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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF
The worry that I have heard some express is that right now Russia is just sacrificing shit troops in order to bleed Ukraine of more well trained troops. The Russians are happy to have 50k conscripts killed if it means 10k well trained Ukrainians and corresponding high value munitions are expended in anticipation of a new offensive in the spring by more high quality Russian troops (if such a thing exists.).


The worry that I have heard some express is that right now Russia is just sacrificing shit troops in order to bleed Ukraine of more well trained troops. The Russians are happy to have 50k conscripts killed if it means 10k well trained Ukrainians and corresponding high value munitions are expended in anticipation of a new offensive in the spring by more high quality Russian troops (if such a thing exists.).
Something this thread won’t understand, but this is long from over with these half baked slow ass western military aid .. they are basically giving Putin time to fully spin up his war economy. He won’t stop until he is dead, and won’t even care if he sends 2 million + of his forces to death .. he has no western mind set .
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When is this thing going to end?

Surely the plan can't be to keep sending military aid to Ukraine since Putin will just keep sending an unlimited amount of meatbags while Ukraine will just keep using resources to fend off the horde of the undead.

Are the sanctions even helping to cripple Russia?


When is this thing going to end?

When Putin walks too close to a window hopefully.

Surely the plan can't be to keep sending military aid to Ukraine since Putin will just keep sending an unlimited amount of meatbags while Ukraine will just keep using resources to fend off the horde of the undead.

Are the sanctions even helping to cripple Russia?

To both yes.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
The worry that I have heard some express is that right now Russia is just sacrificing shit troops in order to bleed Ukraine of more well trained troops. The Russians are happy to have 50k conscripts killed if it means 10k well trained Ukrainians and corresponding high value munitions are expended in anticipation of a new offensive in the spring by more high quality Russian troops (if such a thing exists.).

The problem with this logic is that The US and U.K (afaik) are training these guys. They are receiving training from two of the most capable Militaries on our home; Earth.
Russia... as far as we know... the training they have been giving is so lacklustre, I could probably rise above the ranks in that military, become General then destroyed by Ukrainian Bombardment, strategically. Get it done, either way.

That said, they can get fucked. Unfortunately, if mobilisation increases, I have no doubt in my mind that Weapons quality will also increase. e,g: Farther Flying Rockets, more sophisticated technology, more devastating payloads. Really, they probably keep a lot of the shit they send a secret, and only publicise some stuff they send. It wouldn't be smart, otherwise.


Still surprised Putz didn't start all this shit while Trump was still in power
He had initially hoped he could corrode Ukraine from within. However, Moscow-friendly politicians were continuously losing influence throughout the post-Maidan years. His last hope were the 2019 elections, but pro-Russian parties didn't do great, and Zelenski wanted to have absolutely nothing to do with that Minsk bullshit. I suspect he would've struck sooner, but Covid fucked up the timetables.
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Gold Member
Trump was around for 3 years before covid

Mostly they thought that they still had a chance at controlling the Ukrainian authorities, and that the Maiden Revolution would have just been a 'phase'.

Further, even to Putin the Russian armed forces won't have looked ready for an invasion in 2017. And Russia were still having to deal with the fallout of their shooting down an airliner, plus the Salisbury Poisonings in 2018.

They were also building up their currency reserves.
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Let's not forget that Russian invasions usually match increases in oil prices.
So when covid restrictions were ending, workers returning to their companies and fuel demand increasing, oil prices were increasing significantly. So that was a great time for Putin to invade and keep it's army financed.


Something this thread won’t understand, but this is long from over with these half baked slow ass western military aid .. they are basically giving Putin time to fully spin up his war economy. He won’t stop until he is dead, and won’t even care if he sends 2 million + of his forces to death .. he has no western mind set .

I would say there's very few if any that think the aid is just right. Most of the posters I've read here have stressed we should do more and treat the situation with more urgency. In a nutshell.

Where I differ though is knowing that Ukraine/Russia is pretty much at a standstill in the war. Russia has its major initial invasion, Ukraine got some miracle counter offenses before the season shifts and now major progression for both sides have come to a halt. This might feel and look completely hopeless for Ukraine being that Russia's zerg tactics shows doom by sheer numbers. It couldn't be further from the truth, it's not even a stalemate in losses anymore, Russia is losses are ramping up versus Ukraine. All this shows/tells you is Ukraine knows how to fight a modern defensive war, they are willing to sacrifice land/time for resources and it's that preservation that will see them through until they get the advanced/bigger weaponry and armor.

At some point in time, most likely by the end of this year, the tech/logistic advantage should be so in favor for Ukraine backed by the west will start to see kill/loss ratios in the 10+/1 range for Ukraine and its somewhere there or shortly before that the Russian leadership will realize the zerg tactic isn't feasible in 2023 and isn't going to win them this war or any when faced against a competant force.


