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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Myriadis said:
Are you saying the crowd labeled as "casuals" don't buy the games?They're certainly not the crowd who likes to mod consoles to play pirated copies.

I'm saying the games that dominate the charts, even Nintendo's own games, are traditional core games. They are bought by the same gamers that have bought consoles and their games for the past 20+ years.


Nintendo's only choice, IMO, is to attract the hardcore gamer (with seemingly unlimited gaming funds) while innovating enough to get the attention of the casual audience.

The crowd labeled as "casuals" are no longer a blue ocean strategy. A lot has changed in the past couple years. Wii sales have fallen off a cliff, iPhone/iPad devices are grabbing casuals left and right, and Kinect / Move are out taking away the "motion control" advantage that Wii enjoyed. At this point EVERYONE is going after the casual gaming audience. Nintendo would be absolutely brilliant to go balls out with a hardcore console that sets the gaming world on fire.
maniac-kun said:
There is still a lot of room for improvements in every area.
There is room for improvement, but that level of improvement seems like it will be relatively small compared to improvements from previous generations. We'll never see anything like PS1 to PS2 again.


AceBandage said:
They have a lot of bloat and are run like shit?
The increase in power isn't what caused higher budgets. It's studios thinking they needed 300 person teams with 5 years of development and 10 restarts.

As well as large, costly marketing campaigns meant to help garner sales with which to make up for high expenditures during development. They just keep throwing money at the problem and often losing even more of it. It's a reason we've seen so many dev houses closing this gen. So much financial waste.


it's certainly easier to sell to core gamers (or however you want to label us). it's not really a lot of work to get people to like video games to pay for video games.

it's a constant challenge to get people who don't like video games to pay for them.
Interfectum said:
Nintendo's only choice, IMO, is to attract the hardcore gamer (with seemingly unlimited gaming funds) while innovating enough to get the attention of the casual audience.

The crowd labeled as "casuals" are no longer a blue ocean strategy. A lot has changed in the past couple years. Wii sales have fallen off a cliff, iPhone/iPad devices are grabbing casuals left and right, and Kinect / Move are out taking away the "motion control" advantage that Wii enjoyed. At this point EVERYONE is going after the casual gaming audience. Nintendo would be absolutely brilliant to go balls out with a hardcore console that sets the gaming world on fire.
I would be there day 1.


RedSwirl said:
The Witcher 2 was developed in Poland. Man hours over there are probably not nearly as expensive.


Also worth considering is that of a 100 million budget most of it will be spent on marketing. The Witcher will sell through word of mouth mostly compared to the big budget AAA games.



a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Buckethead said:
Huh? What about the piles of money they've been raking in?

Doing well for Nintendo can only be a sign that they are doomed. At least that's what I've learned from the 3DS launch here on NeoGAF.

The idea of "Nintendo only makes underpowered machines" could help if they suddenly have a better then PS3/360 system to shock some people into getting it. Plus just think, we could say they are doing what Nintendon't...didn't. Bonus if we get Sonic Generations for launch and we can say Blast Processing.

A new Luigi's Mansion for launch would make me buy a system. I loved that game on Gamecube and was disappointed in myself for not getting until just this year. Mario can go missing again for all I care.


Maturity, bitches.
The_Darkest_Red said:
Does anyone else feel like we're starting to reach the point of diminishing returns when it comes to 3D graphics (especially on consoles)? I mean, there is certainly room for improvement when it comes to modern HD consoles, considering a lot of the games don't even run in full HD (or at 60 fps), but as far as texture quality and basic graphical fidelity I feel like we're in a pretty good spot.

What I'm saying is that I honestly think a Nintendo console that was made to be powerful enough to run PS3/360 quality games with a higher level of IQ (especially in terms of resolution and frame rate) would be fairly future compatible. I almost feel like the features of the console, specifically with regards to online and digital distribution, will end up being more important than the raw power under the hood.

This only seems more obvious to me with games like Super Meat Boy, a game that looks great but really doesn't need to improve graphically. It seems like developers can do a lot with what they currently have, so a "significant" but not huge upgrade over the current HD twins seems like a perfectly workable solution for Nintendo. I mean, it's not like TV's are going anywhere in terms of maximum resolution anyway (at least, not in the near future) because the focus seems to be on 3D at the moment.
Well PC folk will always point out that graphics can be improved, but as pointed out earlier, how many companies can take advantage of pushing the graphic envelope and still come away with a healthy profit.

