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Ronda Rousey to Star in Her Own Biopic

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Sandy Hook truthers are pure garbage.

They're known to harass survivors and victims.

Horrific people.
The people that harass survivors and victims are indeed vile. You won't get an argument from me there. But you're making quite a generalization, and it's quite a stretch to link Rousey with those types of people.

I grew up down the road from Newtown, and actually personally know three teachers from the town (though none from that particular school). You don't need to tell me about the impact of the tragedy.


But to "lose most of your respect" for someone just because they were a little suspicious of some of the oddities regarding the official story is extreme.

People just really want to feel like they're smarter or more enlightened than other people. So that they can then turn around and shit all over those perceived as ignorant or dumber.

These types of social media torch mob witch hunts are lame.

I mean how did this even come up in this topic? Do people bring it up whenever she's mentioned in UFC or MMA topics?

These people are crazy and even harass the families of those who died.

They are not worthy of respect in the most part.

Finding out she shared some of their thoughts if not many was a grave disappointment.
People just really want to feel like they're smarter or more enlightened than other people. So that they can then turn around and shit all over those perceived as ignorant or dumber.

You just explained why people who should absolutely know better still buy into ridiculous conspiracies like the Sandy Hook one she tweeted out. Because they want to feel like they're smarter and more enlightened than other people, and shit on those who are too ignorant to "ask the tough questions".

"Tough questions" like "Did liberals really pay a bunch of child actors to pretend to be shot so as to enact tougher gun laws?"


I don't get it. She thought Sandy Hook didn't happen? What even could be a conspiracy about it? Makes no sense.
I don't get it. She thought Sandy Hook didn't happen? What even could be a conspiracy about it? Makes no sense.

The conspiracy is that the whole thing was a liberal Hollywood production as in everyone was an actor. Families/kids/the works.

All to force gun control legislation that never came.

It's the most horrific "theory" and it is literally 80% of what you will find if you look up Samdy Hook on YouTube. Videoes include people mirco analyzing families talking about their murdered children to gind proof that they are liars.


You just explained why people who should absolutely know better still buy into ridiculous conspiracies like the Sandy Hook one she tweeted out. Because they want to feel like they're smarter and more enlightened than other people, and shit on those who are too ignorant to "ask the tough questions".

"Tough questions" like "Did liberals really pay a bunch of child actors to pretend to be shot so as to enact tougher gun laws?"
Sure. I don't disagree. It does work both ways. And it can lead to mob mentality and other ugly shit. But you can see why it gains traction. Governments throughout history have done all kinds of shady back room shit, false flag events included.

My only point is that saying, "Cool, I like Ronda Rousey... Wait, she stopped and thought twice about controversial unrelated issue xyz in a non-mainstream manner?? Oh, well, now that changes everything!!!" is kind of odd.


I don't get it. She thought Sandy Hook didn't happen? What even could be a conspiracy about it? Makes no sense.

Coworker of mine insisted that the kids never actually existed and that the parents were all just paid actors by the government to go around and be disaster actors for the government's nefarious ends. It's all so the government can pass laws to take away sovereign citizen's guns. That kind of nonsense.

Not sure why it's even up for a debate with her and whether she's a truther or not. She believes 9/11 was an inside job and retweeted a stupendously silly thing about Sandy Hook. This was all before she started selling Tai Chi Panda and other bullshit like that so she's cleaned up her image remarkably well. That's really all she is at this point, an image that's been packaged very well and to her credit she's sold herself really well. Lord knows she's got her shit together in a way that Jon Jones never will.

On topic, she's a terrible actress so I can't say I'm super jazzed about the announcement.
My only point is that saying, "Cool, I like Ronda Rousey... Wait, she stopped and thought twice about controversial unrelated issue xyz in a non-mainstream manner?? Oh, well, now that changes everything!!!" is kind of odd.

It's not odd. What's odd is stopping and thinking twice about something so patently fucking ridiculous, and then still sharing that without having realized, after thinking twice about it, that it's beyond preposterous.]

