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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Missiles and drones don't work against those tanks?
The drones they use (Iranian moped) does not have a large enough warhead.

Missiles (if you are thinking of Iskander, Kalibr, S300 or whatever old russian junk they are using these days) probably should not be used against mobile units....
Anti-tank weapons works of course, we will see how effective they are against modern western armour.


Gold Member
The drones they use (Iranian moped) does not have a large enough warhead.

Missiles (if you are thinking of Iskander, Kalibr, S300 or whatever old russian junk they are using these days) probably should not be used against mobile units....
Anti-tank weapons works of course, we will see how effective they are against modern western armour.
How about anti-tank mines??

Isn't the bottom of a tank always the weaker part?


Most advanced IFVs and tanks have a turret, with a machine gun and sensors that can engage certain types of drones and anti-armor warheads.
But I'm not sure that the IFVs that are now being shipped to Ukraine have these features.


Western armor with the exception of the most recent development still is vulnerable to drones (and even that is relative, @ralee already posted about this recently) and atgms. Even the Saudi's Abrams is taking their fair share of beating against atgms in their war against the rebels in yemen.

That's why they are operated, among other things, in a concept called combined arms where infantry and air assets works in tandem with armor to cover each other asses.

It's not like the western armor has some kind of "super superior" technology but they are superior and their employment is smarter than what Russia is doing.

But that is only my understanding as a armchair enthusiast.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Budgetary news: after budgeting around 70$ barrel and facing 50$ barrel, Russian government incurred a deficit of 2,3%at the end of December - deficit in Russia is very rare.

Reportedly the shortfall was covered by loans backed by state bonds.

The total loaned was 56 billion dollars.
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Ukraine are getting supplied with everything they need within reason, the stuff that the Western media is so fixated on is no doubt being set up in the background, troops are being trained, supply chains are being set up, etc... you cant just dump a whole shit load of advanced tanks and other heavy weaponry onto a battlefield without proper logistics, not to mention Ukraine are being supplied with the stuff they need for the battles they are currently fighting, once they go on the proper offense you can bet they will be supplied with the gear required for this, i honeslty dont think the Armed forces of each Nato country gives 2 shits what Putler thinks or about escalation, thats all coming from rubber spined politicans in the pocket of russia, same with the media
Yeah reason will give us a mess … when you could have a K.O months ago .. now there could be a problem with those mines and supplies near Bachmut … it’s just stupid.

For the Ruzzian maybe a hero, for the rest a

Season 7 Showtime GIF by Ray Donovan


It’s not yet confirmed, but the sooner the better, these decisions brake too long . Russia is getting too much time to dig in. Prolonging the war and after effects for the whole world .
14 tanks will not make any difference. Also, this has to be agreed with Germany, who made the tanks and was not consulted. So even if Germany agrees they will resent Poland for forcing their hand.
My birth country is so good at self-own.

james franco GIF


14 tanks will not make any difference. Also, this has to be agreed with Germany, who made the tanks and was not consulted. So even if Germany agrees they will resent Poland for forcing their hand.
My birth country is so good at self-own.

james franco GIF

It’s not just going to be 14 tanks from Poland. The point here is that a rubicon is being crossed, and tanks are now on the menu. The political pressure to provide more Will get too great for even Germany to ignore.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It’s not just going to be 14 tanks from Poland. The point here is that a rubicon is being crossed, and tanks are now on the menu. The political pressure to provide more Will get too great for even Germany to ignore.

It’s going to be glorious seeing the leopards rampage the outdated garbage Russia peddles as top of the line, NATO+ level tanks.


Simps for Amouranth
It’s not just going to be 14 tanks from Poland. The point here is that a rubicon is being crossed, and tanks are now on the menu. The political pressure to provide more Will get too great for even Germany to ignore.
Exactly this, once one country does it and Putler throws his typical wobbler and everyone ignore him, more will start rolling into the country. I firmly believe there are a ton of Ukrainians currently training on tanks throughout the EU & UK and once mastered and all the logistics and maintenance has been set up, we'll see more of this


More country's are already supplying tanks, pretty sure my country netherlands supplied 90 tanks or something a bunch of t-72 tanks which we bought from czech and send off to ukraine.

