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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Nirolak said:
Monster Games is a really small studio and they just put out Pilotwings Resort, so if it exists, it would almost have to be someone else.

Depends when they finished it, it's not like they could have released Pilotwings any earlier than they did.
Nirolak said:
Monster Games is a really small studio and they just put out Pilotwings Resort, so if it exists, it would almost have to be someone else.

Well, to play the other side of it:

Assuming a mid-late 2012 launch window, MG could be tasked with providing another launch racer and I'd imagine that - as one of a handful of trusted Western studios - they may have had dev kits long enough to put together a demo reel of something for E3, even with Pilotwings Resort on the go.




radioheadrule83 said:
It should just be called EXCITE HD and full of various vehicles and polymorphised transformer animal machine things.




Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
MYE said:


That mother fucking lobster was main. Shit was boss. Heavy steering, but some crazy top speeds.

Plus a chef hat and mustache.


Cosmonaut X said:
Well, to play the other side of it:

Assuming a mid-late 2012 launch window, MG could be tasked with providing another launch racer and I'd imagine that - as one of a handful of trusted Western studios - they may have had dev kits long enough to put together a demo reel of something for E3, even with Pilotwings Resort on the go.



I think they could, yeah.

Excite truck was one of the best games on the Wii.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
midonnay said:
project cafe is an anagram

of crap reject

Wii2 will be shovelware free

return of Nintendo seal of quality :D
More anagram silliness.

Project Cafe also works out to...

C Fap Ejector
C Jet Core Fap

"C" is kinda cheating, though.
maeda said:
Why is no one speculating on who from within Nintendo is making games for the machine. I mean we can pretty much assume that the second Retro project is a bigger scope Cafe game. Now the question is if Tokyo EAD has 3 teams now, one making smaller scope games, the other Mario 3DS and the last starting up Mario Cafe. What about the rest of the Zelda team, are they making a 3DS or a Cafe game? Hmmm... It seems that most teams are making 3DS games at this point in time. Where will Nintendo get the resources necessary to support 2 young platforms?

Masahiro Sakurai (Sora) tweeted a few weeks ago that he was interested in making a HD game, IIRC. Might have been a tongue-in-cheek comment to hint that he was. Smash Bros. would be a hell of a launch title. :)


Maturity, bitches.
EatChildren said:
I'm still trying to work out at what point people started to believe the Nintendo Seal of Quality had any impact on actual game quality.

Because, you know, it didn't.
Well Nintendo is to blame for not calling it the "Nintendo Seal of this game will not destroy your system"


Lonewolf_92 said:
Masahiro Sakurai (Sora) tweeted a few weeks ago that he was interested in making a HD game, IIRC. Might have been a tongue-in-cheek comment to hint that he was. Smash Bros. would be a hell of a launch title. :)

I hope not. I think Smash Bros has gone as far as it can go. I mean we could get an upgraded HD version that takes care of some o the problems from Brawl. But I'd rather have Sakurai work on something more epic and original.


Nirolak said:
Monster Games is a really small studio and they just put out Pilotwings Resort, so if it exists, it would almost have to be someone else.

isn't pilotwings kinda bare-bones? i mean, it's not like monster had to do nearly as much work as they did for excite truck with the game using miis and wuhu island. hard to imagine that took two years to develop. plus, they had both excitebots and excitebike: world tour in development at the same time.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
AniHawk said:
isn't pilotwings kinda bare-bones? i mean, it's not like monster had to do nearly as much work as they did for excite truck with the game using miis and wuhu island. hard to imagine that took two years to develop. plus, they had both excitebots and excitebike: world tour in development at the same time.

It's very bare bones. It's fantastic in gameplay, with that trademark Monster Games skill based gameplay, but there's so little game there they could have very easily been working on something else as well.
EatChildren said:
I hope the first game shown is Excite Truck Vs. Bots HD, a fucking badass combination of mother fucking monster trucks blazing tracks against mechanised animals doing tricks 'n shit.

Gonna be getting billion star air while on fire making a fucking sandwhich and spinnin' in circles and it's gonna be FUCKING AMAZING.

With MP3 support again, so I can blast Andrew WK at the same time


EatChildren said:
It's very bare bones. It's fantastic in gameplay, with that trademark Monster Games skill based gameplay, but there's so little game there they could have very easily been working on something else as well.

i think whoever suggested f-zero might be on the mark, considering their attempt to revive the excite series didn't go over so well. i hope nintendo doesn't drop their partnership solely on the basis of their games not selling well, because it sounds like they're pretty solid (only played excite truck and excite bots myself).


