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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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You have an example where NATO acted on offense? Like. Ever? Outside of your crazy dreams and insecurities?
The hell are you talking about? I'm from West-Europe, NATO is no threat to me.

You are still completely unable to differentiate your own perception from what is really going on.

How many frikkin' times do I need to explain this to you?

Correction: It's the other way around.

Correct, I should have worded that better. Still doesn't change the fact that historically NATO is not well perceived by the Eastern bloc and there is a lot of bad blood that was never truly adressed.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Correct, I should have worded that better. Still doesn't change the fact that historically NATO is not well perceived by the Eastern bloc and there is a lot of bad blood that was never truly adressed.

When the Warsaw Pact was founded anyone in the Eastern Bloc was essentially merely Soviet states. Some of the Warsaw members are now members of NATO: off the top of my head Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania - I am sure I am missing some (?).

So it feels disingenuous to suggest Eastern Bloc members were wary of NATO when at the time all Bloc members were essentially just the USSR. Not saying you're personally being disingenuous, just pointing out that as soon as they could many Bloc nations fled the USSR to NATO as soon as the opportunity presented itself.



You know, It would be great if ukrainian forces actually held russians back but it seems like russian units are already running around Kyiv. So it doesn't look promising.

People have been blindly believing every single piece of tittle-tattle they read on social media for more than ten years, so why would they stop because of a war where people are seriously suffering. They already learn to like the cosmic scale BS more the more "real" it feels to them emotionally. I wouldn't really consider any piece of social media "crowdsourced intelligence" unless it has been analysed by some org like bellingcat.


not tag worthy


Yeah this will be over soon, government will fall and "free" elections will be held.

The elected government was overthrown for wanting closer ties with Russia in 2014? That's fine I guess

Syria also has an elected government but it was acceptable to try destroy that. So many hypocritical stances.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Yeah this will be over soon, government will fall and "free" elections will be held.

The pro Russian government was overthrown by a bloody revolution in 2014.

Even if Russia topples the government and installs a puppet leader, it won't last a long time. It'll be overthrown very quickly.


You know, this may not be going the way Putin wants…

Economy tanking, Russians protesting in 58 cities, Ukrainians holding strategic targets instead of them falling, oligarchs targeted, Russian equipment destroyed.

Well, well, well.

I think he is going to brute force his will, one way or another. He is an old, stubborn and very vain man, at the eve of his life. He is running out of time and is frantically trying to satisfy his abysmal, hypertrophied ego.


Russia has mainly been using more strategic precision weapons rather than large-scale bombardments and traditional bombing runs.

I think he was trying to take Ukraine with as much of the cities and infrastructure intact as possible that way whatever puppet government they install when they're done would not have to be in an endless rebuilding phase from the start.
Honestly I think the numbers were bs.
Either casualties were much higher, or troops were deserting/not showing up/surrendering etc.
Otherwise it makes no sense.
Russia is already coming into the capital, the government is telling civilians to make molotovs and fight. Where the fuck is the army?


Gold Member
Luckily, he survived.

I know this is not really the important point of the post, but why is everyone on twitter calling everything a tank?

It's quite clearly even from this distance an MB-LT


If it was a tank the dude would have been crushed to death for sure due to the additional tonnage, bloody awful though and absolutely disgraceful. Hope the guy gets a rocket up his ass.
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Honestly I think the numbers were bs.
Either casualties were much higher, or troops were deserting/not showing up/surrendering etc.
Otherwise it makes no sense.
Russia is already coming into the capital, the government is telling civilians to make molotovs and fight. Where the fuck is the army?
Operating installations, whoever owns the air owns the land, I'm sure most of the Ukrainian forces are spread over and defending the most important installations.


The elected government was overthrown for wanting closer ties with Russia in 2014? That's fine I guess

Syria also has an elected government but it was acceptable to try destroy that. So many hypocritical stances.
I'm not sure i understand your post correctly, could you re-state it? My english skills are quite good, but maybe i miss something?

So you are blasting the west for Syria or taking a jab at me for using "free"?

