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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Gamecube Controller got way too much hate for insignificant reasons, the biggest of which was "the button is green and toyish". Not that I discount reasonable and valid complaints.


conman said:
I think most of the haters must not have spent much time with the GC controller. It is still the controller by which I judge all others. Sure, the triggers are a bit stiff (and it's "missing" a trigger button), but the layout was damn-near perfect and fit better in my hands than anything before or since.

I also think it's funny how people can praise the 360 controller so much, but not acknowledge how much of the design (especially, the bumpers and asymmetrical sticks) comes straight from the GC design. But the 360 controller still doesn't form fit my hands the way the GC controller does. And the shapes of the face buttons were a brilliant idea--especially for easily confused multi-console owners like me.

I feel the 360 is the best controller out there (not the perfect controller), but the best one made so far. It has some issues, but it's the current standard all others should aspire to be and improve upon.

The GC control had lots of issues, mostly because today's standards took what the GC did and refined it. It did fit in your hand well.

It had terrible dual analog controllers (that tiny crap C), tiny hard-to-feel right bumper, missing left bumper, stiff/springy triggers, triggers that' don't feel like real triggers, terrible d-pad, strange feeling/location X/Y buttons, wired, no home button, painful analog stick.

But, without a doubt, Nintendo is the leader in controller innovation from the d-pad on the NES to bumpers on the SNES to analog sticks on the N64, to rumble to motion controls and so much more. Just right now the 360 controller is the king.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Jackson said:
It had terrible dual analog controllers (that tiny crap C), tiny hard-to-feel right bumper, missing left bumper, stiff/springy triggers, triggers that' don't feel like real triggers, terrible d-pad, strange feeling/location X/Y buttons, wired, no home button, painful analog stick.

It didn't need a home button. It would have been useless without a proper OS. I disagree with the strange location of the ABXY buttons too. I loved their layout.

Otherwise, I agree. In terms of comfort the GCN is probably my favourite controller of all time. As someone else said, it melts into your hand. But in terms of functionality it had a lot of problems. The d-pad was utter shit, the C-stick was a bit shitty too, the Z button felt terrible and was in a clumsy place, and the analogue sensitive L/R buttons were a waste, never truly being used properly and a poor substitute for triggers.

As for the Wii 2, I still cannot fathom how a 6" screen can fit into the picture. I cant imagine it being part of the controller at all. At best, I can imagine it as a tablet style device, that connects to a nunchuck or Wii remote. I expect Nintendo to keep the modular nature of the Wii remote, and maybe this is how it will work; nunchuck and remote style controllers, and a 'third' tablet controller that can be mixed in where required.

Actually being attached to the controller I just cant imagine at all. Not at 6" in size.


With the touch screen, do you think it's possible to have multi-touch like Apple's trackpad? Do you think Nintendo might have considered this? Digital buttons seems silly to me, I think a trackpad-like touchscreen would mean the player wouldn't have to look down at the display disrupting playtime.

Also, what about the color scheme? Are they gonna stick with the innocent white with a small dash of grey? Or something a little more......."edgy" to entice the upstream gamer?
Mistle said:
How anybody can hate on the GC control is beyond me. I acknowledge the bad d-pad, but otherwise it just feels so perfect.

I love the ergonomics on it to death, but the C-stick is very poor and it's missing a partner to the Z button on the left. Speaking of Z button, it sucked generally, needs to be more like either a PS style L1/R1 or a 360 Bumper. Also, the sticks do that thing where if you hold a direction on boot it thinks that is "neutral" and you have to perform voodoo on the controller to get it working again. And you can't click the sticks. And it has a start, but no select button.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
robor said:
Also, what about the color scheme? Are they gonna stick with the innocent white with a small dash of grey? Or something a little more......."edgy" to entice the upstream gamer?

Flame decals.

Maybe some skulls and snakes.
EatChildren said:
and the analogue sensitive L/R buttons were a waste, never truly being used properly and a poor substitute for triggers.

I don't see how they are any worse than trigger, tbh. I wish other controllers adopted the little "click" at the end of the L/R buttons, I loved that shit.
conman said:
I also think it's funny how people can praise the 360 controller so much, but not acknowledge how much of the design (especially, the bumpers and asymmetrical sticks) comes straight from the GC design.

I always thought the Xbox took its, err, inspiration, from the Dreamcast controller and the Dual Shock.


