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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Moscow realizes that attack on Soledar came at high price – State Department​


tony the tiger swerk GIF


Simps for Amouranth
He controls most of the media in Hungary, and has ammended the law and legislation, and stacked institutions to make it very difficult to be in opposition to him. And has his own gangs of thugs if all of that doesn't work.

Yes, a sizeable part of the population do genuinely support him, but I'm oretty sure it's not a majority.
How is that even possible under EU law!? The entire purpose of the EU is to prevent shite like that happening


Simps for Amouranth
The thing you don't realize about the new plebphone from russia is that critically it can't run apps.

No telegram - no pesky milbloggers.
No vpn - no access to western news.
Russians really just want to be told what to think, who to hate and what to do by their Mafio overlords, as long as they have enough in their government cheque to buy a cabbage every week they're happy cause the TV tells them it's so much worse in the rest of the world... Imagine what it'd be like if their neighbours just came back from visiting relatives in a fully democratic Ukraine receiving a ton of investment through its membership of the EU all eating the best of food and traveling Europe for their holidays....

Yeah that's gonna shatter the fucking illusion real quick... Fucking Zombie Russians...


The thing you don't realize about the new plebphone from russia is that critically it can't run apps.

No telegram - no pesky milbloggers.
No vpn - no access to western news.

Pretty much at this point u just wonder if putin wants to put his population back into the stone age to get simple control over them again. There doesn't need to be internet censor when internet doesn't exist.


How is that even possible under EU law!? The entire purpose of the EU is to prevent shite like that happening
EU is originally based on the premise that "if we share our resources and our markets, we won't need to attack each other ; and peace will hopefully help develop wise and fair governments". More or less. So that's why most of the EU legislations focus on trade, while letting countries in charge of their own justice, defense, culture etc. Also a reason why whenever the union tries to expand its action to other topics, some members start bickering that it's not what they signed for (especially on hot topics like freedom of speech, immigration, religion).
To stay on topic, that way of thinking was also behind Germany's strategy of "let's do business with Russia to reinforce peace on the continent", which as we can see is not as simple as one could wish.
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Simps for Amouranth
EU is originally based on the premise that "if we share our resources and our markets, we won't need to attack each other ; and peace will hopefully help develop wise and fair governments". More or less. So that's why most of the EU legislations focus on trade, while letting countries in charge of their own justice, defense, culture etc. Also a reason why whenever the union tries to expand its action to other topics, some members start bickering that it's not what they signed for (especially on hot topics like freedom of speech, immigration, religion).
To stay on topic, that way of thinking was also behind Germany's strategy of "let's do business with Russia to reinforce peace on the continent", which as we can see is not as simple as one could wish.
I get that but don't member states also have to follow certain principles chief among them be stable democracies, follow the rule of law and have human rights at the top of the agenda along with adhering to the principles of the EU, all things that Hungary seems to be hellbent on subverting no doubt at the behest of Putler


Reporting for duty....

Reading Wikipedia , they had a troubled developement and are heavy and not that fast , leopard 2 and Abraham’s are beter. But will still do for the Ukrainians. Good thing Ukraine gets them because no one else wanted them.
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Reading Wikipedia , they had a troubled developement and are heavy and not that fast , leopard 2 and Abraham’s are beter. But will still do for the Ukrainians. Good thing Ukraine gets them because no one else wanted them.
I don't see many Russians winning an argument against one. According to that wiki it has a flawless combat record with the only 1 destruction being a friendly fire incident between challengers 2s.


Thanks I read enough on Wikipedia, it’s a decent tank but they couldn’t sell it to other countries, it reads countries prefer Abrahams and Leopard 2, they even stopped advancing them since 2005, only did upgrades , like I said good enough for Ukraine. Will surely stop Russian piece of shit tanks .

But it sure is time, all this talking and not sending .
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Simps for Amouranth
Not really. Especially not when it's as accessible as the baltic sea.
It happend in the Bornholm basin

You're still investigating a site under 150ft of water, it's challenging ffs and requires extremely competent and highly skilled people, you don't roll up in a white van and put up yellow "do not cross" stickers


I don't see many Russians winning an argument against one. According to that wiki it has a flawless combat record with the only 1 destruction being a friendly fire incident between challengers 2s.

I'd ignore him, from his sneering, condescending toned post, he's determined to be a bit of douche-bag about it.