I'm perfectly honest, this most likely won't be a free election, but this will put Ukraine back as a steared state by Russia - to menit looks like Putin DEMANDS to get back to the status quo where Ukraine is "neutral" and no talks about NATO or EU are brought back up - never, ever.
Amazingly despite fighting off the Russian army. Ukraine will want to join Russia.
Yeah i don't think the ordinary citizens have much to say in this matter.
The pro Russian government was overthrown by a bloody revolution in 2014.

Even if Russia topples the government and installs a puppet leader, it won't last a long time. It'll be overthrown very quickly.
The pro Russian government was overthrown by a revolution that has been supported (officialy and non officialy) by outside forces. Right now Russia is continuing their 10 year long campain to hold Ukraine as their puppet.
Yes. I think this is what will happen.
Then the Ukrainians will have no government to overthrow.

Botox man is pleased.
No i don't think full anexation is possible. This would create a major backlash,both in Ukraine and in the rest of the world. And this would also create other problems, mainly the fact that Putin would have to treat them as his own citizens and pump cash int othe region.
Puppet state is cheaper and gives you the bonus of using the country as a battlefield should any war break out.


Gold Member

“This is a military warship. This is a Russian military warship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and needless casualties. Otherwise, you will be bombed,”


“Russian warship, go fuck yourself.”

Sadly all 13 Ukrainians on Snake Island died shortly afterwards after concentrated bombardment.



“This is a military warship. This is a Russian military warship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and needless casualties. Otherwise, you will be bombed,”


“Russian warship, go fuck yourself.”

Sadly all 13 Ukrainians on Snake Island died shortly afterwards after concentrated bombardment.

Respect , those men became hero’s , the cowards that fired, imbeciles.
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Michael Jordan Reaction GIF

Yes, because if there is one thing that Russian government does is spending money to benefit its own citizen, correct? If Russia will annex Ukraine Putin has a wonderful template to follow:

Don't teach me about history as my family has been there and went through that and even more.
I am no ally of Russia in any of this. I am merely stating the fact that they most likely will elect a puppet government, move back and leave a small force to "maintain peace" for an undisclosed ammount of time. As that will be easier and cheaper than annexing a whole damn country with it's debts and problems.
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Looks like the imperialist is marching towards victory. Zelensky is starting to sound desperate and wants talks, blaming west for abandoning Ukraine alone. Not looking good.

One thing is clear, west will end up as bunch of fucking losers with their whole fake support. I don't think ukrainians will want anything to do with the west after official surrender. It will pretty much confirm that the west was never actually with them.
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Looks like the imperialist is marching towards victory. Zelensky is starting to sound desperate and wants talks, blaming west for abandoning Ukraine alone. Not looking good.

One thing is clear, west will end up as bunch of fucking losers with their whole fake support. I don't think ukrainians will want anything to do with the west after official surrender. It will pretty much confirm that the west was never actually with them.
You see them as losers, others see them as the ones who avoided a nuclear war. Ukraine, and no single country for the matter, is worth the ruin of the whole world.

Sucks to be that one country, yes, but theres no good solution to that.


Looks like the imperialist is marching towards victory. Zelensky is starting to sound desperate and wants talks, blaming west for abandoning Ukraine alone. Not looking good.

One thing is clear, west will end up as bunch of fucking losers with their whole fake support. I don't think ukrainians will want anything to do with the west after official surrender. It will pretty much confirm that the west was never actually with them.

A key thing to remember is that Ukraine isn't a NATO country.

If any offensive was made on a NATO country, we would be looking at the start of WW3 and Nuclear war.


You see them as losers, others see them as the ones who avoided a nuclear war. Ukraine, and no single country for the matter, is worth the ruin of the whole world.

Sucks to be that one country, yes, but theres no good solution to that.
I perfectly understand this and the price to pay is to look like powerless clowns and Russia being enabled to make even bolder steps.
Anyone can say Putin this, Nato this, but they are just giving excuses to a POS man attacking another country. There is no justification for this war, this is just one POS man is screwing the world, do not try to justify it, there is no justification for this, for me anyone doing that is just as bad as him.


A key thing to remember is that Ukraine isn't a NATO country.

If any offensive was made on a NATO country, we would be looking at the start of WW3 and Nuclear war.
That's the thing. So what is preventing the bigger NATO nations from abandoning the whole agreement and just leave the rest of the eastern Europe (Poland, Baltics, Romania) to fend for themeselves when Russia decides to make the next bold step? Because it's as you say, who wants nuclear war? Putin seems to be perfectly fine with threatening with nuclear weapons.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I perfectly understand this and the price to pay is to look like powerless clowns and Russia being enabled to make even bolder steps.
I hear they're passing out small arms in Ukraine if you're wanting to go assist.

