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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Fuck each and one of them, I hope they are all sent to the:

Meat Grinder GIF by PeacockTV

and never come back.

After they lose on this offensive what is next for them? Will they realize this won't work for anyone and desist? Will the Russian people decide fuck Putler and do what they had to do before all this shitshow? (kill him and all the people who follow up on this shit)



Fuck each and one of them, I hope they are all sent to the:

Meat Grinder GIF by PeacockTV

and never come back.

After they lose on this offensive what is next for them? Will they realize this won't work for anyone and desist? Will the Russian people decide fuck Putler and do what they had to do before all this shitshow? (kill him and all the people who follow up on this shit)

This is absolutely going to be a problem for Ukraine if true. 500,000 soldiers even if poorly trained & motivated can still overwhelm Ukrainian defenses through sheer numbers.


This is absolutely going to be a problem for Ukraine if true. 500,000 soldiers even if poorly trained & motivated can still overwhelm Ukrainian defenses through sheer numbers.
it's the tactics the soviets used in the eastern front, fortunately the Ukrainians are fighting for their homes, not conquered land, and have a massive equipment advantage, but yeah Russia has like 3-4x the population of Ukraine, so Zap Branigan quality tactics are still dangerous
Frankly if the Russians want to keep throwing their lives away, scare them into care, put flamethrowers on the tanks, and make them terrified, during ww2, Axis forces would fight back against most things, but they wouldn't fight the Churchill Crocodile,
a guy might not be afraid of being shot or blown up, but total immolation is a completely different animal. Get the Russians to fear for their lives and make them realize they don't want to die , I might seem cruel but the I believe the brutal nature of flame weapons would save both Ukrainian and Russian lives. Once a the Russians see a few of the numbers charred , they'll be terrified, they'll get the message


it's the tactics the soviets used in the eastern front, fortunately the Ukrainians are fighting for their homes, not conquered land, and have a massive equipment advantage, but yeah Russia has like 3-4x the population of Ukraine, so Zap Branigan quality tactics are still dangerous
Frankly if the Russians want to keep throwing their lives away, scare them into care, put flamethrowers on the tanks, and make them terrified, during ww2, Axis forces would fight back against most things, but they wouldn't fight the Churchill Crocodile,
a guy might not be afraid of being shot or blown up, but total immolation is a completely different animal. Get the Russians to fear for their lives and make them realize they don't want to die , I might seem cruel but the I believe the brutal nature of flame weapons would save both Ukrainian and Russian lives. Once a the Russians see a few of the numbers charred , they'll be terrified, they'll get the message
Flamethrowers? Start dropping napalm on these raping and plundering basterds ..

So everyone still confident about the Slow chat West supplies ? like I indicated months ago? Because if it’s about the amount of soldiers and the lack of human rights .. Russia got you covered .. and is able to win with this tactic, if we the West, let them.

Better also start delivering every old aircraft you have , f15s, f16,s , f18’s ,stealth bombers and fighters used in the 90s. The whole lot. Just stop these animals, fast .

Same for European air-planes .. I bet Ukraine have flight simulators build and is already training for months .. I know I would .. and then short track a real machine training abroad .
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Gold Member
It’s known as the big ‘JAGGA JAGGA‘.

But seriously it’s likely this from what I’ve gathered:

The huge ass blast behind them was the jet stream meant to kill a tank.

A bit overkill for killing a couple of soldiers on foot:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Like using an hammer to stomp an ant.


Flamethrowers? Start dropping napalm on these raping and plundering basterds ..

So everyone still confident about the Slow chat West supplies ? like I indicated months ago? Because if it’s about the amount of soldiers and the lack of human rights .. Russia got you covered .. and is able to win with this tactic, if we the West, let them.

Better also start delivering every old aircraft you have , f15s, f16,s , f18’s ,stealth bombers and fighters used in the 90s. The whole lot. Just stop these animals, fast .