I'm hoping with the slow down in graphical leaps we will see less people trying to make the most "realistic" world and focus more on making their worlds unique. As pointed out time and time again, art style is what makes a game look good and clever artists can make impressive world without going for the most polygons on screen. The HD Wii/GCN screenshots are a great example where AA and a good strong style is all one needs to make a game look good.

If I recall, Deadrising on Wii wasn't limited because of the graphical capabilities, but rather the processing power since it couldn't handle having lots of Zombie AI. I think we will see improvement in the other areas away from graphics.


The thing about the Wii is that it missed lots of cool multiplatform games. I hope this won't be the case in the future
Kosma said:
Yeah I'm just kidding but this has been Nintendo trend for 3 console launches now. Ofcourse they might change direction again, would be a pleasant surprise!

DS > Mario 64 DS
3DS> Zelda 64 3D (in June but its the first big Nintendo game)
Wii> Zelda GC with Motion Control
Actually, thinking about it the handheld launched go further...

GBA - Super Mario Bros 2
GBC - Wairo Land 2, Zelda: Links Awakening, Tetris

If only a Game and Watch game was ported to the Game Boy and at launch...
BGBW said:
Well PC folk will always point out that graphics can be improved, but as pointed out earlier, how many companies can take advantage of pushing the graphic envelope and still come away with a healthy profit.

I'm hoping with the slow down in graphical leaps we will see less people trying to make the most "realistic" world and focus more on making their worlds unique. As pointed out time and time again, art style is what makes a game look good and clever artists can make impressive world without going for the most polygons on screen. The HD Wii/GCN screenshots are a great example where AA and a good strong style is all one needs to make a game look good.

If I recall, Deadrising on Wii wasn't limited because of the graphical capabilities, but rather the processing power since it couldn't handle having lots of Zombie AI. I think we will see improvement in the other areas away from graphics.
Exactly, developers need a system that will allow them to realize the potential of their artistic vision without being hindered. A system that could run games with PS3/360 quality visuals at 1080p and 60 fps seems like a perfectly reasonable solution for Nintendo.
RedSwirl said:
The Witcher 2 was developed in Poland. Man hours over there are probably not nearly as expensive.

Unless manhours are like 1/5 of the price, that doesn't really help explain much. CDProjeckt is well managed, has very little bloat, and doesn't blow tens of millions on huge marketing campaigns.

But there are many reasons why getting a console 2-3x the power of the PS3 isn't going to magically bloat budgets. There will be a hike for already-high budget games, but mid and low budget developers will be cranking out great games too no problems.
To spend the money on R&D for Wii2 that you did not use for version 1 makes no sense to me. Since they won the generation with the "worst" hardware specs.

Shareholders are an odd bunch.
The_Darkest_Red said:
There is room for improvement, but that level of improvement seems like it will be relatively small compared to improvements from previous generations. We'll never see anything like PS1 to PS2 again.
Nope. At some point the hardware is able to do real-time ray-tracing which will have a huge impact on graphics fidelity. Which means that the polygon limits are gone - completely.


red = traditional rasterization method
green = ray-tracing
y = time
x = polygons

The_Darkest_Red said:
Can you give me an example of what this looks like visually? It's hard to measure the magnitude of something from a basic graph with lines.
Pixar movies.
maniac-kun said:
Nope. At some point the hardware is able to do real-time ray-tracing which will have a huge impact on graphics fidelity. Which means that the polygon limits are gone - completely.


red = traditional rasterization method
green = ray-tracing
y = time
x = polygons
Can you give me an example of what this looks like visually? It's hard to measure the magnitude of a "huge impact on graphics fidelity" from a basic graph with lines.


I can see the system being a tad more than 360/PS3, but I can't see it being crazy powerful. Look at Mario Galaxy, SMBW, Kirby, Donkey Kong etc. They have fantastic style. If they could just be in HD with some AA, wouldn't that be enough to please 95% of their audience?
Anerythristic said:
Why do they want to "recapture the hardcore market?"

Nintendo admitting going all in on the casual market might have been a mistake?

Nah, more like now that they've regained #1, time to kick out the interlopers (MS/Sony) by beating them at their own game. That, or they think "Hardcore" is the new "Blue Ocean" now that the HD twins have followed their lead into the casual market.


Maturity, bitches.
perfectnight said:
I really hope that rumor about it not being named the Wii is true. Hate that name.
How many Nintendo consoles have had the same name? The closest is NES -> SNES. I'd bet my whole hat collection that it will not be called something bland like Wii 2.

However they may take advantage of the Wii brand, but they may also bring back the word Nintendo which they dropped with the Wii.