Green Scar said:
With MP3 support again, so I can blast Andrew WK at the same time
YES A THOUSAND TIMES. No mp3 support killed excitebots for me. Not that it wasn't a great game, but it wasn't as magical for me as ET.
AniHawk said:
i think whoever suggested f-zero might be on the mark, considering their attempt to revive the excite series didn't go over so well. i hope nintendo doesn't drop their partnership solely on the basis of their games not selling well, because it sounds like they're pretty solid (only played excite truck and excite bots myself).

Pilotwings is Nintendo's best selling 3DS game, I think they'll be fine. It could have been nearing content completion a year ago, too.
A.KU.MU said:
My final concept.

6-inch 4:3 touch screen with slide out controls.

Don't usually actually see an animated slider. I feel like the image wants us to throw it beads or something.
I want to see those stupid octagonal gates gone from the analog sticks.
I kind of like them, but lucky for you: they're not present on 3DS.
EmCeeGramr said:
Select has already been renamed to "Back" and "-." Both of which make as little sense as Select.
Well, - and + make sense as a pair, as much as A and B or 1 and 2.
Freezie KO said:
I like "The Enzix".
"Please take a 15 minute break every hour. If Enzix is still playing after four hours, consult a doctor immediately."
Nirolak said:
Monster Games is a really small studio and they just put out Pilotwings Resort, so if it exists, it would almost have to be someone else.
The guys who didn't have to design any new landmass for Pilotwings have instead been working on Excite courses.
I also don't like the octo-stick gates. On the Gamecube controller, the handles and the A+B buttons are the only two things I'm keen on, everything else doesn't feel quite right.


Mithos said:
I really like the Gamecube controller and this with some minor tweaks here and there it could really work for me.

C-Stick need to be normal analog though.

Yeah, wanted to pay tribute to the old "Camera" buttons/sticks from the N64 and Gamecube pads.

What about a larger, softer C-stick?


I'm enjoying this way too much lol
Probably should go back to work :(

edit: ignore the shitty and innacurate rendition of the C-stick on the upper view. I'm talking about something roughly the size of whats in the front view of the controller


I like the look of the concepts but I don't think they'll go with the 'cube' shape. A more rectangular DS/Wii remote-like shape is more likely.
Kjellson said:
Love the gif, but where is it from? I've seen that guy several times here on GAF.

What makes it relevant to the thread for me is that he looks a little bit like Kaz Hirai from that angle. And so furious, too!


And yes, I know it's Shang Tsung from "Mortal Kombat."
MYE said:
Yeah, wanted to pay tribute to the old "Camera" buttons/sticks from the N64 and Gamecube pads.

What about a larger, softer C-stick?


I'm enjoying this way too much lol
Probably should go back to work :(

edit: ignore the shitty and innacurate rendition of the C-stick on the upper view. I'm talking about something roughly the size of whats in the front view of the controller

Wow, now I'll be disappointed when it's nothing like that.
donny2112 said:
Happen to have an N64 controller handy. :p

Controller = NUS-006 = Nintendo Ultra System

Also have a Super Scope handy, and that's an SNS-013 (SNS = Super Nintendo System). No imagination. :lol


NUS = Nintendo Ultra Sixty-four
Project Reality = code name

GCN, GBA, NDS, WII, and 3DS all used their code names in the abbreviation. Therefore, either Nintendo Ultra Sixty-four was also a code name, or that practice began with the GBA.

Fuck fuck fuck. Midblown, I always said as a joke that the boxes that arrived to the mall were I worked (and the code the console has in the box and the console itself) was RVL for Revolution. Read this, looked the 3DS and it says CTR, the century code name. So I was right :lol


I'm sure this has been brought up earlier in this thread, but I was reading Nintendo Magic today and there was a section where Miyamoto was talking about designing the Wii Remote, and he mentioned that they rejected one concept of having a screen on the controller because, IIRC, they didn't want the experience of playing with a handheld and a console to be so alike. He also said that he didn't want to talk about it much because they might use the concept again in the future.

If it weren't for this aspect of the controller being confirmed so much already I guess this would be more important than it is, but I like how it shows how far back the genesis of this idea goes. In many ways it wouldn't surprise me then for Nintendo to revert back from the remote-control shape of the Wii's controller, depending on when in the Wii Remote's development this particular avenue was considered.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see, if possible, the concept behind the Vitality Sensor being incorporated into this controller, if only to ensure that the controller is distinct enough from the 3DS' capabilities.


Please, for the love of all that is holy, do not give us another gimped c-stick. If we're going the dual analog route, there is no good reason for it not to be a second identical control stick just like the industry standard.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
M74 said:
Please, for the love of all that is holy, do not give us another gimped c-stick. If we're going the dual analog route, there is no good reason for it not to be a second identical control stick just like the industry standard.

So many people ITT who forget about the CC Pro.