Error Macro said:
I always thought the Xbox took its, err, inspiration, from the Dreamcast controller and the Dual Shock.

The xbox 360 controller feels very nice, just as good as gamecube controller and better than ps3 controller. The PS3 controller could do with a better grip.


Junior Member
Error Macro said:
I always thought the Xbox took its, err, inspiration, from the Dreamcast controller and the Dual Shock.

It probably shares more in common from the DC controller and the rest of the Sega lineage (the triggers and even face button orient ion are the same). Playing Phantasy Star Online with a 360 pad feels just like playing on the DC. The 360 pad would be almost perfect if it had flat face buttons and a not-shitty D pad (did Nintendo copyright the only good D pad design or something?).

That said, I really don't have a problem with any Sony or Nintendo pads from the last two gens.


dwu8991 said:
The xbox 360 controller feels very nice, just as good as gamecube controller and better than ps3 controller. The PS3 controller could do with a better grip.

the ps3 controller has awful r2/l2 things. there's this gap between them and the plastic so when you press them down, it scraps and/or pinches your middle finger.


the gamecube controller isnt perfect but it fits into your hand better than any contoller to date. if the 360 controller had a working dpad and gamecube grips we would have the perfect controller imo.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
AniHawk said:
the ps3 controller has awful r2/l2 things. there's this gap between them and the plastic so when you press them down, it scraps and/or pinches your middle finger.

How are you holding the PS3 controller? Your middle fingers should be below the curve on the back. I also found it fits comfortably if your proximal phalanges are parallelled to the shoulder buttons.
Never had any pinching that way.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
big_z said:
the gamecube controller isnt perfect but it fits into your hand better than any contoller to date. if the 360 controller had a working dpad and gamecube grips we would have the perfect controller imo.

lunchwithyuzo said:
It must have, because Ultra 64 was the system's original name, not a code name.


Then again, doesn't the original Game Boy use DMG (aka: Dot Matrix Game) for it's serials?

Dude! I never realised the original design had a screen on the controller. Weird. Why didn't they stick with that?

Maybe they thought it best to shelve it for 13 years. 'til now.


runnin_blue said:
Dude! I never realised the original design had a screen on the controller. Weird. Why didn't they stick with that?

Maybe they thought it best to shelve it for 13 years. 'til now.

There never was a screen but the photos give the impression there is one.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Right, it was just a grove that a faceplate or logo could be placed later on.

I do wish they had stuck with that analogue stick design.


KenOD said:
How are you holding the PS3 controller? Your middle fingers should be below the curve on the back. I also found it fits comfortably if your proximal phalanges are parallelled to the shoulder buttons.
Never had any pinching that way.

oops, what i meant was my ring finger is the one that gets pinched (operating the r2/l2 with my middle fingers and the r1/l1 with my index fingers). only the left one though.

i think it's a habit carried over thanks to years with the 360 controller.
dwu8991 said:
The xbox 360 controller feels very nice, just as good as gamecube controller and better than ps3 controller. The PS3 controller could do with a better grip.

And a bit more weight. I always felt like I would snap mine in half coming from the 360 to the DS3.
What are your thoughts about the release date? I'm positive it will come out by the end of the year or at worst spring 2012. As for the 3ds, which rapidly was shown then put to sale.
There wouldn't be point in showing now the console and then make consumers wait for an year and a half, having them losing interest. (this already occured for the n64 and for the gc)


Bill Rizer said:
What are your thoughts about the release date? I'm positive it will come out by the end of the year or at worst spring 2012. As for the 3ds, which rapidly was shown then put to sale.
There wouldn't be point in showing now the console and then make consumers wait for an year and a half, having them losing interest. (this already occured for the n64 and for the gc)
Right, especially with devkits being at third parties for months. Nintendo could've tried and secured Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, CODMW3 and the other 'core' games releasing this holiday season. I'm sure EA, Activision and Bethesda/Zenimax would love an extra revenue stream for their biggest titles. For Nintendo it would be an amazing launch line-up and Capcom, Sega and others could finish it by sprinkling Sonic Generations and Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition in between.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
midonnay said:
project cafe is an anagram

of crap reject

Wii2 will be shovelware free

return of Nintendo seal of quality :D
Or, more likey...

"of carp reject"

No carp allowed. Leave it at the door.

