RTTP: Elden Ring - My Godrick, I still haven’t completed this game!


Gold Member
I’ve owned Elden Ring since day 1, and I’ve had a rollercoaster of emotions with the game ever since. One minute I hate it, and the next I love it.

I think I’ve restarted the game around 10 times with different builds, then seem to hit a brick wall each time.

Anyway, I’ve recently returned to the game and managed to progress a little more with my DEX build character. In the last couple of days, I’ve snagged the Mimic Tear Ash and used it to finally beat Commander Nial so that I can reach the western part of the snowfields, and subsequently visit Mohgwyn Palace, where there is a lovely farming spot that has helped me no end.

In fact, I’m currently working my way through Crumbling Farum Azula and have just beat that annoying Godskin Duo.

Could I actually finish this game? Will I still be trying in another 12 months…….

Has anybody else picked away at this game as slowly as I have?

Any hints and tips for my DEX build character - armour/weapon? I’m currently donning Radhan’s armour, and I can’t recall the sword, but it is a curved one and fully levelled up with that somber dragons stone.
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Tears of Nintendo
I haven't finished the expansion, I think the last boss I killed was Dancing Dragon (which was great) and I haven't explored beyond the red line, so I guess there's plenty left for me to discover still. Idk when I'll come back, but I will at some point for sure.

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Gold Member
I haven't finished the expansion, I think the last boss I killed was Dancing Dragon (which was great) and I haven't explored beyond the red line, so I guess there's plenty left for me to discover still. Idk when I'll come back, but I will at some point for sure.

My ultimate goal is to just finish the base game, then I’ll look into the expansion. Is it a lot more difficult than the base game, or just a natural progression?
You can do it OP. Make a bit of progression from time to time and see how you are feeling about it. If helps is needed I bet a bunch of people here are willing to give a hand to another tarnished as yourself.


Gold Member
The game is literally on easy mode with mimic tear
I hear you, but I was almost ready to leave the game for good because I was really struggling with Commander Nial without it. And Godskin Duo would have been beyond my lacklustre capabilities.

As a positive, it’s allowing me the time to gain a better understanding of the bosses, so that when I replay it again, I’ll be more able to fight them without such aids. That’s the plan anyway.


Tears of Nintendo
My ultimate goal is to just finish the base game, then I’ll look into the expansion. Is it a lot more difficult than the base game, or just a natural progression?
I haven't found it difficult at all, at least when it comes to content which I've see and experienced up to this point. But that was before all the patches they released and lowered the difficulty for casual cry babies.
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If you're already at Crumbling Faram Azula, you've basically already made it lmao

Keep it up and enjoy the DLC, it's waaaaay better than the main game.

My ultimate goal is to just finish the base game, then I’ll look into the expansion. Is it a lot more difficult than the base game, or just a natural progression?
It's more difficult if you don't engage with the leveling mechanic like most people who complained about difficulty at launch.

Trust me when I say, focus on exploring and engage with the leveling mechanic. You can get the large majority of the DLC levels without fighting a single boss. Then it becomes par the course

I haven't finished the expansion, I think the last boss I killed was Dancing Dragon (which was great) and I haven't explored beyond the red line, so I guess there's plenty left for me to discover still. Idk when I'll come back, but I will at some point for sure.
You seem like you got stuck where I did. If it helps, you don't have to kill that boss to progress to the rest of the map. Almost that entire map is explorable without fighting a single boss. Go around and find more scad if you get stuck. IMO where you are right now was the hardest part of the DLC other than the final boss for me. You can do it
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Same. Have beaten every single thing (available to me) except Melania and the final boss.

I finally attemped Melania. I never saw her moveset previously but did here about the bullshit that is Waterfowl Dance. Trash dumb broken move that makes or breaks your run when she whips it out.

Decided to take a break from her and still haven't beaten the game.


Same. Have beaten every single thing (available to me) except Melania and the final boss.

I finally attemped Melania. I never saw her moveset previously but did here about the bullshit that is Waterfowl Dance. Trash dumb broken move that makes or breaks your run when she whips it out.

Decided to take a break from her and still haven't beaten the game.

You mean Malenia?

As much I think her Waterfolw Dance is stupid, the real problem is she is the only boss of the entire franchise that have drain life, even if you raise your shield she will heal herself.

