This is kind of what I'm leaning towards. It would also give them an opportunity to rebrand the wiimote as an NX product.I'd prefer for them to create a wiimote revision somewhere down the line. I'd like to see a competent wireless nunchuck
This is kind of what I'm leaning towards. It would also give them an opportunity to rebrand the wiimote as an NX product.I'd prefer for them to create a wiimote revision somewhere down the line. I'd like to see a competent wireless nunchuck
I'm hoping for a sleek, sexy game pad myself.If there's a screen in the controller, I'm hoping it's around the size of a Vita. I don't want another Gamepad.
Honestly, a lot of the game rumors come off as educated guesses to me. I've seen people on GAF speculate that some of those titles would release for the NX. Not too sure about the hardware rumors to be honest. Nothing seems concrete and Nintendo sure seems tight lipped.As great as these rumours sound, I'm having a difficult time believing them. Bedore the wii u launched it was hypes up as much as the NX is now. It doesn't sound like Nintendo to sell a reasonably powerful console at a loss. But I hope to be proven wrong.
OKAY MY BAD lol I was thinking the FY 2015 meeting report when I was typing. I know E3 is in 2 months smh.
Make the new pikmin for the handheld and allow it to run at 4k on the console.“When it comes to games, I don’t see the need for Zelda in 4K but for Pikmin, making it 4K compatible could possibly further show more small detailed Pikmin moving around, show things from an even further perspective, and being able to see more may make a more fun game.”
I think they need to separate themselves from the Wii name at all cost. No need to cause any more confusion. The NX is its own thing.Wii Remotes better be compatible. Going back to traditional controls for Pikmin and Metroid Prime would be a huge downgrade.
Man GameXplain sure loves creating videos out of NeoGAF rumours
I'm hoping for a sleek, sexy game pad myself.
No more purple boxes either, no handles, no silly names, just a cutting edge looking system that looks like it means business with a light sprinkle of that Nintendo design aesthetic.
They suck at dissecting the likely legitimacy of rumors, though. They've been gun shy ever since that Rayman SSB fake, and now they're annoyingly gone the other way constantly trying to cover their butts and speaking from ignorance against rumors that seem very, very reasonable in context (e.g. SNES on n3DS leak before the NDirect).
They suck at dissecting the likely legitimacy of rumors, though.
Tbh, I think most people outside of GAF are pretty gunshy when it comes to rumors in general.
They suck at dissecting the likely legitimacy of rumors, though. They've been gun shy ever since that Rayman SSB fake, and now they're annoyingly gone the other way constantly trying to cover their butts and speaking from ignorance against rumors that seem very, very reasonable in context (e.g. SNES on n3DS leak before the NDirect).
Sluggish? Do you mean not as comfortable? Gyro controls are definitely more precise than any twin thumbstick control scheme for shooters imo. Almost close to Keyboard & Mouse on PC.
Wii Remotes better be compatible. Going back to traditional controls for Pikmin and Metroid Prime would be a huge downgrade.
Holy shit.. Skyward sword looks amazing in 1080p!!!Going back to the 4k portable uprez games, here's SS on Dolphin at 4k
That's a Wii game though I'd imagine a NX handheld game wouldn't be much more technically demanding.
Would people be content just getting a lot of games from Nintendo that look like that?
I think they might.
Having a lot of 4k content might be a selling point even if they look like Wii games in HD.
Theoretically, I guess you could also make those games VR compatible with NX.
This is how I would see an a shared library not completely disappointing users if they make a considerable amount of content for it.
Would make this quote from Miyamoto make more sense:
Make the new pikmin for the handheld and allow it to run at 4k on the console.
If Zelda's a console exclusive it wouldn't run at 4k.
Make the handheld titles more stylized (admittedly, not a good example if we're using pikmin) and I think the result would be pretty pleasing like Wind Waker or Skyward Sword in HD.
Games like Mario/kart, DKCR, Kirby, Splatoon, Fire Emblem, etc would probably translate over well.
I also think that having these games in 4k would be some nice buzz words to throw around since even the PS4k will likely not have a ton of 4k gaming content.
Not sure if I'm off base here or if it's just wishful thinking.
Tbh, I think most people outside of GAF are pretty gunshy when it comes to rumors in general. We've just seen so many BS rumors over the years, and most people don't realize what GAF's verification process is like.
Whenever I see rumors like this (from GAF, citing GAF as a source) get posted on GameFAQs or Reddit there's a lot more skepticism than here.
This is kind of what I'm leaning towards. It would also give them an opportunity to rebrand the wiimote as an NX product.
I think they need to separate themselves from the Wii name at all cost. No need to cause any more confusion. The NX is its own thing.
I'm a little confused about your mention of Star Fox. If you simply hook your headphones into your gamepad then you get all audio (combined TV and gamepad audio). Of course that doesn't help with the fact you need to keep you eyes on both the gamepad screen and the TV to get the "full" experience, but audio-wise you can get the full package out of your gamepad![]()
Mouse & KB > Pointer aiming >> gyro-assisted dual analogs >> dual analogs.
Oh yew :3If NX doesn't have a handle I'm done with gaming.
In general, I agree. But gyro assisted aim has its place too. I don't think Splatoon would have worked as well without it, and Star Fox wouldn't work either since the cursor is partially tied to movement
The Gamepad confused customers. I wouldn't take any risks. Let the Wii name die off already. It's like people who want the GameCube controller to come back.Having Wii Remotes compatible with the NX or whatever the console is called is not going to confuse consumers lol
In general, I agree. But gyro assisted aim has its place too. I don't think Splatoon would have worked as well without it
Also, the SNES leak was not reasonable lmfao. It was a nintendo direct leak. Those don't happen.
