You mean like the victims spoke up about it? There's a reason they didn't. And a reason he didn't. It was pointed out in the Terry Crews tweets. ”Do you like your paycheck? Do you like having work? Do you like being ostracized from all of that?"
The self righteousness on display is pathetic. It's super easy to sit here and criticize people while we have absolutely nothing to lose. It's another thing to go out of work permanently because you stuck your neck out for a friend, were 100% in the right, but their lawyers were bigger than your lawyers and now you're selling used cars in Reseda.
This sucks. Weinstein's out of a job and hopefully the worst for him is yet to come. But the people who ”stood by and did nothing" did so for the same reasons the victims did nothing. The same reason these fuckers keep getting away with it. Because they are powerful and with a phone call you lose the part or don't work again. Morals are sacred, but so is eating.
I love how self righteous gaf is lol.. You're on the money. I'd like to think I would out him if I was in Ben's position, but who knows if you're put in that position what you do. Or I, or what the gaffers that will 100% out them would do. It's always easy to talk big behind a computer screen, where we have either a) the biggest bad-asses on the planet, or b) the most self-righteous people on the planet.
So did Weinstein only rape one person or just spend decades doing this shit? Based on that CAPS quote, it sounds like the guy went on a roll. What a fucking reprehensible excuse of a human being. I've always heard of murmurs in Hollywood about rape, so this doesn't surprise me as awful as the act itself is. Fucking piece of shit. As someone wrote just above, only reason he must have gotten outed is because either someone of equal or slightly greater power wanted him gone.
I briefly read the Biebs mentioning in an article a few weeks/months (?) some child rape voodoo shit and didn't think anything of it, but these Eyes Wide Shut shit doesn't surprise how far the rabbit hole goes. :S I'm assuming that was all made up or what? I thought it was tin foil hat but as usual, I did no homework to follow up on it.