Ah here it is, its US also.

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The guy was an unmitigated piece of garbage. He prioritized the firing of cruise missiles and drone strikes at civilians over military, thinking his inhumane approach in Syria would break Ukraine.

Looking forward to reading about his death in the near future.
He won't die, he will suicide because of the loss of his position, not because someone will give him Plutonium tea or fall some stairs...


Currently Gif and Meme Champion


The more time goes by the more I realise the west ultimately want a complete Ukraine victory but they'd rather it happens over 5 years instead of 1 or 2 so Russia gets crippled both financially and militarily. It will also weaken allies such as Iran, Belarus, NK and China.

Ukraine has so much territory Putin will want and the losses they'll incur trying to take it will be collosal. Ukraine will defend and then slowly retreat as they always do when the time calls ensuring they never take the same level of losses.

If this does turn into a 5 year war I think Ukraine will ultimately have everything. Western jet's, tanks, APC, ATACMS, air defense. But it's frustrating because they could easily have them now if the West wanted a quick victory.


Im disappointed that the ground has been frozen for a bit now but there's been no real offensive moves from Ukraine. Not sure if its due to a lack of trained soldiers, or weapons/ammunitions. But I would have expected to see some more movement at least on the Kreminna front.


Gold Member
The more time goes by the more I realise the west ultimately want a complete Ukraine victory but they'd rather it happens over 5 years instead of 1 or 2 so Russia gets crippled both financially and militarily. It will also weaken allies such as Iran, Belarus, NK and China.

Ukraine has so much territory Putin will want and the losses they'll incur trying to take it will be collosal. Ukraine will defend and then slowly retreat as they always do when the time calls ensuring they never take the same level of losses.

If this does turn into a 5 year war I think Ukraine will ultimately have everything. Western jet's, tanks, APC, ATACMS, air defense. But it's frustrating because they could easily have them now if the West wanted a quick victory.
Perhaps some want that, but really it's more:
  • Training for an offensive of the scale Ukraine need takes time
  • Russian forces are so large, it's going to take a long time
  • 'Western' countries have arms supply issues
  • 'Western' countries can't afford to denude themselves of too much armament - especially with the PRC around
Contrary to what you believe, you can't just storm through such a large and armed force as the Russians. They are stupid and idiots on the whole, but not all of them and they are still dangerous.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The more time goes by the more I realise the west ultimately want a complete Ukraine victory but they'd rather it happens over 5 years instead of 1 or 2 so Russia gets crippled both financially and militarily. It will also weaken allies such as Iran, Belarus, NK and China.

It was obviously a calculated move by the US to weaken its greatest opponent. Some people complained over the equipment and funding we gave Ukraine at the outset, but that was a tiny drop in the bucket compared to how much we spend every three or four years, much of which goes towards protecting our NATO allies from Russia, and other allies from Chinese aggression in the Pacific. This was ultra cheap in the grand scheme of things given what we (and NATO) received in return - which is a Russia revealed to be far weaker than the world thought, while their forces and supplies are slowly destroyed and drained.

Not to mention the bulk of that aid was equipment we had sitting around going unused.
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It was obviously a calculated move by the US to weaken its greatest opponent. Some people complained over the equipment and funding we gave Ukraine at the outset, but that was a tiny drop in the bucket compared to how much we spend every three or four years, much of which goes towards protecting our NATO allies from Russia, and other allies from Chinese aggression in the Pacific. This was ultra cheap in the grand scheme of things given what we (and NATO) received in return - which is a Russia revealed to be far weaker than the world thought, while their forces and supplies are slowly destroyed and drained.

Not to mention the bulk of that aid was equipment we had sitting around going unused.
Man America is really shitting all over Russia these days and like you say for a bargain.

The USSR was a legit threat with a far bigger population, military and economy then current Russia. This war is going to further reduce Russians population, sink it's military and economy and it won't cost America a single life.

