Wonder if Nintendo could get away with a throwback to smaller Famicom-like game cases.?Would work well if the games end up being on carts instead of discs.
I'd go all physical if this happened.
Wonder if Nintendo could get away with a throwback to smaller Famicom-like game cases.?Would work well if the games end up being on carts instead of discs.
But that would likely be a discussion for NX1.5, because I doubt the NX will be able to share a library with any previous systems (Unless via emulation which Nintendo hates apparently) and they would have little to gain by doing so, anyway.I think we should be looking at things differently in a more longer term due to the nature of iterative console evolutions. The idea is to make more hardware to sell more software as the software library becomes the main focal point of the business. All 3 are looking in that direction. No doubt the PS4 will maintain a long healthy lead but the other 2 could continue doing fine as more people hop in.
Through iterative console evolutions, anyone can jump in just about anywhere with a library that will in all likelihood be backwards and forwards compatible. The library is the focal point. So you may not want this version of the hardware now, then wait later or buy the newer hardware that will have much larger back catalog of games for you to play and better specs for the time being. And since you don't have to buy every upgrade that comes out, you could buy one of the other systems and finally own all 3 if you so choose.
This is Apple and Android's influence.
Wait, now you're saying it will fail because it won't reach the sales of a system that sold 90 billion units???
I dont quite understand this. You aren't the only one who has said this, but I'm still confused as to why people think a handheld will come so soon after the console.
It'll be remote play but without wifi being required. Which is a major plus for me.
Having a majority of the library being exchangeable between home and handheld would seem to be a good thing. Nintendo can just release "more" 1st party games since they'll apply to both consoles. But I still think there will be some exclusives like maybe a very graphics heavy game will be on the home console only.
I don't think they'll go full digital. There are still too many problems with internet infrastructure especially in the states i.e. data caps and slow speeds.
Or maybe they really will go with the cartridge solution. So that you just pop the game card out of the home console and put it in the handheld once you download the cloud save to pick up where you stopped.
The power comparison doesn't really matter to me... NIntendo isn't ever going to be my primary system. If it's powerful, that's great, but I care more about the new system, controller, features, and games. Those are the things I want to see.
Exactly - this type of model along with an attractive and fresh innovation would be what gives NX success, not how much more powerful it is than the PS4. That's why all the comments about PS4K are moot.
Anyone still think the nx family will be an evolution of the Wii U?
What I mean is the principle of being able to play your game on the go, and then carry on playing on the Wii u controller.
But instead of having the large controller with a big screen, and being limited to being within range of the actual wii u console, you'll simply have a separate handheld device that you can take on the go with you anywhere to play the exact same game (obviously scaled down in some way graphically).
Then when you're at home and you fancy playing on a big screen you just carry on on the actual NX console. Game saves would likely use some sort of cloud saves.
Could the above perhaps be Nintendos "gimmick"?
Well I have hope that it will sell a bit more than the Wii U.
So it will be considered a success when it sells just over 15 million units?
Nintendo DS
First 9 months of FY ended March 2011 (year before 3DS launch)
HW 15.70 million units
SW 98.99 million units
First 9 months of FY ended March 2012 (year before Wii U launch)
HW 8.96 million units
SW 89.06 million units
Nintendo 3DS
First 9 months of FY ended March 2016 (last year)
HW 5.88 million units
SW 38.87 million units
Nintendo's replaced systems that were much healthier than 3DS is currently. Replacing 3DS is much more necessary than replacing DS or Wii was if they want to grow their business.
I don't even care about whatever specs it has anymore, just don't screw up the name DX
Having "Nintendo" in it might be a bit of a mouthful and take a lot of space on a game case when compared to "Xbox" and "PS4"
Maybe they'll just go with a stylized "N" and call it the N1 haha
Even got a dumb catch phrase "All your games, All N 1 place"all in one
...shut up, it sounded better in my head >.<
I dont disagree that the 3DS needs to be replaced, and I do believe it will be next year...but the assumption a lot of people are making is that it will come in like March. I just don't see it.
To me it is more obvious that a console is coming this holiday than a handheld coming early next year.
Thats actually a pretty good name and tagline.
