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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member

It's not just that.
Right after the meeting with Putin ended, Xi Jinping made a reunion with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to the first China-Central Asia summit on Wednesday. But did not invite Russia.
These countries are in Russia's backyard, and are what Russia considers to be their area of influence.
This is a major power grab from China, right under Russia's nose. And there is nothing Russia can do to prevent it, because they are fully comited in Ukraine.

If anyone was expecting China and Russia to be good allies and work together, this is more proof that it won't happen.
And China is just using Russia's weakness to it's own advantage.


Oh boy, I sure hope that other countries will not follow, otherwise destroying one of the major army equipment companies and the only facility capable of building tanks is on the cards:

Or producing thousands of guns destined for Ukraine that were found to have several design faults which Polish and Ukrainian soldiers pointed out:

As always my country of birth is making a lot of fuss with little to no long-term thinking. Watch all these post-war contracts being awarded to US and Western Europe countries lol.
Only thing that is trustworthy in Onet reporting of anything is date. Grot article was already dissected on many other portals starting with one simple question for start. Why Polish special forces were training anyone on Grots if they don't use them and don't even have them? AFAIR Grom had few prototypes they got for tests before design was even finalized and that's all.
PGZ is trying to reanimate Bumar for decade. It's basically controlled by multiple unions and cannot do anything for years. They are responsible for fuck up that original Krab chassis was, they barely were able to modernize Leopards under guidance of Rheinmetal (Not that Rheinmetal helped them with lack of availability of spare parts).


Maybe because Ukraine is buying them for their soldiers?


I mean, feel free to argue with Polish MoD.
Your article don't explain anything.
Again. Why Polish special forces are training anyone in usage of weapon that they don't use, don't have and have no experience in using it? Where they get that weapons? What they were supposed to teach them if they they had no experience with that type of rifle? It's second article attacking that gun from same author, again when Ukraine is interested in buying them.
Onet also had articles how terrible and useless Abrams is and how we should buy new Leopards instead (because they are supposed to be lighter when in reality Abrams SEPV3 is lighter than Leopard 2 A7, someone didn't know what short ton is).


As march draw's to a close we can officially say Ukraine has successfully held the all out Russia attack for 5 month's now. Hostilities are slowing and Russia wants to switch to defensive mode but because they've already captured half of Bakhmut they have been baited into having to try capture the rest.

If they stop attacking in Bakhmut they'll lose some of their footholds in the city so they're dammed if they do and damned if they don't.

Some of the western tank's and apvs are only arriving the last 2 week's. I wonder for how long and how many more will Ukraine wait to accumulate before launching an attack. April the fields are going to be muddy anyway so I reckon the next 4 to 6 week's Ukraine will keep chipping away at Russian defenses and logistics.

Then in May this much talked about counter offensive should start. I'm very nervous about this because if they are successful and take Kherson, zaporizhzhia and cut Russia supply routes in northern Luhansk around Svatove etc this will continue the momentum in Ukraines favour and strengthen their hand.

But if they fail the depressing reality of a stalemate for year's could set in. We'll see what happens.


Simps for Amouranth
As march draw's to a close we can officially say Ukraine has successfully held the all out Russia attack for 5 month's now. Hostilities are slowing and Russia wants to switch to defensive mode but because they've already captured half of Bakhmut they have been baited into having to try capture the rest.

If they stop attacking in Bakhmut they'll lose some of their footholds in the city so they're dammed if they do and damned if they don't.

Some of the western tank's and apvs are only arriving the last 2 week's. I wonder for how long and how many more will Ukraine wait to accumulate before launching an attack. April the fields are going to be muddy anyway so I reckon the next 4 to 6 week's Ukraine will keep chipping away at Russian defenses and logistics.

Then in May this much talked about counter offensive should start. I'm very nervous about this because if they are successful and take Kherson, zaporizhzhia and cut Russia supply routes in northern Luhansk around Svatove etc this will continue the momentum in Ukraines favour and strengthen their hand.

But if they fail the depressing reality of a stalemate for year's could set in. We'll see what happens.

