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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Lol maybe watch at least 30 seconds of the video i posted then decide

I watched the beginning and its nonsense. Negotiations only started because Russia was knocking on Kyiv's door and there was a fear that Ukraine would have to capitulate in one form or another because most people still thought the Russian army would be capable of rolling through the entire country. That clearly was not the case, so Ukraine realized that they had the capabilities to defend themselves and they chose that over surrendering to terms that would not be in their favor.

And yes the guest is an idiot. A quick look at his twitter account shows his support for the same Russian talking points about Nazis in Ukraine, and he even retweets content from Noam Chomsky and Michael Tracey on numerous occasions, 2 people who are completely misinformed and have been wrong numerous times when it comes to this conflict

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
So Russell Brand’s guest is an idiot?

Pretty much yeah. Or he knows his show is rubbish but does it anyway because it's easy money. In any case videos like "big food created 75% of chronic disease" or "trump, ye, tate, peterson: four horsemen or free speech warriors" or "myocarditis: the great covid swindle" point out who the videos are for and the kind of content he peddles.


You haven’t given me any reason to, you didn’t summarize any of the video or the guest’s points, and I think Brand is a retard who probably has people on with equally idiotic takes. I’m not inclined to sit around listening to mental diarrhea from someone who continually makes an ass of himself
Fair enough I was never a fan of him myself over the years as well. but like i said he has had some interesting guests on lately but i can see I’m clearly wasting my time here so I’m out. Peace


Fair enough I was never a fan of him myself over the years as well. but like i said he has had some interesting guests on lately but i can see I’m clearly wasting my time here so I’m out. Peace
What I’d encourage you to do is give a brief synopsis of what the video is about and why you find the argument compelling to get me to give it a shot. What I’d discourage you to do is drop a 10 minute video from someone who most of us regard as a moron without any of the above and ask for our thoughts on it. If someone posted a video of Alex Jones’ opinion on things I’d likewise pass on checking it out.
Not shown in this graph, but I assume Poland has spent millions upon millions on looking after Ukrainians within its own borders after the start of the war. I can't applaud Poland enough for everything they have done and are doing


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Yeah that's not the real reason. But here's the real deal: Lavrov recently explained why they're extra angry at Ukraine and the West. Here's his horror-story, the inhumanity he experienced:

He's obviously really hurt, everyone send him your sympathies.

Soy Lavrov


Putin reasoning for bombing the Ukraine energy infrastructure is; they bombed a bridge 🤣 what a swell guy ! Delusional, that’s his justification for killing and making millions of innocent lives miserable.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
What I’d encourage you to do is give a brief synopsis of what the video is about and why you find the argument compelling to get me to give it a shot. What I’d discourage you to do is drop a 10 minute video from someone who most of us regard as a moron without any of the above and ask for our thoughts on it. If someone posted a video of Alex Jones’ opinion on things I’d likewise pass on checking it out.
I made it 5mins in before I gave up.

The idiot on the show (the guest not Brand) is pushing the tired conspiracy theory that the US and other sabotaged peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. He goes on to complain about the "propaganda" that has been pushed about Russia and Putin. He complains about Hillary. The part that made me quit the video is when the idiot said that China and Russia basically aren't bad and that they are not trying to take over the world.

It's just all nonsense that ignores reality. Ukraine publicly stated there would be no peace involving them giving up portions of their country and Russia said they wanted to keep their "annexations". So the US didn't get in the way of anything involving peace talks. And as far as the "propaganda" involving Russia and China? It's not propaganda if its true. They are dictator ran shitholes doing their best to gain an economic stranglehold on the west in order to establish a level of security for their existence.

I can't stand brainless conspiracy nonsense like that. You have to at least TRY to make the theory fit reality. You can't just point to the obvious villains of the situation and say "it's all fake they are actually pretty chill" and then point to the people giving money to help stop genocide and say "no see THEY are actually the bad guys!".
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Sweden had a incursion, RuSSian sub improved Kilo-class Ufa and a corvette K311 Kazanets, Parchim class, got suprised by two swedish corvettes, HMS Helsingborg (K32) and HMS Karlstad (stealth missile corvettes) outside the coast of Gotland.

