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Routers: Can't bypass "rule" and it's messing up online gaming

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For the first time in a while, I installed UT2004 and attempted to play it on my Radeon 9550 with a res of 1280x1024. Surprisingly, it's playable.

Now the only problem is that my D-Link DI-524 wireless rotuer has a really lame "rule" which I cannot change that is causing ports of other players to be BLOCKED when I approach them or they approach me.

This would be: Deny Default *,* LAN,* LAN,, ***

Basically, it blocks any source that tries to directly connect to the LAN, and any port as well (*** meaning any protocol and any port range). This seems to trigger the behavior for the WAN as well.

So I made TWO rules: One that's ALLOW Default *,* LAN,* LAN,, ***
...and another that is exactly the same, but for the WAN. I was hoping this would override the Deny setting, but since I cannot turn it off, I'm guessing my router gives that one a higher priority. It *slightly* cuts down on the unwanted behavior, but I want it gone completely, as there should be no reason for it.

What happens is, I'll be playing, and all of the sudden I start running in place. Nothing happens for a couple seconds, and then finally, when my router figures out another way to get the data, I am instantly thrown back into the action. I don't really know what happened in between because I NEVER got those packets; either that or the server just throws it at me at sonic speed and it's useless anyway because it already occured. So I'm either just standing there, left behind, or fragged. Fun!

Every time it happens something like this gets logged:

May/02/2006 14:15:01 Drop UDP packet from WAN xxxxxx:39105 xxxxxx:60463 Rule: Default deny

The xxxxxx:60463 is my IP and the port that was supposed to get data. The port is always somewhere in between 60000-64000 or 1000-1500. Sometimes it drops TCP packets as well, but UDP is more frequent.

I have gone to the port forwarding website and configured my router, AND virus scanner's (Trend Micro) firewall to accept these ports, as well as the ones I'm getting in my router log, for in/out, TCP/UDP. I've also disabled my virus scanner and its firewall, hoping it was complicating things, but it has nothing to do with it. I'm not running PeerGuardian when this happens, either. I also tried putting my PC in DMZ (thanks for reminding me, Nos_G) and it does the same thing.

Does anyone have any idea of what I could do to fix this problem?


Has problems recognising girls
Diablos said:
I have gone to the port forwarding website and configured my router, AND virus scanner's (Trend Micro) firewall to accept these ports, as well as the ones I'm getting in my router log, for in/out, TCP/UDP. I've also disabled my virus scanner and its firewall, hoping it was complicating things, but it has nothing to do with it.
Too weird. Hopefully one of the router-age boys can help you out.


Yeahhh... I was thinking about that. I might have to buy a new router. Can you (and anyone else reading) play UT2004 without problems? And if so, what router are you using?

I just bought this thing like 9-10 months ago though, so I really wish I could find a solution. But it looks like it forces the "default deny" rule nomatter what. Really poor on D-Link's behalf...


Is your router sporting the latest firmware version?

Since you running a software firewall, just put your pc in the DMZ during the times you are playing UT2k4.

That's only a temporary solution however, so hopefully you find a fix.

*paid advertisement*
I own the D-Link DGL-4300 so I don't really have problems like these. If I did, the router lets me make a profile of said game and things are instantly resolved.
*/paid advertisement*

cashes cheque from D-Link

Edit, the DGL router sports this profile for UT2k4

IP Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
TCP ports to open: 28902
UDP ports to open: 7777-7778, 7787-7788
Inbound Filter: Allow All
Schedule: Always


Nos_G said:
Is your router sporting the latest firmware version?

Since you running a software firewall, just put your pc in the DMZ during the times you are playing UT2k4.

That's only a temporary solution however, so hopefully you find a fix.

*paid advertisement*
I own the D-Link DGL-4300 so I don't really have problems like these. If I did, the router lets me make a profile of said game and things are instantly resolved.
*/paid advertisement*

cashes cheque from D-Link
I forgot to mention -- I actually DID put it in DMZ and it *still* does it. Yeah.

I have the DI-524 "C" model, firmware version 3.20 (the latest).

edit: Thanks, I'll put 28902 in there.
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