I mean to start off the war didn’t they lose two huge planes with like 120+ paratroopers a pop onboard? Eat shit you blue striped shirt wearing frauds
And that wasn't even the huge losses.

I read somewhere that the VDV has approx. 45000 troops.


The worry that I have heard some express is that right now Russia is just sacrificing shit troops in order to bleed Ukraine of more well trained troops. The Russians are happy to have 50k conscripts killed if it means 10k well trained Ukrainians and corresponding high value munitions are expended in anticipation of a new offensive in the spring by more high quality Russian troops (if such a thing exists.).
Russia has lost an insane amount of equipment and their economy has been cratering for months now. They have lost tons of their military leadership and that can't be replaced.


Russia has lost an insane amount of equipment and their economy has been cratering for months now. They have lost tons of their military leadership and that can't be replaced.
Yet they can sustain that very long .. never underestimate your enemy , this way of warfare is a serious threat , as indicated by me for months and by professionals, if we the west don’t step up big time with equipment and support . Inch by inch Russia can win with this high own casualty war.
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At some point in time, most likely by the end of this year, the tech/logistic advantage should be so in favor for Ukraine backed by the west will start to see kill/loss ratios in the 10+/1 range for Ukraine and its somewhere there or shortly before that the Russian leadership will realize the zerg tactic isn't feasible in 2023 and isn't going to win them this war or any when faced against a competant force.

Nice analogy. If your enemy is on their home turf and already entrenched with siege tanks, no matter how many zerglings you send it won't make a difference. Eventually you will need to tech up. Unless you can't anymore because you made the wrong choices and you're about to lose the match...GG



Sorry, but, do Turkish leaders ever look on a map? If Finland is allowed to join, just how on earth does Turkey think that Sweden will not be even more protected? Where is anyone going to attack Sweden? Through Finland pretty much? Someone really need to have a chat with the moron Erdogan.

Norway, and Finland, and Denmark are all in NATO, then Sweden has like, maybe, Gotland left to protect?
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Turkey’s problems with Sweden aren’t geography

We all know that.

The groups blowing shit up here in Sweden are Muslim members of the Grey Wolf groups, not Kurds. The Grey wolf groupations, led on by Erdogan, and their friends, are the issue up here, not Kurds or members of PKK. They deal with drugs, build networks, to funnel money back to Turkey.

How do I know this? I live right next door to theese fuckers. The last bomb was planted less that 200M away from my front door.



Everyone over here is getting mighty tired of Turks and their propaganda regarding how evulz Kurds are, when it's their own friggin' members of parties that operate here. Turkey is giving Putin a handjob, and NATO totally buys it, pardon my french.
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We all know that.

We also know that the "members" of PKK that he wants to get shipped over aren't members of any terrorist groups, they are Kurds. From the south caucasus, that apparently "nobody in Europe has a clue to what is going on in this area".

No, they are refugees, that you want to kill, because they oppose occupation, of their still non-existant nation, which wierdly, was promised to them before a certain treaty.. back like in the 50's?

It's just as screwed up as to the situation that left most of the middle east being so upset towards the west, Lawrence of Arabia riding half around the place, promising British Citizenship to anyone who helped him, and then, after the war, "Oooops! He had no such mandate".

The groups blowing shit up here in Sweden are Muslim members of the Grey Wolf groups, not Kurds. The Grey wolf groupations, led on by Erdogan, and their friends, are the issue up here, not Kurds or members of PKK. They deal with drugs, build networks, to funnel money back to Turkey.

How do I know this? I live right next door to theese fuckers. The last bomb was planted less that 200M away from my front door, there, also outed myself..

Yeah, I live in the Swedish ghetto of Upplands-Bro.



Everyone over here is getting mighty tired of Turks and their propaganda regarding how evulz Kurds are, when it's their own friggin' members of parties that operate here. Turkey is giving Putin a handjob, and NATO totally buys it, pardon my french.
Nobody buys Turkeys shit. Not even most the Turks. But they are a member of Nato and lucky for them they are in a very advantagious on the map.


Gold Member

Sorry, but, do Turkish leaders ever look on a map? If Finland is allowed to join, just how on earth does Turkey think that Sweden will not be even more protected? Where is anyone going to attack Sweden? Through Finland pretty much? Someone really need to have a chat with the moron Erdogan.

Norway, and Finland, and Denmark are all in NATO, then Sweden has like, maybe, Gotland left to protect?

I think it's time to set up the Critical Help Resisting Invasion and STrategic Mutually Assisted Security organisation.

Turkey would not be invited as a member.
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