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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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There are definitely drawbacks to an all digital distribution system, but it will be the future at some point. Microsofts intial Xbox one vision was just perhaps too early, but their vision will become a reality at some point. Infact the future will likely eventually be the Netflix system (or ps now) having everything streamed from servers. Whether we are alive to see it is a different story...

If that future ever happens in my lifetime, which I doubt considering the pushback Microsoft received, I'll happily be sticking to retro games. Fuck that entire idea.
Well I'm going to say that NX will certainly sell a lot better than Wii U.

Despite Wii U itself selling like crap compared to PS4 and Xbox One, New Super Mario Bros. U sold (IIRC) better than any other launch title on any other current-generation system.

Moderate software successes can still exist on otherwise failing hardware.


For those saying the PS4.5 will trump the NX, in theory, I'll propose a question:

Would you rather:
Sell/junk/give away your PS4 and get a ps4.5 that plays all the same games, some of them slightly better
Get an all new system with all new games AND keep your PS4 and still be able to play 99% of PS4 games?

I know some will pick option 1, but I think a lot more would pick option 2. I think an even bigger chunk will pick option 3, though - 'keep my ps4, don't get either ps4k or the NX'

The all new system will only play Nintendo games so I wouldn't bother.


If they can pull it off, I won't complain.
NX1 - Zelda NX 60 fps, Zelda 2 NX 30 fps, Zelda 3 NX time to upgrade yo

...Nintendo pls give us a direct already >o<

I'd be happy with that too, but I wonder what the backlash would be like...

People like Ahab are not a minority, as he says look at the reception Microsoft received, and look at the way some people are reacting to the ps4k rumours with fear of the fragmentation of the ps4 running games worse.

If that future ever happens in my lifetime, which I doubt considering the pushback Microsoft received, I'll happily be sticking to retro games. Fuck that entire idea.

I know many people share your viewpoint. While I maybe in a minority, I've fully embraced a digital lifestyle. I stream all my music on Apple Music and Spotify, and all my games are digital whether it be steam, iOS, psn etc.

Again I know there are those like yourself that hate the idea, especially the fact that software can be revoked much easier, as opposed to physical items that can in theory be yours "forever". But for me personally gaming is disposable, once I play a game I tend to move on. It's very rare for me to go back to a game after a few years etc


I think you're all going overboard with Zelda 60fps... There's no way I see it being 60fps, not by a long shot. Yeah, there's MGSV but V has not come to Zelda.

I fully expect 1080p/30fps with better shaders, IQ, AA, AF, effects and more.


Despite Wii U itself selling like crap compared to PS4 and Xbox One, New Super Mario Bros. U sold (IIRC) better than any other launch title on any other current-generation system.

Moderate software successes can still exist on otherwise failing hardware.

You have a point, but I'd expect Mario to have no problems selling well, in any situation, and particularly for a hardware launch. You buy a Nintendo console, you buy Mario.

Speaking purely anecdotally, I knew 3 people who bought Wii Us at launch, and they all bought Mario U. None of them bought any 3rd party games, either because they lacked appeal (and looking back, it wasn't a great line up), or because they already had them on PS3/360. I bought Sonic All Stars Transformed because it wasn't a late port and because it was by all accounts the best version.


You guys think Zelda NX could be 60fps? WWHD was 30 with drops.

I think you're all going overboard with Zelda 60fps... There's no way I see it being 60fps, not by a long shot. Yeah, there's MGSV but V has not come to Zelda.

I fully expect 1080p/30fps with better shaders, IQ, AA, AF, effects and more.

The game was pitched as 30fps on the Wii U.

With the NX being as powerful as rumours suggest I don't think 60fps is out of the question.

Nintendo more than anyone tend to focus on polishing their games, and 60fps tends to be a priority in most cases.

I don't think 60fps is unrealistic. It's not as though we've been shown a Zelda game primarily developed for the NX and then downgraded for the Wii U. I think it's more that development started on the Wii U and they're going to bring the game to the NX.


I think you're all going overboard with Zelda 60fps... There's no way I see it being 60fps, not by a long shot. Yeah, there's MGSV but V has not come to Zelda.

I fully expect 1080p/30fps with better shaders, IQ, AA, AF, effects and more.
Don't think a console Zelda has ever been 60fps, doubt Zelda U will aim for it.
I think you're all going overboard with Zelda 60fps... There's no way I see it being 60fps, not by a long shot. Yeah, there's MGSV but V has not come to Zelda.

I fully expect 1080p/30fps with better shaders, IQ, AA, AF, effects and more.

OH you.

I agree with this man, I think the NX version will look a lot better. I definitely think pretty much everything Mario will try to be 60FPS as I think most of the games on the Wii U were 60 fps, weren't they? Don't quote me on that, I'm not sure, just like 90% sure based on experience with a friends Wii U and collection. I mean Captain Toad feels like it is definitely at 60FPS too now that I think of it.

