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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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I got a GC because of the handle!

On topic though. With these features (screen in controller and performance over ps360) the price seems to be like its going to be high. Lets hope they can manage to keep it under 300, but I'm thinking this will be more like 4 to 500.
Ryuuga said:
Oh yeah and the name they've been throwing around is "Wii G". The "G" is for gauntlets.



Plinko said:
This and REmake are what sold me.

Super Mario Sunshine is what sold me.

I can only imagine what a sequel rendered on Wii 2 tech would look and play like -- a huge, open island featuring a holiday resort stuffed with colour, super realistic water, and more fantastic platforming... Yummy!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ryuuga said:
Oh yeah and the name they've been throwing around is "Wii G". The "G" is for gauntlets.

Eteric Rice said:
The scary thing is that the more I think about it, the more sense it makes in a completely Nintendo kind of way.

And it scares me. Do not want. :(

Was it Miyamoto or Iwata who mentioned that they wanted a controller with just one big button on it? ;p


ThoseDeafMutes said:
Respectfully, I think you should wait until the systems are out to see what kind of games are getting released and the relative power of the platforms. You don't know what the PS4 will be or when it will come out, just like you don't know much of anything about the Wii's successor. Making blanket statements like "I'm never going Nintendo again" is foolish, because there is nothing gained by it. If the Super Wii is a great platform, then you should buy it. If the Super Wii is a bad platform, then you should not buy it. Dismissing it out of hand like that means you are either a fanboy or haven't thought it through very well.

You make a good point, its just that i bought a wii and never realy saw a reason to keep it. Because there were just a handfull of games i enjoyed on it. Like zelda madworld and metroid.
If they actually make an effort to get 3rd party support in there, i might concider getting one.
But i need a good reason this time, because the only reason i got a wii was because of the commercials with family etc.


GAF's Bob Woodward
1-D_FTW said:
Maybe. But it seems ergonomically challenged. It would be so narrow, you wouldn't really use your other hand to touch. So you're going to do all the touching with your thumb? Sounds like an awful controller. And I can't see third parties being super excited about the system being "done right" this time if they've decided to declare war on buttons.

Depends. Maybe a classic controller will come in every box.

As for how the wiimote would be used, the application would dictate. Instead of a d-pad at the top or the 'a' button you could have whatever the application needs. In horizontal configuration you'd have more scope obviously. And as a 'neat trick' the whole face of the controller could change appearance, offering another layer of feedback.
Supervlieg said:
I got a GC because of the handle!

On topic though. With these features (screen in controller and performance over ps360) the price seems to be like its going to be high. Lets hope they can manage to keep it under 300, but I'm thinking this will be more like 4 to 500.

A touch screen in the controller would be cheap as hell, really.
As for the console price, it doesn't take much to exceed the PS3 in terms of power. The thing is 5 years old.
I think they can keep it at $300.


Jarmel said:
I'm calling bullshit on this. A HD screen on a bloody controller? Each controller would cost around $100.

All of this is starting to sound too fantastical.

Already said but HD could mean high density as opposed to high definition.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
That Edge article has a source saying the motion control "is better then Move".

If true, please delay Skyward Sword to launch with Super Wii.
JackEtc said:
I wish Nintendo could just make a regular-ass console for once, without all this gimmicky motion/touch stuff. That's just my opinion though. Not enough games that aren't first party take advantage of the tech correctly.

If Nintendo can get top teams to actually work on their console, we'll see better games using motion. And honestly, Wii's big revelation wasn't motion, although that got all the press. It was the pointer.
Freezie KO said:
If Nintendo can get top teams to actually work on their console, we'll see better games using motion. And honestly, Wii's big revelation wasn't motion, although that got all the press. It was the pointer.

Dual analog shooters suck after using the pointer.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
My wild guess:

The new Epic "Samaritan" game is a launch title for Wii. They showed the demo to other console manufacturers so they could keep up with Nintendo.

Omiee said:
im sorry but no way im going the nintendo way again next gen. keeping my ps3. And im sure my pc will def not be passed by new consoles. I mean a 8800 videocard can run games better than current gen consoles, and i have 2 6950's ( about to be 6970's )

I like the wii controller with display, but their third party support is lame. Waiting for the ps4.
Wait, does this mean I can't keep my PS3 if I get the new Nintendo system? Has this been confirmed?