Don't really understand all the positivity surrounding this rumor. I would hope a machine releasing in 2017 would be more powerful than something that released 4 years prior. Not to mention that the PS4 is kind of a low bar (most disappointing generation of consoles IMO).
I can't imagine this not leaving them as the odd console out yet again, if this turns out to be true.
. Thinking of Apple's ecosystem and applying it (total conjecture that they are going to emulate this beyond just a "shared library"), it's not like the iPhone, iPod, iPad and each version within each is THAT different. You don't need to own all of them as they are functionally the same, but you get the flavor that fits you best. (I realize this excludes OS X hardware though, which could in turn be used back against this with the console being OS X-ish and the handheld iOS-ish, but go with me here!)
WatDon't really understand all the positivity surrounding this rumor. I would hope a machine releasing in 2017 would be more powerful than something that released 4 years prior. Not to mention that the PS4 is kind of a low bar (most disappointing generation of consoles IMO).
I can't imagine this not leaving them as the odd console out yet again, if this turns out to be true.
I know what you mean, and agree about your point that perhaps traditionally there would have to maybe be some differentiation between console and handheld, as some sort of incentive to own both.
But as we know Nintendo isn't traditional lol. I could definitely get with the idea of having one Nintendo store and different devices being able to access the same software (still using the iOS mentality here), and obviously the "better" hardware simply running the games at higher frame rates, better graphical qualities.
I guess some would argue that people don't want full length experiences on a small screen, and handhelds should have bite size experiences etc, but I feel that mobile gaming scratches that itch for short gaming bursts, and it would make sense that Nintendo are going down the mobile path to fill that gap.
oh my god, perfect timing, Ubisoft's launch line up for the NX totally just leaked!
Ubisoft was quoted as saying "We are happy to support Nintendo's newest console with Ubisoft's finest classic titles!"
The homogenization of Nintendo's library into one shared library would be awful, there needs to be traditional handheld experiences alongside the console games. I also doubt Nintendo is the company to offer shitty, downgraded console ports as their sole handheld games, that's incredibly dumb.
So, heres how I see things. Let me know what you guys think .
Oversimplifying things, I basically see two scenarios playing out here. I know there are many factors to this, but Im choosing a high-level view. Also, a couple assumptions in my logic:
---Its better than the PS4 but not better than the PS4K, but close, as thats probably most likely.
---Were all in agreement that Wii U, PS4, and XBO are in the same (8th) console generation.
---Only talking about the console, not the handheld.
Okay .
1.) Nintendo releases the NX mid-8th generation as a 9th generation console and its competition is primarily to get a head-start on the 9th generation of competing consoles AS WELL AS compete against PS4 and XBO. In 2-3 years when Sony and Microsoft release their 9th generation consoles, NX is vastly outdated (maybe?) but has developed a user-base. Nintendo is thus forced to release their 10th generation machine mid-9th generation and is forever in this weird pickle.
2) Nintendo releases the NX mid-8th generation, but not as a 9th generation console. Meaning, on the advent of the likely PS4K and a rumored Xbox One upgrade, the concept of a console being a set generation is no more. There have also been rumors and speculation that Nintendo wants to go this route as well. If this is the case, parity could potentially be achievable every couple years for Nintendo. Releasing forward and backward compatible devices every 2-3 years MIGHT be something all 3 are interested in.
Okay, like I said very simple .but what do you guys think is the more likely of these two? I personally think Scenario 2 is what Nintendo should be hoping for. Scenario 1 looks like a slow death unless they somehow can pull off the NX as a 8th generation console and pretend the Wii U never existed, so that when the 9th gen rolls around, Nintendo just releases another one along side them.
Don't really understand all the positivity surrounding this rumor. I would hope a machine releasing in 2017 would be more powerful than something that released 4 years prior. Not to mention that the PS4 is kind of a low bar (most disappointing generation of consoles IMO).
I can't imagine this not leaving them as the odd console out yet again, if this turns out to be true.
