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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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There's nothing that suggests that it's weaker than other current systems other than people who haven't read the OP =\
The conversation have continued beyond the OP, I just saw some differing info in the last few pages, so I'm thinking nothing is concrete yet. In any case, I actually do hope the system is powerful, so there's that.
We can confirm that? Just curious as obviously Nintendo never stopped the WiiU price, so it's a little hard to tell.

I doubt we can actually CONFIRM that, but since 2012 or even 2010-2011 when they started production on the streaming technology, a lot of new companies and products have come out that do similar things, like Miracast, and when multiple products start appearing the price begins to drop dramatically, compared to when it's a single proprietary device.

We really don't know how much the Wii U gamepad costs to make these days. Launch day gamepads were expensive yes, something like ~80$ to produce if I remember correctly, but we have no info on how much they're paying to make them now. For all we know the gamepads they produce now could cost 30-40$ and they haven't dropped the price of the Wii U in an effort to squeeze as much profit from it as they can.


I mean it's just a shame that this is what gets attention rather than something like new IPs or even new existing IPs. I understand why, of course - I just think fresh content would excite me more.

Why does the idea of porting over a few of the Wii U's biggest and most successful games mean that new content isn't coming? The ports would be schedule filler similar to what MS/Sony do with their remasters.


I mean it's just a shame that this is what gets attention rather than something like new IPs or even new existing IPs. I understand why, of course - I just think fresh content would excite me more.

I don't think it's "the only thing we have is ports" but rather a game that already exists and everyone has seen/played doesn't need to be kept super secret. I'm assuming that's why they leaked, and not whatever new games there are.


El Capitan Todd
Why does the idea of porting over a few of the Wii U's biggest and most successful games mean that new content isn't coming? The ports would be schedule filler similar to what MS/Sony do with their remasters.

I fear their "capacity". if teams are working on ports, there will be the usual drought of games, for Wii u owners. especially if, as usual, third parties will not be there (in a "normal" capacity for Sony or MS consoles)


I agree; so everything regarding the NX's power will remain speculation.
Not indefinitely though, whether they confirm the specs or not when it is out we can gauge how powerful it is and there will be more concrete info out by then. If not from Nintendo, from devs. In any case I do believe Nintendo will publish the machine's specs, especially if it's AMD based.


I mean it's just a shame that this is what gets attention rather than something like new IPs or even new existing IPs. I understand why, of course - I just think fresh content would excite me more.

Just because there's talk of ports doesn't automatically rule out new content at launch. Any new titles that are being prepped for NX are going to be kept under super-tight wraps because of NDAs. Nintendo is in lockdown mode, so no one should expect any reveals of new titles until Nintendo shows them off themselves.

Edit: Also, keep in mind that the rumored ports will most likely be handled by smaller dev teams and not the actual teams that made the original games. Twilight Princess HD, for example, was outsourced. Nintendo's big teams are most definitely 100% focused on new titles.


Neo Member
Why does the idea of porting over a few of the Wii U's biggest and most successful games mean that new content isn't coming?

I don't remember attacking any specific console, I didn't realise I stepped into a console flame war here. I also didn't say that new IPs were never going to be released.

Regardless of rumour or not, all I meant was that the companies focus on mentioning ports first. They clearly know their consumers well judging by the railing I'm getting here.
I mean it's just a shame that this is what gets attention rather than something like new IPs or even new existing IPs. I understand why, of course - I just think fresh content would excite me more.

I doubt lips are going to be so loose about whatever new games Nintendo is working on. It wouldn't surprise me if they were more lax with outside people knowing about potential remasters/ports than their new, internally-developed content.


I fear their "capacity". if teams are working on ports, there will be the usual drought of games, for Wii u owners. especially if, as usual, third parties will not be there (in a "normal" capacity for Sony or MS consoles)

Depends what type of teams are working on the ports/remasters. They could be outsourced to small teams they have partnered with before like Grizzo. Nintendo's core teams likely aren't focusing on those projects.
I mean it's just a shame that this is what gets attention rather than something like new IPs or even new existing IPs. I understand why, of course - I just think fresh content would excite me more.
This is stuff we know, or at least what rumors point to. It doesn't mean no original content is being made
Has 10k posted any other crazy thing he may have heard since last night like the second screen and Polaris stuff?
On Twitter he has :p
I don't remember attacking any specific console, I didn't realise I stepped into a console flame war here. I also didn't say that new IPs were never going to be released.

