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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Zeal said:
i'm praying for a return to dual analog.
Dual analog was obsolete once wiimote and nunchuck arrived. No sense to go back to that. Only people looking for that are those who are still resisting (in denial).


Graphics Horse said:
I was thinking about this when I brought up those laser pointer pens,

Quick bodged together mockup, Pointer-pen would have the same 3 buttons as a Wacom stylus, plus a trigger on the opposite side. Pad held in landscape mode when used without the pointer-pen, which is slotted away inside the controller somewhere.

Don't take it too seriously but I think it could solve the pointer-fans needs, and go well with the touch screen. Not exactly sure how the screen pointing would be achieved!

I was under the impression they used TWO 3.25 inch screens? 4.2 inch for XL.

this is starting to get there. only thing i don't think works is that the screen would be below your hands.

i also think you were onto something a few pages ago. now the controller given out to devs might've been early, but they were describing an ipad slapped on a dreamcast controller. vertical, the measurement would be something like 3.6in wide and 4.8in tall. then, if you were to stream the game, the hud/touch screen stuff would shrink proportionally to take up the remaining 2.8 inches of the screen in height while the game itself would fake being on an hd screen the size of something a little big bigger than a psp go.
radcliff said:
Yeah, but you can't play SNES games on it without dislocating your thumb:(
Most would work pretty well if SNES Y/B was redirected to GCN B/A. But the Virtual Console way of DOING NOTHING HELPFUL isn't good, no.
Graphics Horse said:
Don't take it too seriously but I think it could solve the pointer-fans needs
Meh. It's not a problem with your design, but what a total regression any sort of "pointer pen" would be from the remote. The biggest problem with remote/nunchuk over a standard controller was that it was lacking a few buttons. To go to even fewer would be so limiting.
Choppasmith said:
I just realized from the fake pics, the awesome multiplayer potential for the controller. Mario Kart with no split screen, a proper Zelda 4 Swords. I just worry how much it'll all cost.

What is the difference between a split-screen on a 30-40 inch TV and playing on a dinky 6" screen. Actually, split-screen is probably easier.
AniHawk said:
this is starting to get there. only thing i don't think works is that the screen would be below your hands.

i also think you were onto something a few pages ago. now the controller given out to devs might've been early, but they were describing an ipad slapped on a dreamcast controller. vertical, the measurement would be something like 3.6in wide and 4.8in tall. then, if you were to stream the game, the hud/touch screen stuff would shrink proportionally to take up the remaining 2.8 inches of the screen in height while the game itself would fake being on an hd screen the size of something a little big bigger than a psp go.

Yeah, the picture-in-picture thing only matters if it is indeed designed to be useable without a TV, which I'm not sure about. Some kind of per-player streaming is definitely a good idea, but I haven't listened to all the podcasts or wherever this info is.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Graphics Horse said:
Really like this one :) Best mockup so far imo, I actually could see myself taking the controller with me to read ebooks on the train.
Hell, for all we know, Nintendo could be thinking of slapping the touch screen vertically on a Wii nunchuck. Nothing in the rumors suggest that the controller reported in them is the final revision. Bailing out now or morning the death of motion controls is totally jumping the gun.


I really hope Nintendo busts something awesome out because after seeing all these mock-ups, some might be setting themselves up for epic disappointment.


Graphics Horse said:
I was thinking about this when I brought up those laser pointer pens,

Quick bodged together mockup, Pointer-pen would have the same 3 buttons as a Wacom stylus, plus a trigger on the opposite side. Pad held in landscape mode when used without the pointer-pen, which is slotted away inside the controller somewhere.

Don't take it too seriously but I think it could solve the pointer-fans needs, and go well with the touch screen. Not exactly sure how the screen pointing would be achieved!

I was under the impression they used TWO 3.25 inch screens? 4.2 inch for XL.

Dude, that's awesome. I think you've just created the perfect controller. Phenomenal.

EDIT: It's the large stylus that doubles as a pointer in FPS games that makes me swoon.


Graphics Horse said:
Yeah, the picture-in-picture thing only matters if it is indeed designed to be useable without a TV, which I'm not sure about. Some kind of per-player streaming is definitely a good idea, but I haven't listened to all the podcasts or wherever this info is.

If they do the streaming, it should be per-player based. Otherwise, it seems silly, honestly. I mean, you're going to slap a touchscreen onto a controller so people can keep their items secret in Mario Kart? Get outta here. But a per-player thing? Where each person is seeing something different? And maybe the TV is showing, like, an external view of what they're doing for others to watch?