This sub has been using the Gotland deeps for test dives, but was apparently totally suprised by the appearance of the stealth corvettes. This is a sub that the RuSSians are trying to get into the black sea, now, too bad it didn't experience a bad "accident".

Just shows that the RuSSians just keep on provoking everyone, when they can, but also shows the bad performance of their "latest and greatest" stuff. No military naval vessel should get suprised like this. Another shit design by the RuSSkies.

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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Sweden had a incursion, RuSSian sub improved Kilo-class Ufa and a corvette K311 Kazanets, Parchim class, got suprised by two swedish corvettes, HMS Helsingborg (K32) and HMS Karlstad (stealth missile corvettes) outside the coast of Gotland.

This sub has been using the Gotland deeps for test dives, but was apparently totally suprised by the appearance of the stealth corvettes. This is a sub that the RuSSians are trying to get into the black sea, now, too bad it didn't experience a bad "accident".

Just shows that the RuSSians just keep on provoking everyone, when they can, but also shows the bad performance of their "latest and greatest" stuff. No military naval vessel should get suprised like this. Another shit design by the RuSSkies.



Gold Member
Sweden had a incursion, RuSSian sub improved Kilo-class Ufa and a corvette K311 Kazanets, Parchim class, got suprised by two swedish corvettes, HMS Helsingborg (K32) and HMS Karlstad (stealth missile corvettes) outside the coast of Gotland.

This sub has been using the Gotland deeps for test dives, but was apparently totally suprised by the appearance of the stealth corvettes. This is a sub that the RuSSians are trying to get into the black sea, now, too bad it didn't experience a bad "accident".

Just shows that the RuSSians just keep on provoking everyone, when they can, but also shows the bad performance of their "latest and greatest" stuff. No military naval vessel should get suprised like this. Another shit design by the RuSSkies.

is that photo real? that K32 looks like its a very poor 3d render photoshopped into the water


Gold Member
Fair enough I was never a fan of him myself over the years as well. but like i said he has had some interesting guests on lately but i can see I’m clearly wasting my time here so I’m out. Peace
hey guys check out this very interesting video from a channel i am subscribed to on youtube a lot of very interesting points oh wait everyone is saying he is a retard am i watching a retard hmmm nah let me double down and tell people they really need to watch it oh no people are saying they are watching it and it involves retards being retarded well i need to maintain my internet credibility for some reason so uhhh wait no i am totally not a fan of the retard i just post video content from the retard that invites retards that make totally interesting points but since everyone now thinks i am a retard for watching the retard who invites retards i am clearly wasting my time here so i am out peace


Gold Member
Fair enough I was never a fan of him myself over the years as well. but like i said he has had some interesting guests on lately but i can see I’m clearly wasting my time here so I’m out. Peace
Brand has been discussed here before. Many of us enjoyed the brief time where the guy seemed to go from crazy left to seeking truth. But sadly as many others of his kind, he went back to crazy again and got into the shitty conspiracy theories and worse. So fuck him and all the rest of them.

And btw, I used to enjoyed that guest of his, don't remember his name, for digging into the establishment lies.., really thought he was going places. But then he also fell victim shitty sources and conspiracy theories.And Greenwald, Rubin, Dore.. fuck me.. They've all gone off the deep end. They're all shitty unstable volatile human beings that can't be trusted because they only go for the number of viewers, not the truth. So I've since deleted ALL my youtube commenter bookmarks, and it's a great feeling, don't regret it for a second.
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The Orcs are living up to their name and fighting in hordes.

Concentrating in one area, what they should have done in the beginning.

Putin secretly mobilizing more men. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Russia won’t stop till 1 mill orcs are dead. Unfortunately the West will tire of this war before then.
What are you basing this on?
Previous wars Ruscists have fought. Always ended with a minimum 500,000 dead soldiers.