Regardless of rumour or not, all I meant was that the companies focus on mentioning ports first. They clearly know their consumers well judging by the railing I'm getting here.
...what company is mentioning ports first? That's the information leakers were able to get, not official announcements.
Only thing Nintendo has said about NX: the new system is codenamed NX.


I fear their "capacity". if teams are working on ports, there will be the usual drought of games, for Wii u owners. especially if, as usual, third parties will not be there (in a "normal" capacity for Sony or MS consoles)

Maybe the reason why we know about these ports is because they're being outsourced, which should affect their capacity less.

I don't think the Wii U suffering a drought is anything people should care about at this point (if I'm reading what you were saying right).
I don't remember attacking any specific console, I didn't realise I stepped into a console flame war here. I also didn't say that new IPs were never going to be released.

Regardless of rumour or not, all I meant was that the companies focus on mentioning ports first. They clearly know their consumers well judging by the railing I'm getting here.
Nintendo hasn't mentioned ANYTHING regarding any titles for the new system.


Nice, welcoming community you have here.

Disregard the new guy.

Your comment was dismissive and contributed nothing to the discussion. That's a drive by.

We welcome newcomers all the time. If you have nothing to contribute in a thread, then there's no need to post. If you do have something to contribute, do so.

I don't remember attacking any specific console, I didn't realise I stepped into a console flame war here. I also didn't say that new IPs were never going to be released.

Regardless of rumour or not, all I meant was that the companies focus on mentioning ports first. They clearly know their consumers well judging by the railing I'm getting here.

Nintendo hasn't mentioned anything at all. This is all rumor (and some speculation). If nintendo had released this information, and the information regarded only ports and no new titles, then sure, you'd be right in being upset.


I don't remember attacking any specific console, I didn't realise I stepped into a console flame war here. I also didn't say that new IPs were never going to be released.

Regardless of rumour or not, all I meant was that the companies focus on mentioning ports first. They clearly know their consumers well judging by the railing I'm getting here.

No company has mentioned any such thing. The ports are information we know/have heard rumored as potential releases for NX...at some point.


Neo Member
Okay, people seem to think I suggested that there will be no original content or refreshed IPs at launch or in development.

I never said or even implied this. I merely popped a snidey remark at there only being news of ports leaked.

Bloody can of worms there.


I just want Nintendo to be on par with current gen with achievements 3rd part support so I stop getting video games for ps4. I get ps4 games because I earn trophies plus all the 3rd party games are on the other consoles.


Nice, welcoming community you have here.

Disregard the new guy.
What did you really expect?
you come here with a drive by quality post in a rather heated discussion and you expect people to welcome with open arms?

Post something that actually will enhance the convo and you won't be "disregarded"


I read the OP, but nothing is concrete from what I'm reading. I was also referring to the recent posts which suggests a bit different from the tier 4 ramblings. Nothing is concrete guys the info in the OP may very well be different from when the official specs are confirmed.

Ok, fair enough, I guess we can wait to see how this pans out. I'm just of the opinion that we need less gimmicks from Nintendo and some more technical showcases from their franchises. We need a new Zelda, a new Metroid and some new franchise that can blow eyesockets off.

Whatever is in the OP is much more credible than the "ramblings" that "don't bode well" according to you.

10k has 4 sources, which were all verified by the mods. And LCGeek who was the first to claim the CPU is more powerful than that in XBO/PS4 was the one that leaked the info on the GCN and Wii CPU, meaning he is trustworthy and has a trackrecord. Which is more than can be said for the rumors about it being less powerful.
I read the OP, but nothing is concrete from what I'm reading. I was also referring to the recent posts which suggests a bit different from the tier 4 ramblings. Nothing is concrete guys the info in the OP may very well be different from when the official specs are confirmed.
The ramblings of being underpowered and having a handheld counterpart are old. Recent leaks have all said it will be on par or stronger than the PS4 with no mention of a handheld.
Okay, people seem to think I suggested that there will be no original content or refreshed IPs at launch or in development.

I never said or even implied this. I merely popped a snidey remark at there only being news of ports leaked.

Bloody can of worms there.
Yeah but you seemed to imply that the fact that the leak only pertains to ports means something. The only thing it means is that the leakers only have, or are only willing to reveal, info on ports. Nothing less, nothing more.


El Capitan Todd
Depends what type of teams are working on the ports/remasters. They could be outsourced to small teams they have partnered with before like Grizzo. Nintendo's core teams likely aren't focusing on those projects.

yes but we are receiving rumors only about wii u ports.
that is scaring for wii u owners.
if they are (and it is a IF) better managing their R&D efforts (shared OS or even library with the next portable, better skills on HD development and so on...) but on the other hand are working hard on porting games, wii u owners, that already played those games, should wait and see, not biuying at launch imho

even if they are not EAD but only Grezzo, that still means that Grezzo is working on a useless game for NX, looking at it from the point of view of a Wii u owner.

