Slitterhead | Review Thread


I still can’t buy this fucking game in the Netherlands which was supposed to be out today. What a clusterfuck.


Ok so the first proper boss fight with the brothel Mafia guy in the office + 2 of his minions by the door is kicking my ass. I’m not fully grasping the mechanics. Tips?

How do you deal with multiple enemies? Is deflecting critical? Help me?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Ok so the first proper boss fight with the brothel Mafia guy in the office + 2 of his minions by the door is kicking my ass. I’m not fully grasping the mechanics. Tips?

How do you deal with multiple enemies? Is deflecting critical? Help me?
Possession and thinking about how to use multiple people is the key. Deflecting is required in more advanced fights. You have to unlock traits that allow you to see deflection notifications for multiple enemies (6th sense trait, not everyone has it) so you are purposely not going to be able to always target who you want for lock on or for parrying.

I don't recall that fight specifically and I'm at work but I can look at it later. Are you controlling Julee? Are other NPCs in the room? Eliminate any smaller enemies so you can focus on the boss then try and just be safe attacking, using powers, parrying and flanking as much as possible. A lot of NPCs have War Cry also which is a provoke ability you can use, then instantly switch to your main and hit them in the back.

Your main attacks for every character is a multiple hit combo at neutral. A high damage, high reach strike that is forward + attack. And a knock down hit or sweeping hit that is back + attack. Also a running attack (don't lock on), and a hit right after a deflect.
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So, can I just upgrade the 2 characters that I like and ignore Julee? Or will I need to play mandatory characters on specific missions? I don’t like having to manage 3 characters to upgrade skills.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I don’t like having to manage 3 characters to upgrade skills.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
I'm having trouble finding physical copies in Europe. Any news on this?

I love the look of this and even though I'm swimming in games to play, I'd love to support this and buy/play it later.
It unfortunately didn't get a physical release in Europe. That said, I've been itching to get the physical version as well, and I see that the standard edition can be found pretty cheaply on Amazon JP and also on PlayAsia. I think I'm going to import it next month with my next order from Japan. The CERO release is multilingual and comes with English support.



Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Got the last rarity. Really cool honestly. Did a pretty awesome mission with Alex as well. Really enjoying this game.
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It unfortunately didn't get a physical release in Europe. That said, I've been itching to get the physical version as well, and I see that the standard edition can be found pretty cheaply on Amazon JP and also on PlayAsia. I think I'm going to import it next month with my next order from Japan. The CERO release is multilingual and comes with English support.


Just be mindful - if you don’t already know - the Asian version is censored.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Had I known before it got delivered it was censored I would’ve just downloaded the digital version or ordered the US physical. But from what I’ve seen there isn’t much that has been censored.
Well, at least it's good to hear that there isn't too much censorship in the CERO release, because I took a quick glance and it looks like the US physical version - which was only available as the Day 1 edition - is currently out of stock at most places which ship to EU (edit: it's in stock on Amazon).

Getting it from EU resellers would cost a pretty penny, so I'll most likely stick with the cheaper Japanese physical version since I'm still somewhat on the fence about the game (I don't want to spend too much on it and then regret it later :messenger_grinning_sweat:).

Anyway, thanks again mate! I saw the CERO Z rating on the Japanese version and it did cross my mind that it might have some censorship, but I was a bit too lazy to do my research on it. :lollipop_pensive:

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Some of the missions have small interiors and hallways. The scope of the game, the level size, and the bite sized mission structure remind me a bit of Vita games.
More of scale rather than aesthetics or particular genres, gotcha. Yeah, I can see that.
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Finally had the time to play the game this weekend and I'm really digging it. It feels like a PS3-era game, and I mean that in the best way possible. Hope it sells well enough to keep the studio afloat
I'm curious, in what way? It doesn't comes across as anything Vita for me.
I meant it more in terms of originality. I could totally see it coming out with the likes of Gravity Rush or Soul Sacrifice. I guess there are more examples like this on PSP, games like Infected or even Pursuit Force. Also in terms of the flow of the game overall. Menu based story segments between missions with each character, followed by leveling up, then selecting main or sub mission, then the level, then back. I like the simplicity of the menu based structure. Just gave me more of a handheld vibe that I’ve been enjoying.


It unfortunately didn't get a physical release in Europe. That said, I've been itching to get the physical version as well, and I see that the standard edition can be found pretty cheaply on Amazon JP and also on PlayAsia. I think I'm going to import it next month with my next order from Japan. The CERO release is multilingual and comes with English support.


Oh damn... Maybe I should buy this and include a Gundam Breaker 4 copy. Good tip, I haven't used Amazon JP.

Edit: nvm, import costs are stupid in Belgium.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm surprised how difficult this game gets. On Mimic Octopus and its just brutal. Has 4 phases and I keep dying on the last one. Missing a core character too. Not even attacks to deflect. Just nonstop AoEs.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Beat the game today with the bad ending. I loved it. 9/10 for me. Such a unique and creative game. Some of the story and character moments really can only be compared to Yoko Taro. The combat really is fun when you get everything down. There's a lot more depth than I realized.

