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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Czech contributions are low to begin with. The US can maintain its military support indefinitely. The UK will likely follow US example. Sending weapons designed to fight Russia to be shot at Russia is a bargain.
Not sure about that, on GDP level it isn't all that bad, since 5-6% of population now are Ukrainians. But yeah, small country and all that.

Our president was Nato general or something, so he knows his stuff.



Not the first time i've heard this kind of thing now. Its pretty anxiety inducing just how much relies on this single offensive. Putin's strategy of just waiting out the west until their support fizzles out is becoming a more increasingly likely outcome.

Even if Ukraine pushes every last Russian out of Ukraine, all Putin needs to do is keep attacking Ukraine and within a year Western support will dry up and he'll be able to conquer the whole country.

I don't see any benefit of statements like this being said aloud, all it does is encourage Putin to drag things out knowing that eventually he will win.
Even if Ukraine pushes every last Russian out of Ukraine, all Putin needs to do is keep attacking Ukraine and within a year Western support will dry up and he'll be able to conquer the whole country.

I don't see any benefit of statements like this being said aloud, all it does is encourage Putin to drag things out knowing that eventually he will win.

The day for a victory has long passed. Since March last year it'll be a pyrrhic victory at best. No matter what happens Russia will never go back to how it was pre-Feb 2022 and include whatever its rulers think they won.


Gold Member
Even if Ukraine pushes every last Russian out of Ukraine, all Putin needs to do is keep attacking Ukraine and within a year Western support will dry up and he'll be able to conquer the whole country.

I don't see any benefit of statements like this being said aloud, all it does is encourage Putin to drag things out knowing that eventually he will win.
Lol, Western support ain't going to dry up.
  1. Morally that would be wrong.
  2. Our equipment is finally doing what it is always meant to.
  3. Support for Ukraine is still very high.
  4. Our economies can support it.
  5. Rightly or wrongly, Russia winning would be seen as a domino effect - with an attack on Taiwan considered next, and also Moldova, if Ukraine falls.
  6. This is like a half a centuries' of Christmases for our defence industries.

This meeting is off to a great start. Putin didn't even bother welcoming Xi as he departed his plane.

Both are a piece of shit, so:

shameless GIF by Showtime


Even if Ukraine pushes every last Russian out of Ukraine, all Putin needs to do is keep attacking Ukraine and within a year Western support will dry up and he'll be able to conquer the whole country.

I don't see any benefit of statements like this being said aloud, all it does is encourage Putin to drag things out knowing that eventually he will win.

I at least hope there's some kind of resolution where they can go back to the status quo of pre-Feb 24 lines. I just don't see any way Ukraine can liberate the entirety of the Donbas, let alone both the Donbas and Crimea.
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Lol, Western support ain't going to dry up.
  1. Morally that would be wrong.
  2. Our equipment is finally doing what it is always meant to.
  3. Support for Ukraine is still very high.
  4. Our economies can support it.
  5. Rightly or wrongly, Russia winning would be seen as a domino effect - with an attack on Taiwan considered next, and also Moldova, if Ukraine falls.
  6. This is like a half a centuries' of Christmases for our defence industries.

It won’t dry up as long as there isn’t a material change in the attitude of the US administration...


Now take take back that piece of land and disable that bridge on 2 sides . Perfect timing with Xi visiting 🤣🤡 200k prisoners of war, if they manage this . In the coming months , would be glorious.
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Gold Member

Russian publication Kommersant reports that employees of the Kremlin's internal political bloc - the Russian presidential administration's domestic policy, public projects, State Council, and IT departments - were informed that they must get rid of their iPhones before April. Sergei Kiriyenko, first deputy head of Russia's presidential administration, made the announcement during a seminar held in early March in the Moscow region.

