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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member
Putin doing this because he sees the current (very important) US government as pushovers is a very specific yank media talking point

It is, but I also don't think Putin respects many folks considering his poisoning political opponents even in foreign countries - he got away with it on the UK for instance.

Frankly, I think he's learning how wrong he was and we're learning how weak he is. It's all real time so it's a little crazy, but I do hope this signals a bolder and stronger foreign policy by the US and west in general (which I think has already happened to some extent - Biden has made some masterful strokes in Asia even prior to what I see is a solid handling of this crisis).

Homer Simpson Cartoon GIF


Gold Member
Well to be honest it is just my shitty little bubble in Sweden.

Not the most representative picture.

One of the guys has lived many years in Russia where he used to work for a Swedish company. He is big sceptic towards the US.
The other guy who I used to respect became a total nutjob during COVID talking only about conspiracy theories and how everyone who took the Pfizer vaccine would die. Even mentioned 5G once before I turned my hearing off. Reads a lot of "alternative media" where this BS spreads. I think he is the one who does the reading and then spreads the BS around my workspace, which everyone else who is on the same page so to say just parrots.

Thanks for the additional info. Nutters are everywhere.

I miss the days when all we had to deal with was alien and JFK conspiracy theorists. Was such a peaceful time.


What if the US would test a nuclear missile on russian territory first?
With Russian help could safely deploy the tactical Requiem For A Dream then Putin, Lavrov, Kadyrov, Kirill, Utkin, and whoever else belongs on stage can properly fuck each other to conclusion in front of their Zoo in a vivarium.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

Saving for later, since someone is going to bitch "think about those poor Russians". Yeah sure.

In Germany around 14% was against the war give or take, with huge resistance. To just put thing into perspective. I know that a lot of victims were directly German citizens, so it's slightly different, but still

Finally people see, what bullshit we have to suffer with exchange students who come here to study for measly 150 bucks per month... University study no less.

What happened to 37% left? Disappeared ?
I don't talk politics.
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This is the root of the problem. How is this possible in a globalized and connected world?
The amount of connections correlates more to power for those who control the connections than it will ever correlate to truth.

It may sound overly simplistic because I am talking about 70-80 years of history in one fell swoop. But ultimately it all boils down to once upon a time the Russian people decided that it was for the public's benefit to allow a political orthodoxy to dictate everything in their society. And today the entire world is still paying the price for that decision, with Ukraine bearing the brunt of it currently.

It really is that simple.


This is the root of the problem. How is this possible in a globalized and connected world?
Hence the problem with autocracies/dictatorships. You can't really be held accountable when you control all the flows of information, and you're totally incentivized to remain unaccountable when you've behaved like a complete monster for decades...so wat do? Keep clamping down on dissenters and truth-tellers. Keep restricting the information. Keep killing anyone who can call you out.

It's a vicious, evil cycle and getting gud at it doesn't make someone smart, it makes them evil. And it doesn't work. The West is rich. Russia is impoverished. Corrupt, evil regimes are toxic.
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Gold Member
Those figures are for before the war started when 'conflict' in Ukraine meant something completely different.

Even still, it doesn't take away from the fact that after decades of state controlled indoctrination it's unsurprising that there will be an uncomfortably large number of people in the country who believe Russia can do no wrong and it's everyone else who is the enemy.

Everything Putin has done since the war started is with a view towards tightening his control of people's views and beliefs in the country. It's siege mentality 101.


Even still, it doesn't take away from the fact that after decades of state controlled indoctrination it's unsurprising that there will be an uncomfortably large number of people in the country who believe Russia can do no wrong and it's everyone else who is the enemy.

Everything Putin has done since the war started is with a view towards tightening his control of people's views and beliefs in the country. It's siege mentality 101.
That’s why politically biased news is bad for society in general and a huge reason why Social media does more harm than good. Russia and China are in content bubbles run by the state whereas the rest of the world is in content bubbles run by corporations where their biases or commoditized.

This lady will likely disappear soon but she gets my respect for doing this

She's apparently a Channel One producer herself. She's half Russian and half Ukrainian. She made a video statement about the situation in Ukraine prior to doing this. She expressed shame in regards to working for Channel 1 and admitted they were making propaganda for the Kremlin. Translation is in the comments:

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That's ridiculous. Do you think the US president has a magic button that controls gas prices? Those have gone up around the world. Does Biden control gas prices everywhere? Its the most basic of economic principles, supply and demand. People didn't use nearly as much fuel during the COVID epidemic and now that people are driving a lot more, they are using more fuel.. thus, the price goes up.. but you knew that.
Correct. He doesn't set the global price. Supply and demand affects it...like when the supply was immediately limited when he took office by stopping leasing of public lands.


