I have read that it was once a capital offence in England to impersonate an Egyptian. Is this true and what were the reasons?
THE WANDERING people, called by themselves Romany, first appeared in England in the early 16th century and were then thought to have come from Egypt. Hence the description 'Egyptians' (and its corruption into 'gypsy') and the legislation against them. Thus in 1530 Henry VIII expelled the 'outlandish people calling themselves Egyptians ... who used great, subtil and crafty means to deceive the people ... that they by palmestry could tell men's and women's fortunes'. Later legislation provided that if any 'Egyptians shall remain in this realm or Wales one month ... it is felony', and it was also felony to disguise oneself as an Egyptian or to be seen in company with them. All the felonies were without benefit of clergy and therefore attracted the death penalty. By the Restoration the offence was still being prosecuted to execution, for Chief Justice Sir Mathew Hale recalled that 'at the Assizes at Bury about 13 were condemned and executed for this offence', and at York Assizes in 1655 four persons were accused of keeping company with vagabonds 'commonly called egiptians', though they were fortunate enough to be acquitted. The statutes were repealed in the l8th century when it was provided that 'all persons pretending to be gypsies, or wandering in the habit or form of Egyptians shall be deemed rogues and vagabonds'.