AceBandage said:
Dual analog shooters suck after using the pointer.

Dual analog sticks are garbage for shooters. Just garbage. And they hold the entire genre back since devs have to build around them.
Skiesofwonder said:
That Edge article has a source saying the motion control "is better then Move".

If true, please delay Skyward Sword to launch with Super Wii.
And kill the only reason anyone is holding on to their Wii's right now?

Angry Fork

Amir0x said:
Well, first, with their introduction of the miserably flawed motion controllers which now fucking 'tard Sony thought prudent to copy. And then by influencing/inspiring Microsoft to go after the game haters market via the laggy, barely functional Kinect. And then by making just miserably powered platforms with DS and Wii, ensuring any 3D games that came out for them almost immediately looked dated. Particularly with DS, this essentially held back the entire handheld industry for a generation. Most developers made games for DS, and the result is embarrassing garbage like Okamiden - a true insult to fans of the series who also did not want to get their eyes stabbed blind. By imprisoning their own franchises to a generation of near completely nonfunctional online infrastructure, non-HD, Xbox-level visuals and shoddily designed motion gimmicks.

Just my opinion, yo.
Finally I know i'm not crazy. I 100% agree with this and every time I mention it everyone rages. The only way for people to take the Wii complaints seriously is if a mod says the truth. If any 'normal peasant' says anything bad about Wii or current-gen Nintendo the fanboys come in droves and give you lists of mediocre games and claim they're great.


Can someone explain why the term "Wii HD" exists? Isn't it obvious that Nintendo will make another console one day and it will be HD? It seems like speculating about the system after the N64 by calling it N64 CD. Or are we all just mocking Pachter?
DaMan121 said:
He is right, NGC was never marketed as a graphical powerhouse, even though it could hold its own against the competition. Compare marketing for the SNES and N64 - big emphasis on Mode7/colours and '64 bits' respectively - to the NGC - emphasis on.. nothing in particular.
The HANDLE!!! Well I guess the GBA link-up. I remember it being on the GBA box and launch Gamecube games making a deal about it then it quieting down until that E3 when it was all they would talk about (my memory probably failing here).

Supervlieg said:
I got a GC because of the handle!
I guess I was right.
Supervlieg said:
And if these are intentional leaks, there is bound to be one WTF feature that no-one can think of.

Waffle maker.

jay said:
Can someone explain why the term "Wii HD" exists? Isn't it obvious that Nintendo will make another console one day and it will be HD? It seems like speculating about the system after the N64 by calling it N64 CD. Or are we all just mocking Pachter?

People don't like calling it the N6 for some reason...


Freezie KO said:
If Nintendo can get top teams to actually work on their console, we'll see better games using motion. And honestly, Wii's big revelation wasn't motion, although that got all the press. It was the pointer.
If they are trying to "recapture the hardcore", they should focus on a normal controller.
I agree about getting better teams working on Nintendo consoles, though. The games from third parties have always been pretty lacking as far as quantity of games goes.
Cosmonaut X said:
...and what about Epic's behaviour in the previous few years makes you think that they're going to return to being a PC-centric company?
You know what, having just tried to install Gears of War on Windows (it doesn't work on Windows 7 unless you change the date to 2008), you totally have a valid point.
Supervlieg said:
And if these are intentional leaks, there is bound to be one WTF feature that no-one can think of.

Nintendo doesn't do intentional leaks. If anything, they will be forced to do what they did with the 3DS. Make a bare bones announcement before more substantial news leaks out.
subversus said:
My wild guess:

The new Epic "Samaritan" game is a launch title for Wii. They showed the demo to other console manufacturers so they could keep up with Nintendo.


No chance of being a launch title unless it's like December 2012 release, and even then it's doubtful. If it was on SWii, it would also have to be somewhat toned down graphically - that demo was running a 3 way Nvidia SLI setup.
jay said:
Can someone explain why the term "Wii HD" exists? Isn't it obvious that Nintendo will make another console one day and it will be HD? It seems like speculating about the system after the N64 by calling it N64 CD. Or are we all just mocking Pachter?
I think the Wii and DS have trained us into thinking that nothing is obvious when it comes to Nintendo.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
mysteriousmage09 said:
And kill the only reason anyone is holding on to their Wii's right now?

