Elder Legend
Source - https://www.biohazardcast.com/resident-evil-8-listed-german-video-website/
TLDR - Resident Evil: VIILAGE appeared at a Austrian Game Retail Site with a PS4/Xbox One for Pre Order. No listing of PS5/XSX (Most likely due to lack of release date for new consoles) the game has been speculated/rumored for a while now as a cross gen title coming in early 2021.
Also, Capcom has been going on some weird crazy title updating for ALL Resident Evil games on Steam the past few days. I think something is about to happen.
Check this out:

TLDR - Resident Evil: VIILAGE appeared at a Austrian Game Retail Site with a PS4/Xbox One for Pre Order. No listing of PS5/XSX (Most likely due to lack of release date for new consoles) the game has been speculated/rumored for a while now as a cross gen title coming in early 2021.

Also, Capcom has been going on some weird crazy title updating for ALL Resident Evil games on Steam the past few days. I think something is about to happen.
Check this out:

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