What women like about th3 superhero genre is seeing brash, asshole Tony Stark, the most alpha of alpha males, slowly get tamed by Pepper Potts and then die to save his own kid. THAT gets the ladies.
They want Thor, a brash, asshole, alpha male, to fall for a a woman they can see themselves in, and then cry over their tragic relationship as he cuts himself off from all other women for a chick he banged maybe once.
They want Cap, a honest, straight shooting, build like a God, guy to fall for a woman and then never get with another until he can literally take back time.
Virtually no adult woman wants to see women flying around, punching space demons, getting with beta males.
I think when it comes to media, people also ground themselves in general comparing fiction to real life too. But your point makes sense as well as you talked about the personality side of it.
So even though it's just a bunch of superhero stuff made up by writers where the most powerful thing in the universe could be a female toddler in diapers, people will still like or dislike stuff depending how believeable it is. I dont mean believing whether or not someone in spandex can fly or lift a mountain, but just a sense of how corny it is and how inclusive/diverse all this is stretching out to be.
So when men and women see The Marvels characters, there isnt a draw for ticket sales for men like Gal Gadot, and I think holistically women like seeing good looking men and women too on screen. So scratch off the Hollywood looks appeal.
Never ever base a product on social media. Find out their real intentions. It's like dating sites. Every women will say a funny dude good with kids is the most important thing in life. All I know is when a bunch of us at work chatted dating years back, they all said that. But drill down to the Income Bracket (when Match.com used to have a field to tell people how much money you make) every female coworker gunned for dudes who make $100,000+ brackets. Except one who said the $75,000-100,000 was ok. I'd ask for laughs what if the guy was a good dude but was in the $35,000-50,000 or $50,000-75,000 brackets and they'd all grimace like any guy in those tiers were dirtbag losers. And guess what? It worked. I decided to fill in the income bracket which at the time (I always fill in stuff honestly) in the $100,000-125,000 bracket and suddenly my view counter shot up overnight. I should had done this instead of leaving the field blank from the beginning!
Getting back to the movie, whats left is a bunch of no-name characters a lot of people have never of before (Kamala Khan etc...) and most people arent going to believe or seem interested in girl power because they know in real life men are stronger.
It's like sports. Ok, a championship game can sell out a stadium for a womens league game. But regular season nobody watches, not even women (ie. womens league soccer, basketball and hockey). Its so bad the mens pro leagues help fund and run them. That's because the best players are dudes.
And people take that knowledge and seeing female superhero characters battling it out like they are as strong as a giant ripped Hulk makes people just yawn this is even more stupid than the original spandex storyline to begin with.