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Rupaul's Drag Race Season 8 [OT] No Tea, No Shade, No Pink Lemonade

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I never saw it for Thorgy. Her runway looks were either basic or extra, and her delivery when it came to either staged or improv comedy was utterly mediocre.

Ready for Bob to sashay to victory~

I mean, that's a harsh assessment.. Thorgy seemed set up to be a top 3 shoe-in, but not a winner. And by 'set up," I mean that she was consistently delivering performance, and didn't rely on editing to lift her through the show ala Kim. Her Bitch Perfect was probably the best, her RuCo performance was great, her New Wave performance was great, she delivered in Snatch, and her Oz makeover was on fucking poinT. Meanwhile Derrick's entire season-wide performance (sans-I guess Snatch Game) was a dud. They're keeping her in because she's identifiable and can stir up some narrative drama. Naomi was a non-factor throughout most of the season, and only started standing out in these last few episodes, probably coz the crowd finally thinned out. It's just annoying that some queens on the show get 5, 6, 7 chances but other queens stumble once and immediately get shafted. The editing around Thorgy this episode was borderline uncomfortable for me, as if they were going out of their way to market her as a last minute bitch even though she's obviously bffs with Bob on the show. It's just weird. Not the deserved send-off for someone who was playing the game so well up to that point.

As for the top 5, might as well judge them on their C.U.N.T merits to see who's most qualified to win:

Bob: C, U, N, T
Derrick: C
Naomi: T
Kim: C, U, T
Chi Chi: C, N, T
Thorgy: C,U,T

Most obvious foregone conclusion since Raja. Next.


Bianca was super obv real early in s6.

Kim has been competent in a lot of the challenges, but has zero stand out moments performing.


Kim's the one who got a pass here, she's probably F3 bound in the Adore/Courtney protected bubble.

Agree... An endearing off-stage personality and some creative costumes, but absolutely no talent on so many fronts that it's shocking that she's still in it.


I think Thorgy is top three material for this season -- I just think that a Fatal Flaw (tm) accompanies her talent, and that's what got her eliminated. I'm not as competitive as her but I feel for her when it comes to thinking too much!

As for the top 5, might as well judge them on their C.U.N.T merits to see who's most qualified to win:

Bob: C, U, N, T
Derrick: C
Naomi: T
Kim: C, U, T
Chi Chi: C, N, T
Thorgy: C,U,T

Most obvious foregone conclusion since Raja. Next.

I agree with this, except Derrick. I wouldn't even give him the C. The early outs of Season 6, i.e. Kelly and Vivacious, are more talented than he is. Dida Ritz at least has a legendary lip sync to justify her position in Season 4. I don't hate him at all (and I hope he isn't being harrassed on social media), but he is riding solely on his name/reputation. If they're willing to be so hard on Acid Betty and Thorgy, then I don't know how Derrick has slipped through the gap. Oh, it's because he looks exactly like Britney.

Chi Chi has hidden Uniqueness that she hasn't really tapped into yet. It's almost as if it's repressed. I don't think she'll make top three, but I'm very happy that she'll have a lot of success as a drag queen after the show.

I think both Naomi is very charming as a person but not necessarily as a drag character.
She has such a good attitude with enough talent that I wouldn't be bothered even if she made it to the end. Kim Chi's charm comes through her boy personality too.

Maybe it's me but I don't think Kim Chi is actually being pushed forward. I think she has done the challenges correctly. I would also hate her lisp to be like a major reason why she loses because she's done so well with it all the way here... Seems like a terrible excuse to remove her now. Her run way look was pretty dope. Thought I was going to lose all that artistic stuff with Acid but Kim Chi is a pretty good replacement in some aspects.

My prediction now is for Bob to win. He's definitely going to at this point since she's the one to beat.

I think Kim Chi's immense visual talent is enough to make up for her weaknesses, thus her success is justified IMO


That lipsync was over as soon as those pearls hit that stage and ChiChi continued on. It was super sweet how you could tell Thorgy was trying to help her not fall.

Thorgy knew it. She waved and then cart wheeled, and waved again. She knew she was slayed the house down boots and twerk, tea, shade, erc
That lipsync was over as soon as they pearls hit that stage and ChiChi continued on. It was super sweet how you could tell Thorgy was trying to help her not fall.

Her arm grab at the end was pretty great too. I think she realized she was out as soon as that song started.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
I love how far the judges have to stretch to give Bob any challenges at this point.

"Try standing on one leg, sometimes, I guess? I dunno, fuck."

There's going to be such a weird and blatant talent gap when Violet hands her the crown.

I know you like Thorgy, Soulscribe, and I'm fond of her personality, but I feel like she had plateaud episodes ago so I knew she was up next, as was Chichi. But NO ONE survives against Chichi on the stage so there was only one outcome.
Dayum. As soon as the first bars of the song started I knew Thorgy was going home, also his runway look was easily the worst. He said Carrie Bradshaw x Mae West? Where was the Mae West other than it being B&W? I've loved his energy all this season, but this was the right decision.

Thorgy was on the verge of having a Derrick moment in Untucked, it got kind of uncomfortable. And was Bob throwing a little shade with Thorgy out of the room by telling the other girls who might be lipsyncing what the song was all about and what to get across in the performance?

So top 3 - Bob, Naomi and whoever manages to keep their head above water. With Bob doing a Bianca from here on out. I mean really who's going to take that crown away from him in the next few episodes?
I actually thought Kim Chi did well with this challenge. RuPaul pointed out how she brought 'no fems, masc only and no Asians' thing which is definitely a political issue in the gay community.


