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Rocket League |OT| Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars

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I kind of want to make a basics on positioning for doubles or such.

It goes something like

- you dont need 100 boost
- NEVER EVER EVER go for the ball if you wont make it to the ball first or at least block your opponents hit/redirect it, youre enabling your foe to bump it over you for a free goal, every time.
- don't chase your teammate. In doubles, stay center middle, or however far away it is that if your teammate screws up, you aren't getting scored on. Yes, there is a correct position for this in general, and you can definitely make it to the goal in time to score
-if your teammate goes up for an aerial hit and misses, DO NOT GO UP. If you miss too it's a free goal, what are you doing :V
-light touches that dont really go anywhere can arguably be as bad as no touch, especially at high level where you simply are giving up possession.
-on that note, not all touches are good touches
-use your teammates inability to set them up for easy stuff, i've won 7-2 many times with only 1 or 2 goals but having set up my teammate for shots a guy with 2hr on the game could make.

etc etc.

There are ways to play doubles. People say it's high scoring. Only if people mess up. Matches can go on for 15m with no goals if no one messes up.


I've played like... 15 hours of 3v3 matches. Finally tried a 1v1 and holy shit is it a completely different game.

also, what's the difference between the 3v3 ranked and the 3v3 ranked solo?
I think by this weekend I'll feel comfortable enough to start hitting up ranked matches.
I've played like... 15 hours of 3v3 matches. Finally tried a 1v1 and holy shit is it a completely different game.

also, what's the difference between the 3v3 ranked and the 3v3 ranked solo?
I think by this weekend I'll feel comfortable enough to start hitting up ranked matches.

I think all (1's, 2's, and 3's) are radically different with 2 being sort of a happy medium. 1's is just not for me. Even when I win and crush it feels tedious / stressful to me. The games take forever. Definitely not my cup of tea but a fantastic building block for your all around game. You will develop skills playing 1's BUT you aren't playing with / dealing with teammates which is a HUGE part of the game in other modes. So, yeah, totally different game.

3v3 ranked solo has no teams. 3v3 ranked can have teams.


i treat 1s and 2s similarly, with 3 as the biggest gap

They're all diff :V

We all agree 4v4 is the best mode, and should totally be allowed in ranked, right?

this happens to me at least once per game. even saying "centering" people will still chase from behind me

the other thing that happens is if a teammate is trying to center it, they stop and don't aggressively pursue the ball despite the fact that i'm flying down the field in perfect position to go for a shot

OMG I get this one all the time. Either front flip the ball into the back wall to center it or boost into the ball at an angle for the shot! Do something! The longer you wait / do nothing the more time the defense has a chance to react. Same thing with "goalies" on the D side of things -- attack the ball! Don't just sit in net as a ball is being centered. Cut off the angle. Attack the ball. If you can't aerial double jump into it. Just don't sit there. There is time for just sitting there but it ain't then.

i treat 1s and 2s similarly, with 3 as the biggest gap

They're all diff :V

We all agree 4v4 is the best mode, and should totally be allowed in ranked, right?


I love 4 v 4 but have played less and less since playlist took a dive after mutators (and now hockey) were added. If 4 v 4 ranked was added it would drop even more. So not sure if we are going to see it.


I just plugged my Xbox One controller into my PC and the driver got scrambled or something. Device shows up under "conortloel" which is just controller scrambled. I'm so baffled that it's something so obviously mixed up. I have been using this controller as my main input device for games on PC exclusively for months and months now. What gives? Faulty USB cable? It was a cheapy off Amazon and almost all of the plastic has crumbled off at this point.


have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the controller driver?

yes, multiple times. Plugged it into my Surface on windows 8.1 and it worked. Issue is with Windows 7 which I haven't had before. fukken weird.

I'm also noticing a stuttering plug-in sound for the usb port (both pluggin in USB or the Micro-USB). Un-plug sound is full sound clip or whatever, but pluggin in to the computer has a staggered/weaker connection. Symbol on controller doesn't even light up either.

The ol' turn-it-off-and-turn-it-on-again trick saves the day.


When we getting some more content updates
Looking at the previous content I'd say next month (2 months between each DLC package). Maybe to coincide with the Xbox release.

Supersonic Fury - August 13th
Revenge of the Battle-Cars - October 15th
Chaos Run - December 1st
I kind of want to make a basics on positioning for doubles or such.

