For a console releasing this year, things have being really quiet, in terms of leaks and also official info from Nintendo.
In April of 2013, we've already known the exact specs, online strategies, etc for Xbox One and PS4.
This combined with talk of 14nm adoption, 2x PS4 gpu power, makes me suspect a 2017 launch for NX.
To continue my point earlier on about Nintendo's timings with console reveal and release:
Gamecube was revealed in 2000, released in 2001.
Wii was revealed in 2005, released in 2006.
Wii U was revealed in 2011, released in 2012.
For a console releasing this year, things have being really quiet, in terms of leaks and also official info from Nintendo.
In April of 2013, we've already known the exact specs, online strategies, etc for Xbox One and PS4.
This combined with talk of 14nm adoption, 2x PS4 gpu power, makes me suspect a 2017 launch for NX.
To continue my point earlier on about Nintendo's timings with console reveal and release:
Gamecube was revealed in 2000, released in 2001.
Wii was revealed in 2005, released in 2006.
Wii U was revealed in 2011, released in 2012.
It makes too much sense. Nintendo could shit out a console in 2017 and have it be the cheapest, smallest, coolest, and the most powerful on the market.
I'm really hopeful that NX has some type of off-screen play, i used it a lot with my WiiU, and having map-item management on the controller is just so intuitive and better.
Yeah. I don't see a 2x power of PS4 console coming from Nintendo. At best it will be on par.
Almost every source is saying released this year.
For a console releasing this year, things have being really quiet, in terms of leaks and also official info from Nintendo.
In April of 2013, we've already known the exact specs, online strategies, etc for Xbox One and PS4.
This combined with talk of 14nm adoption, 2x PS4 gpu power, makes me suspect a 2017 launch for NX.
To continue my point earlier on about Nintendo's timings with console reveal and release:
Gamecube was revealed in 2000, released in 2001.
Wii was revealed in 2005, released in 2006.
Wii U was revealed in 2011, released in 2012.
It makes too much sense. Nintendo could shit out a console in 2017 and have it be the cheapest, smallest, coolest, and the most powerful on the market.
To continue my point earlier on about Nintendo's timings with console reveal and release:
Gamecube was revealed in 2000, released in 2001.
Wii was revealed in 2005, released in 2006.
Wii U was revealed in 2011, released in 2012.
It makes too much sense. Nintendo could shit out a console in 2017 and have it be the cheapest, smallest, coolest, and the most powerful on the market.
It was pretty obvious that the rumoured NLG Wii U game from last E3 was gonna be moved over to the NX, along with Retro's Wii U game.
I'd be fine with a PS4 performance console. Add in Nintendos fantastic art direction and you are looking at some incredible looking game.I agree, it does seem like a stretch for Nintendo. However it's obvious to anyone why lives in the Western gamer territory so maybe just maybe Nintendo has realised this.
I find these rumors hard to believe, way too much risk for nintendo, 2x the power of ps4 and screen on the controller, sound like a very expensive console, if this fails which imo has a huge chance of happening, I don't see nintendo making consoles anymore.
I worded it poorly.
The screen controller will likely cost $80 or so, it's not going to be the price of a handheld. So it'll be cheaper to use remote play with the NX compared to PS4 and Vita. Will likely perform better too. That was just speculation on my part. It's even noted.
Almost every source is saying it's more powerful than PS4 too but you're only skeptical about one of these things.
I wonder why that is.
Almost every source is saying it's more powerful than PS4 too but you're only skeptical about one of these things.
I wonder why that is.
Cause I'm being realistic. I can see it being slightly more powerful then ps4, but 2x is gonna be a very expensive console for a brand that's irrelevant in terms of console market share, not to mention third-party franchises are not established on nintendo consoles as well, I assume that's why they want to make a powerful console, because nintendo would fine with ps4 console spec wise, then you have a screen on the controller and the rumors just seems unrealistic, and makes no sense from a business prospective.
