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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I do, putin will never use nukes simple as that. What west and ukraine should do is fly freedom unmarked drones into russia and carpet bomb there militairy basisses then raid them on every side of there shores with drones everywhere. See how that little shit likes it when he's under fire everywhere without knowing who or what.

West is way to soft on putin.

He won't nuke shit, the moment he nukes any city in europe, they will nuke the living shit out of him. He can't do shit. And he knows it. his ancient army is easily destroyed and dealt with. People sitting back and just taking it is exactly what putin is hoping for because he knows he's fucked if the west gets involved.

U just need to play his own game, start taking the fight to his boarders.

Do you not understand that CHina backs Russia? They are their allies? The minute we get into a nuclear weapons/missle attack, China will start bombing NATO allies. It's like you live in an alternate reality?
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Putin would totally use nukes. SO would CHina, you are an idiot.

They won't, nobody does. The same as the west doesn't use nukes to defend ukraine. Nukes are fucking useless.

Also there is nothing to nuke if russia doesn't know who raids them, he's going to nuke the entire world? just play his shit ass games and see how he likes it. Dude has boarders up his ass that he can't defend for shit.
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I do, putin will never use nukes simple as that. What west and ukraine should do is fly freedom unmarked drones into russia and carpet bomb there militairy basisses then raid them on every side of there shores with drones everywhere. See how that little shit likes it when he's under fire everywhere without knowing who or what.

West is way to soft on putin.

He won't nuke shit, the moment he nukes any city in europe, they will nuke the living shit out of him. He can't do shit. And he knows it. his ancient army is easily destroyed and dealt with. People sitting back and just taking it is exactly what putin is hoping for because he knows he's fucked if the west gets involved.

U just need to play his own game, start taking the fight to his boarders.
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Gold Member
Not that long ago Ukraine was bullying Romania, occupying Snake Island, carving up the Danube Delta and taking away minority rights in Northern Bukovina. The other week they conveniently ignored the Romanian minority during the unity day.
I guess that's Eastern Europe in a nutshell - bullies bullying and being bullied while nobody in the West cares until it's too big to ignore.
That's a very Eastern/Mid East mentality overall. Draconian power and control attitudes. The types of countries who'd prefer to do military parades of tanks and anti-aircraft guns than Christmas parades (or whatever local holiday is the best substitute). Weird people.

Just imagine if let's say a US state or Canadian province wanted to split off. No doubt government will try to make them stay, but if they still want to slit off and do their own thing after years of debates, I don't think the modern day US or Canadian military are going to roll in troops, tanks and jetfighters blowing them up forcing them to rejoin.
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Gold Member
This is exactly what I am talking about. Who says that the next ultimatum won't be "Get NATO troops out of Baltics now or you will face consequences like world has never seen before". And the same suspects are starting to talk about "Are Baltics really worth starting a nuclear war over?" I know it's tough but we just need to swallow this pill"
Abandoning them would basically be the end of NATO as every country would question when NATO would actually do something.
Again, Putin using a nuke would be suicide. He might as well drop one on himself.


Do you not understand that CHina backs Russia? They are their allies? The minute we get into a nuclear weapons/missle attack, China will start bombing NATO allies. It's like you live in an alternate reality?

I live in the reality, u don't.

If tommorow Russia demands US ground, u just going to hold back and let them roll all the way to the capital? because putin could shoot nukes at you and china, like whatever china is going to do in your brain. No u blow there army's up that sit on your boarders. The same shit turkey did. Guess what happened next? Putin was bye bye. Or did they nuke turkey to shit? nope.

Your whole dream world of nukes attacks etc are just that dreams. Nukes are useless the only moment US and RU will use nukes if they have nothing to lose anymore and are in a dire spot of the loss of there main continent which droning there boarders isn't going to do.

Also why are those ukrainiers fighting back? they blew up a tank i saw in that video above it. is putin now going to nuke ukraine? See how fucking dumb that logic is.


I live in the reality, u don't.

If tommorow Russia demands US ground, u just going to hold back and let them roll all the way to the capital? because putin could shoot nukes at you and china, like whatever china is going to do in your brain. No u blow there army's up that sit on your boarders. The same shit turkey did. Guess what happened next? Putin was bye bye. Or did they nuke turkey to shit? nope.

Your whole dream world of nukes attacks etc are just that dreams. Nukes are useless the only moment US and RU will use nukes if they have nothing to lose anymore and are in a dire spot of the loss of there main continent which droning there boarders isn't going to do.

Also why are those ukrainiers fighting back? they blew up a tank i saw in that video above it. is putin now going to nuke ukraine? See how fucking dumb that logic is.