I haven't played doubles or singles in ages, but what probably irks me the most in 3v3 (currently) is when my team is on the attack, and we're kind of in a triangle formation, ie one is attacking the ball down the side, one is somewhat centerish, and I'm sort of behind the first guy, midfieldish just in case the defense clears. Then, as the first guy either whiffs, or the ball is bouncing somewhat in the corner, the guy in the center jumps in to try and randomly attack the ball, leaving no one in the middle.

Even if I want to reposition and go center, 50% of the time the ball doesn't get centered, so I can't really, because a counter would leave us super open.

Then you have the people who, in a keeping position, zoom by me as I wait by the side again, centering the ball to no one...

I'm no where near good, whiff balls still (reward for only using ball cam after getting 75% through Veteran) and make mistakes, but man, that annoys me. What also super annoys me is when I get paired with a party of two, and those two chase eachother like there's no communication between them at all. I just sit there and go 'Wha..?'.

I also feel like 'I Got It' is the only team chat (or any chat) that should be used in play (I don't care during replays). Don't bother with other stuff, 'Centering' should be super obvious and 'Defending' is kind of a given too. Especially don't spam stupid stuff. Also, listening is super important too. Many a times I can hear a teammate from out of picture boosting for a ball, so I know not to attack it needlessly, and go cover his forward play by defending.

Dr Prob

This game. When things are going right there's nothing like it:


On the other hand:

I'm still surprised at how just straight up awful people generally are at centering. 90% of the time they either completely miss the ball trying to center or do the most unimaginative easiest to clear low ball around the corner, where it has zero chance. In normal situations with defenders in goal I either pinch in the corner (which sends it sky high right over the goal), get under the ball and chip it over the sweeper, or swing my car upwards to send it high and bouncing of the wall...

It is frustrating. Mistakes in execution don't bother me - everyone fouls up - it's just the seemingly selfish play. Like you said, in the corner, I'll try to find a way to flip the ball up in front of the net and put my teammates in position to succeed. But when the roles are reversed, there's rarely anything good coming out of that corner. Stop diddling around and put it up, man!


having a team of people that can't hit a perfectly set-up shot is so much more infuriating in ranked matches. I'm not ready for this.

This game. When things are going right there's nothing like it:


fuck I cant wait to get this good. I've played like 20hrs and have only got one flying shot in. it just looks so pretty.

Blue Lou

I have a dumb question. Are there ranked matches on the PS+ version? I frequently play online but have never seen a mention of a rank. I'm currently level 19 - semi-pro.


You can access ranked games by selecting them on the Playlist (Play Online). When you go over each ranked mode it will display your current rank. This information can also be accessed from your Extras sub-menu.



i've been having some terrible matches lately. keep getting teammates that don't want to play as a team, just hit the ball for the sake of hitting a ball.

I feel like i'm stuck in perpetual hell as it would take a miracle to get 2 teammates that know what they are doing to bump up my matchmaking rating to get more consistent teams.

lvl 45 btw. just shy of 1900 games played.
Finally making my way up Silver II. Reached 530 last night. Hoping to get into 600 by the end of the week.

My biggest problem (still) is not effectively clearing balls. For some reason I ALWAYS seem to bounce it right into an opponent.

I also need to work on saves when the ball is high arcing and landing right in front of my goal from one of the corners/sides. I can never get the positioning right.


Finally making my way up Silver II. Reached 530 last night. Hoping to get into 600 by the end of the week.

My biggest problem (still) is not effectively clearing balls. For some reason I ALWAYS seem to bounce it right into an opponent.

I also need to work on saves when the ball is high arcing and landing right in front of my goal from one of the corners/sides. I can never get the positioning right.

same, i think it helps to pick a side of the goal to wait and then go up to hit it into the corner versus popping it back up in the center. a lot of my teammates typically do that.


I wouldn't mind playing with some gaffers. played the game for about 30 hours so far, hence I'm still a bronzescrub. if you want to add me this is my steam account

tl;dr looking for golds to carry me
not really :^

Feel free to add me
Any of you feel free

fuck I cant wait to get this good. I've played like 20hrs and have only got one flying shot in. it just looks so pretty.

It's not necessarily a time thing. I know a few people with 150hr who can barely aerial, meanwhile I'm at 150hr with the same skill I had at 100- some backwards aerials, ridiculous angles, etc.
Now, I still make PLENTY of silly mistakes.
What makes the difference though? Go into training. Seriously. Or try silly stuff. You cannot learn aerials if you never try the hard stuff you can't currently do. You'll lose a lot- a lot- but it's worth it. I was stuck in 300s on PC (started post reset, was way higher on ps4) as I learned higher level ones, but once I did, I dragged myself up to 600 in a day and a half of play.