My advice is either use a great shield or run out of the skill distance to avoid most of the damage.

IDK if anyone mention, but mixing bleed and frostbite will also make your mimic tear do the same and thats help a lot. The second most efficient spirit to help is the Black Knife because sometimes she use the death rune blade, with reduce her max hp and drain max hp over time.

Beating the final boss is no much different. Either pick the mimic or Black Knife. Leave those two take part of heat in the first phase and the second just use Torrent as you can now use since the update.
Same. Have beaten every single thing (available to me) except Melania and the final boss.

I finally attemped Melania. I never saw her moveset previously but did here about the bullshit that is Waterfowl Dance. Trash dumb broken move that makes or breaks your run when she whips it out.

Decided to take a break from her and still haven't beaten the game.
Two things to counter Malenia:

- Any good bleed weapon (how I miss 1.05 Rivers of Blood... :-D) will counter Malenia's life drain.

- Freezing pots (https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Freezing+Pot) will always break any waterfowl dance... it's amazing how vulnerable to freeze Malenia is...
PS: it's not the pot that stuns her dance... it's the freezing effect. So freeze that b*tch and use any fire weapon to remove the effect :-D
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You mean Malenia?

As much I think her Waterfolw Dance is stupid, the real problem is she is the only boss of the entire franchise that have drain life, even if you raise your shield she will heal herself.

My advice is either use a great shield or run out of the skill distance to avoid most of the damage.

IDK if anyone mention, but mixing bleed and frostbite will also make your mimic tear do the same and thats help a lot. The second most efficient spirit to help is the Black Knife because sometimes she use the death rune blade, with reduce her max hp and drain max hp over time.

Beating the final boss is no much different. Either pick the mimic or Black Knife. Leave those two take part of heat in the first phase and the second just use Torrent as you can now use since the update.
That's my whole issue with her. i have been playing the whole game with my great club and now a great axe, but I would have to change my build just for one bullshit move in the game? trash. I can deal with the healing because you just gotta not get hit.

I never use mimic tear, honestly don't even know what it is or what it does lol. Been just playing raw this whole time. It's not even to be a contrarian I just have always played FromSoft games with minimal items because I am just too lazy to constantly be activating potions and stuff. Also without summons.

I've learned how to dodge the move sorta but it's so inconsistent and erratic that it just makes the fight very annoying/ not fun. I'll get her eventually but if the only way is the make a new build than I consider that a failure in her game design.
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Worst Souls game by a mile ... even DS2 is much better.

The open world mechanics are just dogshit boring as usual for 99% of games that try it, and the "accessibility options" the team gave to help the mainstream finally be able to play a souls game just completely fucked up the awsome balance souls games always had .. so trying to beat the game solo without the help became this extra masochist endeavor against the enemies with infinite stamina and 15 hit combos.

I platinued out of respect for Miyazaki but if this shit is Souls games from now on.. welp ... blergh

Hop this franchise can go to some B team.. so Miyazaki can do other better things.
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I hear you, but I was almost ready to leave the game for good because I was really struggling with Commander Nial without it. And Godskin Duo would have been beyond my lacklustre capabilities.

As a positive, it’s allowing me the time to gain a better understanding of the bosses, so that when I replay it again, I’ll be more able to fight them without such aids. That’s the plan anyway.
Don't listen to the "literally easy mode" nonsense. The game gives you tools, use them or don't at your own discretion. I could name so many "easy mode" things that got patched but Mimic is still good so it's design is intentional and not some sort of abuse. As are various other summons that can melt bosses near enough solo at times.

The easy mode nonsense never gets thrown at buff stacking despite is allowing you to one shot bosses. If you got through it and had fun enough to continue or feel a sense of accomplishment then you did it the right way.
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That's my whole issue with her. i have been playing the whole game with my great club and now a great axe, but I would have to change my build just for one bullshit move in the game? trash. I can deal with the healing because you just gotta not get hit.

I never use mimic tear, honestly don't even know what it is or what it does lol. Been just playing raw this whole time. It's not even to be a contrarian I just have always played FromSoft games with minimal items because I am just too lazy to constantly be activating potions and stuff. Also without summons.

