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Ronda Rousey to Star in Her Own Biopic

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No, I'm pretty sure you did.

I'm talking about not considering him a real actor lol.

Sure, he's garbage, but he has way more screen time than Ronda Rousey overall. He's no rookie.

But agree, he's a below average in his acting abilities.
Uhhh, that's a pretty big one-off thing. 911 truther is bad enough, but that Sandy Hook shit is fucking vile.

Half my Facebook feed was posting the Sandy Hook video saying "huh interesting guys! Check this out!"

People need to realize people reflex post random shit on social media all the time. The non stop brigade to bring justice to everyone gets old. Its not like Rousey runs around preaching "truther" shit everywhere


Finally, Domenick Lombardozzi as Dana White please.


Actually who am I kidding, Dana will want to play himself too.

This would be perfect.


Uhhh, that's a pretty big one-off thing. 911 truther is bad enough, but that Sandy Hook shit is fucking vile.

Yikes, I just read about her Sandy Hook comments. She literally did the whole 'I'm just asking questions' thing when called out, too.
Her scenes in Expendables and Fast 7 were so hard to watch. She looks good on screen but she cannot say a single line of dialogue the way an actor is supposed. Now she's going to do that for a whole movie. Great idea.
People need to realize people reflex post random shit on social media all the time.

How is this really any sort of defense though? It didn't really fly when Dana tried it at the press conference, either.

Also, if there's going to be a movie made about her, guaranteed it's not just gonna be some forum jockeys bringing this up. It's going to become a big deal again, and it'll have to get addressed for the first time since 2013 otherwise it'll just be a cloud that hovers over all the pre-release publicity and marketing.

It's not like she can't completely shitcan all of it by straight up apologizing for being stupid and speaking without knowing what she was talking about. It wouldn't be hard for the mea culpa to read like "I don't believe that stuff, and I'm sorry I ever shared it." It would take all of a single paragraph in a single press release to squash it entirely, as opposed to having it linger like it's done for two straight years now.

But even if she does all that, as has been pointed out earlier in the thread - she's fucking terrible at acting, so this is going to be a problem production regardless.

edit: 8 Mile was fictional. Not to say there weren't similarities - but it's not the same thing.


after seeing her in F7 I have serious doubts that she can even play herself.


She's awful in Expendables 3 as well. Unless she's been getting some in-depth and intense acting lessons there's just no chance for this movie. Did she even have an interesting life anyway?


Of all the people I'm not remotely interested in seeing a biopic about she's the furtherest from the person I just described. Will definitely watch, <3 Ronda.


Marshawn Lynch's Biopic set the bar incredibly high. Good luck Rhonda.

What?! When did this happen?
Really impresive how famous she has become for fighting in the worst division in the history of the sport.

The thing that concerns me is that even if the division gets stronger somehow, the UFC would never allow their money printing machine to lose. Sort of like how they actively root for McGregor because they see the dollar signs.


What does this mean?
It means a lot of us apparently have a 100% blind trust in government and authority (and the bought media). I'm not saying I necessarily agree with these "truthers" of various stripes. But I'm just saying.
It means a lot of us apparently have a 100% blind trust in government and authority (and the bought media). I'm not saying I necessarily agree with these "truthers" of various stripes. But I'm just saying.

No it doesn't mean that at all.

Believing Sandy Hook happened is not blind trust.


bish gets all the credit :)
It means a lot of us apparently have a 100% blind trust in government and authority (and the bought media). I'm not saying I necessarily agree with these "truthers" of various stripes. But I'm just saying.

What does this mean?

Here's the basic sum-up, from the thread about her most recent fight:

January 15th, 2013

The UFC women's bantamweight champ has drawn tremendous heat for her recent post on Twitter regarding the tragic shooting on Dec. 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, which reportedly left 20 children and six staff members dead.

On Tuesday, she reposted a controversial video from the YouTube channel ThinkOutsideTheTV, which highlighted a conspiracy theory about the shooting. In the post, Rousey called it an "extremely interesting, and must-watch" video.

The post was met with overwhelming anger and criticism from the general public. In an attempt to douse the flames, Rousey deleted the video and stated in a follow-up post that "asking questions and doing research is more patriotic than blindly accepting what you're told."

January 16th, 2013

Ronda Rousey's Twitter said:
I never meant to insult or hurt anyone, sorry if anyone was offended. It was not my intention in the least. http://mmajunkie.com/2013/01/manage...sey-meant-no-disrespect-with-sandy-hook-video

Ronda Rousey&#8217;s manager today said the UFC women&#8217;s bantamweight champ meant no disrespect when she retweeted a video linked to the Sandy Hook Truther Movement.

&#8220;Ronda&#8217;s the kind of person that doesn&#8217;t take everything at face value, and doesn&#8217;t have 100 percent faith in all the news that&#8217;s put out there by the mainstream press,&#8221; Darin Harvey told MMAjunkie.com (www.mmajunkie.com).

January 23rd, 2013

Dana White said:
My opinion is that she has an opinion. You know what I mean? Everybody has an opinion. She didn't come out and say that the thing was a fucking hoax and all this shit. She tweeted something and said, 'Look at this story.' You know? People are fucking pussies is the problem. That's the big problem. I didn't call her to talk to her at all. Every human being is going to have an opinion. She didn't write a fucking story saying the Sandy Hook thing was a hoax. She tweeted some video that's out there that has twenty million views, so twenty million other people watched it, too. Her tweet isn't like all of the other negative tweets that have happened. There is always conspiracy theorist out there. If you watch the video, the video is pretty goofy. What's goofier than the video is the fucking goof that did it. Do you see me re-tweeting something like that? No. But there are a lot of people that buy into that shit and believe in that stuff. As a human being she can have an opinion. And, she didn't even give her opinion, she just tweeted it. So, people need to fucking calm down. If that's the thing you're most concerned in, in your life, holy shit man, you need to get a life."

Basically, she shared a ridiculous youtube video from a crazy conspiracy theorist, told her fans they needed to watch it (and not to make fun of the creators for being fucking stupid) and then when called on it, said something along the lines of what prag16 just said, and then issued a "sorry that you're upset, I didn't mean to upset you" before Dana called everyone a bunch of pussies for even raising an eyebrow at it.

Neither of them have addressed it since.


No it doesn't mean that at all.

Believing Sandy Hook happened is not blind trust.
But to "lose most of your respect" for someone just because they were a little suspicious of some of the oddities regarding the official story is extreme.

People just really want to feel like they're smarter or more enlightened than other people. So that they can then turn around and shit all over those perceived as ignorant or dumber.

These types of social media torch mob witch hunts are lame.

I mean how did this even come up in this topic? Do people bring it up whenever she's mentioned in UFC or MMA topics?
But to "lose most of your respect" for someone just because they were a little suspicious of some of the oddities regarding the official story is extreme.

People just really want to feel like they're smarter or more enlightened than other people. So that they can then turn around and shit all over those perceived as ignorant or dumber.

These types of social media torch mob witch hunts are lame.

I mean how did this even come up in this topic? Do people bring it up whenever she's mentioned in UFC or MMA topics?

Sandy Hook truthers are pure garbage.

They're known to harass survivors and victims.

Horrific people.
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