If that happens then AA/middleware is completely and utterly fucked. Games like Zero Escape and Theatrhythm would flat out not exist without for handheld systems, or would be relegated to mobile which nobody wants. The homogenization of Nintendo's library into one shared library would be awful, there needs to be traditional handheld experiences alongside the console games. I also doubt Nintendo is the company to offer shitty, downgraded console ports as their sole handheld games, that's incredibly dumb.
I dont quite understand this. You aren't the only one who has said this, but I'm still confused as to why people think a handheld will come so soon after the console.
PS4 released 2 years and 6 months ago.
By the time NX releases it will have been almost 4 years since the PS4 released. Not sure why that's confusing.
That's not what I'm getting at. If Nintendo's future handheld never got any original games designed for it, and instead only got access to the (downgraded) games library of the NX, then you wouldn't see games like A Link Between Worlds made.To use a couple examples:
- The existence of Ocarina of Time 3D didn't mean A Link Between Worlds didn't get made.
That's different. By the time the Super Gameboy came out the Gameboy was already established and already sold tens of millions of units.- No one complained about being able to play your Game Boy games on a TV using the Suepr Game Boy/Game Boy Player.
From a business perspective, I'd want all the cards on the table for my customers so they can decide as quickly as possible about pre-ordering. If there's a looming "other device" out there that may be better, then that could affect sales of the console. I'd try to get both out (to reviewers at least) at the same time. Make it clear what the state of each system is upfront.
He said 2017, which would be 4 years after 2013. I personally think it's coming this holiday, but his math checks out.
By the time NX releases it will have been almost 4 years since the PS4 released. Not sure why that's confusing.
Nintendo has made their good share of crap decision making but I still don't want them to leave gaming or go 3rd party.It sounds silly but whatever it is I'll be there day one. I absolutely love the magic that Nintendo can produce.
While I haven't been a fan of every console Nintendo have made, with every purchase of their consoles I've always been able to access some amazing games.
I do hope Nintendo do well with the NX whatever path they've chosen. Even though it's a bit odd I seem to hold some affection towards Nintendo (must be due to growing up playing their consoles)
I think it's safe to assume that based on what I was told, the difference in power between the PS4 and NX is less than Xbox One to PS4. So if you can't see much difference between PS4 and XB1 the nx may not be much different from a game standpoint.
Console in the west first and portable in japan first. I would be ok with that.
Anyone still think the nx family will be an evolution of the Wii U?
What I mean is the principle of being able to play your game on the go, and then carry on playing on the Wii u controller.
But instead of having the large controller with a big screen, and being limited to being within range of the actual wii u console, you'll simply have a separate handheld device that you can take on the go with you anywhere to play the exact same game (obviously scaled down in some way graphically).
Then when you're at home and you fancy playing on a big screen you just carry on on the actual NX console. Game saves would likely use some sort of cloud saves.
Could the above perhaps be Nintendos "gimmick"?
Wonder if Nintendo could get away with a throwback to smaller Famicom-like game cases.?Would work well if the games end up being on carts instead of discs, and they could get really creative with boxart design as the smaller cases would stand out enough for there not to be brand confusion with other platforms.
That's not what I'm getting at. If Nintendo's future handheld never got any original games designed for it, and instead only got access to the (downgraded) games library of the NX, then you wouldn't see games like A Link Between Worlds made.
That's different. By the time the Super Gameboy came out the Gameboy was already established and already sold tens of millions of units.
Guys, I really can't wrap my head around Nintendo's current position in the market. I posted this about 10 pages back but it was at the bottom and I don't think anyone read it, lol.
Am I misreading something? It's so hard to figure out how they can get out of their current problems.
He said 2017, which would be 4 years after 2013. I personally think it's coming this holiday, but his math checks out.
You're right in saying a shared library wouldn't prevent middleware/handheld-focused games from being made, but they wouldn't be made regardless because the main development platform is going to be a significantly more powerful, and different, console. As the saying goes, limitation breeds creativity. Because of the limitations and unique features of handhelds, a more diverse set of games are made for it. Just look at the 3DS, games have been designed around the touch-screen, designed around a 3D screen, and designed around duel screens. When you homogenize everything and share a library, developers are only going to create games with the abilities of the console considered first, the handheld will be an after thought.But having one library wouldn't mean that you couldn't still have those same experiences. Using iOS again (not that it's the pinnacle of gaming) there are different experiences available, and choice is a good thing.
