Once again, big grain of salt, but let's assume this is happening for the sake of the discussion:
In my first response in this thread I said this looks like Nintendo possibly actually beginning to pivot towards western markets with its consoles -- a reversal of how the Wii and Wii U were designed as low-wattage appliances for Japanese homes. In old threads I've even suggested Nintendo should sort of give up the Japanese console market or at least let it slip into tier-2 the way Sony has. Still, NX is still very much probably the child of Iwata, so I doubt a move like this would be all Kimishima (a former NOA head). The new posts makes the suggestion Nintendo is basically going balls-out, Gamecube/N64-style, with essentially a Super Wii U. Again, if true, this could go one way or the other depending on how Nintendo handles it.
Second screen play in itself wasn't the problem with Wii U. The problems were that 1) Nobody freaking knew what Wii U was from the jump, 2) Nintendo never had the software to justify second screen play, and 3) the Wii U was pretty much poised to never get real developer support.
Having a console powerful enough to run everybody's games and an easy development environment is just one step towards getting everybody's games. No rumor right now can tell us how or if Nintendo is building relationships with publishers differently than it has been. No rumor right now can tell us how those publishers feel about the NX's chances of building an audience for their games. EA and Ubisoft might fall in, but Bethesda? Take-Two? I think in order to even build that audience Nintendo would have to suck it away from Sony and Microsoft, because I don't think the conventional AAA console game audience is going to magically grow enough to accommodate a third hardware competitor in that market. I could be wrong though, Sony has said a big chunk of PS4 owners didn't own a PS3 or didn't normally buy consoles. But does Nintendo honestly have a good chance at figuring out why that is? And at the same time, a $350 - $400 console in 2016 is really going to have to prove itself to customers.