The Kremlin reportedly believes that iPhones are easier to hack and more susceptible to espionage by western spies than other smartphones. "iPhone is everything. Either throw it away or give it to the kids. Everyone will have to do this in March," said one source


I see Russia are acting as babies again and stating the UK decision to supply ammo with depleted Uranium to Ukraine would "trigger a Russian response"..... no doubt more innocent civilians in Ukraine will have their homes destroyed by Russian rocket attacks. Not as if the Russians would dare target the UK directly for fear of triggering article 5.
I see Russia are acting as babies again and stating the UK decision to supply ammo with depleted Uranium to Ukraine would "trigger a Russian response"..... no doubt more innocent civilians in Ukraine will have their homes destroyed by Russian rocket attacks. Not as if the Russians would dare target the UK directly for fear of triggering article 5.

all propaganda that comes out of Russia now is ratcheted up due to Putin’s boss being in town


Simps for Amouranth
I see Russia are acting as babies again and stating the UK decision to supply ammo with depleted Uranium to Ukraine would "trigger a Russian response"..... no doubt more innocent civilians in Ukraine will have their homes destroyed by Russian rocket attacks. Not as if the Russians would dare target the UK directly for fear of triggering article 5.
Not to mention anything they have that could pose any threat would be shot down or sunk, the great Russian threat is nothing more than a myth and I know a few that would love to get directly involved in the fight
Lucky for Xi the Russians have no sense of national identity or pride and will be fine buying Chinese electronics, driving Chinese cars, working for Chinese CEOs and renting from Chinese landlords :messenger_ok:
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Lucky for Xi the Russians have no sense of national identity or pride and will be fine buying Chinese electronics, driving Chinese cars, working for Chinese CEOs and renting from Chinese landlords :messenger_ok:

I, for one, am very much looking forward to the inevitable breakdown of Sino-Russian relations. They have historically fucking hated one another, and once this current bullshit doesn't serve their interests anymore, they'll be back fighting like rats in a sack before you know it.

All of this plays so much into western hands, it's not even funny.


Simps for Amouranth
So it seems like Wagner are honouring their promises to release prisoners after a 6mth tour.. I still seriously fucking doubt it but they have to appear to be honouring their commitment and say the Wagner did release them... How is that good for the greater Russian society? How can anyone in government see this as anything other than utter madness?

Local governments are going to be utterly overwhelmed with ordinary conscripts coming home with horrible injuries and psychological damage and having to deal with the fallout of normal people subjected to the horrors of war, now throw criminals into the mix, lol it's like something from a comedy sketch it's so ludicrous.

Personally I believe these guys will simply be disappeared, too dangerous to release to the public and too dangerous to put back into the prison system or back to the front as they'd simply revolt, but knowing how ass backwards Russia does everything I wouldn't be surprised if they simply did release them back into the wild and to hell with the consequences
So it seems like Wagner are honouring their promises to release prisoners after a 6mth tour.. I still seriously fucking doubt it but they have to appear to be honouring their commitment and say the Wagner did release them... How is that good for the greater Russian society? How can anyone in government see this as anything other than utter madness?

Local governments are going to be utterly overwhelmed with ordinary conscripts coming home with horrible injuries and psychological damage and having to deal with the fallout of normal people subjected to the horrors of war, now throw criminals into the mix, lol it's like something from a comedy sketch it's so ludicrous.

Personally I believe these guys will simply be disappeared, too dangerous to release to the public and too dangerous to put back into the prison system or back to the front as they'd simply revolt, but knowing how ass backwards Russia does everything I wouldn't be surprised if they simply did release them back into the wild and to hell with the consequences
Step 1: recruit criminals in prison, then release them as promised 6 months later
Step 2: hope they'll go back to being criminals and go back to jail, where you can recruit them again
Step 3: ???
Step 4: profit unlimited criminal conscripts!


Gold Member
Oryx has just tweeted photographic evidence of what looks to be a t54/t55 heading for the front.

These are even older than the t62s.

More evidence is needed but nevertheless it is an interesting development.

Truth be told, the T-62 was just an evolution of the T-55. Not exactly a new tank.
That Russia is so desperate to the point of fielding this old crap, is mind impressive, in a very negative way.

Soe time ago, I was joking about seeing the T-34 from WW2 back in action. But by this rate, it's really going to happen. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
This thread is good way to see how can a person views be so much bended if you read one source of news. If you read this thread Ukrainians are winning and Russians are losing. And then people claim that West support will be endless, no one speaks about peace, no one here has any contact with Ukrainians to know what is happening in reality or what they feel or want.
Some fucking trolls on Twitter who have a boner about how many people die every day, on either side.