Again, if this movie goes forward, she'll likely have to address it, and at that point, if she's smart, even if she does believe this Sandy Hook bullshit still, she'll lie and say she doesn't, and she'll apologize for ever having shared it.


My only point is that saying, "Cool, I like Ronda Rousey... Wait, she stopped and thought twice about controversial unrelated issue xyz in a non-mainstream manner?? Oh, well, now that changes everything!!!" is kind of odd.

That's a remarkably sanitized way of saying she propped up a horrific national tragedy as conspiracy fodder. She then doubled down after criticism and said that what she was doing was "patriotic". I wouldn't blame anyone for losing respect for someone who says that nonsense. Some people have that color how they view athletes and other people could care less. That's sports.
The people that harass survivors and victims are indeed vile. You won't get an argument from me there. But you're making quite a generalization, and it's quite a stretch to link Rousey with those types of people.

I grew up down the road from Newtown, and actually personally know three teachers from the town (though none from that particular school). You don't need to tell me about the impact of the tragedy.

Someone in a position of influence (which she is) using that platform to spread shitty wackjob conspiracy videos even if she doesn't necessarily directly co-sign them is at best irresponsible and at worst makes her an asshole.


Tagged as I see fit
It's been mentioned in this thread, so I might as well ask, what exactly is a "truther"?

Editv I googled it and it has do with believing that 9/11 was a set up?


It's not odd. What's odd is stopping and thinking twice about something so patently fucking ridiculous, and then still sharing that without having realized, after thinking twice about it, that it's beyond preposterous.]

Again, if this movie goes forward, she'll likely have to address it, and at that point, if she's smart, even if she does believe this Sandy Hook bullshit still, she'll lie and say she doesn't, and she'll apologize for ever having shared it.

Why would she have to address it? Tom Cruise is a bat shit insane Scientologist but he never address's that. I don't think most people are going to care what her views are on things, they just want to see her beat the crap out of people.
Why would she have to address it? Tom Cruise is a bat shit insane Scientologist but he never addresses that.

She would have to address it because it's a movie about her life. And as such, people in the entertainment industry would introduce that topic into the pre-film release chatter. There's no way they wouldn't.

And Tom Cruise has had to address his Scientology before. It's a very big part of why people think he's a weirdo still (including you), and is only now just starting to regain some of the public favor he lost.


She would have to address it because it's a movie about her life. And as such, people in the entertainment industry would introduce that topic into the pre-film release chatter. There's no way they wouldn't.

And Tom Cruise has had to address his Scientology before. It's a very big part of why people think he's a weirdo still (including you), and is only now just starting to regain some of the public favor he lost.

I think he's a weirdo because I think it's a cult and he uses them like slaves, but I still like his movies. The only thing I think he's ever addressed was when he was a dick to Brooke Shields about seeing a physiologists. Other then that, I know this current press tour, asking him anything about it was a big no no.


Lord Fagan

Junior Member
It's not really impressive acting if you're playing yourself. She's an amazing fighter with a winning personality and infectious confidence, but this seems kind of lame. I don't like the entertainment industry trying to sell me on the notion that every celebrity is some kind of fucking polymath.

Either put her in a legit action film, or a role demanding that she play a character that isn't a MMA champion. Otherwise, it's a glorified documentary.

Edit: I see she's done action films. This is awesome, but I still don't think playing herself is acting.


Sure. I don't disagree. It does work both ways. And it can lead to mob mentality and other ugly shit. But you can see why it gains traction. Governments throughout history have done all kinds of shady back room shit, false flag events included.

My only point is that saying, "Cool, I like Ronda Rousey... Wait, she stopped and thought twice about controversial unrelated issue xyz in a non-mainstream manner?? Oh, well, now that changes everything!!!" is kind of odd.

Firstly, no I can't see why it gains traction except that there are some monumentally fucking idiotic people who legitimately can't rub together two brain cells to rationally think any event through. There's "false flag" events and then there's hiring a bunch of child actors and teachers and parents to pretend there was a shooting to enact tougher gun laws. That's not "asking the hard questions", that's the type of thing where you say to a person who believes this "you're a fucking moron if you entertain that shit for a split second and no I'm not going to pretend it means anything else or sanitize the language to appease you. You are a fucking piece of shit human garbage dumbass if you believe Sandy Hook was a conspiracy by the government."