sony's history in the market is them wanting to look the best. they want the biggest, most cinematic things. they helped make an environment where fmv was a marketable term, allowed for voice acting to expand beyond voice clips in major titles, and started to increase value in what video game consoles were starting with the dvd player in the ps2. sony's never had the weakest platform of their generation or versus their competition. sony's method of revealing their consoles is how they talk about the emotion engine, cell, or 8gb gddr5 as ways to get people excited about power. psp played ps2-like games on the go, and ps vita played ps3-like games on the go. these were supposed to pull handheld gaming out of a sort of 'ghetto' (not my words), as they saw it.
it's possible that microsoft was looking to rebrand everything and have something ready even this year considering what's going on with uwp. sony's ps4k might have been a reaction to that, prompting microsoft to delay the new xbox so that it's a complete refresh. combined with the nx rumored to make the ps4 seem outdated, sony might have wanted to at least stay part of the conversation rather than being relegated to the 'weakest', especially if xbox and nx started looking like a new generation while sony was stuck in the previous one.
i think their hand was forced, a little by their own hubris and a little out of competition.
I agree about most of what you've said except the part about never being weaker than their competition. The PS1 was a lot weaker than N64, it just had larger storage on disc vs cartidge so it had FMV and voice acting. The PS2 was weaker than both the Xbox and Gamecube. The PS3 was only stronger on paper. PS4 is the first time they've actually had the most capable console.
I agree about most of what you've said except the part about never being weaker than their competition. The PS1 was a lot weaker than N64, it just had larger storage on disc vs cartidge so it had FMV and voice acting. The PS2 was weaker than both the Xbox and Gamecube. The PS3 was only stronger on paper. PS4 is the first time they've actually had the most capable console.
I don't see the point of making Wii U games for the NX. Maybe two versions of Zelda would be just about OK if the NX version looked significantly better, but definitely not Splatoon and Mario Maker. Release sequels, not old games. It would be like the launch of the Wii U again with all those old console games everyone had already seen.
I'd be fine with a PS4 performance console. Add in Nintendos fantastic art direction and you are looking at some incredible looking game.
I'd be fine with a PS4 performance console. Add in Nintendos fantastic art direction and you are looking at some incredible looking game.
There are a few exceptions.
Nintendo DS was revealed at E3 2004 and then released November of that same year.
Game Boy Micro was revealed at E3 2005 and then released later that same year.
PS1 and PS2 were technologically advanced thanks to the cd and dvd drive though. PS2 being a dvd player helped so much. It's not always just about how many polygons can be on screen.
They are never really weaker then there competition when released, they obviously can not be more powerful then there competition when they release a year and a half later, as it's not in there hands.
Still wonder how they wil convince people to buy a mid-gen console.
For the mainstream people. Because they already own a ps4.
If they don't add something real unique i doubt they convince the mainstream
But you're usually so positive and reserved in your opinion?
There are more than 50 million people out there who wanna buy a console. It is easy...if the NX is the hottest shit and the marketing sells it right, a lot of people will buy it.
It all depends on the reveal and how the press will talk about it.
Yeah? Not me. I have limited money, and was already burnt on Wii U so i have a PS4 now too where I play most games. If Nintendo comes out with a PS4 level NX, then the only real selling point they have is their games and for a few games I love of theirs, like Zelda, 3D Mario and Metroid I can probably borrow a machine from someone.
Basically for me, Nintendo need to convince me to use the NX as my primary game machine. For that it needs to be powerful or have some amazing feature like SCDs before I'll ever consider them any more.
I agree about most of what you've said except the part about never being weaker than their competition. The PS1 was a lot weaker than N64, it just had larger storage on disc vs cartidge so it had FMV and voice acting. The PS2 was weaker than both the Xbox and Gamecube. The PS3 was only stronger on paper. PS4 is the first time they've actually had the most capable console.
Their competition are the consoles that they were competing against during that console cycle. Or are you also saying that Wii U has an appropriate amount of power compared to it's competition because it came out before PS4 and Xbox One?
Sony has never had the most powerful console of a generation until this gen.
There are more than 50 million people out there who wanna buy a console. It is easy...if the NX is the hottest shit and the marketing sells it right, a lot of people will buy it.
It all depends on the reveal and how the press will talk about it.
and again a controller with a screen. yeah...that worked so well with the wiiu. are they unable to learn from their past mistakes?
