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Rumor: Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster in development as well as Multiplayer Project based on Horizon


Gold Member
I'd love to see visual update to Zero Dawn to make it on par with Forbidden West (including complete dialogue overhaul and facial animations), it'll be easy to do cuz Engine is the same. I think that's what they're doing if this rumor is to be believed.
Only too 500+ posts to find something to completely agree with. No surprise it came from a 10 years old account.

Zero Dawn still looks unquestionably stunning, but when it comes to facial animations and visual dialogue structure is several generations behind Forbidden West despite the latter being cross-gen. There's an indisputable lack of consistency between the two games in this regard.

However you want to call this, Remaster or Remake, it doesn't matter, it's being made to fix shit like this:


And as someone who literally entered the PC world years ago just to get this kind of improvements (via Mods or not) to games I like, and huge fan of this series, I'm not gonna try to spin this as a negative news. I'm guilty of loving to see improvements on games I like, kill me.

I just wish I could somehow import my Tenakth armor in it, or just find suits from the forbidden West available somewhere around Meridian.







Wouldn't hurt to make Aloy smile as much as she does in FW as well.


Gold Member
some movie do yes do movie be new or old

that’s why they’d… ya know

I’m not defending anything

I just don’t get mad about video games

there is no need for any video game

for lacking good video games

I'm not mad, just extremely negatively surprised that they are going this route.

For the serial thing, tlou remake first, and now horizon that has a serial in development aswell.

The only good thing that can come out from this is days gone movie being such a success that they greenlight days gone 2, but it's not gonna happen :(


Reverse groomer.
Yep. Everyone blames the publishers but its the devs who are supposed to inject creativity and ambition into their games and they have all been asleep at the wheel. the best damn console hardware ever created and they are tying themselves to last gen hardware, last gen design, hell fucking last gen character models? Shouldnt you at least try and make character models look BETTER than HFW? Of course not, its a copy pasta and who wants to put in actual work to make it look next gen. Worked for TLOU. So many stans for that game on twitter.

This is what happens when you curb lazy devs rhethoric on big forums, twitter and reddit. Nah devs CAN be lazy. They are clearly unambitious. but nah, we made them a protected species who can do no wrong even though the last 10 years have been full of downgrades, ridiculous microtransactions and loot boxes and greedy RNG fucking up game design.

Lets stop putting devs on a pedestal and call them out just like we would Jimbo, Kotick or Phil Spencer. They are clearly taking advantage of gamers being on their side.
The PS5 and Xbox Series could sell 13 quintillion units combined and publishers will still make games cross gen.

It's a natural result of diminishing returns. Developers aren't as enthusiastic to make next gen games when the new consoles are 3x more powerful unlike the old days when a console gen would increase power by more than tenfold. If I had it my way, the ps5 and series X would have hardware worth of 2 3080s inside or them... all the devs who are making cross gen would come running over in the blink of an eye. The ps4 and xbone wouldn't even be a consideration.


Gold Member
Its probably not a full on remake (what would be the point?), but more of a remaster adding in the PC improvements, and 60/120fps modes.

Not sure why poeple are losing their shit over this news. Its probably being done by a small team over 2 or 3 months.

Probably because they fell for the "remake" clickbait from the site reporting the news. Either that or just complete fake outrage. Being pissed off over a (rumor of a) remaster is silly.


Report me if I continue to console war
Isnt zero dawn remastered kinda anyway?
There was a 60fps patch. Unless its remake I really dont know how they can justify charging full price.
Guerilla Games: Sir, I have an idea. Corporal, get me the video cassette of Horizon the video game.
Jim Ryan: GG, may I speak with you please? How can there be a video game of the video game? We're still in the middle of making it!
GG: Yes, but there's been a new breakthrough in home video gaming.
Jim Ryan: There has?
GG: Yes. Instant video games. They're out in stores before the game is finished.

Well played, Sony, well played.
Animated GIF


Writes a lot, says very little
Do movie get re-released that soon?
They do when new formats released like UHD with 4K or 8K etc.