They will also get to do some house clearing and give away out of date weapons that costs money to store and maintain. If this war actually drags on for another 5 or 10 years at the hand of Putin they'll be so broke by the end of it Ireland will have a bigger GDP.
Man America is really shitting all over Russia these days and like you say for a bargain.

The USSR was a legit threat with a far bigger population, military and economy then current Russia. This war is going to further reduce Russians population, sink it's military and economy and it won't cost America a single life.

They will also get to do some house clearing and give away out of date weapons that costs money to store and maintain. If this war actually drags on for another 5 or 10 years at the hand of Putin they'll be so broke by the end of it Ireland will have a bigger GDP.
if it continues 5-10 years, Russia will have lost a million men lol. Not that fat putin cares.


Simps for Amouranth
if it continues 5-10 years, Russia will have lost a million men lol. Not that fat putin cares.
It'll not last 5yrs, heck I’d be surprised if its goes into 2024 tbh, once the west starts shipping in tanks and other heavy weaponry that the Ukrainians are now well trained on, another proper offensive will begin to retake Crimea, in my armchair opinion id cut the land bridge to Crimea, take out the Kerch bridge railway line and take Crimea, if Crimea falls the entire War collapses and there’s regime change in Russa.

Losing Crimea would be such a massive blow to morale and to the Russian Zcunt population that the entire house of cards has nowhere to run, no amount of hilarious propaganda could hide such a humiliating and devastating loss.

As for the rest of the rapists/child murderers RU armed forces, losing Crimea would just take the wind out of their sails and no doubt the entire front would collapse with everyone just giving up and running back to what’s left of mother Russia allowing Ukraine to just sweep in and retake everything.


The problem is at this point if Russia loses or leaves the war, it will become a minor regional power. The only way for them to remain a major world power is to win.

The world will become a much better place without Russia as a major power.
Even better if they lost all their nuclear weapons.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The world will become a much better place without Russia as a major power.
Even better if they lost all their nuclear weapons.

Oh I agree but from their perspective it’s all or nothing. They have invested an incredible amount of militar assets (mostly inherited from the USSR) that they can’t easily replenish due to widespread corruption, over a hundred thousand dead soldiers including a large amount of officers and those are not easily replaceable neither, they have compromised their economy and lost critical trade partners perhaps forever and considering the dead and maimed and emigration, grossly aggravated their demographic crisis.

They’re fully invested now and if necessary they’ll send in a million soldiers in fake adidas sweatpants armed with dull knives.


and b: The EU not kicking them out
it's not possible to kick a member out of the EU (for better or worse). The only thing that can be done is freeze some of the EU fundings until a member behaves accordingly to the Union rules and values, and even then geopolitics are a gray area on what should be "allowed" or not.
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Simps for Amouranth
it's not possible to kick a member out of the EU (for better or worse). The only thing that can be done is freeze some of the EU fundings until a member behaves accordingly to the Union rules and values, and even then geopolitics are a gray area on what should be "allowed" or not.
Hungary clearly do not hold the same values as the rest of the EU, they are 2 shoddy elections away from a dictatorship and deserve no part in the union, let's be honest what the fuck does hungry offer the world?


Oh I agree but from their perspective it’s all or nothing. They have invested an incredible amount of militar assets (mostly inherited from the USSR) that they can’t easily replenish due to widespread corruption, over a hundred thousand dead soldiers including a large amount of officers and those are not easily replaceable neither, they have compromised their economy and lost critical trade partners perhaps forever and considering the dead and maimed and emigration, grossly aggravated their demographic crisis.

They’re fully invested now and if necessary they’ll send in a million soldiers in fake adidas sweatpants armed with dull knives.
Sadly Putin will .. 2 million dead won’t bother him either .


Gold Member
its so obvious that hes a fucking puppet that i cant wrap my head around a: Hungarians voting this cunt in and b: The EU not kicking them out
He controls most of the media in Hungary, and has ammended the law and legislation, and stacked institutions to make it very difficult to be in opposition to him. And has his own gangs of thugs if all of that doesn't work.

Yes, a sizeable part of the population do genuinely support him, but I'm oretty sure it's not a majority.
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