Gold Member
How is that even possible under EU law!? The entire purpose of the EU is to prevent shite like that happening

Because the EU is a group of cooperating countries, not a federation of states. Each country maintains a majority of independence. The EU would never have happened if it required members to become states and not remain independent countries.

It seems the EU is not what you thought it was.


Gold Member
Thanks I read enough on Wikipedia, it’s a decent tank but they couldn’t sell it to other countries, it reads countries prefer Abrahams and Leopard 2, they even stopped advancing them since 2005, only did upgrades , like I said good enough for Ukraine. Will surely stop Russian piece of shit tanks .

But it sure is time, all this talking and not sending .

Literally just got approved for new generation.

You can't even spell Abrams right. Stop chatting shit about stuff you have not clue about.


Reports are British Apaches are going .. seems the West (we) are waking up.. it’s time to halt these fuckers before their whole economy is a war economy.. and they have dug themselves in .. they don’t really have a answer to West equipment.. I rather would have seen it sooner . But better late than never I guess .
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Simps for Amouranth
This is going to continue to escalate until we have to send troops.
Good, once actual NATO forces are on the ground it's game over, NATO doesn't want to goto war with Russia cause it might escalate, no they don't want to fight cause the casualty rate for the Russians will be utterly catastrophic bordering on inhumane, it would be a slaughterfest akin to the first Iraqi war where we just steamrolled over tens of thousands of dead Iraqis in days and to be perfectly honest Russia needs to be humiliated and forced back to their borders with their army in tatters, every squadie I've talked to is itching to get in that fight


Gold Member
Good, once actual NATO forces are on the ground it's game over, NATO doesn't want to goto war with Russia cause it might escalate, no they don't want to fight cause the casualty rate for the Russians will be utterly catastrophic bordering on inhumane, it would be a slaughterfest akin to the first Iraqi war where we just steamrolled over tens of thousands of dead Iraqis in days and to be perfectly honest Russia needs to be humiliated and forced back to their borders with their army in tatters, every squadie I've talked to is itching to get in that fight

I very much doubt that is going to happen as that really would back Putin into a corner. At best, that would speed up his defenestration, but at worst that could lead to Russia using nuclear weapons.

And if NATO boots do go on the ground, while the Russians would be slaughtered, do remember that some NATO forces would suffer casualties. Russia do still have enough arms to cause significant losses. And let's me honest, squaddies aren't known for their brains but are for their bravado.


Simps for Amouranth
I very much doubt that is going to happen as that really would back Putin into a corner. At best, that would speed up his defenestration, but at worst that could lead to Russia using nuclear weapons.

And if NATO boots do go on the ground, while the Russians would be slaughtered, do remember that some NATO forces would suffer casualties. Russia do still have enough arms to cause significant losses. And let's me honest, squaddies aren't known for their brains but are for their bravado.
Yeah it ain't gonna happen, one can only dream... As for NATO casualties, they'd be minimal due to the overwhelming air power / precision missiles that would be brought to force before any land invasion and lol at Squaddies, yeah some of them aren't the brightest cunts


Don't see the tanks changing much in this type of war. This seems to be artillery war, and even Abrams would get fucked by artillery on these stagnant front lines. I could see them being useful in quick offensive moves at some weak spots but even then you need to take into account mines. There's probably mines on each step.


even Abrams would get fucked by artillery on these stagnant front lines.

I have to laugh at this idea of the Abrams being a class above everything else.

It isn't, for start it has inferior armoured protection compared to the Challenger 2 with the latest Dorchester composite armour.


Don't see the tanks changing much in this type of war. This seems to be artillery war, and even Abrams would get fucked by artillery on these stagnant front lines. I could see them being useful in quick offensive moves at some weak spots but even then you need to take into account mines. There's probably mines on each step.
Yeah we let Russia , drop these minefields ,good thing we waited so long 😂 not … Apache’s, tanks , decent sams and drones , should have been send much earlier . Even f16s. We could have went for a quick K.O instead we get a war of attrition. After a couple of months we knew Russia had a technology disadvantage, not only that but their supply lines technical knowledge is also shite …