I've learned how to dodge the move sorta but it's so inconsistent and erratic that it just makes the fight very annoying/ not fun. I'll get her eventually but if the only way is the make a new build than I consider that a failure in her game design.

You can summon spirits to help you in boss fight, mimic tear is one of them.

Mimic tear is a summon that creater a mirror image of you, using the exactly same equipments as you using. Thats why he is so popular. You can double your output damage just by summoning him.

If you want a location, I can tell you. You will need a stone key btw.


Gold Member
Worst Souls game by a mile ... even DS2 is much better.

The open world mechanics are just dogshit boring as usual for 99% of games that try it, and the "accessibility options" the team gave to help the mainstream finally be able to play a souls game just completely fucked up the awsome balance souls games always had .. so trying to beat the game solo without the help became this extra masochist endeavor against the enemies with infinite stamina and 15 hit combos.

I platinued out of respect for Miyazaki but if this shit is Souls games from now on.. welp ... blergh

Hop this franchise can go to some B team.. so Miyazaki can do other better things.
What is this “accessibility options ruined the balance” nonsense. You mean the ability to explore, find better gear, and strategize instead of getting locked into a single suffering pipeline? You can still play it like a traditional Souls game: take the hardest path, ignore summons, refuse to level up. But acting like the game is "unbalanced" just because players have options? That’s not an argument lol

And you platinumd it "out of respect for Miyazaki"?

Nah, you platinumd it because despite all the whining, you couldn’t stop playing. You don’t grind out every boss, every ending, and every collectible in a 100+ hour game unless, deep down, you love it

That’s like eating an entire cake and then ranting about how disgusting it was. And if Elden Ring wasn’t hard enough for you, there’s a simple fix: go fight Malenia at level 1 with a torch. Otherwise, take the L and move on


Tears of Nintendo
You seem like you got stuck where I did. If it helps, you don't have to kill that boss to progress to the rest of the map. Almost that entire map is explorable without fighting a single boss. Go around and find more scad if you get stuck. IMO where you are right now was the hardest part of the DLC other than the final boss for me. You can do it
I'm not stuck and I know how DLC works. I just stopped playing to play something else and come back to it later.


What is this “accessibility options ruined the balance” nonsense. You mean the ability to explore, find better gear, and strategize instead of getting locked into a single suffering pipeline? You can still play it like a traditional Souls game: take the hardest path, ignore summons, refuse to level up. But acting like the game is "unbalanced" just because players have options? That’s not an argument lol

And you platinumd it "out of respect for Miyazaki"?

Nah, you platinumd it because despite all the whining, you couldn’t stop playing. You don’t grind out every boss, every ending, and every collectible in a 100+ hour game unless, deep down, you love it

That’s like eating an entire cake and then ranting about how disgusting it was. And if Elden Ring wasn’t hard enough for you, there’s a simple fix: go fight Malenia at level 1 with a torch. Otherwise, take the L and move on
Sorry that my experience didnt align with yours.. yes the game is unbalanced compared to others, no it didnt take 100 hours to platinued, souls games always had easy platinuns, and no I easily could stop playing as I did and will never look back, nor have I played the DLC... different from all the others that to this day I will do new runs , bulds and etc... imho is a dogshit souls game and by far the worst of the series.

And is important to point that even a dogshit souls game like this is better than a lot of games out there...
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Hard to give specific advice because the game is so damn big but if you ever need help and want to coop, just shoot me a DM, assuming you're playing on PlayStation.

I love ER, always happy to lend a hand for those in need of assistance.


Gold Member
Hard to give specific advice because the game is so damn big but if you ever need help and want to coop, just shoot me a DM, assuming you're playing on PlayStation.

I love ER, always happy to lend a hand for those in need of assistance.
Cheers, I may hold you to that, though I will try to persevere solo for the time being, considering (I believe) I’m fairly close to finishing the game. Saying that, I imagine the remaining bosses won’t be getting any easier.

You’re right about it being damn big though. Whatever my feelings are at the end, it has certainly been a journey. It’s an incredibly generous game!


If you want to have a bit of an easier time with a dex build, you could prioritize stance breaks on enemies. Unsheathe aow on a katana (like the uchi or nagakiba) is ridiculous as well as impaling thrust on something like the guardian swordspear (rng drop from enemies) is really really good.