Andrex said:
So many people ITT who forget about the CC Pro.
Haven't forgotten about it at all. I just know we can't trust Nintendo not to get cutesy with this stuff and screw it up. It was an obviously terrible idea even back in the GCN days, yet they did it.
Graphics Horse said:

Reminds me of the Wii "Star" controller prototype. But, of course, more functional:

Fake-Edit: That modified Cube/Wavebird looks like a better fit, actually... Stick a screen in the middle and BAM! Wii2 controller.
Lupin the Wolf said:
Reminds me of the Wii "Star" controller prototype. But, of course, more functional:

Fake-Edit: That modified Cube/Wavebird looks like a better fit, actually... Stick a screen in the middle and BAM! Wii2 controller.

Yeah I already photoshopped a superwide screen on that grey one a while back, I'm stealing Nintendo's jokes.

Although this was more of an N64 controller taken to even more ridiculous extremes.
Graphics Horse said:
Yeah I already photoshopped a superwide screen on that grey one a while back, I'm stealing Nintendo's jokes.

D'oh! That's what I get for skipping ten pages or so.

Also, I miss your avatar. :(

EDIT: Thanks for digging it up! Looks wild!


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Am I the only one who loved ExciteTruck while being meh about ExciteBots?

Maybe I should give it another try.....


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
MYE said:
Yeah, wanted to pay tribute to the old "Camera" buttons/sticks from the N64 and Gamecube pads.

What about a larger, softer C-stick?


I'm enjoying this way too much lol
Probably should go back to work :(

edit: ignore the shitty and innacurate rendition of the C-stick on the upper view. I'm talking about something roughly the size of whats in the front view of the controller

You put a lot of work into it and it looks fine, but I'm going to be so upset if Nintendo have gone back to the 'pad' again over the seperated controllers.
EatChildren said:
You put a lot of work into it and it looks fine, but I'm going to be so upset if Nintendo have gone back to the 'pad' again over the seperated controllers.

Well, odds are good the Wii Remote and Wii Remote Plus will be supported, if you ask me. Especially if backward compatibility is a go. It's entirely possible they can be used in games as well.

Then again, Nintendo DOES like to sell us controllers. (Outside of the extra trigger and weird button mapping on Virtual Console, did we REALLY need the Classic Controller instead of the GameCube one? Really?)

EDIT: Typo.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Lupin the Wolf said:
Well, odds are good the Wii Remote and Wii Remote Plus will be supported, if you ask me. Especially if backward compatibility is a go. It's entirely possible they can be used in games as well.

Then again, Nintendo DOES like to sell us controllers. (Outside of the extra trigger and weird button mapping on Virtual Console, did we REALLY need he Classic Controller instead of the GameCube one? Really?)

I'm cool with it being an option as long as it is still a main option. I love the split controller design. Same goes for the pointer. Knocking either of those two off is a step backwards in my opinion.


Whenever i read stuff on the Wii 2 I can't help but think about the Crysis 2 opening "Welcome to the future, son. Welcome to the war." Swiiiiii
I think the only way EVERY rumor can be true (6" touch screen, "no gimmicks," AND improved motion controls over Move) is the 3-piece separating pad where both sides merge with a touch screen. No one will want the touch screen attached to the controller when they're swinging it around (at least, not a 6" diagonal one). A few people have done mock-ups of that design, but I really think that's the only way it's possible.

And because the design is so absurd, I have to assume that either A) there will be a second, "freestyle" controller setup available a la Wii Remote/Nunchuk, or B) The source about "Better than Move" controls was full of it, and the system simply supports Wii Remotes w/MotionPlus via Bluetooth. As someone else put it, "something's gotta give."
MYE said:
Yeah, wanted to pay tribute to the old "Camera" buttons/sticks from the N64 and Gamecube pads.

What about a larger, softer C-stick?


I'm enjoying this way too much lol
Probably should go back to work :(

edit: ignore the shitty and innacurate rendition of the C-stick on the upper view. I'm talking about something roughly the size of whats in the front view of the controller

That's a great first step, although you can still make a yellow analogue stick that is more or less the same size as a real stick, just with a big C on it ;)

General enhancements I think would make it better / more realistic:

- Make the sticks concave, not convex. Think 360 sticks, you can work them comfortably with the joint of your thumb (and some people do for some reason). The 3DS nubs have this feature, and nunchuck sticks have those little rings of raised plastic to achieve a similar function.
- Make the C stick a bit taller and more like a regular stick
- Make the middle section a thicker to represent the battery. Screens are huge battery hogs, and we do not want 3DS battery life on a controller!
- Possibly reposition the speakers / side stuff, I'm not sure if that would be comfortable or practical to manipulate the screen with your left hand.
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