They'll not fail, this push will cripple the already piss poor morale of the Russian "army" and wherever they strike it'll be rapid and overwhelming, they managed to amass a load of troops and armour without the Russians knowing for the last big push and this one I imagine will be a whole different level.

It'll be glorious to watch unfurl and fingers crossed end this bloody war decisively once and for all.


They'll not fail, this push will cripple the already piss poor morale of the Russian "army" and wherever they strike it'll be rapid and overwhelming, they managed to amass a load of troops and armour without the Russians knowing for the last big push and this one I imagine will be a whole different level.

It'll be glorious to watch unfurl and fingers crossed end this bloody war decisively once and for all.
Hopefully bro. I feel nervous for them.


Simps for Amouranth
Hopefully bro. I feel nervous for them.
Same here but the Ukrainians have everything to fight for, they're fighting for their country, their families and are on the right side of history, the Russians have nothing, they'll be remembered for decades after for their utter evil and incompetency and will sliver back across the border with nothing but shame to leave on future generations whilst Ukraine enjoys entry to the EU & NATO.

Russia has nothing other than drunken mobilized with no motivation, no equipment worth a shit, no organisation, no plans, no fuck all spread out over a massive front. Ukrainians have been training with NATO, on NATO tactics and NATO arms for far far longer than the 3wks the mobilized of Russia get.

Once the Russians start loosing headquarters, supply depots and barracks deep behind the himars supposed range, well know the shaping of the battlefield will have begun, the poor fuckers think they're safe and that the west hasn't supplied them with longer range missiles... The west has just been letting the stupid Russians build up their logistics thinking they're safe and sound..

Definitely be one for the ages hopefully and an utter embarrassment that the Russians will never live down, hopefully it's enough for them to finally put in a bullet in that old cunts head and do the world a favour


Gold Member
Same here but the Ukrainians have everything to fight for, they're fighting for their country, their families and are on the right side of history, the Russians have nothing, they'll be remembered for decades after for their utter evil and incompetency and will sliver back across the border with nothing but shame to leave on future generations whilst Ukraine enjoys entry to the EU & NATO.

Russia has nothing other than drunken mobilized with no motivation, no equipment worth a shit, no organisation, no plans, no fuck all spread out over a massive front. Ukrainians have been training with NATO, on NATO tactics and NATO arms for far far longer than the 3wks the mobilized of Russia get.

Once the Russians start loosing headquarters, supply depots and barracks deep behind the himars supposed range, well know the shaping of the battlefield will have begun, the poor fuckers think they're safe and that the west hasn't supplied them with longer range missiles... The west has just been letting the stupid Russians build up their logistics thinking they're safe and sound..

Definitely be one for the ages hopefully and an utter embarrassment that the Russians will never live down, hopefully it's enough for them to finally put in a bullet in that old cunts head and do the world a favour
I'm no historian, but I think the only things Russia is known for are:

- The old Soviet bloc of communism, including East Germany
- Military and space races against the US
- Wars against people from their own geographical area (including Ukraine now)
- Low standards of living, including starvation lines with stores with empty shelves
- The cool WWII grind it out battle with Germany in grueling winter conditions
- For hockey fans, all the best Russian players come to tHe NHL, and Canada beat them in the 1972 Summit Series which was a classical sporting case of skill (USSR) vs heart (Canada). And heart won
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Gold Member
I'm no historian, but I think the only things Russia is known for are:

- The old Soviet bloc of communism, including East Germany
- Military and space races against the US
- Wars against people from their own geographical area (including Ukraine now)
- Low standards of living, including starvation lines with stores with empty shelves
- The cool WWII grind it out battle with Germany in grueling winter conditions
- For hockey fans, all the best Russian players come to tHe NHL, and Canada beat them in the 1972 Summit Series which was a classical sporting case of skill (USSR) vs heart (Canada). And heart won

Don't forget the centuries old addiction to vodka. And then came Ivan III, who prohibited the production of Vodka. Just so the Royal house would be the only entity allowed to produce and sell the drink.
So Vodka became a great source of wealth for the crown and a great way to keep the serfs under control.
We could say that not much has changed...