Remember that I'm slighlty disappointed by Sony first party/second party efforts on PS4, and they have ALL the third party support possible.


Okay, people seem to think I suggested that there will be no original content or refreshed IPs at launch or in development.

I never said or even implied this. I merely popped a snidey remark at there only being news of ports leaked.

Bloody can of worms there.

I agree with you about the ports. I'm excited for them as I have not yet played the originals, but still. That said, I think it might just be that leakers are more comfortable leaking about ported games than completely new ones so as to not completely take the wind out of the sails before they're announced.


I read the OP, but nothing is concrete from what I'm reading. I was also referring to the recent posts which suggests a bit different from the tier 4 ramblings. Nothing is concrete guys the info in the OP may very well be different from when the official specs are confirmed.

Ok, fair enough, I guess we can wait to see how this pans out. I'm just of the opinion that we need less gimmicks from Nintendo and some more technical showcases from their franchises. We need a new Zelda, a new Metroid and some new franchise that can blow eyesockets off.

Less gimmicks means: back to traditional controller without any new feature. Just better gfx.

Not sure if I want that...


Neo Member
That's fair enough.

Although, if you were that person. The leak ground zero leaker. Wouldn't you tease the tastiest morsels you could?

Perhaps the lack of new exisiting IP titles speaks for itself.
yes but we are receiving rumors only about wii u ports.
that is scaring for wii u owners.
if they are (and it is a IF) better managing their R&D efforts (shared OS or even library with the next portable, better skills on HD development and so on...) but on the other hand are working hard on porting games, wii u owners, that already played those games, should wait and see, not biuying at launch imho

even if they are not EAD but only Grezzo, that still means that Grezzo is working on a useless game for NX, looking at it from the point of view of a Wii u owner.

Remember that I'm slighlty disappointed by Sony first party/second party efforts on PS4, and they have ALL the third party support possible.
If Nintendo doesn't release new many new games worth buying but only ports then yeah, it would be a problem.
Sony's problem is that around 3 years in we have Bloodborne as a highly rated PS4 1st party titles and that's about it while they ported TLOU, the entire PS3 trilogy of Uncharted, GoW3, etc.
But ports don't necessarily take away a lot of resources from big teams, they can give them to port studios so they can take care of it as well.
I agree with you about the ports. I'm excited for them as I have not yet played the originals, but still. That said, I think it might just be that leakers are more comfortable leaking about ported games than completely new ones so as to not completely take the wind out of the sails before they're announced.
Ninjas only cut off one arm for port leaks, ground-up developed game reveals leave you like Weebles but you do fall down.


That's fair enough.

Although, if you were that person. The leak ground zero leaker. Wouldn't you tease the tastiest morsels you could?

Perhaps the lack of new exisiting IP titles speaks for itself.

Impossible to know without speaking to the sources themselves. They may ONLY know about the ports. Most of us sincerely doubt the NX will launch with no new titles. We assume the ports are there to both pad out the launch window and provide a way for consumers who skipped Wii U to play those games. it also gives players from those game communities (smash, splatoon, mario maker) a reason to upgrade hardware (they can keep playing the games they love on new hardware). Possibly enhanced ports, both in content and performance.


I don't remember attacking any specific console, I didn't realise I stepped into a console flame war here. I also didn't say that new IPs were never going to be released.

Are you new to the internet?

Regardless of rumour or not, all I meant was that the companies focus on mentioning ports first. They clearly know their consumers well judging by the railing I'm getting here.

That hasn't happened. Those are leaks, rumors, speculation. Obviously a company is not going to base their console launch on ports.


yes but we are receiving rumors only about wii u ports.
that is scaring for wii u owners.
if they are (and it is a IF) better managing their R&D efforts (shared OS or even library with the next portable, better skills on HD development and so on...) but on the other hand are working hard on porting games, wii u owners, that already played those games, should wait and see, not biuying at launch imho

even if they are not EAD but only Grezzo, that still means that Grezzo is working on a useless game for NX, looking at it from the point of view of a Wii u owner.

Remember that I'm slighlty disappointed by Sony first party/second party efforts on PS4, and they have ALL the third party support possible.

