarring hiccup / stutter that's basically making the experience unplayable for me.

Running on an i5 6600k and a GTX970 so performance wise I should be having no problems in the slightest but even going from max settings to absolute bottom the persistent stuttering effect remains. Has anyone come across this lately? My game used to run perfectly but within the last week or so this has cropped up. Even weirder the in game hiccups seem to physically effect the physics of the car - ie. if the game stutters my flag will also act as if my car stopped moving for a fraction of the second and then rebound back.

I'm really at a loss here, anyone encountering anything similar?


Im having a very specific problem it seems. At regular intervals my game is doing a very jarring hiccup / stutter that's basically making the experience unplayable for me.

Running on an i5 6600k and a GTX970 so performance wise I should be having no problems in the slightest but even going from max settings to absolute bottom the persistent stuttering effect remains. Has anyone come across this lately? My game used to run perfectly but within the last week or so this has cropped up. Even weirder the in game hiccups seem to physically effect the physics of the car - ie. if the game stutters my flag will also act as if my car stopped moving for a fraction of the second and then rebound back.

I'm really at a loss here, anyone encountering anything similar?

980 here
It randomly freezes for a good 5-10 seconds every 5 or so matches, then my car is where it should be, with the disconnect showing for half a second.
Interestingly, I know the d/c sign shows if you tab off in fullscreen. However, I play borderless, so this doesn't apply. The symptoms show the equivalent of a bad HDMI cord or something, except in half a year of using this PC a lot, I haven't had this issue with any other game and still don't, yet it happens once an hour or so in RL, so I presume it's the game?
980 here
It randomly freezes for a good 5-10 seconds every 5 or so matches, then my car is where it should be, with the disconnect showing for half a second.
Interestingly, I know the d/c sign shows if you tab off in fullscreen. However, I play borderless, so this doesn't apply. The symptoms show the equivalent of a bad HDMI cord or something, except in half a year of using this PC a lot, I haven't had this issue with any other game and still don't, yet it happens once an hour or so in RL, so I presume it's the game?

I should note that I get the stuttering in offline as well, something's up for sure. It just doesn't seem to be something that's terribly widespread.


sorry if this gets asked a lot, but how does cross play work? I heard that cross-play parties aren't fully functional or something?


sorry if this gets asked a lot, but how does cross play work? I heard that cross-play parties aren't fully functional or something?

You can play with others at random (ie, ranked might be a mix of pc and ps4)
You cannot join parties together.
You can make a server and join from the opposite PC/PS4, but nothing besides that.


Somehow got matched against Mik3rules last night in Doubles! Me and my random teammate lost in OT. Pretty fun. I lost 0 points so I can't even imagine what he is ranked, I'm hovering around gold 2.
How everything can fucking suck every single match is astonishing. Garbage on garbage teams. Like what the fuck is the point of matchmaking.

It's brutal. Especially when the player base gets higher and there is an influx of casual (crap) players and teams (competent players who only play together on nights & weekends).

They could fix ranked so easily by just including a "stay with same team" option at the end of each ranked match so that once you get paired with competent teammates you can easily re-up for additional ranked matches with them. If matchmaking is going to be a complete crapshoot at least let us lock in our teams once we finally get a decent match.

I know a higher point total does not mean I'm the best, but there's gotta be something to it when I'm getting to every ball first (not ball chasing, I promise), but my teammates can't make shit happen or they refuse to pass and instead shoot on 3 goalies or try to dribble around 3 defenders but just slow the ball down for an easy shot. I guess I should stop expecting silver 3 solo standard players to play at the same level I'm used to with gold 3 standard and doubles teammates lol. It's annoying.

Yes I am also having some serious problems with this. I'm not the kind of guy to normally say I am good at a game, but I am pretty darn good at Rocket League (and I know CR is too). Yet I am perpetually stuck in the 450-570 range in solo standard while at the same time being the team leader at least 75% of the time. Own goals, bad centers, and general limp playing styles in my teammates are causing too many losses and then my ranking score is killed.

I guess I am hoping that Psyonix is working on adjusting the rank system. Still love the game, it is the 2015 GOTY after all.


tbf I was in 300s
until I started going 7-6 for a lot of matches and similar scores, with 1300 points and a teammate with 250

Get good enough and you can generally self carry into 5/600s, especially in doubles.

As for garbage teammates dragging you down, they aren't that consistent, and theres no way the devs can fix bad teammates, unless you want them to outright ban the players.
tbf I was in 300s
until I started going 7-6 for a lot of matches and similar scores, with 1300 points and a teammate with 250

Get good enough and you can generally self carry into 5/600s, especially in doubles.