Going for collectibles now and the good ending. Even the way that is done is pretty original. Seems difficult.
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Gold Member
Just got the True Ending and I'm kinda glad it's over. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Probably one of the most interesting games I've played this year but man THIS GAME IS ROUGH. I think probably my biggest problem is the pacing. It seems like it should be a 6-8 hour game that was padded out to 10-12.
The combat is pretty interesting and probably one of its' best points. It just seems like you are just going through the motions in the second half of the game. Still I'm glad I played it. We don't get games like this very often.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

Beat all the shrines on normal. Definitely some challenging ones. Got every costume and memory. Wouldn't have been possible without this channel. Some are impossible to find.

Got all trophies except clear on Nightmare. Might replay this again someday. What a cool game. Loved it. Would kill for a sequel.

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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm not sure I've got what it takes for Nightmare. Probably 60% through it. Getting worked on a couple of missions now. Mantis Trap I make it to the 3rd form and then got 1 shotted 3x in a row. The other mission I'm stuck on has about 10 enemies at once that all hit like a truck. The status effects now are just lethal. If you get slow 3 on, you might as well restart.

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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Michelle and Lisa
on Nightmare. Took like 20 tries. This really turns into a truly phenomenal action game the harder it gets. Only thing that finally got me the win was focusing on Alex and Doni in the fight and basically perfectly dodging as much as possible since so much of it 1 hit kills. The bosses are aggressive enough that Alex's auto-heal becomes incredibly useful. Just jump to anyone else and he'll begin passive healing. Doni has the curse resist which becomes nearly required, as well as Revival Boost which lets you revive anyone just by jumping in a downed body. Those 4 skills are about the only way to survive. Revenge Guard can save him as well in a pinch. Its pretty technical, not janky at all.

[Edit] stuck again. Brutal.

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Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
So, can I just upgrade the 2 characters that I like and ignore Julee? Or will I need to play mandatory characters on specific missions? I don’t like having to manage 3 characters to upgrade skills.
Is there a box version for this game? I can’t find the physical on amazon.

Beat Michelle and Lisa on Nightmare. Took like 20 tries. This really turns into a truly phenomenal action game the harder it gets. Only thing that finally got me the win was focusing on Alex and Doni in the fight and basically perfectly dodging as much as possible since so much of it 1 hit kills. The bosses are aggressive enough that Alex's auto-heal becomes incredibly useful. Just jump to anyone else he'll begin passive healing. Doni has the curse resist which becomes nearly required, as well as Revival Boost which lets you revive anyone just by jumping in a downed body. Those 4 skills are about the only way to survive. Revenge Guard can save him as well in a pinch.

Loving the new cat photo mate.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
So I beat the last duel on nightmare. One of the hardest runs I've ever done.

Turns out you must need the true ending for this trophy. I dont know if I can do this guys ... I was just barely clearing those boss levels. Doing it with limited casualties seems almost impossible.


Demo was good, but the idea of switching to another body felt a bit unnecessary. It would’ve been great to play the whole game with the last girl I possessed (it’d be even better if she were bald). I didn’t expect it to be an action game with deflect and evade moves. I especially liked that deflect is performed by using the right analog stick in different directions. I wouldn’t pay for this, but if it’s ever free on EGS or comes to Gamepass, I might give it a go. It's interesting and creepy.


Completed with the good ending. What a unique game!

It absolutely won't be everyone's cup of Ceylon black tea. It is repetitive, but that's kind of the point. In the context of the time-restructuring plot it makes perfect sense and gameplay-wise it's about you getting better and trying different techniques with different rarity combinations. I don't know if I could marathon it, but it was a perfect game to keep coming back to and knocking out a few stages between other games.

Loved the setting and visual style. The lived-in detail in the environments was excellent and the presentation of the conversations was kino. While you can tell the game didn't have a massive budget, it really punches above its weight visually. And the audio; damn. Yamaoka is something else. Beautiful inventive tracks.

The story is frankly nuts, but works on its own terms. Slitterhead's presentation all comes together in a strange cohesive world of its own.

The combat system was good! At first it seemed basic and janky, but once it opens up the different abilities and how you can combine them, it became strategically deep and a lot more fun.

I would say the game doesn't explain itself very well. It's sometimes really obtuse. You hit a wall and it's not clear how you're supposed to progress. It all makes sense in the end but you have to figure it out.

The trophy stats suggest only 12% of people who own the game (on PlayStation) have properly finished it. I'm not that surprised. Even among the people who bought it, I think a lot of them will bounce off it early. It's weird and not very accessible. It just won't gel with a lot of people, but I reckon it will develop a niche following.

Lisa the nurse was a cute nod to Team Silent fans.

Good job Bokeh. More fresh and interesting games like this please.
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