I figure Nintendo is going to position these titles just as Sony has with the PS3 => PS4 releases - the Wii U base was small & these games are for the new market on NX. Those with a Wii U that jump to NX may not double-dip on a title like Mario Maker or Splatoon, while Zelda or Smash could be enticing purchases. I haven't been a fan of Sony's remaster release lineup or their first-party output thus far, because to me Sony has only released 2 great games since PS4 launch - Bloodborne and, hopefully, Uncharted 4.


El Capitan Todd
If Nintendo doesn't release new many new games worth buying but only ports then yeah, it would be a problem.
Sony's problem is that around 3 years in we have Bloodborne as a highly rated PS4 1st party titles and that's about it while they ported TLOU, the entire PS3 trilogy of Uncharted, GoW3, etc.
But ports don't necessarily take away a lot of resources from big teams, they can give them to port studios so they can take care of it as well.

fact is, to me, that Nintendo needs to significantly INCREASE the release of games for its consoles.
the possible integrated OS or library among its HWs could help; second party or third party licencees too (like Hyrule warriors, for example); better third party relationships too (even if it's harder).
But then, if you put even just some of your resources into Wii U ports, this is an issue, for me as a Wii U owner, for a possible launch window purchase.


Okay, people seem to think I suggested that there will be no original content or refreshed IPs at launch or in development.

I never said or even implied this. I merely popped a snidey remark at there only being news of ports leaked.

Bloody can of worms there.

That's because ports are often outsourced, and the games have already been out, meaning people don't see that as earthshattering news when they talk about it, as opposed to unannounced games. It's also easier to hint a certain port is coming to a certain platform, than hint about a game nobody knows even exists.

There are solid leaks for these ports; There aren't any for "new" games. So which games do you think are most likely to be discussed?


Yeah, I’m kinda feeling that’s what we should expect, and anything above that would be a surprise.

Nintendo is almost bound to down use Wi-Fi Remote Play as a bare minimum for the handheld (or full screen controller, if it’s that). Wii U showed their keen on the idea, Sony proved it’s entirely viable, and Nintendo’s handheld ethos is obviously strong (on top of the internal dev teams merging and the shared OS).

As cool as it would be for the library to be totally, 100% shared across two devices, it just seems too much of a big issue to implement without big compromises to either cost or hardware.

I honestly feel that, for all intents and purposes, NX will be essentially the Wii U ethos of thinking, taken to the next level, plugging the gaps exposed by that system’s relative failure. So:

- More power/competitive power, easier dev tools

- Remote Play with the handheld, which (as you and many other have suggested) can also act as a controller for the home version of the system

- The ability to play NX handheld titles in some way

- A stronger, and larger library of games out of the gate (bolstered by the Wii remasters you’ve mentioned)

- Stronger connectivity with mobile devices

- A slicker OS

While the handheld may be essentially:

- A more powerful Vita, with it’s own library of titles

- Access to Nintendo’s own mobile games (e.g. Miitomo) with easier dev tools for Android ports

- Connectivity to mobile devices

- Connectivity to the NX home console and WiFi enabled Remote Play (for both games and entertainment)

In short, mixing the philosophy courted with Wii U, with power and connectivity of PS4 and PS Vita.

- More power/competitive power, easier dev tools

- Remote Play with the handheld, which (as you and many other have suggested) can also act as a controller for the home version of the system

- The ability to play NX handheld titles in some way (I heard the hybrid is a myth)

- A stronger, and larger library of games out of the gate (bolstered by the Wii remasters you’ve mentioned) ( im sure we will see ports of galore)

- Stronger connectivity with mobile devices ( this will happen)

- A slicker OS ( I agree)

While the handheld may be essentially:

- A more powerful Vita, with it’s own library of titles (again Im thinking the conrtroller is just a better wii u tablet thinner and better performance wont be a actual console)

- Access to Nintendo’s own mobile games (e.g. Miitomo) with easier dev tools for Android ports

- Connectivity to mobile devices

- Connectivity to the NX home console and WiFi enabled Remote Play (for both games and entertainment) (remote play will happen)


I bet Nintendo will never confirm the specs.

Last time with the Wii U GAF had to pay to have the chip analyzed, myself included, and the company threw us a bone by giving us a much more detailed scan than what we actually paid for.

I can't imagine Nintendo will reveal much beyond the basics. They want to focus on games and I can't blame them.


That's fair enough.

Although, if you were that person. The leak ground zero leaker. Wouldn't you tease the tastiest morsels you could?

Perhaps the lack of new exisiting IP titles speaks for itself.

That's assuming they would know.

Chances are Nintendo is developing new titles and focuses on hiding their launch lineup which aren't ports the most. Considering how much stuff is leaked I bet new titles would by most be THE surprise they'd want to keep to themselves by all means.
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