All that said, I don't know what to make of all these hardware rumors about well... everything, it's all so crazy. I don't even really know what the NX is or will be, but if all these leaks prove true, it will be interesting to see what happens.
You guys think Zelda NX could be 60fps? WWHD was 30 with drops.
If they're porting a Wii U game to a system that's more powerful than the PS4 I'd certainly hope it would run better.
Like MGSV on PS3 vs PS4.
Wii U was a little over one gen ahead of the GCN and the game was made in a short amount of time increasing draw distance, running at 1080p, and with a new lighting engine.
I'd be a little more hopeful that Nintendo that prioritizes 60fps in most of their games would try and achieve that on the NX.
Zelda U-> NX likely wont' be changing the lighting system and all that.
It would probably more beneficial for marketing purposes if they made it look super nice at 30fps, but I really want to play it at 60fps
The NX is more powerful than the Wii U. Not sure why there's a comparison being made to WWHD. There's nothing wrong with thinking we could get a Zelda NX at 60fps


Dont know if this has already been posted, but someone on reddit compiled the rumored games in an image.


What a boring list- except Zelda.


With the NX being as powerful as rumours suggest I don't think 60fps is out of the question.

The NX is more powerful than the Wii U. Not sure why there's a comparison being made to WWHD. There's nothing wrong with thinking we could get a Zelda NX at 60fps

Yeah but I mean, Wii U is a lot more powerful than the gamecube so...

I guess it depends on if they add in a bunch of extra effects.


A thought on SD card based games...

With the prices of memory cards being so cheap these days, plus seeing all the DS catalogue on SD, id love to see NX adapt the SD card format option. Ill go through some of the advantages and challenges i can think of:

+ load times, loading speed will be comprehensively faster and omit the need of a physical disk drive system

- while no disk drive removes some cost of the console, it will omit the option of a physical multimedia device. However with streaming media services all the rage in this age, i think its easy to forgive.

+ write capability, imagine being able to download DLC straight to the cart itself. Not only does it add value to the game historically (2nd hand market, trade ins), but you can bring your copy over to a friends loaded with the DLC and go. Save your game straight to cart, old school but tried and true. Add to that game patches and it becomes a game for the ages, not having to worry about it once the generation ends and finding the patch or DLC after the consoles end of life.

- costs, not just as a read format but read memory will add a bit overall. Optical media will be cheaper but memory card capacities limit is ever growing without having to resort to a new standard (ie dvd to bluray).

Theres a couple other minor additions but ill leave it at that, and leave room for your thoughts.


It's not out of the realm for the NX handheld to release in spring for America. They've released systems in spring before.

I agree. In fact, I think it might make the most sense to release it then if it doesn't come out with the (possible) console release this Fall. Any longer seems too long to wait, and as you said, Nintendo has never had an issue releasing handhelds outside of the holiday season.


Dont know if this has already been posted, but someone on reddit compiled the rumored games in an image.


Da ports! For real I'm sure the NX will have plenty of legit new games, and it's good we haven't gotten them leaked yet so Nintendo can reveal them on their own terms.

Only games on there I wouldn't buy are DQX and Mario Maker again. Maybe not FF15 if it comes out too long after the PS4 version.


Well I'm going to say that NX will certainly sell a lot better than Wii U.

Well, people acted like if the N64 was the lowest Nintendo could do, then the GCN set the bar lower and now the Wii U is the worst of the worst. I can see the NX selling less than ~13 million.


A thought on SD card based games...

With the prices of memory cards being so cheap these days, plus seeing all the DS catalogue on SD, id love to see NX adapt the SD card format option. Ill go through some of the advantages and challenges i can think of:

+ load times, loading speed will be comprehensively faster and omit the need of a physical disk drive system

- while no disk drive removes some cost of the console, it will omit the option of a physical multimedia device. However with streaming media services all the rage in this age, i think its easy to forgive.

+ write capability, imagine being able to download DLC straight to the cart itself. Not only does it add value to the game historically (2nd hand market, trade ins), but you can bring your copy over to a friends loaded with the DLC and go. Save your game straight to cart, old school but tried and true. Add to that game patches and it becomes a game for the ages, not having to worry about it once the generation ends and finding the patch or DLC after the consoles end of life.

- costs, not just as a read format but read memory will add a bit overall. Optical media will be cheaper but memory card capacities limit is ever growing without having to resort to a new standard (ie dvd to bluray).

Theres a couple other minor additions but ill leave it at that, and leave room for your thoughts.

I don't think the bolded is a factor. Nintendo has always gone with proprietary media for their systems. I don't think anyone is expecting NX to be the first Nintendo console to have the capability of playing CDs/DVDs/Blu-ray/etc...


Good Art™
Can we take a minute to imagine what would be a Wave Race on that level of tech, with the same brilliance that the first one had in 96 ?
I don't think the bolded is a factor. Nintendo has always gone with proprietary media for their systems. I don't think anyone is expecting NX to be the first Nintendo console to have the capability of playing CDs/DVDs/Blu-ray/etc...