This guy am cry...



Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
MYE said:
Added the C-stick on my old N6 controller shop


This looks really nice, and it looks like something Nintendo would put out. I still don't see how you would play Wii Sports Resort with it, though. I just don't see Nintendo abandoning that Remote shape, unless there is a secondary controller.


a spring 2012 launch sounds like a bad idea. they've done the reveal year = release year before for their handhelds, but consoles usually get two major events. spaceworld 2000 and e3 2001 for gamecube. wii was mentioned at e3 2004, shown off at e3 2005, and its lineup revealed at e3 2006.

plus, it would be around 20 months before the competition. microsoft and sony would leap that with ease.

not saying it's not what they're doing. if developers already have kits, it might be what they're planning. and considering the timing of the reveal, when they announce yearly forecasts and the like, it fits.
Ushojax said:
This looks really nice, and it looks like something Nintendo would put out. I still don't see how you would play Wii Sports Resort with it, though. I just don't see Nintendo abandoning that Remote shape, unless there is a secondary controller.
Just use the wiimote/chuk combo


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
midonnay said:
project cafe is an anagram

of crap reject

Wii2 will be shovelware free

return of Nintendo seal of quality :D

I'm still trying to work out at what point people started to believe the Nintendo Seal of Quality had any impact on actual game quality.

Because, you know, it didn't.


AniHawk said:
a spring 2012 launch sounds like a bad idea. they've done the reveal year = release year before for their handhelds, but consoles usually get two major events. spaceworld 2000 and e3 2001 for gamecube. wii was mentioned at e3 2004, shown off at e3 2005, and its lineup revealed at e3 2006.

plus, it would be around 20 months before the competition. microsoft and sony would leap that with ease.

not saying it's not what they're doing. if developers already have kits, it might be what they're planning. and considering the timing of the reveal, when they announce yearly forecasts and the like, it fits.
Early 2012 is highly unlikely unless the E3 release was like with 3ds last E3 with tons of models already made withs games for demo and videos


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Medalion said:
Early 2012 is highly unlikely unless the E3 release was like with 3ds last E3 with tons of models already made withs games for demo and videos
Would they be carrying the whole console? If so, Gamecube handle to be part of Wii 2 confirmed!


Medalion said:
Early 2012 is highly unlikely unless the E3 release was like with 3ds last E3 with tons of models already made withs games for demo and videos

Maybe that's what we'll see. Almost every hardware launch they've had post-Wii (DSi, XL, 3DS) has been in the early half of the year, give or take an end-of-year release for Japan.

I would greatly appreciate an early year launch, just like with 3DS. It allows good software to start dropping in bits throughout the whole year compared to a rush to launch for the holiday season. A holiday launch creates potential issues with supply and demand, and of course being left with lukewarm holiday titles to celebrate on that new hardware.

I think they might reveal it like they did with 3DS. We know their 3DS lineup until September, so it seems they'll just cover potential fall-winter games with Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Super Mario 3DS, Kid Icarus, and Animal Crossing being candidates. Wii's could be all about a date for Skyward Sword, Kirby, and potential localizations of Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora's Tower. The rest of their show can be focused on the new platform, like showcasing potential games (or at least name who's supporting the platform like last year).


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Hopefully we'll be getting more details today.

LayLa said:
no it's not, you miscounted the r's
its IS an anagram of
'Reject of cap'
Capgod, the wilderness years?
A reject of PC?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I hope the first game shown is Excite Truck Vs. Bots HD, a fucking badass combination of mother fucking monster trucks blazing tracks against mechanised animals doing tricks 'n shit.

Gonna be getting billion star air while on fire making a fucking sandwhich and spinnin' in circles and it's gonna be FUCKING AMAZING.


EatChildren said:
I hope the first game shown is Excite Truck Vs. Bots HD, a fucking badass combination of mother fucking monster trucks blazing tracks against mechanised animals doing tricks 'n shit.

Gonna be getting billion star air while on fire making a fucking sandwhich and spinnin' in circles and it's gonna be FUCKING AMAZING.
Monster Games is a really small studio and they just put out Pilotwings Resort, so if it exists, it would almost have to be someone else.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Nirolak said:
Monster Games is a really small studio and they just put out Pilotwings Resort, so if it exists, it would almost have to be someone else.

Stop shitting on my dreams with reality.
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