So PS5 coming out is no different then VHS to DVD to Bluray to UHD and so on.
It's not like we don't have horizon on pc or fw on ps4 that already looks much better than zero dawn on ps4...
? And? What the fuck does that have to do with PS5 owners? Thats irrelevant to them.

Thats like saying "its not like we don't have Titanic on DVD or on Bluray and that already looks much better the VHS" lol sure, I agree.......what the fuck does that have to do with those who want to see it in 4K?

Gym...its not for you. They are not fucking making it for those who likely bought it on PC or PS4 and its likely for new PS5 owners who want a better version and welcomed to the series with the best of the best....thats it.

Even those "re-released that soon" is even more irrelevant as The Last Of Us came out on PS3 in 2013, on PS4 in 2014

Ghost Of Tsushima came out on PS4 in 2020, PS5 remaster in 2021. None of that should be shocking anyone, they've been known to port, remaster or put titles in collections to bring in new consumers, it would be fucking stupid not to.

Not that i'm surprised that you are defending this crap, there is no fucking need for a remaster dude.

Oh stop with that shit man, there is no need for any game. You didn't get HZD by Sony for free, they sold it to you for money, they sold you the PC version for money, lets stop pretending that suddenly its existence is now magically based on this humanitarian "need" for something and now suddenly THIS is for greed, but the rest of those releases where out of the kindness of their hearts for charity. They are a business and behave as such.

Stop making this fake moral thing every time the port or remaster or remake or make any game, they are a business and this should be a moot point.

You had a better argument questioning money or man power or if you think this is a waste of time etc.
And it's a waste of time, money and devs everytime

and to that point, even that is all wrong....

Waste of time? GG is a massive studio of over 400 and its likely less the 50 people even working on some remaster, if that.

Money? Unlikely, the cost for stuff like this is so low, the marketing for the next Horizon title will likely be over 200 times the cost to fucking make this remaster.... so they'll make all their money back and then which they'll just pump right back into Horizon 3 where the fucking REST of the 350 people are still working lol You are basically asking them to make less money and have many developers with less work to do as their other titles may not even be at the stage where they can have that staff assist.

Put it this way, you are asking a team of 5 people not to put Titanic in 4K to cry about not having a new film that could literally be in production already that takes 4000x more money and people and time. You are asking them to then make less money by not selling a 4K Titanic.

I don't know why many of you don't get this, don't understand this or don't see that you are not talking about the same things here, a remaster, remake, port etc do not take the same time and staff as a brand new game, yet sell enough to fund those other projects that are currently on going.

So I don't kow how to break it to any of you, but 50 people at GG in 6 months for 500k was not going to fucking get you Horizon 3. To not ask for this to exist even if you are not buying it, is to ask for them to get less money and for those games to take even long with less funding.


Gold Member
They do when new formats released like UHD with 4K or 8K etc.

So PS5 coming out is no different then VHS to DVD to Bluray to UHD and so on.

? And? What the fuck does that have to do with PS5 owners? Thats irrelevant to them.

Thats like saying "its not like we don't have Titanic on DVD or on Bluray and that already looks much better the VHS" lol sure, I agree.......what the fuck does that have to do with those who want to see it in 4K?

Gym...its not for you. They are not fucking making it for those who likely bought it on PC or PS4 and its likely for new PS5 owners who want a better version and welcomed to the series with the best of the best....thats it.

Even those "re-released that soon" is even more irrelevant as The Last Of Us came out on PS3 in 2013, on PS4 in 2014

Ghost Of Tsushima came out on PS4 in 2020, PS5 remaster in 2021. None of that should be shocking anyone, they've been known to port, remaster or put titles in collections to bring in new consumers, it would be fucking stupid not to.