They go with proprietary discs not proprietary drives. For instance the Wii could be modded to play DVDs IIRC and I'm sure the Wii U could probably be as well for DVDs/Bluray.


Guys, I really can't wrap my head around Nintendo's current position in the market. I posted this about 10 pages back but it was at the bottom and I don't think anyone read it, lol.

Am I misreading something? It's so hard to figure out how they can get out of their current problems.

Think of NX as the beginning of a brand new way to launch systems. Lets say NX1 releases in 2016. Sony and MS decide to release PS4k and XB1.5 this year. in 2019, nintendo releases NX 2, and all games in NX2 can be played on NX1 as NX1 is forward compatible thanks to the parts now using.

So in 2020 or 2021 PS5 and XB2 come out. well in 2022 Nintendo releases NX3. Now the key here is all games still being playable at some level on NX1-3. Eventually NX1 is phased out and nx2 becomes the baseline. And through all these systems, you can still play with people from the previous generation system, games all still play at some fidelity, etc.

So in this way, Nintendo begins to build a ever larger customer base, and since all NX generations can play together/same games, it gives them a huge advantage in selling their wares and getting people in their eco system.

Unlike in the past, when going from PS3 to PS4 meant you couldn't play with people on PS3 on some games, with NX, you can. that's my prediction of how it'll play out.

Sure this NX won't outsell anything possibly, but every generation of NX system only adds to the total numbers, and instead of resetting, it simply grows. And after 3 generations, you have a base system a premium system, much like Apple with the 5 to the 6s.
Can we take a minute to imagine what would be a Wave Race on that level of tech, with the same brilliance that the first one had in 96 ?


Man, I spent so many hours with the first game. I rented it so many times I could have bought it twice. I typically don't even like games like that, but me and my friends loved the original Wave Race.


Nah what we really need is a new mario strikers game :p

This and a real Mario Baseball game. Not the disaster that was the Wii game. I played Mario Superstar Baseball more than any game on the GC...and that includes Animal Crossing which I played A LOT of lmao.


Junior Member
Can we take a minute to imagine what would be a Wave Race on that level of tech, with the same brilliance that the first one had in 96 ?

I want. Also f-zero. And eternal darkness. And 3d donkey king. And metroid.

It's amazing how much nintendo neglects their IP.


Junior Member
I wouldn't put it past Square Enix to bring its latest RPGs to NX. We already know for sure it's thinking about an NX version of DQXI. The easiest AAA games for Nintendo to snag for the NX would be the Japanese ones.

Also, the return of mainline numbered Final Fantasy to Nintendo consoles would be a huge deal for some people. To this day, FFVI remains the last main FF shipped on any Nintendo hardware, and it came out 22 years ago.
I agree. In fact, I think it might make the most sense to release it then if it doesn't come out with the (possible) console release this Fall. Any longer seems too long to wait, and as you said, Nintendo has never had an issue releasing handhelds outside of the holiday season.

I think it's good timing especially if Nintendo plans on tying them both together with games that can play on both. I don't think they want to release them a year apart from each other.


If the NX is more powerful than the PS4, but less powerful than the PS4K, it begs the question of how much each of those consoles will cost. I guess it depends on what sort of tech Nintendo packs into the NX besides processors and memory.
His math does not check out. PS4 was released on November 15th, 2013 in the US and Canada. It released in other territories shortly after. If Nintendo launches NX this November for the holiday season, which many seem to think will be the case, PS4 will have been on the market for 3 years.
That poster explicitly mentioned 2017 in their post, i.e they seem to think NX isn't coming out this year.

That in itself is questionable. Something's definitely coming this year from Nintendo NX-related.

Fuck that future then. An all digital future is an absolutely horrendous idea for a multitude of reasons. What happens when licensing issues come up and a publisher is forced to take a game down? Or what happens when publisher takes a game down for literally any other reason? You're fucked. Nobody can buy that game anymore, it's lost forever until the company decides, if ever, to relist it. For instance, I wanted to play the HD version of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game. Capcom re-released the game in HD on PSN and Xbox live back in 2012, but pulled the game in 2014. It was up for two years, if you didn't buy the game during that two year period you're absolutely, grade-A, fucked. I only became a fan of the series this year, but now I'm fucked and cannot purchase and play that game.
At some point these console manufacturers are going to have to offer owners a way to create physical copies of digitally purchased games. They can manufacture them themselves if they want, but by direct-order only. That way each copy is a guaranteed sale, and that can keep costs down accordingly.

So basically, buy the digital version, and if you like it enough, order a physical print copy for a small nominal fee. That would be a workable solution.


Why would a Nintendo console need to be more powerful than current gen hardware if the majority of Nintendo titles use art styles and mechanics that don't really call for that sort of horsepower? Seems like it would be a little much for the type of games they develop.

EDIT: Third party exclusives, I guess?
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