Can someone tell me what Amazon has to do with this? I thought Miramax was owned by Disney?
Can someone tell me what Amazon has to do with this? I thought Miramax was owned by Disney?
Rose McGowan says she told the head of Amazon Studios that Weinstein was a rapist and they didn't care.
Rose McGowan says she told the head of Amazon Studios that Weinstein was a rapist and they didn't care.
They said there wasn't any proof. Which I can kinda understand. But then, a lot of those Amazon execs probably knew Weinstein, knew what type of person he was. So tbh, they probably knew Rose WAS telling the truth, so fuck them.
What's even more fucked up, is she asked for her show back, but they said your show is dead/gone. Wow. Hopefully Bezos can somewhat fix that mess (fire execs, give her show back, etc.)
Mamoa apologized already...She's not asking them to put him in prison. Everyone knows his rep. If Rose McGowan is telling you that, you obviously either believe her or not. The easy and convenient answer is to do what Amazon did.
Reading about what Mamoa said. Jesus Christ. He didn't assault anyone we know of, but FFS. Guy comes across as another creep. Seems far too enthusiastic about rape.
"I judged him and I'm sticking by it regardless."Why would you ever say any of what Mamoa did if you felt the way he claims?
Lol man I wonder if some of y'all have never made a tasteless joke before. It was awful but an apology is enough. Just don't do it again that's all
In this day and age its so diffuclut to believe these PR type replies.
Why would you ever say any of what Mamoa did if you felt the way he claims?
I don't think he is in anywhere near this group of the bad boys of film. But what Mamoa said is some hardcore frat boy shit, that only other privileged frat boy type people would say. Mamoa gives off that vibe pretty hardcore.
His career won't be hurt, but I don't buy that argument at all. If he legitimately felt serious about sexual assault he wouldn't be joking about raping people the way he did.
Man, who knew a guy who starred in a gay conversion romcom was a massive creep?
Lol man I wonder if some of y'all have never made a tasteless joke before. It was awful but an apology is enough. Just don't do it again that's all
Lol, there's enough legitimate dirt of Affleck that you don't have to use Gigli as some sign of guilt.
Man, who knew a guy who starred in a gay conversion romcom was a massive creep?
Made a tasteless joke does not mean joke about raping women to me.
I mean, if that is your position than any joke is fine. It's all just ' a tasteless joke'. Hell why get angry if someone says the N word in a joke? It's just a tasteless joke.
I can honestly fucking say I've never joked about raping women. Never even crossed my mind. Not once. Not a single time. I don't see the humor. I find it disgusting and stomach turning.
They way Mamoa is joking about is pretty fucking weird to me. I guess, I'm just weird and casually talking about raping women is something I just don't get.
Momoa made a bad joke. He apologized. People will let go. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't part of the conversation anymore by the end of the weekend.
Made a tasteless joke does not mean joke about raping women to me.
I mean, if that is your position than any joke is fine. It's all just ' a tasteless joke'. Hell why get angry if someone says the N word in a joke? It's just a tasteless joke.
I can honestly fucking say I've never joked about raping women. Never even crossed my mind. Not once. Not a single time. I don't see the humor. I find it disgusting and stomach turning.
They way Mamoa is joking about is pretty fucking weird to me. I guess, I'm just weird and casually talking about raping women is something I just don't get.
i find it really uncomfortable when people start putting rules on what can and cant be said in the context of comedy. your argument isnt based on humour, its based on agenda. here is a subject that _you_ dont think anyone should joke about. but its not objective. i think once you start saying one topic shouldnt be joked about, you lose the power to say another topic should be joked about. its all of nothing to me. whether its funny or not is another issue and if its not funny then you can be rightly criticsed for it. but saying certain topics shouldnt be broached is just a form of censorship imo. just like some conservative people might say you shouldnt joke about sex or a certain political stance because they disagree with it.