Their war doctrine hasn’t changed at all.

Putin wants Ukraine and until he’s dead he ain’t stopping.

You can put the pieces together just from Putin’s recent speech. He just admitted it will be a long and brutal war to prepare his populace
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Gold Member
Previous wars Ruscists have fought. Always ended with a minimum 500,000 dead soldiers.

Their war doctrine hasn’t changed at all.

Putin wants Ukraine and until he’s dead he ain’t stopping.

You can put the pieces together just from Putin’s recent speech. He just admitted it will be a long and brutal war to prepare his populace

Yeah but the west ain't giving this up. Congress just approved more expenditures, and the US green lit more gear from Germany to go to Ukraine. This is long from over and the US would be political suicide to step away at this point.

As an aside... At my kids chorus they had a Ukrainian refugee girl sing a holiday song. It was beautiful and it's so impressive 4 months ago things she moved counties but is so strong. Got a standing ovation.

We ain't giving giving up.


Does anybody watch Russell Brand? He has some good guest speakers on with interesting information about the war.

At 5:36 - "I don't see them trying to set up military bases" - what a fucking liar. China is already has overseas military bases and it's very active in the South China Sea where they are bullying other countries. And we have extremely worrying reports coming from Africa about Russia's "private" mercenary activities. And these are only a couple of examples.

Without this statement the guest was already suspicious because he talks on and on but never mentioning any reliable sources. I want to see the so called peace deal. Was really Ukraine getting back it's territories and the UK and the USA sad to that no?
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Without this statement the guest was already suspicious because he talks on and on but never mentioning any reliable sources. I want to see the so called peace deal. Was really Ukraine getting back it's territories and the UK and the USA sad to that no?

The whole thing about UK and US telling Zelensky to not negotiate because of reasons is based on a single quote from a Pravda article from May 5. The summary: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/05/5/7344206/

The actual article: https://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2022/05/5/7344096/

And the transalated quote:

"Johnson brought two simple messages to Kyiv: Putin is a war criminal, he should be suppressed, not negotiated with. And secondly, if you are ready to sign any agreements on guarantees with him, then we are not. We can with you, but not with him, he will still abandon everyone ," one of Zelenskyi's close associates summarizes the essence of Johnson's visit.

no transcript or leaked audio, just a summary from a "close associate"...it's the most dubious of sources but like all conspiracies has taken on a life of its own devoid of this history
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Gold Member
  • Yeah but the west ain't giving this up. Congress just approved more expenditures, and the US green lit more gear from Germany to go to Ukraine. This is long from over and the US would be political suicide to step away at this point.

As an aside... At my kids chorus they had a Ukrainian refugee girl sing a holiday song. It was beautiful and it's so impressive 4 months ago things she moved counties but is so strong. Got a standing ovation.

We ain't giving giving up.
There's the moral side, which despite all the wailing and conspiracy nuts, I genuinely do feel the 'West' does really care about, even at the governmental level.

Then there's the existential threat Putin winning could cause.

But there are also the opportunities, as nasty as it can be to say, of this war:
  • Weaken what we consider to be a security threat.
  • Stengthen our own forces.
  • Test equipment and tactics, especially newer stuff.
  • Help maintain our defence industries.
  • These weapons were almost all almost solely developed with destroying Russian (Soviet) forces in mind, if not specifically to do so. They are finally doing the job they were designed for.
It would be so much better if Putty fucked off this mortal coil and Russia withdrew and spent a decade or two reflecting on what they have done. But that isn't the case, so we'll (including Ukraine) take what positives we can from the loss of suffering of the Ukrainians.

Thanks for being human test subjects Russian soldiers and mobniks.


Meanwhile, a giant shopping mall in Russia is on fire


It is interesting because, from what I understand, it should be the same mall youtubers from Russian are used to visit and make video inside it.

It's like someone wants remember to all those Russians who pretend everything is fine they are actually in a war and their old lifestyle is over.