Oh stop with that shit man, there is no need for any game. You didn't get HZD by Sony for free, they sold it to you for money, they sold you the PC version for money, lets stop pretending that suddenly its existence is now magically based on this humanitarian "need" for something and now suddenly THIS is for greed, but the rest of those releases where out of the kindness of their hearts for charity. They are a business and behave as such.

Stop making this fake moral thing every time the port or remaster or remake or make any game, they are a business and this should be a moot point.

You had a better argument questioning money or man power or if you think this is a waste of time etc.

and to that point, even that is all wrong....

Waste of time? GG is a massive studio of over 400 and its likely less the 50 people even working on some remaster, if that.

Money? Unlikely, the cost for stuff like this is so low, the marketing for the next Horizon title will likely be over 200 times the cost to fucking make this remaster.... so they'll make all their money back and then which they'll just pump right back into Horizon 3 where the fucking REST of the 350 people are still working lol You are basically asking them to make less money and have many developers with less work to do as their other titles may not even be at the stage where they can have that staff assist.

Put it this way, you are asking a team of 5 people not to put Titanic in 4K to cry about not having a new film that could literally be in production already that takes 4000x more money and people and time. You are asking them to then make less money by not selling a 4K Titanic.

I don't know why many of you don't get this, don't understand this or don't see that you are not talking about the same things here, a remaster, remake, port etc do not take the same time and staff as a brand new game, yet sell enough to fund those other projects that are currently on going.

So I don't kow how to break it to any of you, but 50 people at GG in 6 months for 500k was not going to fucking get you Horizon 3. To not ask for this to exist even if you are not buying it, is to ask for them to get less money and for those games to take even long with less funding.
Dude read the room, except for few people, most people find this remaster completely useless, i don't know how many devs or money are gonna waste because we don't know the entity of the re-work.

If the rework is big like forbidden west it's gonna be a big waste of devs and money, if it is a slight rework it's gonna feel useless because we have the pc edition that is dirty cheap.

And with movies is different, videogames never get remasters\remake after a single gen (or like 5-6 years in this case) it kinda defeat the purpose when the game is still pretty fucking modern, and the few cases of remaster after one gen like bulletstorm, arkham series always felt absolutely superfluos and were forgotten after a week (and they were usually pretty bad)

It just feel superfluos after an already pretty superfluos remake of tlou that didn't even introduced the major upgrades from tlou2, you have to understand that people is more attacking sony new remaster politics than the remaster itself, it is scary to think that instead of thinking about new games, they think about fucking remasters.
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Writes a lot, says very little
most people find this remaster completely useless

yea...on NeoGaf, a place where many of us already bought and beat it.

Its not for you Gym.

You didn't get that already or?

don't know how many devs or money are gonna waste because we don't know the entity of the re-work.

I see no evidence all 400 plus are required to remaster a game bud... Thats complete fanfiction to have something to cry over to make it sound like you are losing something by this existing or saying the word "waste" to suggest something is lost by it existing.

It will cover its cost, move tons of units and fund those on going projects. Gaming development is not cheap and you are now asking them to fucking make less money, yet you are going to what? Get mad when Horizon 3 takes longer cause they have less money? The deep lolz.

Maybe you should let those 50 to 100 folks put out that remaster that will take them a few months so they can make millions so we get Horizon 3 faster bud, I'd rather they have more money and folks have another option, then they have less money so you can hug a copy of HZD or something.

I don't even know why another version existing that you don't need to buy hurts you lol I don't even get the logic of any of this regarding being mad at a port or remaster lol

it's gonna feel useless because we have the pc edition that is dirty cheap.

Who the fuck is "WE"??? The people who own a PS5 who don't own a PC are likely this target and even the people who own the PC version would likely want an option to play with new models, new features, new tech etc.

PC users are not known for picking "dirty cheap" vs new features bud. By default they pay for more expensive hardware to get better performance, why would they not want better software if a remaster exist? smh.

videogames never get remasters\remake after a single gen (or like 5-6 years in this case)

Yea thats false.

100% untrue and stop spreading this fake shit around here.