She's apparently a Channel One producer herself. She's half Russian and half Ukrainian. She made a video statement about the situation in Ukraine prior to doing this. She expressed shame in regards to working for Channel 1 and admitted they were making propaganda for the Kremlin. Translation is in the comments:

Wow. Hope she isn't dissappeared.
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One of the green rats
That's ridiculous. Do you think the US president has a magic button that controls gas prices? Those have gone up around the world. Does Biden control gas prices everywhere? Its the most basic of economic principles, supply and demand. People didn't use nearly as much fuel during the COVID epidemic and now that people are driving a lot more, they are using more fuel.. thus, the price goes up.. but you knew that.

I suggest you google Biden killing US oil …a week into his presidency…. No magic button needed.

And also while you are at it google why the green new deal didn’t pass.

It’s politics. That’s how they get things. You hide what you really want behind some grand PR facade.
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Putin doing this because he sees the current (very important) US government as pushovers is a very specific yank media talking point

It seems impossible for a lot of Americans not to frame every single thing around their own petty political differences.

….which is one of the major reasons Putin knew he could get away with this invasion.
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Rodent Whores
This is the root of the problem. How is this possible in a globalized and connected world?
It's very possible. Nationalism is a strong force. In 2003, according to some polls, a similar percentage of Americans thought Iraq was connected to 9/11. Discerning the truth amidst competing agendas of organizations far more powerful than yourself is a hard thing to do. It's probably even harder in an authoritarian country like Russia.


I suggest you google Biden killing US oil …a week into his presidency…. No magic button needed.

And also while you are at it google why the green new deal didn’t pass.

It’s politics. That’s how they get things. You hide what you really want behind some grand PR facade.

Is there by any chance someone you feel would be doing a better job as president? 🙄
Correct. He doesn't set the global price. Supply and demand affects it...like when the supply was immediately limited when he took office by stopping leasing of public lands.
The US is the worlds largest producer. Biden came into office explicitly talking about restricting ability to drill and produce, and his policies reflect that. We can debate the wisdom of that another time. But to pretend that plays no role in both the current climate around supply or the current price is to ignore reality.

Obviously there are things outside of his control. That doesn’t change the fact that if he had been more energy friendly towards US producers, we would be in a better position to mitigate some of these supply and price issues we are currently experiencing.
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Rodent Whores
The amount of connections correlates more to power for those who control the connections than it will ever correlate to truth.

It may sound overly simplistic because I am talking about 70-80 years of history in one fell swoop. But ultimately it all boils down to once upon a time the Russian people decided that it was for the public's benefit to allow a political orthodoxy to dictate everything in their society. And today the entire world is still paying the price for that decision, with Ukraine bearing the brunt of it currently.

It really is that simple.
Yup. At least in America and other parts of the West, we have checks and balances that can eventually steer us away from madness. This is why the principle of freedom of speech and freedom of the press is so important. When they are thoroughly abandoned over the course of decades, the institutions that crop up unchecked by free thought are quite unwholesome.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Every day the rings the "Russia did nothing wrong" types have to jump through become more and more extreme.

It always starts with the words "But Biden..." too.
Tankies, the victims of Russia propaganda for past 8+ years.


Every day the rings the "Russia did nothing wrong" types have to jump through become more and more extreme.

It always starts with the words "But Biden..." too.

They’ve been manipulated and had their confirmation biases confirmed for years by Russian disinformation. Putin has very effectively created division in America by spreading conspiracy and false information about him, and American political figures. He played the country like a fiddle, and a lot are having problems accepting this.

Sega Orphan

Best case from here on out is that there is a soft coup in Russia, where the military take control away from Putin. If the public start a coup it will be deadly. The quickest and easiest way for Putin to be removed should be the way to go.
If Putin stays in power even after the war is over, Russia will remain an outsider and will keep an adversarial relationship with the West.
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I'm curious what will happen when interest fades. The social pressure has undoubtedly put stress on the Russian government and people, and private companies have acted very quickly in response. When it comes to the actual negotiations though, will the world care?

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