If it makes for a better Zelda game then yes. Even Red Steel 2 had problems sometimes understanding where you were moving the controller and I would of LOVED a Move version because it would of been a better game, even without taking advantage of the unique features of Move. It would of been more accurate, therefore being a better game.

I understand it would make some Wii owners mad, but at least give us early adopters the choice to play in HD and with more accurate motion controls.


ryan-ts said:
Already said but HD could mean high density as opposed to high definition.

That would be more sane. I'm curious now how big this screen is going to be and how it'll affect the placement of the buttons.


Skiesofwonder said:
That Edge article has a source saying the motion control "is better then Move".

If true, please delay Skyward Sword to launch with Super Wii.


Sources have this morning confirmed reports that Nintendo has a successor to the Wii in the works, telling us that thirdparty studios including those of Ubisoft, Activision and Electronic Arts have had development units of the new hardware for months.

I'm having a real hard time believing this is 2012. I know they want to put priority on 3DS, but the Wii is dead in Japan and dead (in terms of release schedule) in the US. Why not release it 2011. I'm really curious now.


The_Darkest_Red said:
I think the Wii and DS have trained us into thinking that nothing is obvious when it comes to Nintendo.
Well Iwata said already in 2007 or so that Wii's successor will support HD since it'll be a standard by then.


Lonewolf_92 said:
Given comparative power and required learning curve required to grasp the new hardware, they could just port their then current 360/PS3 multiplat lineup as launch titles for the Wii2 with an indeterminate amount of effort rather than release whole new games. Something like Bioshock Infinite as a launch title? Yes please.

I would imagine this console will be designed to make it very easy for devs to port multiplatform titles to it. Possibly plus AA/upscaling over the PS3/360 depending on how powerful the console ends up being.

The issue is they're going to need more than ports. Getting the best version of multiplatform games would help sales for a couple years but they're going to need some exclusive titles targeting the Western core gamer beyond what Nintendo traditionally offers.
That Edge article suggests that Nintendo's next console won't continue the Wii brand. That would be a pretty enormous risk Nintendo is taking right there, as even though sales have slowed the Wii brand is still huge and cultivating a whole new brand for a new console will be no easy task.

Exciting times.
GCX said:
Well Iwata said already in 2007 or so that Wii's successor will support HD since it'll be a standard by then.
Yeah, I was being a little facetious, there's no way the new system wouldn't be in HD. I'm just going to call it the Super Wii until they give me a reason not to.
AceBandage said:
Dual analog shooters suck after using the pointer.

I acknowledge Halo is a great game, but I personally could never get into it or any dual stick shooters. I tried because I enjoy the genre, but I just can't handle them. In any close quarters, I end up flailing and my vision goes everywhere.

The pointer has single-handedly revived my interest in shooters. And not only how amazing FPS feels on it, but how about the godly S&P2?

JackEtc said:
If they are trying to "recapture the hardcore", they should focus on a normal controller.

Only if the belief is that the hardcore are going to be obstinate forever. If you take power out of the equation, the Wiimote + nunchuk could handle most games. The exceptions were games that needed a second analog stick and games that needed more buttons.

I believe the second analog stick problem is solved by the pointer, even for camera control. Or just use a Galaxy-esque camera. And for games that needed more buttons, well... hopefully they add four "bean"-like buttons surrounding the big A button. Problem solved.


1-D_FTW said:
Sources have this morning confirmed reports that Nintendo has a successor to the Wii in the works, telling us that thirdparty studios including those of Ubisoft, Activision and Electronic Arts have had development units of the new hardware for months.

I'm having a real hard time believing this is 2012. I know they want to put priority on 3DS, but the Wii is dead in Japan and dead (in terms of release schedule) in the US. Why not release it 2011. I'm really curious now.

They don't want to blow their wad too early, so to speak.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ThoseDeafMutes said:
No chance of being a launch title unless it's like December 2012 release, and even then it's doubtful. If it was on SWii, it would also have to be somewhat toned down graphically - that demo was running a 3 way Nvidia SLI setup.

