I'll admit I'm wrong about Splatoon, but you all focused on that one statement and ignored everything else. The point was that Nintendo should have much more in the pipeline and the worry they wouldn't have anything else to release if these games came out at launch shouldn't be a factor. If it is, then you'd wonder what they've been doing the past few years.
I mean... is this really the conversation you want to be having about first-party published year one lineups?
Standard text is brand-new games, italicized are late ports/remasters. Asterisks indicate games that weren't made by in-house development teams:
Nintendo Switch
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
1-2 Switch
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Fire Emblem Warriors*
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Total: 9 games
New games: 8 games
In-house: 7 games
Remasters: 1 games
(2017 games only; more unannounced games likely forthcoming)
PlayStation 4
Killzone Shadow Fall
Sound Shapes*
Infamous Second Son
MLB 14: The Show
Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition*
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate*
The Last of Us Remastered
The Unfinished Swan*
Total: 14 games
New: 7 games
In-house: 7 games
Remasters: 7 games
(Actual released games from first holiday to before second holiday)
Xbox One
Crimson Dragon*
Dead Rising 3*
Forza Motorsport 5
Powerstar Golf*
Ryse: Son of Rome*
Zoo Tycoon*
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Halo: Spartan Assault
Kinect Sports Rivals
Dance Central Spotlight*
Project Spark
Sunset Overdrive*
Forza Horizon 2
Total: 16 games
New: 15 games
In-house: 7 games
Remasters: 1 game
(Actual released games from first holiday to before second holiday)
All told, Switch has a pretty respectable lineup of new games and even before E3 we already know at least as many of them are made in-house as Sony/MS put out.
I don't see how anyone can point to their first-party published lineup as weak at this point.