but maybe the west thinks they can wear them down , and plunge them back to Middle Age times ,trigger a revolution within , and make them small for the next 50 - 70 years .. I hope there is a deeper plan .. because when you let Russia spin up their war economy.. it’s gone be 5 - 10 years of this shite .
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Yeah we let Russia , drop these minefields ,good thing we waited so long 😂 not … Apache’s, tanks , decent sams and drones , should have been send much earlier . Even f16s. We could have went for a quick K.O instead we get a war of attrition. After a couple of months we knew Russia had a technology disadvantage, not only that but their supply lines technical knowledge is also shite …

but maybe the west thinks they can wear them down , and plunge them back to Middle Age times ,trigger a revolution within , and make them small for the next 50 - 70 years .. I hope there is a deeper plan .. because when you let Russia spin up their war economy.. it’s gone be 5 - 10 years of this shite .
There's another problem with western equipment I keep hearing from reporters who talk to soldiers on front lines. It's not built for this kind of stress. When you need to fire dozens of shells per day, it gets worn down very quickly. And when equipment is sent in such spares quantities it only compounds the problem.
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Don't see the tanks changing much in this type of war. This seems to be artillery war, and even Abrams would get fucked by artillery on these stagnant front lines. I could see them being useful in quick offensive moves at some weak spots but even then you need to take into account mines. There's probably mines on each step.

Russia's poor tactics involving their own tanks has mislead us into thinking they're no longer useful but realistically they're still still an essential part of modern, combined arms warfare. Without them Ukraine won't be able to effectively liberate their land. And I doubt they want to resort to Russian tactics of just sending in waves of human cannon fodder with almost no armored vehicle support.
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Russia's poor tactics involving their own tanks has mislead us into thinking they're no longer useful but realistically they're still still an essential part of modern, combined arms warfare. Without them Ukraine won't be able to effectively liberate their land. And I doubt they want to resort to Russian tactics of just sending in waves of human cannon fodder with almost no armored vehicle support.
This being the key. But this is far from ever becoming such warfare. Without planes, attack helicopters, long range missiles you have tanks as cannon fodder.


Gold Member
Don't see the tanks changing much in this type of war. This seems to be artillery war, and even Abrams would get fucked by artillery on these stagnant front lines. I could see them being useful in quick offensive moves at some weak spots but even then you need to take into account mines. There's probably mines on each step.
Tanks will help Ukraine launch a counter-attack artillery will not be as effective if the attacker has surprise on their side


Don't see the tanks changing much in this type of war. This seems to be artillery war, and even Abrams would get fucked by artillery on these stagnant front lines. I could see them being useful in quick offensive moves at some weak spots but even then you need to take into account mines. There's probably mines on each step.
It's an artillery war, cos both sides are so evenly matched.

Tanks & armoured vehicles will enable Ukraine to launch an attack at a much lower rate of infantry loss that otherwise. All Ukraine needs to do is punch through and the Russian lines will collapse back to stop front line forces further along the line becoming surrounded.

An interesting article on this topic ; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...ts-ukraine-allies-now-face-a-fork-in-the-road


Simps for Amouranth
Tanks combined with proper infantry will be able to punch through the lines and deep into the cunts causing them to panic and flee, we're not talking about seasoned infantry here were talking about prisoners, plumbers, bakers and everyone else who doesn't wanna be there.. they see tanks rolling towards them firing they can flee, artillery ain't gonna do shit when these things are tearing down the road, it's not lime the orcs are using anything other than dumb shells


There's another problem with western equipment I keep hearing from reporters who talk to soldiers on front lines. It's not built for this kind of stress. When you need to fire dozens of shells per day, it gets worn down very quickly. And when equipment is sent in such spares quantities it only compounds the problem.
Hmm okay interesting.. I can imagine , western stuff is build for precision targeting . But if we send the good stuff earlier we wouldn’t be where we are now .. attrition . In my opinion . Ukrain asked from the start for all this stuff. We could have send, tanks ,apaches , Sams, drones there in August in my opinion . Now it’s a war for attrition.
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Simps for Amouranth

Wow, I knew convicts were being used as cannon fodder but these numbers are even worse than I imaged

It's staggering the sheer Not giving a fuck, Russia has for it's Army let along Wagner, the losses reported at the start would topple governments in the west and yet Russians keep heading to the meat grinder and those back home do nothing, I'm still at a loss as to why all the mothers, wives and sisters of those sent to die aren't creating a shit storm
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