Certainly TPSes are more suited for dual analogs than FPSes. I would say they are even preferable on some situations to M&KB. But for FPSes is no contest, dual analogs should have never been the preferred input.
The gamepad did not confuse the blue ocean market at all. It was the Wii brand (Wii "U")that confused them.The Gamepad confused customers. I wouldn't take any risks. Let the Wii name die off already. It's like people who want the GameCube controller to come back.
Certainly TPSes are more suited for dual analogs than FPSes. I would say they are even preferable on some situations to M&KB. But for FPSes is no contest, dual analogs should have never been the preferred input.
Well the sharp free form displays coming out this year are 3"-5". So vita sized are the max.If there's a screen in the controller, I'm hoping it's around the size of a Vita. I don't want another Gamepad.
Everything else around it was reasonable. We've known for years that the 3DS was borderline on handling real VC quality SNES titles and that n3DS didn't have those problems. Yet, they still talked about it as if it was as fake as fake could be. Annoyed me to no end trying to listen to that drivel (and plain ignorance when it came to what the 3DS could/couldn't handle for SNES with typical VC wrapper) with them covering their butts all the time.
Well the sharp free form displays coming out this year are 3"-5". So vita sized are the max.
RE4 Wii Edition was amazing with IR controls for a third person shooter and it really got critical acclaim for it. It was so damn simple too.
Everything else around it was reasonable. We've known for years that the 3DS was borderline on handling real VC quality SNES titles and that n3DS didn't have those problems. Yet, they still talked about it as if it was as fake as fake could be. Annoyed me to no end trying to listen to that drivel (and plain ignorance when it came to what the 3DS could/couldn't handle for SNES with typical VC wrapper) with them covering their butts all the time. If you're going to be wrong, be wrong. Stop hedging every other word and spreading FUD out of ignorance! Still like their analysis videos and video reviews, but I've avoided their discussion of rumors since, since each one starts with the same CYB that the NDirect one had throughout.
Yes, the NDirect leak was unprecedented, but there wasn't anything out of sorts from it. It was much more reasonable than a typical fake one, which like to throw in one or two humdingers for fun.
Tetsuya Takahashi stated that whatever he does next will probably have "Xeno" as part of the name as a sign his team worked on it. He's also gone on to say that the next game will probably have more philosophical themes and a bigger story compared to Xenoblade X.
I wouldn't quite say these snippets confirm it, but Xenoblade 3 has been mostly implied by all this. That said, I doubt we'll be seeing any news of it until 2017 or so.
Yeah.. On one hand I think its NLG.... on the second hand I feel like they made the game into a handheld version. If its console they may do it how tokyo did it.Not a fan at all of what Next Level did with Luigi's Mansion compared to the original. Some aspects were good, but the segmented level design was bad, and made for collecting everything more of a chore than it needed to be. The performance was also pretty lack luster and the slowdown just made things seem janky, especially in 3D. Hopefully that one isn't true. That, or they do a much better job this time around.
Yup, that's more or less what I was saying in my previous post. Monolith Soft wrapped up development for XCX exactly one year ago, so I kinda doubt we'll hear anything about their next project in 2017. 2018 (or even 2019 based on Nintendo's recent trend of revealing and releasing games in the same year) is the more likely outcome.
But anyway, I'm hoping the rumor about new IPs is true. As discussed in another thread, I would like for Nintendo to create an IP similar to Perfect Dark. I have so many fond memories playing that game.
Yeah.. On one hand I think its NLG.... on the second hand I feel like they made the game into a handheld version. If its console they may do it how tokyo did it.
Who did weegee mansion?I don't think the Tokyo studio did Luigi's Mansion.
I don't think the Tokyo studio did Luigi's Mansion.
Who did weegee mansion?
Konno was the director who is now mostly just in charge of the MK series. Although I'd be interested in seeing an EAD Tokyo developed Luigi's Mansion at some point.Who did weegee mansion?
But RE4 is a special (old?) kind of TPS where you can't move while aiming. Is the perfect TPS for pointer aiming imo. Sadly, we didn't had many Gears-style pointer-aiming TPSes. I didn't had the chance to play ScarFace or Godfather Wii to test their aiming, but I would think the advantage over dual analog wouldn't be as great as in FPSes, and gyro aiming would be an acceptable compromise. Revelations controls very good with Gyro controls after all (I haven't played Splatoon).
Glorious indeed, about as glorious as this legendary thread. If anything I need this newfangled NX now more than evah!!So if this is real how many day 1ers have reconsidered.... Ha! This console unveiling will be glorious.
Explains the emphasis of the Death Stare in Kart 8.All I remember is that Hideki Konno was the Director for the first Luigi's Mansion.
That's funny because they've admitted when they've been wrong from their rumor discussions. They did that just recently I think. Come on.
I can't even understand how you thought believing a leak of a direct was reasonable.
I just looked up the video I think you're talking about? From what I could find they didn't actually discuss the leak at all since they recorded their discussion before the leak happened; they only added a short segment in their Predictions piece at the end about it that was almost entirely opinion-free besides him saying "looks like it's going to happen"
I thought EAD was tokyo?EAD did.