Same for European air-planes .. I bet Ukraine have flight simulators build and is already training for months .. I know I would .. and then short track a real machine training abroad .
The use of flame throwing tanks is very psychological, napalm from the skies isn't nearly as effective at destroying morale
killing Russians does little to bring the war to an end, we've seen that ,any sane countries would have bailed on this idiocy already, the average Russian needs to terrified of the front line and fire breathing tanks do that amazingly well


Nice analogy. If your enemy is on their home turf and already entrenched with siege tanks, no matter how many zerglings you send it won't make a difference. Eventually you will need to tech up. Unless you can't anymore because you made the wrong choices and you're about to lose the match...GG

Haha, me using zerg as a common term because im a nerd gamer not realizing the obvious starcraft analogies here. Thumbs up sir.

I'm reminded that last week Russia spent 3k soldiers in a single fucking day and got 25-50 meters of land for it, minimal losses to Ukraine. They already expended a large portion of the initial 150k and for what? So yeah, if they want to throw 500k deaths for some hundred kilometers of territory I'm sure Ukraine and the West will be happy to oblige. The only thing unknown is how many of those russians soldiers will die of hypothermia/disease rather than bullets/shrapnel/fire.

Un-tech'd zerglings vs soon to be fully teched out mech terran will all go down in the end about how you would imagine it will.


This is good, and another score for Ukraine.

But, we do have stuff we can send now, and they really need stuff like yesterday. :\ They are firing the ammo/munitions off in about the same rate they get it.
GLSDB has no customers as of yet (SAAB said a few months back they had a potential customer).

But there is a stockpile of it.

The weapon hasn’t previously attracted any orders, and while Boeing confirmed it had available stocks, it declined to comment on any potential transfer to Ukraine.

17000+ built. Just slap a rocket engine to it and some SAAB programming, and you are golden. :p

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
These GLSDB rockets are super funky, mid air the rocket part detaches and the SDB unfolds wings which allow it to maneuver in the air... you can probably get crafty enough with this for example, to hit orcs hiding in the bottom floor of an apartment building in a narrow street.

Shame that HIMARS integration couldn't be finished on time, but I'd rather ukrainians get these sooner than later.
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Well, it matters to those million people and their families in some way or another. But in ruzzia you are treated like:

Frustrated Austin Powers GIF

It doesn't matter for the oprichniks and other upper castes. Not sending lower classes to die will directly result in their own loss of property and possibly death when the regime collapses.


Gold Member

Well, it matters to those million people and their families in some way or another. But in ruzzia you are treated like:

Frustrated Austin Powers GIF

If that translation is accurate- then lol public for not fighting harder. You are mere beans to the russian war machine accountant.


If that translation is accurate- then lol public for not fighting harder. You are mere beans to the russian war machine accountant.
Was it any different at any point in the past? Tsarist Russia, USSR, Russia - same shit, same mentality. Peter might been “the Great” but he had no problem killing thousands of his subjects building St. Petersburg.
Once again - the only blip when the country tried to become somewhat civilised was under Yeltsin, who was detested by Russians for being “weak”. It’s a country that is drunk with imperialism and barbarity.



Well, it matters to those million people and their families in some way or another. But in ruzzia you are treated like:

Frustrated Austin Powers GIF

Yes , just like I was saying for months .. they don’t care if it’s 2+ million casualties on Russian side , they don’t think like the west.. worst and most dangerous enemy you can have .

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right


Not surprised one bit that the Chinese are supporting these cunts. Birds of a feather ...

I'm actually surprised though. I was told/shown China knows how to play the long game and backing a regime that is looked upon as a stain of humanity at this point isn't going to do China any favors moving forwards. I figured they were smart enough to navigate this out and come out better than before rather than get involved and become tainted. Dictatorship starting to have it's weakening effects on a state or China just decided it doesn't care about the future anymore. One of the two.

With that said however, THIS is the main reason for wanting the west to ramp up support quickly with heavier/advanced weaponry and armor. The eastern powers would be far more hesitant to jumping in if the prospect they faced was modern western firepower rather than mostly older soviet era stuff. If Russia's allies continues to show and ramp support then that's how a real escalation of war or nuclear war can start, more countries becoming invested.

This is also more alarming in any case and will exacerbate the war if true, allies showing support is far more dangerous than more russian bodies on the field or winded threats from Pootin.


Gold Member
That's because you've been influenced by CCP shills, wumaos, and 50centers. You just need to look at how they've, almost premptively, reacted to those balloons.