With Melania being optional (if you've even been able to unlock her zone) and godskin duo down, you're right there at the closing act!

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I havent finished either. Im level 100 and something and stuck at Maliketh. Every other boss is down aside from who is after him.
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Gold Member
Thanks for the tips guys. I’ve finally managed to complete the game, and gained the Age of the stars ending! I honestly never thought I’d ever reach the end of this one!

When I eventually start another play-through, which build do you guys think is the most fun? I enjoyed the DEX build, but it didn’t allow much in the way of combat variety.


Gold Member
I havent finished either. Im level 100 and something and stuck at Maliketh. Every other boss is down aside from who is after him.
I can’t recommend Mimic Tear Ash enough for late bosses, especially if you’re really struggling, like I was. I did have to upgrade it to the highest level for it to be super useful though.


Gold Member
If you want to have a bit of an easier time with a dex build, you could prioritize stance breaks on enemies. Unsheathe aow on a katana (like the uchi or nagakiba) is ridiculous as well as impaling thrust on something like the guardian swordspear (rng drop from enemies) is really really good.

With Melania being optional (if you've even been able to unlock her zone) and godskin duo down, you're right there at the closing act!
I did get to that place in the Consecrated Snowfields where you need to light 4 torches, but I was getting a bit annoyed by the disappearing arsehole that kept stabbing me in the back. I may go back to it and try again.


First play through, I was unable to beat Elden Beast (shit final boss).

Some time later, I had PS+, so decided to summon some help. I finally beat the game with the aid of another player.

About a year after that, I decided to play the game again, but with a mage build. I made use of one of the numerous guides. Short version: game is stupid easy as a mage. Beat Melenia after around 60 attempts, and earned the platinum trophy.

Very much enjoyed the game; I actually consider it one of the greatest games ever made. I'm not bothered about the DLC, though.
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I did get to that place in the Consecrated Snowfields where you need to light 4 torches, but I was getting a bit annoyed by the disappearing arsehole that kept stabbing me in the back. I may go back to it and try again.
This video helped me a lot:

The torches don't reset if you die, so just do them one at a time. The most annoying one is the third. The rest are piss easy.


Gold Member
First play through, I was unable to beat Elden Beast (shit final boss).

Some time later, I had PS+, so decided to summon some help. I finally beat the game with the aid of another player.

About a year after that, I decided to play the game again, but with a mage build. I made use of one of the numerous guides. Short version: game is stupid easy as a mage. Beat Melenia after around 60 attempts, and earned the platinum trophy.

Very much enjoyed the game; I actually consider it one of the greatest games ever made. I'm not bothered about the DLC, though.
I do fancy a mage run next, but it could be a while before I start another game.

60 attempts at Melenia doesn’t sound easy lol.

Shit, I forgot all about the DLC! I wonder if I’m levelled up enough to make any headway? I think I finished my play-through at level 148.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I can’t recommend Mimic Tear Ash enough for late bosses, especially if you’re really struggling, like I was. I did have to upgrade it to the highest level for it to be super useful though.

Oh the Mimic Tear has been my buddy for the past 50+ hours lol

I can get to the second phase of Maliketh but then get destroyed. To be fair, I’ve only tried him like three times.


I played and beat the game. It was a waste of time. I would recommend that you play Assassins Creed Shadows if you want a game that is good and worth your time. That is definitely GOTY.


Gold Member
Oh the Mimic Tear has been my buddy for the past 50+ hours lol

I can get to the second phase of Maliketh but then get destroyed. To be fair, I’ve only tried him like three times.
From what I can remember, I went in guns blazing for the first phase so that my doppelgänger didn’t take too much damage, then played it very patient for the second phase, only going in when MT was holding his attention. But yeah, it took a few goes.


Gold Member
Yeah I always run past him shitting my pants
Same - I’d just leg it past him, at the same time trying to make sure I was ready for the boss. It’s funny because after killing Maliketh I could still see horse guy waiting just outside the doorway. Twat.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Same - I’d just leg it past him, at the same time trying to make sure I was ready for the boss. It’s funny because after killing Maliketh I could still see horse guy waiting just outside the doorway. Twat.

Those are the best/scariest parts of the game. Just waiting there staring at you waiting for you to come fuck with him 🤣
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