Thorgy was on the verge of having a Derrick moment in Untucked, it got kind of uncomfortable. And was Bob throwing a little shade with Thorgy out of the room by telling the other girls who might be lipsyncing what the song was all about and what to get across in the performance?

Whenever they start playing shady music it means is edited to hell and back, Thorgy for me is probably always like this, only that this time they showed it more to create the narrative. Even when she was clearly top she showed a lot of insecurities and everything, Bob himself said it in an actual episode. "If the challenge is "original white Brooklyn girl in dreads" you will still freak out" or something like that.

I mean, Bob adores her New York clique so freaking much she managed to include them in her own smear campaign (because there is no way in hell Derrick came up with something that funny), it's like, painfully obvious.

Really is the editing not that transparent for anyone else?

Thorgy cartwheeling and saying goodbye was basically admitting defeat and somewhat attempting to prevent Chi Chi from falling from the broken necklace, it's not really that obscure, specially in the slow motion they use in Untucked.

Speaking of which, these pearls breaking reminded of the awesome review of Batman vs Superman by ComicBookGirl19, in which instead of just reviewing the movie she decides to teach us how to make a proper pearl necklace because unless is like really cheap every pearl is knotted individually and at most you will lose just one pearl if it breaks yet everytime Batman's mom dies her pearls fly out dramatically.

No this is not shade, I love Chi Chi and how resourceful she is :p Thorgy left jewelry for a reason.
That pearl necklace breaking was so perfect though, it couldn't have been planned better.

I forgot to mention I didn't quite understand the dislike for Chichi's video, it wasn't particularly devastating as a smear video but she came off really charming to me. Maybe I'm just a sucker for that adorable accent :'D


needs 2 extra inches
Thorgy was consumed by her late bitterness and obsession with Bob.

And speaking of Bob, between his story about the protests, to psyching up the girls in Untucked by educating them about And I am Telling You, to even the little things such as joking with the camera crew... You just can't resist being a fan.

I feel like he's getting one of the strongest winner edits in the shows history. Perhaps stronger than Bianca's. The only threat he has, as far editing goes, is Kim Chi. And I am Telling You (!!!) if Kim wins it'll be one of the biggest upsets since Tyra's win.

I will say though: Bob's runway looks and makeup are becoming more lackluster with every episode. Get it together girl.




World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
That preview, Derrick and Naomi are fucking savage
But did either of them lie though?


Season 7 had potential to be great but the editing that season and the challenges killed it early on, still fond of the season though.


Season 7 had potential to be great but the editing that season and the challenges killed it early on, still fond of the season though.
Casting was the issue- you look at S5, S6, S8, there's a very deep talent pool among the endgamers.

S7? Not so much. It's the season all the almost-got-there queens wish they were on.
I'm fine with that. Katya has two other YouTube shows and they're both funny as hell. I love Katya's sporadic laughing fits lol


I've been watching their show/segments together and I'm with everyone— Trixie is very funny and quick unscripted. On the other hand Katya is being overshadowed in all of them. Most of the show is Trixie talking and Katya laughing. Kind of surprised.

There always has to be a straight man in a comedic duo or the comedy doesn't work. (That's something Katya never thought she'd be called in life, I'm sure.)


Ru's actually played the eliminations straight this season (aside from Kim Chi being B3'd once or twice), which is a nice change after the fuckery the last few years.
I really hate when Ru comes into the work room and tries to drag these painful emotional scenes out of people. Fuck off.
Yeah, I much prefer to see the workroom's drama unfold naturally.

Though I shouldn't ever begrudge an opportunity to hear about how amazing moms are.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
The noise of disgust that came out of my mouth when derrick walked out in another corset with shit glued on.
I grew to like her, in spite of he insecurity and savage shadiness, but she did make it too far. I commend her for trying but the versatility was not there.

For top 3 it needs to be Bob + Chi Chi.
Its a throw up between Naomi and Kim. Both are fashion queens but generally I think Kim Chi's looks are more varied and of a higher quality where as Naomi relies more on her body and the same silhouettes (her final look, which was sickening, was pretty much her scarecrow outfit with paper), but Naomi is more talented in the performance part of it

Whatever happens it will be the most talented top 4 the shows had other than season 4


Bah I missed the episode, I was tired to death and slept through.

There is no way Kim Chi doesn't make top 3, production went to extra lengths to keep her alive, they are not about to drop that now.

So I guess Naomi is done, unless they decide to give us a Bob vs ChiChi lipsync to end all lipsyncs.

Whatever happens it will be the most talented top 4 the shows had other than season 4

I guess you meant season 3 :p


My queen is gone :(

Great episode, though. I was worried it was going to be too schmaltzy based off the comments saying Ru went all psychologist, but I thought there really wasn't much of that. It was really only eye rolling at one moment for me.

I thought this was one of the best eps this season. Amy and David should be guest judges at least once a season.


Kim and Bob are locks for Top 3. Chi Chi won't make Top 3. She had to lipsync 2 times and she just isn't at the same level as the other 3.
Oh and Bob will obviously win.


The noise of disgust that came out of my mouth when derrick walked out in another corset with shit glued on.
It was the most 'I didn't even try' outfit I have ever seen. It was literally nothing. I was embarrassed for her honestly. If she was going to go that route she could have at least had the stuff she was gluing on make some sort of pattern. But it was just a random mishmash of pictures. She didn't even have anything for a bottom, it looked like she glued a few pages to the side of her panties and called it a day. How'd she even use her time?

She never once looked around the workroom and thought; 'I better step up my game!'? Step up queen, step up your game!
Derrick and Bob were both hot messes this episode - those last outfits uwotm8

Kim was amazing, and Naomi was also stunning

I think my top three would be Kim, Naomi and Bob.
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