All authoritian states are cut from the same cloth. They have many issues, that usually boil down to accountability, and moderation of and constraints on power. Ultimately, they are after maintaining power and therefore they crackdown and dismantle constraints, remove moderation, and aren't accountable.

You talk about shitstains on humanity; well the CCP are a major one too. They just keep most of it internal. I bit like someone who only abuses their relative at home. Well, the CCP are also a bit like a jack russell on the world stage - snappy little buggers.

As for why they are clandestinely supporting Russia? If Russia are defeated, then it will set back the CCP's (or is it mostly Xi now?) plans, perhaps indefinitely. They wouldn't have the confidence to carry out their expansionist plans.

Why? Well, if even just indirect 'Western'/'Democratic Free World' (DFW) support for Ukraine could defeat Russia, then imagine what the 'West'/'DFW' directly getting involved in a conflict would be like...

Further, if Russia are defeated, thr much of the 'West'/'DWF' would turn their eyes almost solely on the PRC. A Chinese bee wouldn't even be able to fart with us knowing about it.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Thankfully we passed the CHIPS act here in the US and have convinced some of our allies to likewise limit resources to China for manufacturing chips and other technology. Fuck China all around. It's like them and Russia go out of their way to do the most villainous things possible. Fuck 'em both.


Simps for Amouranth

Interesting article given the recent exchanges in this thread about throwing Turkey out of NATO and letting in Sweden and Finland. The article says exactly the same thing.
The very fact that Turkey a fucking NATO member of all things purchased a Russian Air Defense Missile system should've been a "Kicking out of Nato" moment, you don't buy an Air Defense system that will actively monitor NATO jets and their characteristics and then send that data to the enemy of NATO!? I mean wtf, in what world is helping Russias defense industry a part of NATO's doctrine??

The Turks better vote that bastard out, he's about 2 steps away from being an Arab dictator cunt and when he eventually steals the election in may I hope the Turks rise up against him and overthrow him otherwise they're country is going straight down the shitter


The very fact that Turkey a fucking NATO member of all things purchased a Russian Air Defense Missile system should've been a "Kicking out of Nato" moment, you don't buy an Air Defense system that will actively monitor NATO jets and their characteristics and then send that data to the enemy of NATO!? I mean wtf, in what world is helping Russias defense industry a part of NATO's doctrine??

The Turks better vote that bastard out, he's about 2 steps away from being an Arab dictator cunt and when he eventually steals the election in may I hope the Turks rise up against him and overthrow him otherwise they're country is going straight down the shitter
That is one of the “drawbacks” of democracy: for decades Turkish government was secular, as set by the father of turkey - Ataturk. It was obvious that if any party having strong links to religion will gain power the army (that saw itself as a guardian of Ataturk’s work) will step in, and it happened multiple times in 20th century.

With Erdogan the obvious has happened - not all turkey is Istanbul, millions of voters are traditional, religious and uneducated, Erdogan took advantage of that. Army could have stepped in but it was increasingly seen as “against the will of the people” (which it was). Hence the mess right now.


Gold Member
The very fact that Turkey a fucking NATO member of all things purchased a Russian Air Defense Missile system should've been a "Kicking out of Nato" moment, you don't buy an Air Defense system that will actively monitor NATO jets and their characteristics and then send that data to the enemy of NATO!? I mean wtf, in what world is helping Russias defense industry a part of NATO's doctrine??

The Turks better vote that bastard out, he's about 2 steps away from being an Arab dictator cunt and when he eventually steals the election in may I hope the Turks rise up against him and overthrow him otherwise they're country is going straight down the shitter
It's insane. And Turkey were hoping to purchase F-35s as well!

Obviously, all that caboshed pretty quickly. They played their hand to strongly and got called out on it.

They're treading on thin ice yet again. Turkey, or rather Erdogan and his possie seem to think that once you are in a club like NATO that it's your right to remain in it. That's not true; NATO like any organisation of multiple members is still an agreement between those members. If those members no longer agree, then there's no agreement. In this case, if one member is too far out, well they might get the boot in the end as the other members do value and appreciate the organisation without abusing their membership of it.
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