This is such a strait up fun as hell game, i bloody love it - haven't had such strait up unadulterated fun in MP since Quake 3.
Driving full speed from your end to the other and then flying into the air spinning around and smashing the ball into the goal on a rebound is just such a good feeling .
Pro tip: Flipping forward gives you a small boost
I see a lot of players helplessly make a beeline for their goal when they dont have boost, but flipping helps a lot, as shown in the tutorial
Think I prefer 2v2. 3v3 and 4v4 seems a bit too nuts sometimes.
Oh yeah, 4v4 is too much for me too. I think 4v4 would be real fun in variety maps though, with different shapes.
2v2 and 3v3 are the real, competitive modes that would be great in esports. 2v2 has a lot of cool tactics, especially with rebounds and passes, and 3v3 sees more defensive plays that are real intense.