Kosma said:
Yeah I'm just kidding but this has been Nintendo trend for 3 console launches now. Ofcourse they might change direction again, would be a pleasant surprise!

DS > Mario 64 DS
3DS> Zelda 64 3D (in June but its the first big Nintendo game)
Wii> Zelda GC with Motion Control

Comparing to the ones before:
GC > Luigi's Mansion
N64> Mario 64 / Pilotwings
Technically only the Wii follows the pattern of simultaneous release. Mario 64 DS wasn't a late game for GBA and Zelda OoT 3D isn't even at launch. So all joking aside, you're still bending the rules for a revisionist's history.

I'd also argue that Wario Ware Touched was the launch game for DS since it was designed to show off the features of the system. As for the 3DS, Nintendogs, but in some other ways Street Fighter IV to emphasise their relationship with third parties.


Gold Member
The_Darkest_Red said:
A system that could run games with PS3/360 quality visuals at 1080p and 60 fps seems like a perfectly reasonable solution for Nintendo.

Yes, but is that the way developers will play it, or will they just up the fidelity and miss the 1080p @ 60fps?
cjelly said:
How do Edge define 'better than Move'?

I thought Move was already 1:1?
Not having to use a camera or requiring a glowing orb would be a start - something Sony only did as a Nintendo patent workaround.
Mithos said:
Yes, but is that the way developers will play it, or will they just up the fidelity and miss the 1080p @ 60fps?
There's no telling, especially since we've never seen how Nintendo would handle modern hardware that's capable of outputting games at 1080p.


GAF's Bob Woodward
cjelly said:
How do Edge define 'better than Move'?

I thought Move was already 1:1?

1:1 in this context just means having an position and orientation relative to an observer or something other than the controller itself.

Doesn't mean there isn't room for 'better' position and orientation data, at a faster sampling rate for example, for something even less prone to drift, for something that's more transparent to calibrate etc. etc. There's still room for improvement.


Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :

  • the console is codenamed "Project Café"
  • will be introduced at E3 2011
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.


Interfectum said:
Nintendo's only choice, IMO, is to attract the hardcore gamer (with seemingly unlimited gaming funds) while innovating enough to get the attention of the casual audience.

The crowd labeled as "casuals" are no longer a blue ocean strategy. A lot has changed in the past couple years. Wii sales have fallen off a cliff, iPhone/iPad devices are grabbing casuals left and right, and Kinect / Move are out taking away the "motion control" advantage that Wii enjoyed. At this point EVERYONE is going after the casual gaming audience. Nintendo would be absolutely brilliant to go balls out with a hardcore console that sets the gaming world on fire.
I sorta disagree. Although I think it's important to grab hardcvore gamers, sales hav]ven't dived off a cliff except in relation to previous Wii sales.

No other console is capturing outside the gamer market like Wii is. It was a mistake on their part to not make the machine similar to the other two, but I get why they didn't.

In any event, I see a split approaching- similar to the DS & 3DS. I've always thought the 3ds was a niche system until the price matches DS. I wholly expect Wii to continue at 99-150 and selling nicely while a high end machine also being on the market. Nintendo's not going to lose money so if it is indeed as pwerful as the rumors say, it's not going to be cheap.

I think Nintendo is very much in an Apple frame of mind where they are fine with segmenting the market as long as the segments are their property. If they lower the price of the Wii (I say 99-129 by the time Wii 2 launches), lower the game prices (Particulary the older stuff), the Wii will continue to sell 200k plus for years.

The higher end model priced at around 300 will sell boatloads too assuming they can get/keep the multi-platform support they lose each generation.

I also think there's no way to do a Wii 2 by name at least. I think Wii is fine for the current console and something more hardcore for the high end system.


Skiesofwonder said:
That Edge article has a source saying the motion control "is better then Move".

No calibration please. This is killing the experience when you have to calibrate every now and then. It's even worse when the game starts to behave weirdly due to de-calibration.


GAF's Bob Woodward
sikkinixx said:
I can see the system being a tad more than 360/PS3, but I can't see it being crazy powerful. Look at Mario Galaxy, SMBW, Kirby, Donkey Kong etc. They have fantastic style. If they could just be in HD with some AA, wouldn't that be enough to please 95% of their audience?

What's their objective?

If it's to simply make Nintendo games look good, then PS3/360 level power is fine and will provide better looking Nintendo games than we've ever had before. A big jump, the biggest since N64->Gamecube.