RE1 was remade on Gamecube after 1 generation
Metal Gear Solid 1 was remade after 1 generation

With remasters
The Last Of Us 1 from PS3 to PS4
Ghost Of Tsushima from PS4 to PS5
Uncharted from PS3 to PS4
Ratchet collection from PS2 to PS3
and on and on and on

With remasters its even more, even WITHIN a fucking generation we've had that, Street Fighter to Super, Metal Gear Solid Substance and Subsistence, DMC3 special edition. It not saying the name "REMASTERZ" doesn't mean its not a fucking re-release, its almost as if you are focused on the name, instead of the practice. Selling a game many times in a generation with different features, improvements is not uncommon.

So...this is false.

it is scary to think that instead of thinking about new games, they think about fucking remasters.

I see nothing hear suggesting this is a "instead". 50 to 100 people in 6 months where never making Horizon 3.

The Last Of Us 2 to close to 7 years to make and had over 2000 plus people working on it....
So shit....you telling me in 2014 " instead of da remasters" we could have had in less then 1 fucking year The Last Of Us 2? Are you sure that is a "instead" of thing sir?

Using your logic, if this is "instead" you don't need to worry about Horizon coming out 5 years after release, shit this rumor should make you believe it will release in the next 5 to 6 years if you believe this REALLY is "instead" and the same as full development. =)
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Isnt zero dawn remastered kinda anyway?
There was a 60fps patch. Unless its remake I really dont know how they can justify charging full price.
That's just an FPS unlock there's no PS5 version.

There's no iota of proof its gonna be full price (an no official confirmation that this is even real), why are people repeating this because of LoU remake?


Writes a lot, says very little
That's just an FPS unlock there's no PS5 version.

There's no iota of proof its gonna be full price (an no official confirmation that this is even real), why are people repeating this because of LoU remake?

Cause thats the point of the fake outrage.

Watch as the goal post shifts to crying about a remaster.

Be like "A remake after 5 years? I can understand a remaster"

Reveals its a remaster.

Also them "OMGZ a remaster after 5 years? I can never understand this, TOO SOOOOOON"


Gold Member
Let's not pretend here that Sony is going broke.

The past few years Sony (both at a company level and gaming division level) have achieved record profits. The gaming division alone makes about $3 billion profit per year past few years.

Smart companies don't wait to lose money before they adapt to new market trends that could negatively impact their business.


Writes a lot, says very little
Smart companies don't wait to lose money before they adapt to new market trends that could negatively impact their business.


Why the fuck would they want to make less money just to spare some gatekeeping feelings? Do some on here legit hug their copies of HZD hoping it doesn't cheat on them by having....gasp ANOTHER OPTIONAL VERSION? smh...sad.

Weird....but sad lol

Its even more odd cause they completely ignored that is one of the reason why they make record profits in the first place. I'm sure lots of money was based on ports, remasters, collections etc. All that will bring in new consumers who spend...you guessed it MORE MONEY.



Why the fuck would they want to make less money just to spare some gatekeeping feelings? Do some on here legit hug their copies of HZD hoping it doesn't cheat on them by having....gasp ANOTHER OPTIONAL VERSION? smh...sad.

Weird....but sad lol

Its even more odd cause they completely ignored that is one of the reason why they make record profits in the first place. I'm sure lots of money was based on ports, remasters, collections etc. All that will bring in new consumers who spend...you guessed it MORE MONEY.
Nobody is doubting Sony's will or ability to make money here. It's very obvious by now what Sony's priorities are and they sure as hell aren't what they used to be.


I'm not mad, just extremely negatively surprised that they are going this route.

For the serial thing, tlou remake first, and now horizon that has a serial in development aswell.

The only good thing that can come out from this is days gone movie being such a success that they greenlight days gone 2, but it's not gonna happen :(
I'm with you. This is just tired at this point. Gotta have synergy with the show that's probably gonna be delayed.