Or better yet look at pc gaming, there is such a wide variety of different games to cater for different tastes.
I get what you're saying, but I don't necessarily think that having a shared library would mean that it would prevent certain types of games from being released.
One things for sure though, and the NX certainly won't be singing from the same hymn sheet as Sony and Microsoft, and the main "gimmick" is very unlikely to be a controller with second screen again.
I'm just looking forward to an official announcement.
All the rumblings seem to point to 2 - Console gens is gonna be an obsolete concept.
You're right in saying a shared library wouldn't prevent middleware/handheld-focused games from being made, but they wouldn't be made because the main development platform is going to be a significantly more powerful, and different, console. As the saying goes, limitation breed creativity. Because of the limitations and unique features of handhelds, a more diverse set of games are made for it. Just look at the 3DS, games have been made that were designed around the touch-screen, designed around a 3D screen, and designed around duel screens. When you homogenize everything and share a library, developers are only going to create games with the abilities of the console considered first, the handheld will be an after thought.
You think 3rd parties are all going to flock to Nintendo just because (according to rumors) it has better specs?
Uh, yes?
That's not what I'm getting at. If Nintendo's future handheld never got any original games designed for it, and instead only got access to the (downgraded) games library of the NX, then you wouldn't see games like A Link Between Worlds made.
What happens when those games don't sell well just like they didn't on Wii U?
Which again points to just a general Storefront, like Steam, AppStore etc. Just purchase your device of choice and have access to the games.
That is a good future in my opinion.
People can upgrade their hardware when they feel the need to, or when their device is so old it runs the latest games like shit lol.
Which again points to just a general Storefront, like Steam, AppStore etc. Just purchase your device of choice and have access to the games.
That is a good future in my opinion.
People can upgrade their hardware when they feel the need to, or when their device is so old it runs the latest games like shit lol.
Ok but what if as another member said, console generations as we know them are obsolete. So we would live in a world where Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo etc have store fronts and you just purchase the Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo etc hardware of your choice.
Using steam as an example again, I wouldn't say having one store has necessarily had a negative impact on gaming.
Lets skip the fantasy and get to the reality.
There was no serious attempts at third party support on the Wii U. Nintendo pulled the rug out from under everyone early on and the 3rd parties abandoned ship before the ship sailed. There was some token leftovers thrown at it but nothing more.
Guys, I really can't wrap my head around Nintendo's current position in the market. I posted this about 10 pages back but it was at the bottom and I don't think anyone read it, lol.
Am I misreading something? It's so hard to figure out how they can get out of their current problems.
I know what you mean, and agree about your point that perhaps traditionally there would have to maybe be some differentiation between console and handheld, as some sort of incentive to own both.
But as we know Nintendo isn't traditional lol. I could definitely get with the idea of having one Nintendo store and different devices being able to access the same software (still using the iOS mentality here), and obviously the "better" hardware simply running the games at higher frame rates, better graphical qualities.
In the above scenario the incentive for me would be having the option of playing console quality games when I'm not at home.
I guess some would argue that people don't want full length experiences on a small screen, and handhelds should have bite size experiences etc, but I feel that mobile gaming scratches that itch for short gaming bursts, and it would make sense that Nintendo are going down the mobile path to fill that gap, and try and capture the more casual market via the mobile avenue.
What happens when those games don't sell well just like they didn't on Wii U?
Fuck that future then. An all digital future is an absolutely horrendous idea for a multitude of reasons. What happens when licensing issues come up and a publisher is forced to take a game down? Or what happens when publisher takes a game down for literally any other reason? You're fucked. Nobody can buy that game anymore, it's lost forever until the company decides, if ever, to relist it. For instance, I wanted to play the HD version of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game. Capcom re-released the game in HD on PSN and Xbox live back in 2012, but pulled the game in 2014. It was up for two years, if you didn't buy the game during that two year period you're absolutely, grade-A, fucked. I only became a fan of the series this year, but now I'm fucked and cannot purchase and play that game.