There must a peace and it can no be peace without consequences or concessions but now everyone wants to pretend that they want peace but without considering the other side. A peace happens only when two sides agree and not one side dictates and the other accepts, that happens when someone wins and not when trying to negotiate for peace.


This thread is good way to see how can a person views be so much bended if you read one source of news. If you read this thread Ukrainians are winning and Russians are losing. And then people claim that West support will be endless, no one speaks about peace, no one here has any contact with Ukrainians to know what is happening in reality or what they feel or want.
Some fucking trolls on Twitter who have a boner about how many people die every day, on either side.

There must a peace and it can no be peace without consequences or concessions but now everyone wants to pretend that they want peace but without considering the other side. A peace happens only when two sides agree and not one side dictates and the other accepts, that happens when someone wins and not when trying to negotiate for peace.

Didn't we have actual Ukrainians in this thread? The fuck are you on about? The only way to have peace with Russia is to defeat it. It's been that way for centuries. Attempts were made to make peace at the start of the war but Russia only has demands. Not sure why you think that people who support Ukraine are the problem.
Didn't we have actual Ukrainians in this thread? The fuck are you on about? The only way to have peace with Russia is to defeat it. It's been that way for centuries. Attempts were made to make peace at the start of the war but Russia only has demands. Not sure why you think that people who support Ukraine are the problem.
I know people that come from o Ukraine, my friend woman is Ukrainian Nationalist and they support Ukrainian refugees so i spoke with more than one that was in this forum that no one know one knows what is his background, if he was Azov nazist or a normal person.

In the beginning of the war many Ukrainian wanted to fight until Russia is out of their country now they have changed opinion after talking to their husbands and sons and knowing first hand what happens and want to find solution. Solution mean concessions.

Moralism from EU does not help when they buy Russian gas and oil through India or ghost tankers, all is going on is a pretence that damages our economy and livelihood alongside the poor Ukrainians and not the fucker Selensky who is Boris, Biden, Nuland poster boy.
And no Russia does not run out of missiles or bullets. They just massacre innocent people daily, young people that have not even taste the life or have any life experience for someone like Victoria Nuland to satisfy her Russian hatred.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
This thread is good way to see how can a person views be so much bended if you read one source of news. If you read this thread Ukrainians are winning and Russians are losing. And then people claim that West support will be endless, no one speaks about peace, no one here has any contact with Ukrainians to know what is happening in reality or what they feel or want.
Some fucking trolls on Twitter who have a boner about how many people die every day, on either side.

There must a peace and it can no be peace without consequences or concessions but now everyone wants to pretend that they want peace but without considering the other side. A peace happens only when two sides agree and not one side dictates and the other accepts, that happens when someone wins and not when trying to negotiate for peace.

The only way we'll get peace is when Russia has been defeated and evey inch of stolen Ukrainian land is back in Ukrainian hands.

There is no other side. This is a war between good and evil and I shouldn't need to tell you who the evil side are.

And yes, the west will keep on supporting Ukraine. Even when Russia has been beaten, we'll continue to support Ukraine in other ways, such as funding for the rebuilding of the country.
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Simps for Amouranth
This thread is good way to see how can a person views be so much bended if you read one source of news. If you read this thread Ukrainians are winning and Russians are losing. And then people claim that West support will be endless, no one speaks about peace, no one here has any contact with Ukrainians to know what is happening in reality or what they feel or want.
Some fucking trolls on Twitter who have a boner about how many people die every day, on either side.

There must a peace and it can no be peace without consequences or concessions but now everyone wants to pretend that they want peace but without considering the other side. A peace happens only when two sides agree and not one side dictates and the other accepts, that happens when someone wins and not when trying to negotiate for peace.
Ultimate Warrior Wrestling GIF by WWE

pity the colours weren't swapped tbh but you get the jist, you seem like the sort of person that would've happily caved in and let Hitler take Europe if it meant an end to WW2 and..... Peace...
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I know people that come from o Ukraine, my friend woman is Ukrainian Nationalist and they support Ukrainian refugees so i spoke with more than one that was in this forum that no one know one knows what is his background, if he was Azov nazist or a normal person.

In the beginning of the war many Ukrainian wanted to fight until Russia is out of their country now they have changed opinion after talking to their husbands and sons and knowing first hand what happens and want to find solution. Solution mean concessions.

