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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Russian soldiers stop receiving salaries: complaints coming from all over Russia


The Simpsons GIF by MOODMAN
Still they fight 🤣


Gold Member

Also, 19 artillery pieces were lost by the RuSSkies in the last day. :messenger_clapping:

LOL, Russia just found out that China is not their friend, but rather just taking advantage of the precarious situation Putin got them into.

Reportedly, China will pay only 70% for Russia oil. Which is just 10% higher than the 60% cap the west imposed on Russia.
It's better than nothing, but it's still way bellow normal market prices.


I saw this article on Dailymail and thought it was interesting. Its basically about this video going around on Russian social media that tries to prove that Pootin is using a body double



Gold Member
Russia has already lost. RJMacready73 RJMacready73 is right on the money; there will be little to no support for mental anguish at the governmental level.

Gotta figure this directly effects 3 generations of Russian men-gen Z, millenials, and gen X have all been constricted for the war. So men 18-50ish are the sacrifice for Bakhmut.

Then you look at all the families that left with high levels of education or training in the trades. Couple that with the military conscripting recruits as soon as they graduate and also newly militarily trained recruits being send to their deaths as infantry when they were artillery.

All of this is unsustainable for Russia. The momentum is the US is not going to slow down. The Republicans will grind their teeth but even so the midterms are in November. Russia is about to get ass blasted this spring and summer.

Ukraine has the training and machinery to annihilate equipment from the 70s and 60s from Russia. They wanna conscript 400,000 more soldiers? Wait till Moscow and st Petersburg have to give men instead of poor Tajiks getting grabbed in the middle of the night by the secret police to join the war.

Mud season was Russias only respite. They are doomed.
I see this as analogous to WWI. Ultimately, if was the immense Russian loses in WW1 that lead to the Bolshevik revolution being successful and the fall of the Czars.

Now, not that the Czars where saints. They were greedy, nasty, uncaring, and brutal. But what ultimately replaced them... And, the Russian losses here are nowhere on the same scale, but they are still large and are/will affecting/affect many Russian families.

There's still the propaganda to cut through, as families will praise their murders as heroes or disown those who see the right here. But that can only go on for so long. A dead person is a dead person, and they can no longer provide for their family.


Gold Member
Why would India still want them

India has always bought mostly Russian military equipment. Suddenly changing to a different platform is costly and takes time.
Also, India has terrible relations with China, so that option is out.
The relation with western countries could be better. It didn't help that India continues to buy oil, gas, minerals and arms from Russia.
So either India commits to siding with the west, or they won't be allowed to buy high end military equipment.


Simps for Amouranth
India has always bought mostly Russian military equipment. Suddenly changing to a different platform is costly and takes time.
Also, India has terrible relations with China, so that option is out.
The relation with western countries could be better. It didn't help that India continues to buy oil, gas, minerals and arms from Russia.
So either India commits to siding with the west, or they won't be allowed to buy high end military equipment.
I'm firmly in the "fuck India" camp, they choose to get into bed with Nazi's and side with 21st century Hitler all to get cheap oil, what little respect I had for them is gone


Gold Member
I'm firmly in the "fuck India" camp, they choose to get into bed with Nazi's and side with 21st century Hitler all to get cheap oil, what little respect I had for them is gone

True, but let's remember that for a few hundred years, India was exploited by western countries. Especially Britain. But also, by Portugal.
And this included several crimes against humanity. So for them, the bad, genocidal, imperialists, evil countries are Western European.


Simps for Amouranth
True, but let's remember that for a few hundred years, India was exploited by western countries. Especially Britain. But also, by Portugal.
And this included several crimes against humanity. So for them, the bad, genocidal, imperialists, evil countries are Western European.
I can't argue with you there and there is no excuses for our colonial past but collectively humanity needs to move forward and we need to consign genocidal dictator's to the past as well


Gold Member
I can't argue with you there and there is no excuses for our colonial past but collectively humanity needs to move forward and we need to consign genocidal dictator's to the past as well

That would be the ideal thing.
But remember that British rule over India ended in 1947. It's still fresh in people's memory.
The equivalent of their Hitler or Stalin, is people like Winston Churchill. With the diference, that neither Hitler nor Stalin did them any harm.