That piece of shit Dan Schneider has got to be next, right? We all know his game.
is there anything remotely concrete about Schneider other than "he looks creepy and works with child actors"? It's always given me pause and seems like people learning the complete wrong lessons from stuff like Weinstein.
You are understandablly confusing censorship with decency. In comedy, the most common standard for decency is don't punch down. Jokes that boil down "haha, rape am I right" are punching down. It is a joke that reveals a lack of decency. In that very moment, he lacked decency.
Because it was a joke? I mean we all agree it was tasteless and bad but holy shit dude. No one is perfect, he made a bad joke 6 years ago, he apologized humbly, he doesn't have a history of repeated behaviour (as far as we know), let it go.In this day and age its so diffuclut to believe these PR type replies.
Why would you ever say any of what Mamoa did if you felt the way he claims?
Actions are what define people. If the worst people can say about Momoa is that he made a bad joke, a bad joke that he earnestly apologized about, but to the best of anyone's knowledge there hasn't been anything remotely bad said about him or has he has behaved, before or since. The reason Affleck is getting dragged through the shit is because he came out in the immediate aftermath of this Weinstein shit and acted high and mighty, when it turns out he's been doing a lot of the same shit himself without much repent. It honestly feels like Momoa got dragged into this on some stupid comic bookl movies fanboy garbage. People reaching to try and paint the "Everyone in the DC universe is bad!" narrative.
There's nothing, only images people try to extrapolate things from based on how creepy they find there anything remotely concrete about Schneider other than "he looks creepy and works with child actors"? It's always given me pause and seems like people learning the complete wrong lessons from stuff like Weinstein.
If telling bad/insensitive rape jokes are the ultimate sign of permanent condemnation/confirm that people have commited and or predisposed towards commiting sexual assault then we're going to have to purge more than half of the population.In this day and age its so diffuclut to believe these PR type replies.
Why would you ever say any of what Mamoa did if you felt the way he claims?
I don't think he is in anywhere near this group of the bad boys of film. But what Mamoa said is some hardcore frat boy shit, that only other privileged frat boy type people would say. Mamoa gives off that vibe pretty hardcore.
His career won't be hurt, but I don't buy that argument at all. If he legitimately felt serious about sexual assault he wouldn't be joking about raping people the way he did.
is there anything remotely concrete about Schneider other than "he looks creepy and works with child actors"? It's always given me pause and seems like people learning the complete wrong lessons from stuff like Weinstein.
I don't know about Dan Schneider but Bryan Singer needs to be exposed.That piece of shit Dan Schneider has got to be next, right? We all know his game.
I don't know about Dan Schneider but Bryan Singer needs to be exposed.
For fuck's sake some of you are thirsty for drama.That piece of shit Dan Schneider has got to be next, right? We all know his game.
For fuck's sake some of you are thirsty for drama.
How about instead of throwing out names of people you know nothing about, you just wait and see what happens.
If there are victims out there, they don't need your misguided bloodlust.
Do you know who Dan Schneider is?
It's not that all jokes that involve rape should never be told, but you need to actually be a good comedian to be able to do such jokes without them coming out as you being a horrible shitbag of a human. So unless you know your material is golden, maybe skirt away from topics like rape, racism, gays & such that can easily come out wrong and offend rape victims, POC, gays you're confusing the joke with the topic the joke is about.
Bryan Singer needs to be exposed.
But I hope that creep Bryan Singer gets exposed as well.
Gigli is one of those movies where I'm not sure why so many talented and smart people decided that this piece of shit would be a good idea.
When Gail Women In Refrigerators Simone has to @rosemcgowan on behalf of Momoa...
Mamoa and Rose were great in the 2011 Conan movie. Too bad everything else about it was lackluster at best.
You must not seen the 100+ Twitter thread about him that makes it obvious that he isIs there real talk about Dan Schneider being a predator or are people just talking out of their asses because the guy is fat?
I fell for a tasteless joke once when I bought any Ubisoft gameLol man I wonder if some of y'all have never made a tasteless joke before. It was awful but an apology is enough. Just don't do it again that's all