And secondly, why do people keep pretending that these sorts of things do not cause harm? The shit she and other Hook conspiracy nutters are pushing is actually extremely offensive and hurtful to the victims of the event. It is emotionally harmful and causes mental distress. On top of that, this is not some incidental little nutcase who happened to randomly post a link to their friends blog. No, this is Ronda Rousey, biggest female UFC star and one of the biggest sports stars of the moment period, highlighting pure dog projectile vomit and not thinking for one second how much it hurts those who were actually victimized by this horrific event. There are responsibilities that come with being such a public figure. So her posting it makes sure this conspiracy nutter trash gets amplified into the ether, ensuring a much higher chance that the victims will have to see that knowing their child is murdered forever into oblivion by the actual shit that happened, and ensuring that other nutcases might be influenced by that trash at a higher rate.

This shit matters. It impacts. It hurts. And yes, it absolutely is OK to judge someone harshly for that, unless they apologize appropriately. Many do not think she has apologized the way she should have for that.

No, I don't care that she's technically legally allowed to post this stuff or that "everybody is entitled to their opinions." She's entitled to her opinion, and she's also a fucking abominable piece of shit for holding said opinion.

I don't think Ronda Rousey is a bad person intentionally, but I think she did a very stupid thing and people are alright to be angry with her until she does the right thing as disavows the conspiracy theory completely, enthusiastically supports the actual reality of what happens, and apologizes unequivocally for those she hurt in spreading that shit.
Considering how hyper sensitive Ronda was to her opponent even mentioning the idea of suicide because of her father, you'd think she'd be more empathetic to the families of the murdered children. Not sure she'd be too happy about someone spreading some video alleging that her father's suicide was made up for publicity.

She can try hormones, chop her pecker off, but it’s still the same bone structure a man has. It’s an advantage. I don’t think it’s fair.

I understand the UFC doesn’t want to be associated with views like (Mitrione’s). I’m also glad they didn’t straight cut him.

It’s not something that happened to [Fox]. It was a decision she made. She should be aware in her career after that, it’s going to be an arduous path. I don’t know why she’s surprised by that. It’s going to draw a lot of emotions.

What if she became UFC champion and we had a transgender women’s champion?. It’s a very socially difficult situation.

Well that's disappointing.

First, Rousey has clarified her stance way beyond the older quotes that the article above is limited to, including stating that she would fight Falon Fox, if she was told to.

"If they said that, 'We really want you to fight this chick,' I will. I wouldn't, like, refuse and protest. But yeah, I think every single woman should be evaluated case-by-case basis by whatever athletic commission they are applying for a license in and they should bring in medical experts to give their opinion and the commissioner should make their decision."


Second, specifically regarding Fox...

“I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right,” she stated. “Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch…

“I still disagree with Fox fighting,” Brents stated. “Any other job or career I say have a go at it, but when it comes to a combat sport I think it just isn’t fair. At least not until we have more scientific proof that it is or isn’t fair. More research is needed for sure. Like I said, I am not a doctor, I can only say my opinion and I don’t believe that she should be allowed to fight other women. If it were strictly BJJ or wrestling or something like that sure, but MMA is a completely different sport.”

-MMA Fighter Tamikka Brents, who got a concussion, a broken orbital bone, and seven staples in her head in Falon Fox's last fight.

Every fighter who has fought Falon Fox has stated she had an advantage, even women who knew she was transgendered, and fought her anyway. Even the woman who beat her, (because she was more skilled, trained, and seasoned,) stated she believes Fox had an advantage, punched with way more impact than any woman and even more than men she trained with, and stated that given the opportunity, she wouldn't fight her again.