This game. When things are going right there's nothing like it:


On the other hand:

It is frustrating. Mistakes in execution don't bother me - everyone fouls up - it's just the seemingly selfish play. Like you said, in the corner, I'll try to find a way to flip the ball up in front of the net and put my teammates in position to succeed. But when the roles are reversed, there's rarely anything good coming out of that corner. Stop diddling around and put it up, man!

For the boosting barrel rolls, are you on controller or kb+m? Did you remap boost to be something different if on controller?

Dr Prob

Did you remap boost to be something different if on controller?

Only thing I changed was moving the air brake to L2. Never played the first game but from what I've read, a lot of those who did have no problem with the default controls but for me that one particular thing seemed a little less than ideal.


For the boosting barrel rolls, are you on controller or kb+m? Did you remap boost to be something different if on controller?

This is a thing: NEVER KB+M

You simply cannot play past a certain point on kb and mouse.

And as for rebinding, plenty of pros rebind boost/air roll to l1/r1, generally boost to R1 from what I hear.
However, you can do everything without that. It's just a matter of convenience at that point.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
In my anticipation for the return of my internet in 2 weeks I've been playing the single player. You guys should try it. You don't truly appreciate how shit the AI in this game is until you try playing against it again. And to think I remember a time when people in this thread were complaining that the AI in this game was too good...LOL.

Also I've been watching some of my old replays I saved from when the game was still new. It's really interesting to look back at how bad I was. It's kinda funny watching those old matches. Even me at pro rank wasn't going up for any high balls. I didn't think it took me that long before I was trying aerials. Huh.

I'm so hyped to finally have online Rocket League back in my life again soon. You guys don't know this pain.


This is a thing: NEVER KB+M

You simply cannot play past a certain point on kb and mouse.

And as for rebinding, plenty of pros rebind boost/air roll to l1/r1, generally boost to R1 from what I hear.
However, you can do everything without that. It's just a matter of convenience at that point.

I still haven't been able to play as well with a controller as I did on KB&M. Hasn't been a month though. Hopefully it starts paying off at some point.


I still haven't been able to play as well with a controller as I did on KB&M. Hasn't been a month though. Hopefully it starts paying off at some point.

General concept is it takes a bit to switch over, but yes, controller is notably better. It's not really a preference thing in RL.
Looking at the previous content I'd say next month (2 months between each DLC package). Maybe to coincide with the Xbox release.

Supersonic Fury - August 13th
Revenge of the Battle-Cars - October 15th
Chaos Run - December 1st

Seems like the announcement for it should have been made by now though.

Ah well. Haven't played this game in a few weeks because I've been playing other things, (well mainly my rl friend has been playing other things and I like playing with a teammate so I haven't been playing). Been caught up with Destiny and Smash.


How the hell do I get out of the unranked ghetto? It's impossible to play well when everyone on the field is scrambling to touch the ball at all times. I center the ball but all my teammates are where the ball was a second ago. I use team chat to say "I got it!" and both my teammates go for it anyway and leave the net wide open. I have a shot set up perfectly but my teammate decides that now is a good time to run into me.

I feel like I have to play goalie or otherwise our net is wide open, and that means I just have to pray my teammates can get a lucky bounce into the net.

Dr Prob

Came across a gimmick player the other day in ranked 3s named something like "4v2 Pressure." Was on the other team but immediately started playing for us. After a bit I switched and started playing for them, then he switched back etc. Total clusterfuck. Was kind of funny.

How the hell do I get out of the I ranked ghetto? It's impossible to play well when everyone on the field is scrambling to touch the ball at all times. I center the ball but all my teammates are where the ball was a second ago. I use team chat to say "I got it!" and both my teammates go for it anyway and leave the net wide open. I have a shot set up perfectly but me teammate decides that now is a good time to run into me.

I feel like I have to play goalie or otherwise our net is wide open, and that means I just have to pray my teammates can get a lucky bounce into the net.