The video was a Ukraine tank getting blown up not the russian tank getting blown up. Russia has a fucking huge army. Ukraines army is tiny compared and doesnt have even close the capability or man power. WHich is why they are begging for help.
We are? I definitely haven't heard that. They're discussing if they should MAYBE send weapons, but troops I haven't heard anything about.
The first thing that dies in a war is the truth (or something). We can all expect to be showered in war propaganda from all angles, on all platforms, from all mouthpieces and channels all day all night. I feel ashamed for my country (Germany) right now. It's one of the main reasons the EU looks as weak as it does.

So the US spends years talking shit about China, provoking, sanctioning and then they ask for help? What a bunch of fucking morons.Why would China help you? To be betrayed later?

And shared information with Moscow? Are there receipts on this statement? Because as far as I know, China and Russia are strictly business partners. Their political views don't align with each other.
That's a very Eastern/Mid East mentality overall. Draconian power and control attitudes.

Just imagine if let's say a US state or Canadian province wanted to split off. No doubt government will try to make them stay, but if they still want to slit off and do their own thing after years of debates, I don't think the modern day US or Canadian military are going to roll in troops, tanks and jetfighters blowing them up forcing them to rejoin.
Russia and Ukraine onyl respect power and that's something the West didn't understand. Putin spelled it out for them in that recent speech. Sanctions are meaningless.

That goes together with provinces splitting off. Tito was strong enough to keep Yugoslavia together. We saw Transnistria, Kosovo, Chechnya. Today you have Szekely Land in the middle of Romania and all sorts of republics and minority held territories in the East. Add centuries old grudges and historical traumas like Trianon or the fate of Bessarabia and it's a clusterfuck of emotions waiting to explode.

As a Romanian, the Snake Island thing is extremely frustrating. It's a conflict that spanned decades and now the world considers them heroes. Is it really heroic to enforce Soviet imperialism?


That's why this is a delicate situation. Ukraine to become part of NATO pledged to get rid of their Nuclear weapons which they did, and russia threatened NATO if they allowed UKRAINE TO BE part of NATO. WW3 has been talked about ever since COld war.
You're talking about the Budapest Memorandum? Then you have it wrong, joining NATO was not talked there.
They received border guarantees from the US, UK and Russia for scraping their nukes. Guess how much worth that was...

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
We should only be electing anti-China politicians from now on. That should be a litmus test if you are fit to be president imo. Pretending that China is anything but an enemy that needs a long term strategy for regime change is folly.
That's true, but we are in competition with them currently. We should be electing people that will actually invest in the US. That's how you out compete them. Anyone unwilling to considering upper class taxes being slightly raised, infrastructure, education, manufacturing and clean energy investments is literally preventing the US from advancing for profit. None of the proposals out there are perfect, but that's the direction we need to move in. The military is already getting record levels of investment. We also should consider some very strong corporate regulations forcing corporations to consider US interests on multiple levels. That's the battle against China currently.

China dictates what our corporations do, and they agree to literally anything they ask. We can dictate what they do as well, but we play into corporate propaganda that they'll all flee or we can't tax their off shore money, etc. It's the biggest lie around. China literally takes their IP and tech and they line up and say more please lol.
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Gold Member

I can't understand the woman trying to translate or whatever she's doing. What are they threatening and why?

But if true, what the fuck. We haven't done shit. But neither had Ukraine I guess. So I guess it's time to prepare to die. Fun.

Edit: Ok, if we try to join NATO they will destroy us. We better do it quick then. Because if we DON'T join, they can just roll in and nobody will intervene (like now). Soooo I guess we're fucked either way? That's cool.
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I can't understand the woman trying to translate or whatever she's doing. What are they threatening and why?
Ryssland återupprepar sina hot Sverige och Finland, rapporterar den statliga nyhetsbyrån Ria.
Om Sverige och Finland går med i Nato kommer Ryssland tvingas att ”vidta åtgärder”, skriver ryska utrikesdepartementet.

If Sweden and Finland joins NATO Russia will have to take action.


Junior Member
Some of the takes here regarding how Geo-politics and diplomacy work in the real world are truly something.

No offense, but talking with other world powers and sharing information in the hope to avert the shit we are seeing now, is the expected practice amongst civilized nations. China might be to some the "Prime Evil", but that doesn't change the fact that as one of the mayor players in the world they need to be part of Geo-Political discussions and attempts to maintain stability through the World.

Hari Seldon

That's true, but we are in competition with them currently. We should be electing people that will actually invest in the US. That's how you out compete them. Anyone unwilling to considering upper class taxes being slightly raised, infrastructure, education, manufacturing and clean energy investments is literally preventing the US from advancing for profit. None of the proposals out there are perfect, but that's the direction we need to move in. The military is already getting record levels of investment. We also should consider some very strong corporate regulations forcing corporations to consider US interests on multiple levels. That's the battle against China currently.