While it's nice to debate theory on whether or not someone has this or that advantage because they were born and grew to adulthood as a man, and are now chemically a woman, these women fighters aren't dealing in theory. They are risking real serious injuries. Like it or not, the "any other job or career I say have a go at it, but when it comes to a combat sport..." thing Tamikka Brents expressed is a concern that other female fighters have, and the concerns for their safety should be respected too, just as much as Falon Fox's desire to fight them.

Ronda could certainly have been more diplomatic with the words quoted in the article, but she doesn't have a history of being very diplomatic when she thinks someone is trying to put something over on her to get an unfair advantage. She is consistent in this. Her thoughts on people she believes are cheating through doping are similarly blunt. She's a school dropout and a lifelong jock, so why are people expecting her to act different than other jocks?

I dont know why people are expecting an athlete who has been kicking ass since she was 12 to be super articulate about things other than things in her immediate wheelhouse of knowledge.

And besides, honestly, looking at the landscape of MMA, Falon Fox isn't even a thought as contender for the UFC title, regardless of what Rousey has to say. The UFC doesn't have or plan to have a featherweight (145 lbs. - Falon Fox's division) anytime soon, as it's considered too thin of talent to merit a weight class in UFC. Falon Fox herself seems to be more interested in being a spokeswoman than a fighter. She hasn't fought in 11 months, had been fighting cans before the layoff, and still doesn't have a perfect record. On top of that, she is 39 years old, which is pretty ancient for someone still just trying to really launch a career past the "weekend warrior" level of the fight game. If Falon Fox was just an "ordinary" woman, and had no other backstory, she might have a midcard spot in Invicta.

The center of interest in Fox as a fighter is mainly people using her to make a political point one way or the other, it honestly doesn't have much to do with her skill. And that's a shame too, when you think about it.

I haven't seen Entourage, but she wasn't that good in Furious 7.

Entourage was pretty terrible as a whole. As far as Rousey's performance went, the street scene was OK, the "date" scene was absolutely horrible, and the gym scene was fine.

I preferred Gina in Furious 6, but then she had a lot more to work with. Ronda was just a mid level boss for Michelle's character to beat up.

I thought the fight scene with Ronda and Michelle was probably one of if not the best fight scene I saw all year. Both women came off great. If that's what Ronda did the rest of her "Hollywood" career--be a cameo boss fight for the female lead to struggle against--I'd be down with that. Unfortunately, I think directors are going to be pressured into trying to do way more with her way too soon (if ever) like this picture, because she's such a star. If I were her representative, I'd be real careful my client didn't end up with a Shaq O'neil movie career.


I haven't seen Entourage, but she wasn't that good in Furious 7.

I preferred Gina in Furious 6, but then she had a lot more to work with. Ronda was just a mid level boss for Michelle's character to beat up.

Come on, they were both awful. Gina was just in a way better movie.
Unfortunately it's been cancelled. Here is the incredible trailer.

One of the great tragedies of our time is that we will never see the finished project.
"It was like your body and mind took a back seat, and your body took over." What in all the fucks?

Reading this thread is my first time ever really knowing anything about Ronda. I've gone from "WOW she's awesome, I gotta watch more of her stuff," to "Well, shit..." in like 5min. I guess I hope she smartens up?
I thought the fight scene with Ronda and Michelle was probably one of if not the best fight scene I saw all year. Both women came off great. If that's what Ronda did the rest of her "Hollywood" career--be a cameo boss fight for the female lead to struggle against--I'd be down with that. Unfortunately, I think directors are going to be pressured into trying to do way more with her way too soon (if ever) like this picture, because she's such a star. If I were her representative, I'd be real careful my client didn't end up with a Shaq O'neil movie career.

It was a good fight, no question about that, but there's something about the fight in the underground station that I just loved. It didn't feel as scripted or choreographed. If that makes sense.

Yeah, I definitely agree with that. They should play up to her strengths. Much like Gina in Haywire, forcing someone who isn't particularly good at carrying a movie by themselves or a good actor in general will just lead them being sidelined and ignored for roles they might actually be really good for.

Come on, they were both awful. Gina was just in a way better movie.

That's a fair point. FF7 wasn't a bad movie either, but I felt six was the better movie.
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