What Psyonix has done here is actually pretty interesting. At first, the game just seems like a mix of soccer, hockey, and pong played with cars, but when you start in ranked mode you discover that there's actually an entirely different game in there based on Sisyphus.
How the hell do I get out of the I ranked ghetto? It's impossible to play well when everyone on the field is scrambling to touch the ball at all times. I center the ball but all my teammates are where the ball was a second ago. I use team chat to say "I got it!" and both my teammates go for it anyway and leave the net wide open. I have a shot set up perfectly but me teammate decides that now is a good time to run into me.

I feel like I have to play goalie or otherwise our net is wide open, and that means I just have to pray my teammates can get a lucky bounce into the net.

You don't. If you didn't rank up enough in pre-season you're doomed to spend the rest of your time in the shitshow.


Got back into this pretty big now I've cleared out my backlog. Switched to PC though and I'm a much better player at 120fps and much, much lower input lag (My 720p TV has over 70ms!). Need a new office chair as it's the only game I don't play via Steam streaming as the current one is fucking my back, but man, I didn't realise I missed this.

Manage to go from Unranked 3v3 solo to Silver 1 in a week thankfully. Glad to finally not have to totally carry teams when I can.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
When I get my internet back I'm just gonna buy the Steam version and start that from the beginning just so I can consistently win matches again for a while. Playing on my PSN account round my mates has made me discover how much the standard has gone up in my absence. People in Gold are too good at this game now.

I'll just play the PSN version to play with NaughtyPrawn and the Steam version to give myself the false impression that I'm good at this game.


Aagh, I hate when I get in a weird d-pad fuck up moment of awkwardness. We were 5-1 up in a nice, friendly 3v3 lobby, I scored a 6th goal but it was a little lucky and the opposition did a nice job trying to get in front of it. I tried to dpad "close one" in response to the "nice shots" but my brain momentarily melted and i couldn't for the life of me recall the correct button combo. In my high heartrate state, I guess I'm spamming "Sorry!" "Whoops!" "Sorry!" No Problem!" "Whoops!"

I eventually found "Close one" but by then the damage is done from their perspective. I'm just the cunt who's smirking at the 6-1 score or something. Felt bad.
Rocket League News: Jan. 15, 2016 – Season 1 Rewards, Uncommon Items
We're back at it again with the first news update of 2016! Our topics this time are Season 1 Rewards and the all-new "Uncommon" Item Drops.

Season 1 Ends with Rewards!

The next patch (scheduled for February), will bring an end to the first season of competitive Rocket League. Once the Season is finished, Rewards will be delivered to players who reached "Bronze" Division or higher in the Ranked Play ladder.

What are these rewards? Limited Edition Crowns with Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum variants, that's what! Equippable as Toppers for your Battle-Car, these rewards are based on your highest Division rank at the time that Season 1 ends. For example, if a player was "Silver II" in 1v1 and "Gold I" in 2v2, the delivered Crown would be Gold. Here’s a sneak peek of one of them:

We're looking forward to seeing which Crowns you'll be sporting when the next patch goes live next month!

Item Qualities

Another cool addition for the next patch is the introduction of "Item Qualities." Items will now have a "Quality" tag and color that can be identified when the Item is dropped or viewed in the Garage. Those Qualities are:

Common (Grey) - Stock items. All the items you've come to love!
Premium (Green) - Items acquired from paid DLC
Limited (Orange) - Items acquired in seasonal or limited time promotional events, like Halloween.

In the upcoming February patch, we are introducing a brand new item quality: Uncommon (Light Blue)! This new item class will be found, well, uncommonly after completing online-only matches and will feature all-new Toppers and Antennas to deck out your Battle-Car!


One interesting thing to note is that the new "Uncommon Item's" drop-rate won't have a fixed percentage like the seasonal items do. Instead, your chances of getting an "Uncommon Item" increases the longer you play the game. After earning an Uncommon Item, the time then resets and you start all over again in your quest to get another one. This should give players who spend a lot of time playing some sweet new loot to accompany them along the way.

As usual, we'll keep you updated on more of our feature additions and other topics regularly through our Facebook and Twitter pages. Check back next Friday (January 22) when we’ll be posting LOTS of details about Competitive Play changes for Season 2! See you then!
As if I needed more reasons to play this game.


I should just quit 3v3 on PC since I'm silver and bounce back down now and again, but dammit, it's too fun.

Glad I got gold locked in for PS4 though.
Gold on Standard and Doubles, eternal Silver on Solo Standard and plain bronze on Duels ( as I don't like it that much ).

Still a great, great game. I'll play this for as long as there's a community for it ( and I hope it stays this active for the foreseeable future ).
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