Also remember that they are in open conflict with China, with many skirmishes on their borders.
Meanwhile the West still has tons of trade with China. The recent rise of China, was done with the help of western investment and technology.

It sucks that the whole world can't agree with boycotting Russia. But India has it's reasons, and they are not minor.


Gold Member
Why would India still want them

From a purely practical point of view? Because they ordered them and likely paid upfront for some of it. And now they don't anything to replace it. 'Western' systems won't be sold to them either so long as they keep using and buying modern Russian arms.

And morally... well I don't like to say this, but many Indians are at best very selfish and a lot are rather racist. While of course some do care about the Ukrainian people, most likely do not. All those care about is how it benefits India. You can even see it on things like YouTube comments: Indian comes in on a subject and tries to make it all about India.


Gold Member
True, but let's remember that for a few hundred years, India was exploited by western countries. Especially Britain. But also, by Portugal.
And this included several crimes against humanity. So for them, the bad, genocidal, imperialists, evil countries are Western European.
Of course colonialism was bad, but the 'Indians' were also doing it themselves long before the British appeared. The British just, partly through accident and blunder, ended up the top dog in a relatively unchanged system.

And there were some groups of Indians who were particularly brutal. Look up the etymology of 'thug'. The British, for all their problems, were a massive improvement over them.

Anyway, to bring it back on topic: this has created amongst a fair number of Indians a sense of victimhood that has hampered India's development. And it also is partly why they remain in the middle (not neutral) on a lot of issues; but remaining in the middle has its own costs.


Gold Member
LOL, Russia just found out that China is not their friend, but rather just taking advantage of the precarious situation Putin got them into.

Reportedly, China will pay only 70% for Russia oil. Which is just 10% higher than the 60% cap the west imposed on Russia.
It's better than nothing, but it's still way bellow normal market prices.

It's remarkable to witness just how dumb Putin has been with this. He thinks that little pact he signed with Xi back in 2000 and who gives a fuck will mean anything when push comes to shove? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

60 years from now, Moscow = Beijing West. No invasion needed.
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Not sure if anyone here follows this channel, but this guest has been on the ground in Ukraine and has numerous contacts within the country, and he just hinted that tomorrow is going to be a big day. Is the counteroffensive going to start sooner than we think?

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Gold Member
Of course colonialism was bad, but the 'Indians' were also doing it themselves long before the British appeared. The British just, partly through accident and blunder, ended up the top dog in a relatively unchanged system.

And there were some groups of Indians who were particularly brutal. Look up the etymology of 'thug'. The British, for all their problems, were a massive improvement over them.

Anyway, to bring it back on topic: this has created amongst a fair number of Indians a sense of victimhood that has hampered India's development. And it also is partly why they remain in the middle (not neutral) on a lot of issues; but remaining in the middle has its own costs.

It wasn't by mere accident. The British understood very well the political system in India, and placed themselves at the top.
Basically, the point that started the European hegemony in Asia was the battle of Diu. Where the Portuguese defeated several cities and leaders along the eastern African coast and Indian coast.
This disrupted the previous trading system between east Africa, India and the ottoman Empire. And it weakened the political power of local leaders.
But the Portuguese made a mistake that the British and the Dutch didn't commit. The forceful proselytisation of the Catholic faith. At some point, the Portuguese even launched an Inquisition in India.
This made the local population, all across Asia, to be very reluctant to open trade with the Portuguese.