As for garbage teammates dragging you down, they aren't that consistent, and theres no way the devs can fix bad teammates, unless you want them to outright ban the players.

i think expanding tutorials to include teamplay would go a long way. just some of the basics and tips on how to handle face-offs and certain situations. i feel like people will do things like come across the middle of the field and prevent a teammate from getting a good shot far less often if they are generally aware of the team dynamic

are the servers down on ps4 right now?
i think expanding tutorials to include teamplay would go a long way. just some of the basics and tips on how to handle face-offs and certain situations. i feel like people will do things like come across the middle of the field and prevent a teammate from getting a good shot far less often if they are generally aware of the team dynamic

I'm still surprised at how just straight up awful people generally are at centering. 90% of the time they either completely miss the ball trying to center or do the most unimaginative easiest to clear low ball around the corner, where it has zero chance. In normal situations with defenders in goal I either pinch in the corner (which sends it sky high right over the goal), get under the ball and chip it over the sweeper, or swing my car upwards to send it high and bouncing of the wall. I don't think I've ever witnessed a pinched center with randoms in nearly 2500+ games.

I've heard then mention toying with the idea of a on screen map and I don't think it'd be necessary if ball cam users didn't have such tunnel vision. There's such little spatial awareness and 100% ball cam just compounds the problem since the ball is literally the only thing they care about. So it's just continued clears into the wall either ruining a teammates shot or perfectly setting up the opposing team.

Also, if I made a compilation of the amount of times the guy in goal sped off to grab the full boost leaving a wide open goal score, I'd have to buy a bigger hard drive. I just want a quick chat that says "fuck the boost".

I wonder if there has been server issues recently. I had at least 5 matches last night where a teammate never moved since the start of the game and timed out. Which is, of course, super frustrating having it happen repeatedly but at least in that case it's understandable.

Lastly (though not lastly):
"Oh man, what a great center by me. They're going to dunk it for sure!" Nobody goes for it, I look back with the camera and both teammates are a foot behind me in the corner for no apparent reason. Rinse and repeat until you drive off into the abyss,
Lastly (though not lastly):
"Oh man, what a great center by me. They're going to dunk it for sure!" Nobody goes for it, I look back with the camera and both teammates are a foot behind me in the corner for no apparent reason. Rinse and repeat until you drive off into the abyss,

This is the biggest thing I run into. I can either center it and have no one close or wait for the center and never. I can't handle both against three defenders (95% of the time).
I'm still surprised at how just straight up awful people generally are at centering. 90% of the time they either completely miss the ball trying to center or do the most unimaginative easiest to clear low ball around the corner, where it has zero chance. In normal situations with defenders in goal I either pinch in the corner (which sends it sky high right over the goal), get under the ball and chip it over the sweeper, or swing my car upwards to send it high and bouncing of the wall. I don't think I've ever witnessed a pinched center with randoms in nearly 2500+ games.

I've heard then mention toying with the idea of a on screen map and I don't think it'd be necessary if ball cam users didn't have such tunnel vision. There's such little spatial awareness and 100% ball cam just compounds the problem since the ball is literally the only thing they care about. So it's just continued clears into the wall either ruining a teammates shot or perfectly setting up the opposing team.

Also, if I made a compilation of the amount of times the guy in goal sped off to grab the full boost leaving a wide open goal score, I'd have to buy a bigger hard drive. I just want a quick chat that says "fuck the boost".

I wonder if there has been server issues recently. I had at least 5 matches last night where a teammate never moved since the start of the game and timed out. Which is, of course, super frustrating having it happen repeatedly but at least in that case it's understandable.

Lastly (though not lastly):
"Oh man, what a great center by me. They're going to dunk it for sure!" Nobody goes for it, I look back with the camera and both teammates are a foot behind me in the corner for no apparent reason. Rinse and repeat until you drive off into the abyss,

Or the ones who veer off mid fast-break to get boost. Might as well own-goal if I can't trust teammates to even try to be aggressive at the right times. Just...fuck I ain't good enough to compensate for this boost junkie bullshit.
Lastly (though not lastly):
"Oh man, what a great center by me. They're going to dunk it for sure!" Nobody goes for it, I look back with the camera and both teammates are a foot behind me in the corner for no apparent reason. Rinse and repeat until you drive off into the abyss,

this happens to me at least once per game. even saying "centering" people will still chase from behind me

the other thing that happens is if a teammate is trying to center it, they stop and don't aggressively pursue the ball despite the fact that i'm flying down the field in perfect position to go for a shot
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