I would be more confident in the outlook of the war if the west actually gave Ukraine the weapons they've been asking months for now. Tanks, Jets, and ATACMS. Instead many of these countries even within Europe are scraping the bottom of the barrel and dropping off their junk that has little use in a modern conflict. And somehow NATO's weapon stocks are already running low which is ridiculous and it'll be a while before many of those countries feel bothered to start up production of essential ammunition like 152mm/155mm artillery ammo that Ukraine has been burning through.

Don't even get me started on useful idiots like Macron and Orban who are constantly yelling about peace but are essentially going to be throwing Ukraine to the wolves and ensuring there won't be any long term peace and stability in Europe.

Putin and his goons on the other hand are 100% committed to the war and that could be the difference in the long term. They have no problem with dragging it out for as long as possible while escalating with further mobilization and infrastructure strikes when necessary. The cracks in the west on the other hand are becoming more and more visible with every day and I can definitely see it getting to a point within the next year where the military aid to Ukraine either decreases or stops altogether.


Its not about Russia here
If Western countries succeed in restricting the price of Russian oil we can say goodbye to OPEC and determining the
price of this commodity becomes in the hands of NATO countries
So let's see:

OPEC: a 13 country oligopoly made mostly of Middle-East despotic regimes violating human rights and treating women as second-class citizens
NATO: a 30 country alliance all of which are democracies with human rights and respect for their citizens

Sign Me Up Conor Mcgregor GIF by UFC

I don't think you will win this one.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Apparently russia just dropped a new batch of mobiks on svatove, possibly more than usual.

Bakhmut... no bueno. Reportedly they are just beyond city limits now and pushing heavily. The city is split by a river so if they take one side they still have to cross the river which will delay them.

Luhansk oblast weather is between 1 and 5 celsius (for americans, water freezes at 0 celsius) and it's raining so the situation is miserable all around. Reports that orc shamans are seeing a spike in seasonal infections are circulating, veracity as always is unknowable. In that regard, a quick remember that russian mobiks do not get socks, they are given bandages to wrap their feet with.
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A look inside the war from Aiden Aslin and others.

"Prelude to War is the first short film we've been working on for the past three years, covering my time and service in the Ukrainian military, as well as life on the frontlines in Donbass under the Minsk two ceasefire. After the invasion of Ukraine began on February 24th, my unit and I were deployed in Pavlapol, east of Mariupol; unfortunately, much of the footage I had with me at the time was lost when my unit and I were forced to surrender in April of this year. Fortunately, I was able to recover the hard drive of what I had managed to record during previous deployments and, with the assistance of my team, have made into a short film to give you a glimpse of life in the trench during the so-called Cease-fire."



Gold Member
Yup. Fuck them, would be juicy if that war made EU and US massively independent from oil from the Middle-East.
Yeah, Russia pulling what they did has likely accelerated the shift away from relying on imported oil. I’m all for it.

Hopefully we see some serious battery tech breakthroughs sooner than later so we can really take full advantage of renewables.
Yeah but the west ain't giving this up. Congress just approved more expenditures, and the US green lit more gear from Germany to go to Ukraine. This is long from over and the US would be political suicide to step away at this point.

As an aside... At my kids chorus they had a Ukrainian refugee girl sing a holiday song. It was beautiful and it's so impressive 4 months ago things she moved counties but is so strong. Got a standing ovation.

We ain't giving giving up.
I hope so. But we are only year one. Hard to say the support will remain in years three and five.

Especially now that the likely hood of the war lasting that long is high. Yet we still have no news about Ukrainians getting trained on Western fighters. They have plenty of time to learn now so there should be no excuse.


I hope so. But we are only year one. Hard to say the support will remain in years three and five.

Especially now that the likely hood of the war lasting that long is high. Yet we still have no news about Ukrainians getting trained on Western fighters. They have plenty of time to learn now so there should be no excuse.
Ukraine had been getting support from the West for at least 8 years prior which increased a lot in the last year. Ukraine's military has been upgrading to Western standards for awhile. Given the nature of the conflict, the economies involved and the already long term investment it's most likely support will remain strong.
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