No matter how much teeth gnashing happens this remake takes resources and time away from some devs to work on something else. It's unnecessary with the pc port.

I broke down and bought tlou again and while I enjoy it it was also completely unnecessary and nothing was added to the game. This is going to be evident when this rereleases. It takes away from new ideas and innovations when you constantly rerelease the same game over and over again. They are adding a few quality of life improvements to a game that still looks great 5 years later. Not worth it!


Gold Member
I'm with you. This is just tired at this point. Gotta have synergy with the show that's probably gonna be delayed.

No matter how much teeth gnashing happens this remake takes resources and time away from some devs to work on something else. It's unnecessary with the pc port.

I broke down and bought tlou again and while I enjoy it it was also completely unnecessary and nothing was added to the game. This is going to be evident when this rereleases. It takes away from new ideas and innovations when you constantly rerelease the same game over and over again. They are adding a few quality of life improvements to a game that still looks great 5 years later. Not worth it!

Zero dawn was my past gotg and i still think it's laughable to make a remaster.


Zero dawn was my past gotg and i still think it's laughable to make a remaster.
Didn't even realize it already has a ps5 update for it that makes it 60fps. This is such an unnecessary remake. Then Sony wonders why people are pissed a game like days gone got the EA shooting the astronaut in the head treatment


Writes a lot, says very little
Nobody is doubting Sony's will or ability to make money here. It's very obvious by now what Sony's priorities are and they sure as hell aren't what they used to be.

They used to make ports and remasters, they still make ports and remasters.

You are not saying some brand new trend here bud lol

I mean, NOW Sony is making a remaster, we never saw that with Sly or Ratchet or Jak and Daxter on PS3...oh wait lol

Now? Like we didn't see The Last Of Us ported to PS4 literally 1 year later?

smh, I don't think you've been paying attention to this publisher sir.
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They used to make ports and remasters, they still make ports and remasters.

You are not saying some brand new trend here bud lol

I mean, NOW Sony is making a remaster, we never saw that with Sly or Ratchet or Jak and Daxter on PS3...oh wait lol

Now? Like we didn't see The Last Of Us ported to PS4 literally 1 year later?

smh, I don't think you've been paying attention to this publisher sir.
See! You think is laugh out loud ridiculous too! Glad we came to an agreement on this with the emjoiis you gave me


Gold Member
They used to make ports and remasters, they still make ports and remasters.

You are not saying some brand new trend here bud lol

I mean, NOW Sony is making a remaster, we never saw that with Sly or Ratchet or Jak and Daxter on PS3...oh wait lol

Now? Like we didn't see The Last Of Us ported to PS4 literally 1 year later?

smh, I don't think you've been paying attention to this publisher sir.
Can we at least agree that a remaster going from ps1 to gc where the jump in graphic was probably way bigger in the case of rebirth and twin snake or when they remake the gameplay to be more modern is different than doing a slight remaster for a game that still looks and play like horizon?


Report me if I continue to console war
That's just an FPS unlock there's no PS5 version.

There's no iota of proof its gonna be full price (an no official confirmation that this is even real), why are people repeating this because of LoU remake?
Repeating what?

A full on amazing ps5 remake may be worth £70

A remaster though should be no more then £10

This is not repeating anything it is just truth.


Writes a lot, says very little
Can we at least agree that a remaster going from ps1 to gc where the jump in graphic was probably way bigger in the case of rebirth and twin snake

I won't disagree with you on that as it was never my point, merely that they existed regardless. The idea that it MUST be looking like this or that was never really some necessity. As far as I can tell, a remake simply needs new hardware and a face lift, different engine etc.

when they remake the gameplay to be more modern is different than doing a slight remaster for a game that still looks and play like horizon?

Sure, but the info on this game is literally saying its a remaster and what they are describing sounds like a remaster like we saw from Spiderman remaster.

So if we can see The Last Of Us 1 ported from PS3 to PS4, or Ghost from PS4 to PS5, we can see this without an issue. Its simply not for gamers like you and I who went thru HZD already.