The British understood the error that the Portuguese made. So they didn't care about converting India to Christianity.
All they cared was about extracting wealth from India. And so they did, basically stealing the equivalent of $45 Trillion.
In a way, you are right, the European colonialism was not as evil as the Mongol conquest and rule. But it was still brutal and cruel.
The Europeans for the most part placed themselves at the top of the existing political system. Sometimes by sheer force of conquest. Sometimes by supporting an opposing pretender to the throne.
The Mongols were more brutal, with genocide and utter destruction of cities and kingdoms, as a way to assert full control of a region.
But still, during the British rule in India, they caused several massacres and hungers. And they brought India to fight in 2 World Wars.
Sometimes, western people get surprised on why some Asian people have a positive view on Hitler. The reason is simple, an enemy of my enemy is my friend.
This is also the reason why during the Cold War, India had so close relations with the USSR. Why almost all military equipment India had was of Russian make.
That previous Indian rulers were evil and committed massacres on their population, doesn't excuse the crimes the British did in India.
And whatever good thing the British might have accomplished in India, wasn't for the betterment of their society, it was just to optimize the extraction of wealth from India.
Another issue is the British partition of India, something that still has dire political consequences.
It also doesn't help that for a couple of decades, the West was very cozy with China. Ignoring the conflict India has with China.

The invasion of Ukraine is a big problem for Europe. But for India, it's a problem in a far away place.
Better still, India is profiting from this, as they can buy cheap oil from Russia.
So why should India bother aligning themselves with Western European interests.

It sucks that not all countries will not align themselves against Russian aggression. But a country like India has it's reasons.
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Gold Member
It's remarkable to witness just how dumb Putin has been with this. He thinks that little pact he signed with Xi back in 2000 and who gives a fuck will mean anything when push comes to shove? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

60 years from now, Moscow = Beijing West. No invasion needed.
60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.

China has their hands in every developing country, investing resources, building infrastructure projects, and most importantly injecting their population.


Gold Member
The funny thing is how Russia goes on about it's sphere of influence and how surrounding countries must bend to their will.
But now they are basically a satellite state of China. Russia is now under the sphere of influence of China and Xi Jinping.


Gold Member
60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.

China has their hands in every developing country, investing resources, building infrastructure projects, and most importantly injecting their population.

In some countries, for sure. But the multi-polarization of the world, which we're seeing right now, almost guarantees that China will be boxed out of many economies & countries.

But it will dominate the gas station/whorehouse that is Russia.
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60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.

China has their hands in every developing country, investing resources, building infrastructure projects, and most importantly injecting their population.

This shows a rather remarkable lack of understanding about how geo-politics and global economies function.

China does not have the power you seem to think it does. Its wealth is so inextricably tied up in western economies, it cannot afford to piss off the west that much. Sure, Xi will push and push as much as he can get away with, because he believes the west is too decadent to push back… but half the reason why he isn’t pushing harder is because he’s realised that it isn’t *that* decadent, given what’s happened to Russia.

Putin’s miscalculation is not one Xi wishes to repeat.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
China shitting themselves for years after some of their top businesses were sanctioned. People really needs to suck the propaganda less.


60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.

China has their hands in every developing country, investing resources, building infrastructure projects, and most importantly injecting their population.

It can certainly look that way. I will give credit to china's approach to expanding their world influence, temporarily. I say temporarily because even though the body of the car looks brand new or sporty doesn't mean the engine and everything else underneath holds the same merit.

60 years from now China will be too busy with domestic issues if not already in a post economic collapse unless it decides to open a floodgate of immigration (to counteract the population decline looming on the horizon) or has a massive change in the leadership/direction of the country (instead of one man/power micromanaging every decision). Think Putin is surrounded by too many "yes man" the CCP is that on steroids. China's business/partnerships are also still in infancy along with their hyper-industrialization built on a house of cards that doesn't hold the same stability or confidence as western industrialized nations. Very few will trade or will eventually trade with a power that lopsidedly doesn't favor them.


Gold Member

And some good news indeed:

The saddest thing is that the Russian conscripts are so fucking apathetic/cowardly*, that despite having the arms to fight back against those sending them into the meat grinder, they instead choose the more likely deadly path of assaulting well-prepared Ukrainian positions, and then if they survive being sent in again and nauseum until they die.

*And it's not because they are brainwashed or stupid (though many are).


The mixed message is still really annoying. Yesterday this american consultant working with Zaluzhnyi said that Ukraine's counteroffensive is going to shock the world, and today Zelensky just said that they still don't have enough weapons for that same counteroffensive. I really don't know what to think anymore.

Unless this is part of some brilliant psy-ops campaign meant to keep the Russians guessing.
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