But if the objective is to 'recapture the core' and to capture the western gamer and compete on multi-platform third party titles too, then to do this over the course of the next generation they will probably need something that's more comparable to Sony and Microsoft's next-generation systems than their current ones i.e. something truly substantially more powerful.


Maturity, bitches.
Starwolf_UK said:
Actually, thinking about it the handheld launched go further...

GBA - Super Mario Bros 2
GBC - Wairo Land 2, Zelda: Links Awakening, Tetris

If only a Game and Watch game was ported to the Game Boy and at launch...
Wario Land 2 could be considered the first "TP" since it was only launched on the GB fractionally before the GBC re-release. However it didn't delay the former and was still perfectly playable on the ol' monochrome machine so it still isn't quite the TP situation.


NaviLink said:
Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :

  • the console is codenamed "Project Café"
  • will be introduced at E3 2011
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.
I doubt the source but it would look so goddamn outdated by the time the next Sony/Microsoft systems would release.

But knowing Nintendo it'll be close to that.
NaviLink said:
Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :

  • the console is codenamed "Project Café"
  • will be introduced at E3 2011
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.

If all that is true, there's about a 90% chance I won't be interested in the platform.


NaviLink said:
Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :

  • the console is codenamed "Project Café"
  • will be introduced at E3 2011
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.

So no buttons is the current rumor?

gofreak said:
What's their objective?

If it's to simply make Nintendo games look good, then PS3/360 level power is fine and will provide better looking Nintendo games than we've ever had before. A big jump, the biggest since N64->Gamecube.

But if the objective is to 'recapture the core' and to capture the western gamer and compete on multi-platform third party titles too, then to do this over the course of the next generation they will probably need something that's more comparable to Sony and Microsoft's next-generation systems than their current ones i.e. something truly substantially more powerful.

Agreed, though I'd wonder if releasing their console first will make it weaker by design.
NaviLink said:
Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :

  • the console is codenamed "Project Café"
  • will be introduced at E3 2011
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.

What about X/Y/A/B? Please tell me they wouldn't make those buttons touch-based...
NaviLink said:
  • the console is codenamed "Project Café" (O--K?)
  • will be introduced at E3 2011 (duh)
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360 (a "bit"?)
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy (obviously, if the above is correct)
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals (good)
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb. (what does TechGAF make of this?)
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.) (Hm.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.(WTF? 6" screen is fecking enormous! Possibly more?!)
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?) (good long lead for third parties)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet (Heh)

O....K :)
gofreak said:
Assuming they have had kits 'for months' - and that means a few months, since the beginning of the year perhaps - that would be too late for a release this year, I think. Unless it was a super simple dev process, and they were happy with port-em-overs from PS3/360.

Kits early 2011 for games shipping around fall 2012 seems much more reasonable (i.e. gives devs 18 months or so to work with).
Do you really believe EA, Activison and Ubisoft are bringing original content at launch? LOL!

iPad ports is where the party's at.


formerly nacire
XAL said:

"Hmmm. Our sales of the Wii are slowing down."

"Yes, I think it's time to release a marginally better version with some new gimmicky feature....I hear those kids these days like the HDs, lets release an HD Wii that upscales our garbage looking titles into HD!"

"Do you think that kind of scheme will actually work with a proper console? Surely people won't buy it. It's gotta have a slight tech upgrade, an updated controller, or some kind of new gotta-have-it accessory right?"

"Whatever. Those brainwashed fanboys of ours can't get enough of our incessant worthless hardware and cosmetic revisions - just look at how many versions of the DS we've put out. And to be clear these kind of people went apeshit for new colored gamecubes for chrissakes."

"Good point."

"Let's go masturbate with these assholes' money"




NaviLink said:
Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :

  • the console is codenamed "Project Café"
  • will be introduced at E3 2011
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.

This shit makes me want to cry. So much garbage and bullshit in this.
navilink your are completely wrong. Nintendos PATENT applications point to it being an upgraded wii. With some things added to the sensor bar for more effects and things like a wireless nunchuck as standard.

Do not get your hopes up for a completely different system.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
NaviLink said:
Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :

  • the console is codenamed "Project Café"
  • will be introduced at E3 2011
  • architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
  • porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
  • should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
  • Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
  • the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
  • controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
  • should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
  • there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.
Sounds a bit like taurine excrements.
majortom1981 said:
navilink your are completely wrong. Nintendos PATENT applications point to it being an upgraded wii. With some things added to the sensor bar for more effects and things like a wireless nunchuck as standard.

Do not get your hopes up for a completely different system.

Show us the patents, then.
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