China dictates what our corporations do, and they agree to literally anything they ask. We can dictate what they do as well, but we play into corporate propaganda that they'll all flee or we can't tax their off shore money, etc. It's the biggest lie around. China literally takes their IP and tech and they line up and say more please lol.
No I agree, that is why I said "long term strategy" because what you are proposing (and I agree with it) is a strategy that would involve multiple US administrations. And the one thing that our Democracy is absolutely fucking terrible at is implementing long term strategies lol.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
We should only be electing anti-China politicians from now on. That should be a litmus test if you are fit to be president imo. Pretending that China is anything but an enemy that needs a long term strategy for regime change is folly.

I agree with your first point, but you don't gotta be an expert to deduce that regime change is something we are horrible at. America can't even successfully regime change a few primitive desert tribes after decades & trillions of dollars spent, so a country with over a billion people is impossible lmao

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
No I agree, that is why I said "long term strategy" because what you are proposing (and I agree with it) is a strategy that would involve multiple US administrations. And the one thing that our Democracy is absolutely fucking terrible at is implementing long term strategies lol.
Yeah, for sure. It's literally just bought politicians. And the Chinese know that, and know where to pay. We have to root out people prioritizing money over the interests of the nation. And that's damn near every politician we have most of the time so it's an uphill battle for sure.
I live in the reality, u don't.

If tommorow Russia demands US ground, u just going to hold back and let them roll all the way to the capital? because putin could shoot nukes at you and china, like whatever china is going to do in your brain. No u blow there army's up that sit on your boarders. The same shit turkey did. Guess what happened next? Putin was bye bye. Or did they nuke turkey to shit? nope.

Your whole dream world of nukes attacks etc are just that dreams. Nukes are useless the only moment US and RU will use nukes if they have nothing to lose anymore and are in a dire spot of the loss of there main continent which droning there boarders isn't going to do.

Also why are those ukrainiers fighting back? they blew up a tank i saw in that video above it. is putin now going to nuke ukraine? See how fucking dumb that logic is.
I don't get the warmongering attitude you're projecting. Ukraine has been dealt a shit hand. The west don't want to intervene for fear of reprisals from both Russia and their allies (Iran, Pakistan, China et al.) Putin wouldn't nuke the place he is making a play for, that's reckless and stupid. He's more calculating and rational than most are giving him credit for. His strikes would be retaliatory in nature and I don't think he's bluffing when he threatens devastation.

It's easy to dismiss the Russian military force but the reality is they have one of the largest ground forces and a huge force of ballastic submarines and nukes. Then you add in the technologically capable Chinese army and you're looking at tens of millions of troops ready to delploy with full armoured complement in tow.

It's a mess of a situation, but the likely reality is that the West won't intervene directly until a NATO nation is interfered with.


Just imagine if let's say a US state or Canadian province wanted to split off. No doubt government will try to make them stay, but if they still want to slit off and do their own thing after years of debates, I don't think the modern day US or Canadian military are going to roll in troops, tanks and jetfighters blowing them up forcing them to rejoin.

Hari Seldon

I agree with your first point, but you don't gotta be an expert to deduce that regime change is something we are horrible at. America can't even successfully regime change a few primitive desert tribes after decades & trillions of dollars spent, so a country with over a billion people is impossible lmao
I'm thinking more along the lines of starving them from any western money by not buying their shit and if we need cheap shit getting it from friendly nations like India.


Gold Member

If Sweden and Finland joins NATO Russia will have to take action.

Yeah... And if we don't, they are free to do whatever they want, because then nobody will come to our aid (NATO only defends NATO members). So that's fun.


What did the US lose by sharing this information with China? Perhaps they send a message that the US knows more about what China's "ally" Russia is doing than they do themselves.
In terms of gain, it allows allied foreigners to see that China was included in the discussion with US and what they chose to do with that co-operation then re-evaluate.


the video where russian tankette drives over car isn't whole picture of what happened at that moment there was actual russian ural truck driving and ukraine soldiers where shooting at it driver was killed then tankette drived over car, just a moment later.


Yeah... And if we don't, they are free to do whatever they want, because then nobody will come to our aid (NATO only defends NATO members). So that's fun.
Swedens idea of being a "semi-member" wouldn't be worth anything once the shit hits the fan.


In terms of gain, it allows allied foreigners to see that China was included in the discussion with US and what they chose to do with that co-operation then re-evaluate.
Does anyone really think the US would share so much intelligence that it would give away assets or substantial information about our capabilities? For all we know it was spy satellite imagery showing what the whole world can see. But of course the hottest takes have to assume the worst, that we would actually trust China not to share highly sensitive info?


Gold Member
How do they define "male" in Ukraine? and why aren't women conscripted?
Male Privilege


Does anyone really think the US would share so much intelligence that it would give away assets or substantial information about our capabilities? For all we know it was spy satellite imagery showing what the whole world can see. But of course the hottest takes have to assume the worst, that we would actually trust China not to share highly sensitive info?
Exactly. It was a demonstration.
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