This, by a guy who knows a lot more than I, is exactly my take away:

All wars are dumb and pointless, but Putin really gets the gold medal for this one

From what I gather, the strategy used by the Russian officer class is, "soldiers have to bribe us, or we send them on pointless offensives where they are almost sure to die." Gangster state from top to bottom.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Reportedly Ukraine has started a HIMARS bombing campaign in the Kherson/Zaporihzhia regions. Ukraine has also ramped up intensity of combat in the frontline that runs through those two regions as well.

Speculation is rampant that this might be part of the preparations for the upcoming ofensive.
Don't know if this is true but I would love for it to be:

Ukrainian hackers contacted a wife of a russian war criminal, posing as an officer from her husband’s unit and asking for a photoshoot of all the wives from the unit as a ‘surprise’ for the husbands. Now we have identities of 12 soldiers responsible for the Mariupol bombings.
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At this rate Russia will have to move to an entirely defensive campaign. Russia would need at least 2
Russia needed at least 2 million troops to take Ukraine at the beginning. They would probably need even more now. It's over for Russia, there is no way they can take more land with such a meager force.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
What bothers me about this is that even though Russia army sucks, Ukraine is still taking too many loses and property damage and civ casualitys. Ukraine is fighting like The Alamo, when what I wish they could do is fight like San Jacinto.

Unfortunately, the reality is that:

a) no matter how outdated, poorly mantained or old a weapon is, a weapon can and will kill
b) no matter how poorly trained russian soldiers are, there are a lot of them


a) most of ukraine fighters are mobilized civilians, not professional soldiers
b) despite contributions, their level of equipment is low
c) while they spent 8 years modernizing their army, it's not enough time to fully transition into a modern army
d) ramping up support is slow in western europe because political reasons

As a result of that combination of factors, the war is dragging on.


Gold Member
🤔Does Russia have something similar to Javelins? Or is artillery (hopefully) their only way to fight all the tanks the west is sending?

I only know about the Kornet. But this is a guided missile from the late 1990s.
It's not a self guided rocket like the Javelin. So the user has to stay exposed until the rocket hits.
Judging by the archaic tech the Russians are currently using, it looks like for every modern tank or precision rocket artillery the government ordered, the weapons contractors built a yacht instead. If the rumours are true that Russia is recruiting another 400,000 troops, what are they going to use? They will be using weapons from WW1 at this rate.


I remove teeth
Judging by the archaic tech the Russians are currently using, it looks like for every modern tank or precision rocket artillery the government ordered, the weapons contractors built a yacht instead. If the rumours are true that Russia is recruiting another 400,000 troops, what are they going to use? They will be using weapons from WW1 at this rate.
first april will be mobilization


Judging by the archaic tech the Russians are currently using, it looks like for every modern tank or precision rocket artillery the government ordered, the weapons contractors built a yacht instead. If the rumours are true that Russia is recruiting another 400,000 troops, what are they going to use? They will be using weapons from WW1 at this rate.
Whatever China and Iran can supply them with tbh

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
i very seldom post in this thread but thought I'd leave this video which i found very interesting:

have a great day guys

PS* : Yes im aware this might be old and someone could have already shared it a few pages back.

In the first quarter of the video, Gen Milley, briefly mentions Red February. Where they attacked an oil refinery that was guarded by U.S military. It was Assad Troops and Wagner, with a convoy of 500+. In mere minutes that convoy was cut down to less than 300, IIRC. It's an informative rabbit hole to go down.


Simps for Amouranth
In the first quarter of the video, Gen Milley, briefly mentions Red February. Where they attacked an oil refinery that was guarded by U.S military. It was Assad Troops and Wagner, with a convoy of 500+. In mere minutes that convoy was cut down to less than 300, IIRC. It's an informative rabbit hole to go down.
I gotta say out of all the US ops in recent years that one was one of the best and by best I mean downright hilarious in how much of an ass whopping was dished out, the transcript from the Wagner guy after the op was pure brilliance
Who could have thought it was a bad idea to use criminals?

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