That I could see.


Graphics Horse said:
I was thinking about this when I brought up those laser pointer pens,

Quick bodged together mockup, Pointer-pen would have the same 3 buttons as a Wacom stylus, plus a trigger on the opposite side. Pad held in landscape mode when used without the pointer-pen, which is slotted away inside the controller somewhere.

Don't take it too seriously but I think it could solve the pointer-fans needs, and go well with the touch screen. Not exactly sure how the screen pointing would be achieved!

I was under the impression they used TWO 3.25 inch screens? 4.2 inch for XL.

The mock-up is nice, but it is still incomplete.

If the stylus were to be used as a pointer when playing Wii games, then what would be used as the analog when playing Wii games.


Ridleyscott said:
Dual analog was obsolete once wiimote and nunchuck arrived. No sense to go back to that. Only people looking for that are those who are still resisting (in denial).

and yet most people, including developers, prefer it.
Truth101 said:
The mock-up is nice, but it is still incomplete.

If the stylus were to be used as a pointer when playing Wii games, then what would be used as the analog when playing Wii games.

I don't think this would be used to play Wii games. You'd need a Wii Remote just as you needed GCN controllers for BC on the Wii.

You just can't have everything and still innovate...


AniHawk said:
this is starting to get there. only thing i don't think works is that the screen would be below your hands.

i also think you were onto something a few pages ago. now the controller given out to devs might've been early, but they were describing an ipad slapped on a dreamcast controller. vertical, the measurement would be something like 3.6in wide and 4.8in tall. then, if you were to stream the game, the hud/touch screen stuff would shrink proportionally to take up the remaining 2.8 inches of the screen in height while the game itself would fake being on an hd screen the size of something a little big bigger than a psp go.

And the smaller screen res would presumably speed up the streaming speed of the image to the controller, making lagless play directly on the controller more doable.
Truth101 said:
The mock-up is nice, but it is still incomplete.

If the stylus were to be used as a pointer when playing Wii games, then what would be used as the analog when playing Wii games.

The big round stick in the corner of the pad? Or do you mean something different. But it's not intended to be Wii compatible, you'd probably need your old controller for that, and I think that'll go for whatever the real thing turns out to be.


Truth101 said:
The mock-up is nice, but it is still incomplete.

If the stylus were to be used as a pointer when playing Wii games, then what would be used as the analog when playing Wii games.

The Wiimote controller and nunchuk should be used for Wii games. Wii is the best selling system this gen. If people want backwards compatibility to play their old games, let them trudge out their old junk (via backwards compatibility).

Zeal said:
and yet most people, including developers, prefer it.

Which is why I buy it has to have two sticks (if you believe the IGN comments from the developers). But GH's design would at least have both options feasible with the stock controller and would kind of shame them into supporting pointers.
Ridleyscott said:
What is the difference between a split-screen on a 30-40 inch TV and playing on a dinky 6" screen. Actually, split-screen is probably easier.

Probably right, a new Mario Kart would probably use the small screen as a rear view mirror maybe. I can't help but think of something like Dissidia, when the characters are close together, it'll show on the TV, but when far apart it goes to the 6" screen. It depends on how "on-the-fly" the screen is and the quality.


Zeal said:
and yet most people, including developers, prefer it.

The amount of Wii's sold say no to the people part. Western developers are just stuck in the past, a self-fulfilling(destructing) prophecy, if you will. Wiimote+nunchuck is superior in the majority of cases, for most genres.
Graphics Horse said:
Thanks, but the more people like it, the less likely to happen it seems to me!

I know what you mean, but honestly, if the rumors are to be believed, it's the only thing that makes sense at this point.

Nintendo abandoning a pointer altogether does not.


Ridleyscott said:
Dual analog was obsolete once wiimote and nunchuck arrived. No sense to go back to that. Only people looking for that are those who are still resisting (in denial).

Or the separated controls hurts your hands. I don't like the disconnect because it hurts my hands in the long run. I'd much rather buy in and use that controller if it didn't hurt so much. Granted, I know I'm probably the only person who the nunchuck and wiimote discomforts so, I'm a not a factor :)

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
StevieP said:
The amount of Wii's sold say no to the people part. Western developers are just stuck in the past, a self-fulfilling(destructing) prophecy, if you will. Wiimote+nunchuck is superior in the majority of cases, for most genres.

How many copies did Call of Duty sell again? Which platform sees the most amount of different titles on the NPD?

It is not the Wii my friend. The Wii is not a great platform for selling software. It is a great platform for selling one or two specific types of software by one specific publisher.