Well, they could optimize it (Rein said that they could run it on a single 580) and render in 1280. Also no PC overheads.
The_Darkest_Red said:
I think the Wii and DS have trained us into thinking that nothing is obvious when it comes to Nintendo.
That, among other things like Xenoblade localization. Nintendo has absolutely no problem with leaving money on the table for reasons that mere mortals cannot grasp.

I'm no longer okay with buying region locked nintendo consoles.


1-D_FTW said:
I'm having a real hard time believing this is 2012. I know they want to put priority on 3DS, but the Wii is dead in Japan and dead (in terms of release schedule) in the US. Why not release it 2011. I'm really curious now.
From business perspective it doesn't make sense to release two systems within one year. It creates a few huge fiscal years but also a sharp drop if they both start to decline in sales at the same time.


JonCha said:
Skyward Sword delayed for this?
Yeah right.

Honestly, it's taken Nintendo this long to realise that they rely on their core franchises too much.

Dragon Quest X
Skyward Sword
and Pikmin 3

Delayed for this

Still don't know why anyone ever doubted me when shit was completly obvious. Wii is a dying console. Mindshare and interest in software is at an all time low. People have moved on to HD consoles. There is absolutely no reason to support it now with Strong Software.


GAF's Bob Woodward
1-D_FTW said:

Sources have this morning confirmed reports that Nintendo has a successor to the Wii in the works, telling us that thirdparty studios including those of Ubisoft, Activision and Electronic Arts have had development units of the new hardware for months.

I'm having a real hard time believing this is 2012. I know they want to put priority on 3DS, but the Wii is dead in Japan and dead (in terms of release schedule) in the US. Why not release it 2011. I'm really curious now.

Assuming they have had kits 'for months' - and that means a few months, since the beginning of the year perhaps - that would be too late for a release this year, I think. Unless it was a super simple dev process, and they were happy with port-em-overs from PS3/360.

Kits early 2011 for games shipping around fall 2012 seems much more reasonable (i.e. gives devs 18 months or so to work with).
demonturkey said:
That Edge article suggests that Nintendo's next console won't continue the Wii brand. That would be a pretty enormous risk Nintendo is taking right there, as even though sales have slowed the Wii brand is still huge and cultivating a whole new brand for a new console will be no easy task.

Exciting times.
I would love to see this happen, and it wouldn't surprise me considering the fact that Nintendo's past 3 consoles have been named under different brands. It would be cool if they fit "Nintendo" somewhere into the name to give it a more retro kind of feel.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
1-D_FTW said:
Sources have this morning confirmed reports that Nintendo has a successor to the Wii in the works, telling us that thirdparty studios including those of Ubisoft, Activision and Electronic Arts have had development units of the new hardware for months.

I'm having a real hard time believing this is 2012. I know they want to put priority on 3DS, but the Wii is dead in Japan and dead (in terms of release schedule) in the US. Why not release it 2011. I'm really curious now.

well one source said Nintendo was aiming for a Holiday 2011 release but will probably slip back to Spring 2012 like 3DS did. I imagine a 2012 release is more likely because Wii will still sale gangbusters this holiday season in Japan/America (Dragon Quest/Skyward Sword), and Super Wii would have more time to build a strong launch window line-up.

Seems like a Win-Win to me. Guess we will find out at E3. :)
Lance Bone Path said:
That, among other things like Xenoblade localization. Nintendo has absolutely no problem with leaving money on the table for reasons that mere mortals cannot grasp.

I'm no longer okay with buying region locked nintendo consoles.

didn't some other games bomb even in Japan?
The_Darkest_Red said:
I would love to see this happen, and it wouldn't surprise me considering the fact that Nintendo's past 3 consoles have been named under different brands. It would be cool if they fit "Nintendo" somewhere into the name to give it a more retro kind of feel.

The Über Nintendo Entertainment System.
subversus said:
Well, they could optimize it (Rein said that they could run it on a single 580) and render in 1280. Also no PC overheads.

Yeah, but with realistic power draws I'm not expecting anything more powerful than a GTX 460 or equivalent GPU.
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