Even without going into the specifics of these reveal strategies (we barely knew any more about the Wii than we know about the NX in 2005 apart from the controller reveal towards the end of the year, and the Wii U reveal schedule was a demonstrable disaster that they'd run a mile from if they've got any sense), the fact is that Nintendo's publicity and reveal strategies are poles apart from what they were even in 2012. Modern Nintendo has emphasised a focus on cutting down the time between a product's reveal and its launch- most obviously in the way that both the 3DS XL and the New 3DS were revealed a matter of weeks before release, but also in the multiple times a piece of software has been revealed a couple of months before it comes out- Kirby Planet Robotot is the most recent example, but it's happened time and again. I don't think it can be underestimated how much the Direct strategy has altered Nintendo's reveal campaigns, and as the first new generation of hardware to be revealed in the Direct era, I don't think it's safe to assume that the NX's reveal strategy will bare any resemblance to previous ones.To continue my point earlier on about Nintendo's timings with console reveal and release:
Gamecube was revealed in 2000, released in 2001.
Wii was revealed in 2005, released in 2006.
Wii U was revealed in 2011, released in 2012.
It makes too much sense. Nintendo could shit out a console in 2017 and have it be the cheapest, smallest, coolest, and the most powerful on the market.
Not saying that this info is real or fake, but doubling down on off-TV play, a concept that has been thoroughly rejected by the market and which developers have consistently struggled to make compelling, would be utter lunacy, optional or not.
The best case scenario as described would be a Vita-style remote play system with a dumb terminal having the ability to take the place of the handheld if you don't own one, but when your best case scenario is cribbing from the sodding Vita you're in BIG trouble.
Even without going into the specifics of these reveal strategies (we barely knew any more about the Wii than we know about the NX in 2005 apart from the controller reveal towards the end of the year, and the Wii U reveal schedule was a demonstrable disaster that they'd run a mile from if they've got any sense), the fact is that Nintendo's publicity and reveal strategies are poles apart from what they were even in 2012. Modern Nintendo has emphasised a focus on cutting down the time between a product's reveal and its launch- most obviously in the way that both the 3DS XL and the New 3DS were revealed a matter of weeks before release, but also in the multiple times a piece of software has been revealed a couple of months before it comes out- Kirby Planet Robotot is the most recent example, but it's happened time and again. I don't think it can be underestimated how much the Direct strategy has altered Nintendo's reveal campaigns, and as the first new generation of hardware to be revealed in the Direct era, I don't think it's safe to assume that the NX's reveal strategy will bare any resemblance to previous ones.
Setting aside precedence for a second, and ignoring the tangible evidence from multiple sources that it's coming out this year, just look at Nintendo's current and upcoming software roster. On the Wii U post-Star Fox, we've got a late version of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Paper Mario, a late localisation of TMS, and Zelda. That's it. Does that seem like the lineup of a console that doesn't have something else on the way to take up the slack?
Not saying that this info is real or fake, but doubling down on off-TV play, a concept that has been thoroughly rejected by the market and which developers have consistently struggled to make compelling, would be utter lunacy, optional or not.
The best case scenario as described would be a Vita-style remote play system with a dumb terminal having the ability to take the place of the handheld if you don't own one, but when your best case scenario is cribbing from the sodding Vita you're in BIG trouble.
Can somebody link to 10k's new post?
True enough, but we generally have a sense of the overall shape of a holiday season well ahead of time, with the odd bit of software here and there to pad out the lineup closer to the time. In this particular case, we can fairly confidently say that, given what's already been announced for the future and the software that Nintendo's been putting out over the past few months, that the internal focus has shifted away from the Wii U.Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but according to your theory of Nintendo's reveal campaigns, they could very well announce a whole slew of Wii U games for the back half of 2016 instead of an NX lol.
That being said, I'm fully on team #NXin2016![]()
I've yet to see any compelling evidence that the market cares about Off-TV play at all- certainly not to the extent that it's worth building in as the core vision of the next console.I think you're mistaking off screen play with asymmetrical play. Off-Screen play has been well received. It's not the mass market system seller, but it's not something developers have to make compelling. It's something that is there.
Off-TV Play is a huge thing, and many with a Wii U enjoy it and use it. somebody link to 10k's new post?