Moralism from EU does not help when they buy Russian gas and oil through India or ghost tankers, all is going on is a pretence that damages our economy and livelihood alongside the poor Ukrainians and not the fucker Selensky who is Boris, Biden, Nuland poster boy.
And no Russia does not run out of missiles or bullets. They just massacre innocent people daily, young people that have not even taste the life or have any life experience for someone like Victoria Nuland to satisfy her Russian hatred.

You're Russian aren't you?
Ultimate Warrior Wrestling GIF by WWE

pity the colours weren't swapped tbh but you get the jist, you seem like the sort of person that would've happily caved in and let Hitler take Europe if it meant an end to WW2 and..... Peace...
What is that supposed to mean? You gave me a fake punch and i have to pretend that i flied off like everyone is pretending to sanctions Russia but still buy from them?

You compare Russia with Hitler, you are out of your mind. Like many you have Russo phobia.
he liked my post and everything, maybe he didn't understand it, or maybe he was just looking for an argument but imagine going out shitting yourself so quickly like this


Even if Ukraine pushes every last Russian out of Ukraine, all Putin needs to do is keep attacking Ukraine and within a year Western support will dry up and he'll be able to conquer the whole country.

I don't see any benefit of statements like this being said aloud, all it does is encourage Putin to drag things out knowing that eventually he will win.

So it seems like Wagner are honouring their promises to release prisoners after a 6mth tour.. I still seriously fucking doubt it but they have to appear to be honouring their commitment and say the Wagner did release them... How is that good for the greater Russian society? How can anyone in government see this as anything other than utter madness?

Local governments are going to be utterly overwhelmed with ordinary conscripts coming home with horrible injuries and psychological damage and having to deal with the fallout of normal people subjected to the horrors of war, now throw criminals into the mix, lol it's like something from a comedy sketch it's so ludicrous.

Personally I believe these guys will simply be disappeared, too dangerous to release to the public and too dangerous to put back into the prison system or back to the front as they'd simply revolt, but knowing how ass backwards Russia does everything I wouldn't be surprised if they simply did release them back into the wild and to hell with the consequences

This thread is good way to see how can a person views be so much bended if you read one source of news. If you read this thread Ukrainians are winning and Russians are losing. And then people claim that West support will be endless, no one speaks about peace, no one here has any contact with Ukrainians to know what is happening in reality or what they feel or want.
Some fucking trolls on Twitter who have a boner about how many people die every day, on either side.

There must a peace and it can no be peace without consequences or concessions but now everyone wants to pretend that they want peace but without considering the other side. A peace happens only when two sides agree and not one side dictates and the other accepts, that happens when someone wins and not when trying to negotiate for peace.
Russia has already lost. RJMacready73 RJMacready73 is right on the money; there will be little to no support for mental anguish at the governmental level.

Gotta figure this directly effects 3 generations of Russian men-gen Z, millenials, and gen X have all been constricted for the war. So men 18-50ish are the sacrifice for Bakhmut.

Then you look at all the families that left with high levels of education or training in the trades. Couple that with the military conscripting recruits as soon as they graduate and also newly militarily trained recruits being send to their deaths as infantry when they were artillery.

All of this is unsustainable for Russia. The momentum is the US is not going to slow down. The Republicans will grind their teeth but even so the midterms are in November. Russia is about to get ass blasted this spring and summer.

Ukraine has the training and machinery to annihilate equipment from the 70s and 60s from Russia. They wanna conscript 400,000 more soldiers? Wait till Moscow and st Petersburg have to give men instead of poor Tajiks getting grabbed in the middle of the night by the secret police to join the war.

Mud season was Russias only respite. They are doomed.


Oryx has just tweeted photographic evidence of what looks to be a t54/t55 heading for the front.

These are even older than the t62s.

More evidence is needed but nevertheless it is an interesting development.

I had commented somewhere that more important than the dozen Abrahams or Leo2 that Ukraine is going to receive, is the hundreds of Leopard 1 that they are getting as soon as possible. This is why.
They are old, but can rip through this kind of armor.


They've already used chemical weapons on UK soil against UK citizens, resulting in deaths.
There's a world of difference between sending spies to try to kill off a dissident in the UK and launching an attack on the UK which is what is being hinted at by these Russian comments.
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