Gold Member
So, laughing aside, we need to get used to this.

Sony’s commitment to AAA single player games is to be lauded, but sadly there approach is so risk averse as to be suffocating.

Their entire output for the next ten years or so will be incremental improvements to three titles; HZD, GoW and TloU.


Gold Member
I won't disagree with you on that as it was never my point, merely that they existed regardless. The idea that it MUST be looking like this or that was never really some necessity. As far as I can tell, a remake simply needs new hardware and a face lift, different engine etc.

Sure, but the info on this game is literally saying its a remaster and what they are describing sounds like a remaster like we saw from Spiderman remaster.

So if we can see The Last Of Us 1 ported from PS3 to PS4, or Ghost from PS4 to PS5, we can see this without an issue. Its simply not for gamers like you and I who went thru HZD already.
I hope that for new players the upgrade is gonna be bigger than the scam that was tsushima ps5 upgrade.
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Writes a lot, says very little
So, laughing aside, we need to get used to this.

Sony’s commitment to AAA single player games is to be lauded, but sadly there approach is so risk averse as to be suffocating.

Their entire output for the next ten years or so will be incremental improvements to three titles; HZD, GoW and TloU.


You never saw them do this before.

Like God Of War remaster or Ratchet or Ico or Sly.....sick really.


Gold Member
So, laughing aside, we need to get used to this.

Sony’s commitment to AAA single player games is to be lauded, but sadly there approach is so risk averse as to be suffocating.

Their entire output for the next ten years or so will be incremental improvements to three titles; HZD, GoW and TloU.
Since PS4, Sony's first party games skew to big budget SP games, with some smaller budget games like Dreams, Astrobot, and baseball. The days of them making all kinds of genres and budgets during PS1-PS3 are long gone. They are basically a go big or go home kind of company now where even their big SP games are sequels. I think the only big budget new SP IP so far announced this gen is Wolverine. And that game will come out around 2024 (I assume Spiderman 2 is 2023 and Wolverine is 2024).

The future games are the opposite of what they've done lately. All you hear about is GAAS, mobile division, Bungie buy out (more Destiny GAAS), remasters/remakes.

One thing people got to remember is when Sony promoted they got 25 games in development, that's sounds great, but they didn't break down how many are VR2, GAAS, remakes/remasters, PC ports, new SP IPs, SP sequels etc... I think the only statement they said was 12 games are GAAS (I thought they said 10 but Manabyte corrected me saying 12).
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Gold Member
They used to make ports and remasters, they still make ports and remasters.

You are not saying some brand new trend here bud lol

I mean, NOW Sony is making a remaster, we never saw that with Sly or Ratchet or Jak and Daxter on PS3...oh wait lol

Now? Like we didn't see The Last Of Us ported to PS4 literally 1 year later?

smh, I don't think you've been paying attention to this publisher sir.
It’s not that they are remastering games.

It’s the rate at which they are remastering games.


Jim Ryan saw all those Skyrim and GTA rereleases and thought he wants a piece of that.

Only he's doing it with games that people don't care nearly as much about.

This industry is toast. Looking at footage from crysis warhead in that other thread earlier just confirmed everything I already knew. The western AAA/AA development scene is mostly full of unambitious hacks who are only concerned with chasing money. Zero innovation, zero creativity. Just yesterday's style of game, only watered down with some shiny graphics (along with a sprinkling of some politically correct bullshit).

Crash already and start again please.


Man of Medan and Little Hope just released their PS5 version. Where is all this hateful energy for that? Same for the RE7, RE2 and RE3 PS5 update.

Every week we get native PS5 ports with no outrage at all but now people are losing their shit because it's Sony 🙄

hemo memo

Gold Member
I mean, no one here has to buy it or should feel obligated. If they really are 'remaking' the first, then just ignore it.
People are free to complain. It is a forum. No one here has to defend it or should feel obligated. If people are complaining about it, then just ignore it.
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