I said in my first post that we'll have to watch and swallow this bitter pill, and it is bitter to watch. So I get your emotions. But the US response so far has been pretty good, and I'm glad that they've responded the way they have.

We got clear communication of the intelligence they had, far in advance. What Biden was predicting was more accurate than the Ukranians. We got clear communication from Biden that he is not sending troops, and that he will defend NATO territory down to the inch. And we got financial, political, diplomatic pressure with support of a broad coalition of countries. About the only other thing left they can do right now is fortify the eastern front of NATO (which I'm sure they're about to do), and support Ukranian refugees.

The rest will take time. It literally may not change until internal dynamics in Russia change, and they take different positions themselves.

That's the thing. So what is preventing the bigger NATO nations from abandoning the whole agreement and just leave the rest of the eastern Europe (Poland, Baltics, Romania) to fend for themeselves when Russia decides to make the next bold step? Because it's as you say, who wants nuclear war? Putin seems to be perfectly fine with threatening with nuclear weapons.
If you think there aren't people in the US military that will insist on using the military, you're wrong. If you think the US is powerless, you're wrong. What we're seeing is a leader that is making rational calls right now, and clearly communicating his red lines so that everyone understands the stakes.


Anyone can say Putin this, Nato this, but they are just giving excuses to a POS man attacking another country. There is no justification for this war, this is just one POS man is screwing the world, do not try to justify it, there is no justification for this, for me anyone doing that is just as bad as him.
There's a big difference between analysis and justification.

Multiple times in this thread, I've seen people merely attempting to identify the root cause behind Putin's decision, only to see others lash back at the "justification" and "support".

It's ridiculous. You can, and should, look to understand the true motives of everything. Sure, calling him names such as "POS" and "monster" and so on feels good, and might even be accurate, but that's not the end of the story, and does little to get to the whole truth of the matter.


That's the thing. So what is preventing the bigger NATO nations from abandoning the whole agreement and just leave the rest of the eastern Europe (Poland, Baltics, Romania) to fend for themeselves when Russia decides to make the next bold step? Because it's as you say, who wants nuclear war? Putin seems to be perfectly fine with threatening with nuclear weapons.

That will be the question going round all the NATO leaders minds now... do they step up if NATO territory is attacked and defend and run the risk of Nuclear escalation or let Russia sweep across the whole of Eastern Europe.

If Russia attacks NATO, then defence would have to happen, regardless if it happens in Poland, Baltics or Romania otherwise what would be the point of NATO. I don't see NATO as all talk and no action. For now i see NATO standing up to Russia if we were attacked and that includes consideration for Nuclear options.
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I hear they're passing out small arms in Ukraine if you're wanting to go assist.

I said in my first post that we'll have to watch and swallow this bitter pill, and it is bitter to watch. So I get your emotions. But the US response so far has been pretty good, and I'm glad that they've responded the way they have.

We got clear communication of the intelligence they had, far in advance. What Biden was predicting was more accurate than the Ukranians. We got clear communication from Biden that he is not sending troops, and that he will defend NATO territory down to the inch. And we got financial, political, diplomatic pressure with support of a broad coalition of countries. About the only other thing left they can do right now is fortify the eastern front of NATO (which I'm sure they're about to do), and support Ukranian refugees.

The rest will take time. It literally may not change until internal dynamics in Russia change, and they take different positions themselves.

If you think there aren't people in the US military that will insist on using the military, you're wrong. If you think the US is powerless, you're wrong. What we're seeing is a leader that is making rational calls right now, and clearly communicating his red lines so that everyone understands the stakes.
I'm just wondering how many more pills will be swallowed. Talk about "we will help" is cheap. Having some troops in eastern Europe hardly matters when nuclear weapons are in question. USA, western Europe just evacuates their troops and bye. "Sorry, we can't risk nuclear war. Just have to swallow this pill" Bombing some goat herders in middle east with WW2 equipment is one thing but fallowing through your militar commitments against another nuclear power is something whole different.
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