Graphics Horse said:
Thanks, but the more people like it, the less likely to happen it seems to me!

Maybe Retro is lurking and forwards the pointer idea to Nintendo. LOL

The only thing I'd say should be changed (and I realize you're using Move because it's easier to do), is the stick/button size. I'm sure Nintendo would use the GBA/DS baby buttons again. And it wouldn't totally shock me if they sunk the stick sections and used the 3DS's sliders. You could really cut some real estate and sleek it up by doing so.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
How many copies did Call of Duty sell again? Which platform sees the most amount of different titles on the NPD?

It is not the Wii my friend. The Wii is not a great platform for selling software. It is a great platform for selling one or two specific types of software by one specific publisher.

It's sold more 3rd party software than the other two individually.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
How many copies did Call of Duty sell again? Which platform sees the most amount of different titles on the NPD?

It is not the Wii my friend. The Wii is not a great platform for selling software. It is a great platform for selling one or two specific types of software by one specific publisher.

Call of Duty controlled MUCH better on the Wii than it did on the dual-analog platforms. Far more accurate and satisfying playing BLOPS on Wii than 360. The only thing it tops the Wiimote as far as accuracy goes is the KBM, which is my platform of choice for FPS.

KBM >>>> Wiichuck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DA.

That said, I'll let Gamasutra do the talking on your next point:


gvm said:
The Wii, with its installed base of over 35 million units, clearly leads in terms of total software sold. We also note that the Wii launched a full year after the Xbox 360, so it has moved significantly more software per year on average than has Microsoft's platform. By our estimates, about 50 million fewer units of PS3 software have been sold at this point in the system's lifetime than Xbox 360 software at the comparable point in its lifetime (i.e. March 2010).

While the figure above gives a clear image of where the platforms stand on total software, we think it is also instructive to look at the average rate of sales over shorter periods of time.

Let us consider the current-generation console market to consist of the Wii, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Then in the last fifteen months, the Wii has accounted for 38 percent of software unit sales while the Xbox 360 has accounted for 36 percent. The PlayStation 3 claimed the remaining 26 percent.

In the 15 months prior to that period (i.e. from October 2008 through December 2009), we estimate that the breakdown was 48 percent for the Wii, 32 percent for the Xbox 360, and 20 percent for the PlayStation 3.


Zeal said:
i'm praying for a return to dual analog.

Same. I loved the Wii for what it is, but I want regular controllers back. Just like 3D movies, the new and cool honeymoon is long over, and I prefer the normal way of gaming and watching movies. Dual analogue and 2D forever.


Ridleyscott said:
Dual analog was obsolete once wiimote and nunchuck arrived. No sense to go back to that. Only people looking for that are those who are still resisting (in denial).
The Move and Kinect are both gimmicky but better iterations of the "move" technology


while i'd be quite happy to see a small reduction in the size of the remote, a pen-like form-factor seems too small for comfort.

if we're actually seeing dual-analog, i expect one of them is on the remote, and there's some sort of nunchuk-like other bit for your other hand. for the remote: a "clickable" slide pad/A button that could "lock" in the centre position seems viable to me, particularly if they add a few other buttons surrounding it for better compatibility with traditional pad games (which the remote/nunchuk often lacked buttons to emulate effectively).

i feel i'm still waiting on the majority of great nunchuk/remote game styles to get made...


yet again.. this is the new controller imo.

Based upon Wii-mote with a backgroud touchscreen.

Anyone really think nintendo will not allow the new controller to be used in one hand? They will not drop this feature and make a large controller that needs to hands to hold:

This is what it will look like


It is the most logical step


Fun fact: If you mount the touchscreen below the traditional controls instead of above or between them, a 6" widescreen display would fit on a 360 pad. Not only that, you could also reach it with your thumbs without taking your hands off the handles. Toying around with a 360 pad, I don't even think it would be uncomfortable, even though it'd look a bit odd.
wsippel said:
Fun fact: If you mount the touchscreen below the traditional controls instead of above or between them, a 6" widescreen display would fit on a 360 pad. Not only that, you could also reach it with your thumbs without taking your hands off the handles. Toying around with a 360 pad, I don't even think it would be uncomfortable, even though it'd look a bit odd.

Very cool. They just need to make sure the grips on the back extend all the way down.

Actually, if it's anything like GH's design, it could be held either way, with the screen on the top or the bottom.
Off topic.

I hope Xbox follows suit and makes the ultimate controller for next gen. Updated DpAd and just split the damn thing down the middle. Don't even need motion built in, the kinked handles that, and you could then hole those controllers while using kinect. The ultimate system IMO.

