But there's also plenty to be said about how this movie chooses to edit and frame itself, especially early on. The way it introduces Enchantress and uses her throughout the movie is a prime example. Starting the movie with Dr. Moon's possession like they seemingly intended atleast would have put some emphasis on her from the get-go, and maybe would've helped with that whole thread. Instead, introducing her as maybe a candidate for the Squad? But then not? Then... huh? That fucked the whole pace of that first act. Not to say the movie isn't without its other problems, but the problems go beyond the Joker stuff getting cut/re purposed.
I completely agree. It really didn't help that most of he trailers lead people to think The Joker was a huge part of the film when he was actually a subplot for a villain that most people didn't know or care about. If they had emphasized Enchantress more throughout the trailers and made it clear The Joker was in the film but not a huge part, I think it wuld have tempered peoples expectations a bit.
I agree, the first 30 minutes of the movie are a complete mess. They introduce Harley Quinn and Deadshot like 3 times each for no god damn reason. Show the June Moon scene where she's exploring the cave from a cold open, up until Enchantress possesses her, and then roll the intro credits, leading into Waller arriving at the restaurant. Have her start explaining the team and introducing the characters. Roll the scenes with Deadshot and Quinn into a single introduction rather than jumping back and fourth between them and other characters. Follow Deadshot and Quinn with the others, and finish with Enchantress and Flagg. Intro fixed. From there you pick up at the scene where she's showing of Enchantress and weave in more scenes of The Joker chronologically.
That immediately helps the pacing at the beginning.