I wish this is what nintendo would do. I'd love it.

/off topic.


Zeal said:
and yet most people, including developers, prefer it.
People do tend to prefer what they have already (or what they have the most experience with) over differing things, regardless of if they are objectively superior or not. Some will even make up fake arguments to support their preference.
You know, I kind of wonder why these rumors haven't mentioned (even in general terms) what the touchscreen is being used for (other than the "streaming games" rumor).


SpokkX said:
yet again.. this is the new controller imo.

Based upon Wii-mote with a backgroud touchscreen.

Anyone really think nintendo will not allow the new controller to be used in one hand? They will not drop this feature and make a large controller that needs to hands to hold:

This is what it will look like


It is the most logical step

This, but with physical buttons protruding from the touchscreen is how I envision it.


agrajag said:
This, but with physical buttons protruding from the touchscreen is how I envision it.
I think it would be hard and wouldn't make much sense to do this.

Maybe touchscreen on one side and buttons on the adjacent side?

That way they will have like dozens os ways to do diferent gameplays, and mostly of all, most of the new games (multiplayer i would bet) will still be compatible with original wiimote.


The way I see it, my way would make it easier to use the screen and the buttons at the same time, not one or the other. Also, that would eliminate the problem of not feeling the virtual buttons on the screen. You'd still have tactile buttons that you wouldn't need to look down to press, but you'd still have that screen that you could use as a track pad, manage inventory, such as switch weapons on the fly, etc.
agrajag said:
The way I see it, my way would make it easier to use the screen and the buttons at the same time, not one or the other. Also, that would eliminate the problem of not feeling the virtual buttons on the screen. You'd still have tactile buttons that you wouldn't need to look down to press, but you'd still have that screen that you could use as a track pad, manage inventory, such as switch weapons on the fly, etc.

I can't see entire games being streamed to that, though. Your design really makes the touch screen aspect pretty lackluster and unexciting. Very limited in use.


Fourth Storm said:
I can't see entire games being streamed to that, though. Your design really makes the touch screen aspect pretty lackluster and unexciting. Very limited in use.

To me, the whole "streaming games" feature sounds pretty useless. What's exciting about that? Using the screen to add versatility to input methods is what excites me. Think about it, if the screen is used as a trackpad, it will match the precision of M+K for FPS.
agrajag said:
To me, the whole "streaming games" feature sounds pretty useless. What's exciting about that? Using the screen to add versatility to input methods is what excites me. Think about it, if the screen is used as a trackpad, it will match the precision of M+K for FPS.

There have been posts in this thread demonstrating its use. Plus, IGN seem to be pretty confident in their info.
Graphics Horse said:
Don't want to be a picky asshole, but I think you could do a much better one.

For instance think about the button placing ... how in God's name are we supposed to play with this thing? Is it supposed to to be held in the portrait orientation only? If so, what's the point of the second analog stick? Facebuttons and analog stick on one side ... do you really think this is a good idea? Why even have facebuttons there when there's a 6" touchscreen you could use with your right hand?

When holding it in landscape orientation the facebuttons are placed very poorly (assuming the analog sticks and buttons are on the top) because you'd cover about 1/3 of the touchscreen with your hand. The Cafè button in the middle is neat, but keep in mind the real deal would need to have a home, select and start button. And why are you using Sony's design language for your photoshop and not Nintendo's?

Three buttons on the pen is CRAZY. Even the two buttons on Wacom's pen feel a little bit overwhelming sometimes - Nintendo would at best put one button on the pen.

Another detail that would improve the quality of the photoshop are the shadows. Look at the analog sticks, the bottom one needs to be mirrored. And make sure to "relax" the design a little bit - it needs more "whitespace"/space without buttons and functions, if you get what I mean. I know it's tough (I study Industrial Design) but if you can't combine all the stuff into an good looking, ergonomic and produceable design, it may not reflect the real deal you're trying to predict with your mockup.

I'll shamelessly enclose my mockup (it was originally posted two days ago) to this post since it's basically the same as yours but without facebuttons and d-pad (which sounds much more Nintendo-like to me)


(of course it can be used in both orientations)


Ookami-kun said:
Is it safe to say that it'll be hilarious if the actual controller has no touchscreen?

Or no screen at all. People go through controllers so much, I couldn't imagine how much these things would cost with a screen in them unless it was like the Dreamcast VDU thingys. Controllers will need to be small, able to be held easy by little kids and older adults alike. Very light, and easily replaceable.
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